
    About this Episode

    The story includes Cooper’s reports of PRC PPE sabotage and corresponding blowback from Beijing. Paydirt ahoy, as Cooper suddenly catches flack from mainland China in this chapter of ‘Wilful Blindness’. 

    Recent Episodes from [Un]Sanctioned Citizen

    Episode 34: Artificial Intelligence Threats Flood in Many Directions

    Episode 34: Artificial Intelligence Threats Flood in Many Directions

    AI threats are many, but not necessarily the ones you are thinking of.

    This week’s candid relay features more content from Susbstack producers and unexpected sources. 

    Here are a few that didn’t quite get covered in the podcast, but deserved time. 

    A Conversation with Chat GPT re Population Control c/o Robert Malone MD 

    RFK struggles with being denied Secret Service Protection as a Democratic candidate by the Biden Administration https://substack.com/notes/post/p-135598920

    “Authoritarians among us,” - Politico
    https://www.politico.com/newsletters/global-insider/2023/07/28/authoritarians-among-us-00108678 — Soro’s funded Open-Society US on autocratic uses of AI.

    (*EDITORIAL NOTE: Over the years, I have concluded Soros funded works may be couched as passively aggressive for articulately carrying the concern of the oppressed while financing Marxist censorship, social wedge campaigns and corporate tech autocracies, leveraged by foreign socialist governments as fifth column enterprise in the US. The remarks from Open-Society are considered those of a controlled opposition. Read this understanding they are completely aware of abuses of power involved in the situation. They’re just fine with it.) 


    PSA: Worldcoin & Unauthorized Biometric Collection & Access

    + How to tell which politician is okay with slavery.


    Kids Online Safety & Teens Online Privacy acts

    Senate bills advance as 200 US school districts sue social media companies for student life damages. - https://www.callin.com/episode/kids-online-safety-teens-online-privacy-acts-ppjaStdbuJ


    SOURCES: https://sheilamdean.substack.com/p/artificial-intelligence-threats-flood#details

    *Federal US Government agencies do not have my consent to view, move, store or manage data taken from this social media application from hereon. This applies to data controllers who may wish to share my data with government trade officials managing grant exchanges, data aggregates or research facilitation as condition of contract.

    Episode 33: They Are Reduced to Using Force.

    Episode 33: They Are Reduced to Using Force.

    I had some time to think more about the problems we are facing with global ID, CBDCs and mass surveillance. More and more, I conclude the State’s demand for increased “safety” measures are not earned. In fact, they have really put the screws to publican privacy and really abused the public trust. (How did they do that?) They created a signals intelligence panopticon at the flip of an autocratic switch; which they have used to sanction and illiberally deprive their political opponents and dissenters.  

    It is so screwed up the default modus-operandi at social media and Internet service companies is to tee up reserve data for governments rather than supply them with resistance for lack of a warrant. 

    It’s so crazy, that when you resist this, they are taking it personally. Professional, rational people in charge don’t do that. Psychopaths do. They resort to use of overt force and brutality to force their way when they feel like they are out of options. 

    Guess what? They are transparently signalling like they are out of options. 

    Don’t let psychopaths run your government. Step in now.


    Episode 32: *That Facial Recognition Show

    Episode 32: *That Facial Recognition Show

    We have Facial Recognition creep. 

    Plans to put FRT or Facial Recognition Technology  in about 400+ up from about 25 in US airports surfaced this week. So, I am going to ask you, where is the outrage?  Where is the dissent? 

    + The UK Formula One Grand Prix made an independent decision as a venue to use broadly applied facial recognition technology, stadia wide because they didn’t want a handful of climate activists on the speedway. 

    + The Missouri v. Biden injunction













    Episode 31: Russell Brand Converges In US Contra-Censorship Pow-Wow; While EU Reworks AI Law

    Episode 31: Russell Brand Converges In US Contra-Censorship Pow-Wow; While EU Reworks AI Law

    Mark Bair plays reconteur to Westminister Hall convergence of Censorship Industrial Complex with Russel Brand, Matt Taibbi & Michael Shellenberger +AI STEM GETS HAWT IN BAWSTON

    3:11 CST 7/3/2023 - CORRECTION & FOLLOW-UP NOTE: Jen Easterly, current head of CISA at DHS has not been terminated from her role. 

