
    Episode 160: The 1963 Salad Oil Scandal

    enJune 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Airplane safety, Therapy, Comedy, FoodSpeakers shared their experiences on various topics including personal stories, comedy, therapy, and food. A notable incident was about a speaker's joke about a potentially dangerous Boeing 737 MAX-8 flight. The conversation also included discussions on therapy, identity as a comedian, vegetable oil, salad cream, cultural significance, and Belgian sandwiches.

      The discussion revolved around various topics including personal experiences, comedy, therapy, and food. A notable incident was about the speaker's experience on a Boeing 737 MAX-8 flight, where they joked about the potential danger of the aircraft. They also shared their experiences in therapy and their identity as a comedian. The conversation then shifted to food, specifically vegetable oil and salad cream, and their cultural significance. The speakers also shared their preferences for condiments and discussed a Belgian sandwich called a meat triad. Despite the seemingly unrelated topics, the conversation flowed naturally and showcased the speakers' unique perspectives and humor.

    • Historic ship evictionThe SS United States, a historic ocean liner facing eviction due to rent increases, may be scrapped or sold to another country if the conservancy cannot afford the rent hike or find another berth.

      The SS United States, the world's fastest ocean liner and a historic symbol of the US merchant marine fleet, is facing eviction from its berth in Philadelphia due to rent increases. The ship, which has been decaying for decades and is owned by the SS United States Conservancy, is currently moored in a pier owned by a company that plans to double its rent. The conservancy, which aims to turn the ship into a museum or hotel, cannot afford the increase and is being evicted in September. The future of the SS United States is uncertain, with options including finding another berth, scraping the ship, or selling it to another country. The situation highlights the challenges of preserving historic ships and the potential impact of rising rents on cultural heritage.

    • Environmental protestsHarsh reactions to seemingly harmless environmental protests reveal complex psychological aspects of denial and hopelessness, highlighting the importance of recognizing the impact of even small acts of activism

      The reaction to relatively harmless environmental protests, such as those at oil refineries and infrastructure, can be disproportionately harsh. This is due in part to the criminalization and restriction of protesting in the UK, which has led activists to engage in less dangerous forms of protest. The public's reaction to these protests, which often involves outrage over seemingly harmless acts like turning lichens orange, can be seen as a form of propaganda of the deed without actually committing the deed. Despite the awareness of climate change, many people are unable or unwilling to take significant action to address it, leading to a sense of hopelessness and denial. The psychological aspects of denial, including hopelessness and disbelief, are complex and require nuanced understanding. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that even seemingly insignificant acts of protest can draw attention to important issues and contribute to larger movements for change.

    • Edible oil adulteration and fraudThroughout history, various forms of deception and manipulation have occurred in the production and distribution of edible oils, from watering down to rebranding, making it crucial for consumers to stay informed

      The production and distribution of edible oils, or cooking oils, have been subject to various forms of adulteration and fraud throughout history. For instance, olive oil can be watered down, and canola oil was originally a Canadian attempt to rebrand rapeseed oil with a lower acidity. The mob has been involved in watering down American vegetable oil, and even palm oil, which is commonly used in industrial processes, has been linked to environmental and human rights issues. The process of producing edible oils involves extracting the liquid from the feedstock, refining it, and shipping the good stuff to grocery stores while using the residue for other purposes. One infamous figure in this industry was Anthony Tino Deangelis, who rose from a hog processing business to avoiding the draft during World War II by supplying the army with frozen hogs. However, the industry has a long history of deception and manipulation, making it essential to be informed consumers.

    • Government Program ProfiteeringIndividuals exploited government programs for substantial profits during the 1950s, using tactics like underweight deliveries, bribes, and uninspected meat.

