
    Episode 18: Free for Life: Christopher Lee Maher's Journey From Navy Seal to Sage

    en-usMarch 24, 2023

    About this Episode

    Everyone knows that anything worth having takes work and effort. But what happens when you have accumulated a lifetime of feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and stuck because you're doing the work but not seeing the desired results? And over time, your body also takes a toll with pain, sickness, and stress.

    What do you do when you reach that point?

    In today’s episode, Christopher Lee Maher a man who had spent years believing his value came from hard work. Still, when his body when through physical pain without a clear explanation, he decided to take life-changing risks to discover a new truth. From there, he embarked on a mission to empower others to embrace their inner guru and create a paradigm shift, ultimately achieving freedom and joy.

    Christopher is a former Navy SEAL and Olympic hopeful who has written the book Free for Life: A Navy Seal's Path to Inner Freedom and Outer Peace. He now works with individuals to help them reach their maximum potential, using his unique approach to body intelligence.

    Christopher’s journey has led him to have some pretty out their experiences; he’s experienced things through his inner work that most people would only get a glimpse of if they took hallucinogenic drugs. He also applies the six tenants of lifestyle medicine and other tools to “detox” the body and mind to reach higher levels of consciousness to become authentic and be free from pain.

    With that said, some of you may find his words become the first step on a life-changing journey; for others, they might be just entertaining; whatever you think, you’ll agree that he has a unique perspective on healing. 

    Join us to learn how to take ownership of your precognitive beliefs to be free for life!

    Follow Christopher Lee Maher
    Website: https://truebodyintelligence.com

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    email: ed@edpaget.com

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    Recent Episodes from Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine

    Episode 36: Diagnosis and Rehabilitation for a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with Dr. Perry Maynard

    Episode 36: Diagnosis and Rehabilitation for a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with Dr. Perry Maynard

    Discover the intricate dance of the brain within our skulls and the surprising ways concussions can occur without a direct blow to the head.

    My guest today is Dr. Perry Maynard, a seasoned board-certified chiropractic neurologist specializing in managing complex neurological cases, including post-concussive syndrome, vertigo, balance disorders, and movement disorders. 

    Dr. Maynard and I explore the perplexing world of concussions, dizziness, and the need for subclassifying concussions to better craft recovery strategies tailored to each individual's unique symptoms, ranging from headaches and mood disturbances to light and sound sensitivity. We share insights into how athletes navigate recovery, often battling maladaptive compensations that can lead to longer-term issues.

    Our conversation doesn't stop at identifying problems; we're here to offer solutions and proactive steps for managing concussion symptoms. Shattering myths of outdated recovery practices, we emphasize the importance of proper diet, supplements, rest, and medical assessment following a concussion. Dr. Maynard and I also cover innovative rehabilitation techniques, including the role of neck strength and visual therapy in both prevention and treatment, underscoring the power of a multifaceted approach to healing the brain. 

    Join us on a journey through the complexities of concussions, and learn about the cutting-edge treatments and preventative measures in this enlightening episode.

    Follow Dr. Perry Maynard 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.perry.maynard/ 

    Website: https://integratedhealthdenver.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/integratedhealthsystems 

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    Episode 35: How To Treat Diabetes and IBD without drugs? with Dr. Lara May

    Episode 35: How To Treat Diabetes and IBD without drugs? with Dr. Lara May

    Prepare to be enlightened as we journey with Dr. Lara May through the transformative world of functional medicine. Dr. May expertly unveils how addressing the root causes of illness and understanding the body's interconnected systems can lead to lasting wellness instead of merely treating symptoms. 

    Navigating the complexities of clinical studies, this conversation is an eye-opener about the challenges in evidencing the effectiveness of less conventional treatments, which often escape the grasp of randomized, placebo-controlled trials. Dr. May and I dissect the reasons behind these limitations, particularly the financial disincentives associated with studying non-patentable treatments like lifestyle changes. We also confront the need for a more nuanced approach to patient care that considers the individuality of each person's health journey and the intrinsic value in therapies that mainstream research may overlook.

    This episode calls on you to take the reins of your health by integrating mindfulness, movement, and sleep into your daily routine. It isn't just good advice; it's a pathway to transforming your life. Together, we lay out a blueprint for a health narrative that's hopeful and actionable, urging you to embark on a 90-day challenge that could radically shift your path to vitality. For anyone ready to author their own health story, this episode is your invitation to a community that champions proactive living and self-empowerment.

    Follow Lara May - 

    Website: https://www.drlaramay.com/

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    Episode 34: Is Mold Stopping You From Getting Better?

    Episode 34: Is Mold Stopping You From Getting Better?

    Would you believe the very air you're breathing might be sabotaging your health? Imagine my surprise when I learned that mold - something we often dismiss as just a minor annoyance - is actually a silent invader wreaking havoc on our health and well-being. So, I decided it was time to talk about this topic again. And who better to guide us than my guest today, Jason Earle., founder of GotMold? in the MycoLab USA and a self-proclaimed air quality crusader?