    There was a staffing shake up at DHS as of Friday, 6/31/2023. Cait Conley will replace Kim Wyman in oversight of election security at DHS, acccording to the Associated Press. 










    Episode 30: DHS/FBI Criminalization of Democrats' Political Rivals

    Episode 30: DHS/FBI Criminalization of Democrats' Political Rivals

    It's just not hyperbole. Last week FBI whistleblowers gave Congressional accounts on illegal censorship & lawfare targeting for conventional press. Foundation for Freedom Online provides the .ppt proving DHS is targeting their primary political opponents.

    + Matt Taibbi & Walter Kern cover his Black Christmas gift from IRS and a new Ukrainian all-purpose digital ID mobile wallet, Diia, for enemy snitching and mortgage application, funded by USAID.





    "The reason he was so popular among the wealthy white liberals who vote for the member of Congress in Manhattan is because he spent the last three years as a lead lawyer in the Mueller investigation. That ended up concluded that there were no evidence for the central, Democrat party claim, that the Trump campaign had criminally concluded with the Kremlin to hack the DNC and the Clinton campaign. So that's Dan Goldman, and here he is defending the censorship regime." - Glenn Greenwald 







    Episode 29: A Tale of 2 Hearings: A.I. & Left-Wing Extremism

    Episode 29: A Tale of 2 Hearings: A.I. & Left-Wing Extremism

    This is a tale of 2 different AI hearings. One was substantive, 5/16 HSGAC hearing on government process using AI and the other 5/18, manufactured consent for crisis led governance by Sam Altman, Ryan Calo, and a couple of other Silicon Valley academics wrapped around socialist tech. 

    The first received no fanfare. The other was hailed as a cultural bellwether, a crisis tipping point to ‘act now’. Since the airing of this episode, Sam Altman has flown into Bilderberg as a joiner. From there, we were reminded his caricature also appeared at the World Economic Forum in Davos. 

    Don’t give this guy a government job.

    > FBI spying, lying, trying to get away with it. https://t.co/puyTYRoSwd

    +THE DEBATE: Montana's New TikTok Ban: Is it enforceable?
    Is there parity with Chinese relationship to US platforms? Should the US National Security State manufacture and administrate US social media platforms? 

    FOR THE BAN: China claims ownership of any data that runs through their IPs and everything is owned by their IP!! China compells espionage of any of its citizens and party members. Banning the app would set a standard against Chinese manipulated IP domestically. https://www.theepochtimes.com/skype-cal[...]vD2A%3D%3D 

    AGAINST THE BAN: It's US censorship of a tech platform in America and American voices will be censored. + The NSA owns you anyway, so let China do it too. China will throw a tantrum and threaten all business lines of data on the BRICS exchange and interrupt the data-to-money exchange as a fury sanction. https://rumble.com/v2oje24-s[...]ow-84.html 

    WILD CARD: Do a knock off of TikTok and establish a US based copycat explicitly run by the national security state to satisfy the universal platformer safety fascists, just like Facebook. The National Security council may compel a move to legally dissolve user contracts on all American based accounts based on US sovereignty. If not, bow out and do not use the platform altogether.


    ORIGINAL RECORDING: https://www.callin.com/episode/a-tale-of-2-hearings-ai-left-wing-extremism-kvVngIdNdQ






    Episode 28: INTERVIEW: Craig "Sawman" Sawyer, Vets4ChildRescue.org

    Episode 28: INTERVIEW: Craig "Sawman" Sawyer, Vets4ChildRescue.org

    We sat down with defense expert, Craig Sawyer for a deeper look at some of the personalities that enable the undermining of our public culture, with very real impacts to the future of America.

    NOTE:  The claims and opinions stated during this podcast are candid towards a rare level of grievance, represented by the testimony of a whistleblower. One cannot face the darkest, most corrosive elements of moral frailty and cowardice without developing a unique set of skills in executing accountability. I invite you to listen carefully to the wisdom of one of America’s alpha protectors. You will not soon forget the things he says.

    Viewer Advisory: ***Strong Content Representing Child Trauma***

    If you wish for additional sources, citation for any of the instances or exchanges during this episode, I will produce them for you on contact. 