      Anthony "Tino" D'Angelo, a hog processing company owner in the 1950s, saw opportunities in government programs to make substantial profits. He bought a controlling stake in an old meatpacking firm, Adolf Gobble Company, to meet the massive food orders for school lunches under the National School Lunch Act. Despite controversies and lawsuits over underweight deliveries and uninspected meat, Tino continued to exploit government programs like "Food for Peace." This diplomatic initiative involved shipping agricultural surplus to impoverished countries, with the illusion of free enterprise maintained through private companies bidding for shipments. Tino's liberal giving and bribes made him well-liked in the community, but his actions were not without controversy or legal issues. Overall, Tino's story highlights the lengths some individuals went to profit from government programs during this era.

    • Tino's unconventional salad oil businessDespite initial challenges, Tino's innovative approach to exporting and canning salad oil at the destination led to a near monopoly on US salad oil exports

      Tino, despite his braggadocios behavior, successfully established an allied crude vegetable oil company in Bayon, New Jersey, despite the seemingly impractical idea of refining and exporting unrefined oil from the Midwest. He managed to convince financiers to invest in his expensive and unconventional proposition, leading to a near monopoly on salad oil exports out of the USA. Despite initial setbacks, such as bursting cans and a fraud case, Tino's innovative approach to exporting salad oil in bulk and canning it at the destination proved to be efficient and successful. However, the ethical implications of his business practices, such as selling refined oil at under market rates and potentially questionable financial dealings, are worth considering.

    • Warehouse receipts and field warehousingInvented to reduce inefficient storage and transportation costs, warehouse receipts allowed merchants to use their inventory as collateral for loans, while field warehousing enabled on-site storage and third-party inspection, revolutionizing inventory management and financing.

      The invention of warehouse receipts and field warehousing revolutionized the way businesses managed their inventory and accessed financing. Before the shift to just-in-time delivery, businesses stored their inventory in warehouses, which led to inefficient storage and transportation costs. With warehouse receipts, merchants could use their inventory as collateral for loans, reducing the need for physical transportation. Field warehousing took this a step further by allowing companies to store their inventory on-site and have it inspected by third-party companies, making it easier to use as collateral. However, this system relied heavily on trust and could be susceptible to fraud. American Express was one company that offered field warehousing services, but it wasn't their primary business. Tino De Angelis, a businessman in need of financing, became one of their most extensive and enthusiastic users, leading to suspicions and eventually bankruptcy proceedings against his meatpacking company. Despite the risks, the convenience and financial benefits of warehouse receipts and field warehousing proved to be a game-changer for businesses.

    • Business FraudBusiness owners may resort to fraudulent activities to secure loans and expand their business, leading to large financial gains but potential legal consequences

      Tino Fortunato, the owner of Allied Refining, used a complex web of bribery, deceit, and corruption to secure loans for his salad oil business in the late 1950s. He bought existing petroleum storage tanks, cleaned and repurposed them for edible oils, and filled them with a mixture of water and salad oil to give the appearance of being full. Tino also leased tanks from other companies, providing false inventories and warehouse receipts to secure massive loans. Through these methods, Allied Refining became the largest salad oil storage depot in the world, with over $166 million in business in 1961, despite only having half the amount of salad oil claimed in their warehouse receipts. This case illustrates the lengths some individuals will go to in order to expand their business and secure financial gains, even if it means breaking the law.

    • Commodities trading risksCommodities trading involves significant risks, including potential for insider information use, abstracted nature from physical commodity, and no guarantee of future returns

      Commodities trading, specifically futures markets, can offer significant financial opportunities but also carries risks. Commodities, such as oil, coal, soybeans, and hog bellies, are fungible and can be traded as futures contracts. These contracts allow individuals to make bets on the future price of a commodity, with the goal of making a profit from the price difference. However, it's important to note that most trading involves insider information and is abstracted from the physical commodity. Additionally, past performance does not guarantee future returns, and it's crucial to understand the risks involved before participating in futures markets. Tino, from the given text, attempted to manipulate the soybean market by creating multiple accounts and buying large quantities of futures contracts, but his actions were risky and could have led to significant losses. Overall, while commodities trading can be lucrative, it requires careful consideration and understanding of the market dynamics.