    This episode is a revelation, exposing the hidden dangers of household mold and its three main components - spores, mycotoxins, and volatile organic compounds. Jason's own life-altering battle with mold allergies led him to become one of the leading mold experts. His personal journey and professional insights shed light on the unseen perils and the link between mold, dampness, depression, and mental health. We also unravel the unexpected impact of mold in our food supply, especially in imported food, and the alarming role of mycotoxins in triggering health issues.

    But it's not all doom and gloom. Jason shares invaluable tips on mold remediation and water damage prevention. This episode underscores the urgent need for vigilance and proactive measures in managing mold exposure for our overall health and well-being. 

    So tune in, arm yourself with knowledge, and take the first step towards a healthier lifestyle. 

    And don't forget to share your thoughts and ideas - your insights not only enrich our discussions but also help shape the future of this podcast.

    Follow Jason Earle - 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gotmold/

    Website: https://www.gotmold.com/about/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gotmold 

    Go to  https://www.gotmold.com/lifestyleisyourmedicine/ and get a 10% discount with code lifestyle10 on a mold test kit.

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    Website: www.edpaget.com

    email: ed@edpaget.com

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    Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine
    en-usDecember 08, 2023

    Episode 33: Postpartum muscle dysfunctions and Postnatal recovery with Peter Lap

    Episode 33: Postpartum muscle dysfunctions and Postnatal recovery with Peter Lap

    Pregnancy and childbirth are life-changing experiences for parents; bringing a healthy baby into the world is a wonderful gift. However, this experience alters women forever, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

    In the podcast episode with Peter Lap, the founder of the Super Affordable Healthy Postnatal Body Program, we delve into the crucial aspect of postnatal exercise and recovery. 

    With his wealth of experience and expertise, Peter is here to shed light on the role of postnatal exercises and how to recover from common muscle dysfunctions associated with childbirth.

    Peter provides valuable insights into accurately measuring and rehabilitating diastasis recti, glute and pelvic floor weakness, urinary incontinence, and back pain.

    This episode is a treasure trove of invaluable insights for those contemplating pregnancy, currently pregnant, or in their postpartum stage.

    Follow Peter Lap

    Instagram: HPNB | Post-Natal Expert

    Website: https://www.healthypostnatalbody.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealthyPostNatalBody/ 

    Email: info@healthypostnatalbody.com 

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    Episode 32: Reducing Dementia Risk - The Role of Diet, Sleep and Social Interaction with Dr. Tommy Wood

    Episode 32: Reducing Dementia Risk - The Role of Diet, Sleep and Social Interaction with Dr. Tommy Wood

    What do Bruce Willis, Ronald Reagan, Sugar Ray Robinson, Tony Bennet, and Gabriel García Márquez have in common? 

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    According to the American Alzheimer's Association, more than 6 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer's. An estimated 6.7 million Americans age 65 and older will be living with Alzheimer's in 2023. Seventy-three percent are age 75 or older. About 1 in 9 people age 65 and older (10.7%) has Alzheimer's.

    In today's episode, our guest, Dr. Tommy Wood, assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington, tells us how to decrease the risk of dementia through lifestyle choices to preserve cognitive function.

    Dr. Wood, with his wealth of knowledge, helps us understand the importance of nutrition, physical activity, and sleep while emphasizing the significance of community and stress management.

    During our conversation, we also touched upon the vital role of mental stimulation through hobbies and learning activities in protecting our brains from cognitive decline. We explore the possible benefits of creatine, choline, and omega-3s in concussion prevention and recovery. 

    Tune in as we unravel the profound influence of lifestyle decisions on our brain health and risk of dementia.

    Follow Tommy Wood

    Instagram: Dr. Tommy Wood

    Podcast: Better brain fitness podcast 

    LinkedIn: Dr. Tommy Wood

    Website: Dr. Tommy Wood

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    email: ed@edpaget.com

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    Episode 31: Beyond Religion the Spiritual Path with Amrit Singh Reinsch

    Episode 31: Beyond Religion the Spiritual Path with Amrit Singh Reinsch

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    Amrit also brings his unique perspective on assisting men in transforming their relationships, encouraging them to take responsibility and bridge gaps.

     Join us on this enlightening journey of self-discovery and relationship growth.

    Follow Amit Singh 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amrit_singh_reinsch

    Tick Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@amritsinghreinsch

    website: https://coachingnow.info/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AmritSinghReinsch

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    email: ed@edpaget.com

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    Episode 30: Redefining Success - The UnAmerican Dream with Carlos Hidalgo

    Episode 30: Redefining Success - The UnAmerican Dream with Carlos Hidalgo

    What's the real cost of chasing the American dream? 

    Today, we're exploring this question with Carlos Hidalgo, author of Un-American Dream, a book about his personal journey of chasing recognition, prestige, and riches and how it almost cost him his marriage, identity, and career. 

    As we dissect the societal pressures leading us towards overwork and self-sacrifice. We're questioning our cultural attitudes towards busyness and whether it's an accurate measure of our importance or a trap we've inadvertently fallen into. 