    • https://www.bizpacreview.com/2023/05/10/intelligence-director-confirms-biden-regime-to-create-new-master-disinformation-office-1357680/

    • https://www.callin.com/room/on-the-release-of-the-censorship-industrial-pVXSshkxAg

    • https://nypost.com/2023/05/07/ex-cia-chief-michael-morell-misled-signers-of-hunter-biden-spy-letter-by-saying-hed-clear-it-with-agency/

    • https://theintercept.com/2023/05/03/cia-sexual-misconduct-discrimination/

    • https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-calendar-names-ec88e7a0

    Liberty in Many Directions is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Episode 27: Re-scoping a threat landscape in America

    Episode 27: Re-scoping a threat landscape in America

    The world can be dangerous. Not everything is. How do you re-scope your threat landscape for things that actually destroy your life, liberty & pursuit of happiness?


    ORIGINAL PODCAST AT CALLIN.com (~1:59:00) https://www.callin.com/episode/rescoping-a-threat-landscape-in-america-ocUTNVIGNu

    The [Un]Sanctioned Citizen now airs Saturdays around 2PM CST on Callin.com. Join us!



    Soundwave Promotions - Randy @SoundwavePromo1

    They want to enslave you one bill at a time! #DoNotConsent #RESTRICTAct #PatriotAct2

    https://rumble.com/v2fobi0--system-update-64.html (37:00) 

    BAN FRT Because … 

    The New York Times @nytimes

    Police wrongfully arrested Randal Quran Reid because of a bad facial recognition match. His case shows how hidden technologies intended to make policing more effective and efficient can also make it far too easy to apprehend the wrong person for a crime. nyti.ms/3nDeMRX




    "Joe Allen @JOEBOTxyz - Man kills himself to stop global warming after talking to a chatbot named Eliza. Something symbolic in this story."

    VICE News @VICENews

    A Belgian man recently died by suicide after chatting with an AI chatbot on an app called Chai, Belgian outlet La Libre reported. https://t.co/f5VuQq0LTt

    Platformer - "The AI industry really should slow down a little"

    GREGOR ON CHAT GPT - BARD - “S02E13.5 - AI and how it works, at least a little” https://rumble.com/v2fqcp2-s02e13.5-ai-and-how-it-works-at-least-a-little.html



    Reclaim The Net @ReclaimTheNetHQ

    Senator @tedcruz has called on several Big Tech companies to disclose information about their interactions with federal agencies. Cruz argues that these interactions may have violated First Amendment rights. His office sent letters to Google, Meta, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Medium,… https://t.co/FJdXxJrqCW

    Racket News - Episode 32: "America This Week," with Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn

    Episode 26: Bellingcat! Bellingcat! Bellingcat!!

    Episode 26: Bellingcat! Bellingcat! Bellingcat!!


    LIVE RECORDING: https://www.callin.com/episode/bellingcat-bellingcat-bellingcat-QhTeubuFVR

    MDM Dwindling Down After USG Pulls The Plug
    https://thintercept.com/2023/03/2[...]lance-map/ https://rumble.com/v2e0jv6-s[...]ow-59.html
    https://www.racket.news/p/people-can-win https://reclaimthenet.org/the-uk-go[...]censorship https://twitter.com/mikebenzcyber https://twitter.com/MikeBenzC[...]01120?s=20 https://sheilamdean.substack.com/p/dirty-h[...]nd-federal

    Bing Chat GPT Discuss   

    TikTok Coverage

      * * Script for Social Media Legal**

    "Federal US Government agencies do not have my consent to view, move, store or manage data taken from this communication or this address. This applies to data controllers who may wish to share my data with government trade officials managing grant exchanges, data aggregates or research facilitation as condition of contract." 


    Episode 25: #TwitterFiles Thought-Criminals-R-US & Stanford’s Virality Project

    Episode 25: #TwitterFiles Thought-Criminals-R-US & Stanford’s Virality Project

    WHOLE EPISODIC PLAYBACK:  https://www.callin.com/episode/twitterfiles-thought-criminals-r-us-stanfords-asHnXffLcU


    Campaign win: Tesco announces plans to phase out Hikvision https://freetibet.org/latest/tesco-to-phase-out-hikvision/?mc_cid=6b73538577

    CFPB is looking into the finance practices of data brokerages to apply public input to the FCRA


    Privacy experts can now rely on a new standard, the ISO/IEC 27559:2022 privacy-enhancing data deidentification framework, in an area that has been the subject of much discussion and development. 



    [Un]Sanctioned Citizen
    enMarch 25, 2023