    • Market manipulationGreed and belief in one's ability to manipulate the market can lead to significant financial losses through risky behaviors like check kiting and cornering the market

      Tino Deangelis, a businessman in the 1960s, engaged in industrial-scale check kiting and used rumors to manipulate the futures market in an attempt to corner the salad oil market. Despite his precarious financial situation and massive losses, he continued to invest heavily, even borrowing personally, to maintain his position. However, when the market turned against him, he was unable to cover his debts, leading to the downfall of his company, Allied Refining. This risky behavior, fueled by greed and a belief in his own ability to manipulate the market, ultimately resulted in significant financial losses for Allied Refining and its investors.

    • Salad Oil ScandalAttempting to manipulate markets through dishonest practices can lead to financial chaos and loss of trust, as seen in the Salad Oil Scandal of 1963.

      Attempting to corner the market can be risky and potentially illegal, as seen in the case of Allied Refining and the soybean oil market in 1963. Allied's desperate attempts to hide their financial troubles led to a web of deceit involving dummy accounts, kited checks, and forged warehouse receipts. However, their bankruptcy petition was rejected due to incomplete financial information, causing chaos for brokers and leading to the suspension of trading for several firms. The situation worsened when it was discovered that the oil tanks were empty and contained only water and sludge, leading to a major scandal and the loss of thousands of customers' savings. Ultimately, the market was plunged further when news of President Kennedy's assassination broke, overshadowing the salad oil scandal. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and honesty in business dealings.

    • Salad Oil ScandalThe Salad Oil Scandal of the 1960s was a major deceit that led to significant financial losses, the downfall of several firms, and the loss of trust in the American financial system.

      The salad oil scandal of the 1960s was a major deceit that led to the downfall of several brokerage firms and the suspension of a trading company. The scandal involved the discovery of empty or mislabeled tanks containing substances other than salad oil, causing significant financial losses. The fraudster, Tino, managed to evade authorities for a while, but was eventually convicted of fraud and conspiracy and spent seven years in jail. The incident led to a loss of trust in the American financial system and the end of the publication of salad oil statistics by the Census Bureau. The scandal also resulted in American Express paying out millions to settle lawsuits, and Warren Buffett buying a significant stake in the company as part of his investment strategy. Despite the devastating consequences, the salad oil scandal remains an intriguing and cautionary tale in American capitalism.

    • Nuclear power plant safetyInexperience or lack of expertise during a nuclear power plant refueling outage led to the contamination of 50 workers with iodine-131 gas, emphasizing the importance of proper training and safety protocols in the nuclear industry.

      Working in a nuclear power plant involves handling radioactive materials and maintaining safety protocols, which can sometimes result in unforeseen complications. During a routine refueling outage, a team of workers encountered an issue with the installation of air filter fans, leading to the contamination of approximately 50 workers with iodine-131 gas. This incident underscores the importance of experience and expertise in performing critical tasks, as well as the potential risks and challenges inherent in the nuclear industry. Despite the inconvenience and discomfort, the safety protocols in place ensured that the situation was contained and that no harm came to the general public.

    • Radiation safety measuresControlling worker movement through radiation detectors and adhering to government dose limits are crucial radiation safety measures, even if it involves lengthy stays in controlled environments

      Effective radiation safety measures involve controlling the movement of workers through radiation detectors and ensuring no one receives doses above government limits. This process can involve lengthy stays in controlled environments, as seen in the discussed nuclear reactor incident. Despite the challenges and potential discomfort, ensuring safety is a priority. In another context, the lack of consumer goods and resources during the Chernobyl disaster led to different challenges. The incident served as a reminder of the importance of safety protocols and the potential consequences of neglecting them.

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    in the commercial: Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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    in the commercial: Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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    in the commercial: Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

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    in the commercial: Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/