    We dive head-first into the powerful role of values and boundaries in crafting our lives. We're sharing strategies to identify what we truly treasure and how to set boundaries to bring our best to every aspect of our existence. 

    Finally, Carlos discerns the influence of parenting, personal experiences, and social media on our perceptions of success. We emphasize the importance of being content with our unique definitions of success. 

    Join us as we navigate the delicate balance between hustle and happiness.

    Follow Carlos Hidalgo

    LinkedIn: Carlos Hidalgo

    Book: The Unamerican Dream

    TedX: Setting work-life boundaries 

    website: www.digitalexhaust.co

    email: carlos@digitalexhaust.co 

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    email: ed@edpaget.com

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    Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine
    en-usSeptember 08, 2023

    Episode 29: Live more authentically on purpose with Paul Weeden

    Episode 29: Live more authentically on purpose with Paul Weeden

    Mental health is pivotal in today's live-to-work culture and our children’s emotional and behavioral development. 

    Join us as we welcome our insightful guest, Paul Weedon. As an integrative therapist and embodiment coach, Paul navigates us through the labyrinth of life's challenges, explaining why self-care is primordial in the work environment. He also takes us deep into the alarming rise of anxiety and depression among young people. 

    Paul Weeden is the founder of Be Authentic on Purpose and helps burnt-out and frustrated professionals align with their authenticity and purpose.

    He uses fascinating examples from various activities, such as dancing, acting, singing, and martial arts, to illustrate how we can step out of our comfort zones and foster a unique skill set. 

    As we wrap up our discussion, we confront the potential impact of video games on young individuals' well-being. Critically examining how the gaming industry may contribute to emotional and behavioral changes in today's youth, we propose alternative ways to manage stress and anxiety. From physical activity to storytelling, there's much more this generation can explore to enhance their overall development. 

    Are you ready to redefine the conversation around lifestyle and wellness? 

    Join us, and let's embark on this journey together.

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    Episode 28: The Algorithm for Healing: Assess-Move-Reassess with Vinny Crispino

    Episode 28: The Algorithm for Healing: Assess-Move-Reassess with Vinny Crispino

    Have you ever found yourself battling chronic pain and felt that none of the traditional pain management models worked for you?

    Then join us in our latest podcast episode, where we sit down with innovative thought leader Vinny Crispino, founder of the Pain Academy. Vinnie shares his riveting story of resilience, from being an aspiring Olympic to suffering a crippling spinal fracture that sent him down a path of self-discovery and healing.

    In our candid conversation, we dive deep into the mind-body connection and its profound influence on healing. We also dissect mindset's crucial role in managing pain and how Vinny learned to see pain as an ally rather than an enemy.

    We explore how Vinnie's revolutionary online program, powered by AI, is paving the way in the world of pain management. Ditching the one-size-fits-all approach, his program is uniquely geared to adapt exercises based on individual input.

    Unlike conventional methods, the program focuses on awareness, movement, and reassessment, aiming to recalibrate the nervous system. A perfect blend of relaxation, strengthening, and dynamic full-body motion, the program is all about personalization, thanks to its adaptive algorithm.

    Want to unravel the secrets of healing through movement and understand the breakthrough potential of AI in fitness? Then this episode is a must-listen for you.

    Embark on a journey towards better health and wellness with Vinny and us.

    Follow Vinny Crispino

    Website: www.painacademy.net 

    Instagram: @painacademy

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    email: ed@edpaget.com

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    Episode 27: The true meaning of coaching with Judit Schneider

    Episode 27: The true meaning of coaching with Judit Schneider

    Do you ever wonder how a performance coach might impact the world of Formula One racing or how the principles of coaching can be applied to the demanding corporate world?

    Join us as we navigate this fascinating intersection with Judit Schneider, an executive well-being and performance coach. She is a highly experienced coach with a background in corporate HR, NLP, working with Tony Robbins, and more recently, she trained as a high-performance coach with Hinsta.
    Judit shares her deep insights into how coaching can help individuals reach their full potential, whether they're a racer, a corporate executive, or a mom seeking to balance her personal and professional life.

    Judit enlightens us with her holistic approach, emphasizing the profound connection between mental and physical health. She takes us on a journey, explaining how a person's beliefs can potentially impact their physiology and the role of coaching in initiating these much-needed conversations. The corporate world isn't left out in our discussion as we examine the high-pressure expectations placed on knowledge workers and the need for a balanced approach like that seen in Scandinavian countries.

    As we wrap up our chat, we focus on coaching's role in motherhood, its significant impact on decision-making, and how it promotes confidence in moms. We also delve into the world of personal growth, celebrate successes, and discuss the importance of having an external coach to help us recognize our accomplishments.

    This episode is a treasure trove of insights and practical advice that you can apply to enhance your life and health. Buckle up and get ready to explore the transformative power of coaching with us.

    Follow Judit Schneider

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juditschneider/

    Email: judit@inspiredbyindigeaux.com

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    Website: www.edpaget.com

    email: ed@edpaget.com

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