
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Diamonds, Gift-Giving, Home-Sharing, and HealthcareListen to Kaveh and Parker discuss beautiful lab-grown diamonds from Blue Nile, the art of gift-giving with 1800Flowers, potential earnings with Airbnb, and insights from a neurologist and psychiatrist.

      Blue Nile offers beautiful, independently graded lab-grown diamonds identical to natural diamonds, while 1800Flowers puts love into every detail of their gift-giving process. Meanwhile, Michelle Norris shares her experiences with Airbnb and the potential earning opportunities it presents for homeowners. During the podcast, Kaveh introduces his co-host Parker James Parker and promotes his own show, Modern Proposal. They then welcome their guest, Dr. Jonathan Howard, a neurologist and psychiatrist at New York University and Bellevue Hospital, who shares his expertise in the field. Throughout the discussion, various titles and references were mentioned, from Masters of the Universe and He-Man to Uh-huh and Adult Swim. Overall, the podcast covers a range of topics, from diamonds and gift-giving to home-sharing and healthcare.

    • Misguided quest for herd immunity through natural infectionDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, advocating for herd immunity through natural infection was a risky and ineffective strategy. Doctors with experience treating COVID patients and understanding of the anti-vaccine movement were best positioned to debunk misinformation and advocate for vaccination.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, some proponents advocated for achieving herd immunity through natural infection. They believed that allowing the virus to spread freely would eventually lead to sufficient immunity in the population, protecting the most vulnerable. However, the reality turned out to be quite different. Doctor Howard Markel, a psychiatrist and neurologist, in his book "We Want Them Infected," explains how this misguided quest for herd immunity led doctors to embrace the anti-vaccine movement and blinded Americans to the threat of COVID-19. Markel, who witnessed the devastating effects of the virus firsthand, argues that doctors with experience treating COVID patients and a deep understanding of the anti-vaccine movement were best positioned to debunk the misinformation and advocate for vaccination. Herd immunity, a state where a virus reproduces at a rate below 1, is crucial to controlling the spread of infectious diseases. However, the high contagiousness of COVID-19 and varying population behaviors make reaching herd immunity through natural infection a risky and ineffective strategy.

    • Herd Immunity through Infection: A Theory Promoted by Some Health ProfessionalsThe idea of herd immunity through infection, which suggested allowing young, healthy individuals to live normally while isolating older populations, did not result in the desired outcome as some young people experienced severe health consequences and even deaths, and vaccines became available, but vaccination rates among children and young adults remain low.

      There was a theory, promoted by some health professionals like Dr. Paul Alexander, that COVID-19 would primarily affect older people and those with underlying conditions, making it relatively harmless for the young. This idea, known as herd immunity through infection, suggested allowing young, healthy individuals to live normally while isolating older populations. The Great Barrington Declaration, a document advocating this approach, estimated it would take only 3 to 6 months compared to a year or more with lockdowns. However, this strategy did not pan out as planned. Although most young people experienced mild symptoms or none at all, rare cases led to significant health consequences and even deaths. Moreover, the mentality of wanting young people to get infected continued even after vaccines became available, leading to low vaccination rates among children and young adults. This approach, which was once considered extreme, is now gaining support from prestigious universities like Stanford, Harvard, UCSF, and Johns Hopkins.

    • The Great Barrington Declaration: A Controversial Proposal for COVID-19Three epidemiologists advocated for protecting the elderly and vulnerable instead of lockdowns, but faced intense criticism due to their past doubts about COVID-19's severity and incorrect belief in achieving herd immunity through natural infection.

      The Great Barrington Declaration, published in October 2020, was a controversial proposal written by epidemiologists Jay Bhattacharya, Martin Kulldorff, and Suneeta Gupta, advocating for focusing on protecting the elderly and vulnerable instead of implementing lockdowns. The declaration gained attention due to the involvement of Jeffrey Tucker, an anarcho-capitalist with a history of writing for controversial publications. The authors, who had previously expressed doubts about the severity of COVID-19, believed that lockdowns disproportionately affected the working class. Their proposal was met with intense criticism and controversy, with many viewing it as a dangerous and irresponsible approach to the pandemic. Despite their intentions, the authors' underestimation of the virus and belief in achieving herd immunity through natural infection ultimately proved to be incorrect.

    • Colorado Dispensaries Transform into Healthcare Providers vs Sweden's Controversial Pandemic ResponseColorado dispensaries adapted to healthcare roles during pandemic crises, while Sweden faced criticism for high death rates but eventually vaccinated their adult population effectively.

      The experiences and approaches to the pandemic vary greatly from place to place, as exemplified by the cases of Colorado and Sweden. In Colorado, the dispensary workers, often seen as outsiders, took on roles as healthcare providers during a time when traditional services were limited. Meanwhile, in Sweden, the country's initial handling of the pandemic was criticized for its high COVID-19 death rate and failure to achieve herd immunity. However, they managed to vaccinate their adult population effectively in the second half, leading to better outcomes. Despite these differences, it's important to remember that direct comparisons between countries, especially in terms of healthcare systems and demographics, can be complex and misleading.

    • Debates over COVID-19 response: Laissez-faire vs. Strict MeasuresDespite complex motivations, the majority of the medical community advocated for strict COVID-19 measures to save lives, contrasting the American exceptionalism and contrarianism mindset that favored laissez-faire approaches.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were debates about the best ways to handle the crisis, with some advocating for a more laissez-faire approach and others supporting stricter measures. The American exceptionalism and contrarianism mindset played a role in this, with some people viewing freedom as doing the opposite of what the government suggests. New Zealand, an island nation, stands out as a country that effectively controlled the virus through strict lockdowns and vaccinations, potentially saving hundreds of thousands of lives if the same approach were used in the US. The motivations of those who advocated for a more relaxed response were complex, with some coming from respected institutions and holding significant influence in the medical community and beyond. However, they were ultimately in the minority compared to the general medical consensus.

    • The Influence of Pandemic CelebritiesDuring the pandemic, some individuals gained significant influence by spreading conspiracy theories and downplaying the severity of the virus, normalizing harmful ideas and contributing to the wider spread of misinformation and potentially harmful actions.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, some doctors and health figures gained significant influence and following by spreading conspiracy theories and downplaying the severity of the virus. Their behavior was fueled by a refusal to admit they were wrong, radicalization, and the power of social media. These individuals, often referred to as "pandemic celebrities," combined good advice with dangerous misinformation, making the latter seem normal. This normalization of harmful ideas, along with their influence on politicians, made their actions more dangerous than if they had just spread outright crazy theories. The phenomenon of audience capture allowed some of them to monetize their following through platforms like Substack and YouTube. While it's important to acknowledge that opposition to vaccines and public health measures existed before these figures emerged, their normalization and amplification of extreme views contributed to the wider spread of misinformation and potentially harmful actions.

    • The Influence of Individuals Opposing Public Health Measures During a PandemicDespite limited experience, some individuals gained significant attention and influenced policymakers, spreading misinformation about COVID-19 treatments like vaccines and masks. Personalized solutions, like Burrow's modular seating and Noom's weight loss program, can effectively cater to individual needs and preferences.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were individuals who gained significant attention and influence by opposing public health measures like vaccines and masks. Some of these people claimed to have worked with COVID patients but had limited experience in treating severe cases. The authors argue that these individuals were able to spread misinformation and influence policymakers, despite not fully understanding the consequences of their words. Another key theme is the importance of personalized solutions, such as Burrow's modular seating and Noom's weight loss program, which can cater to individual needs and preferences. In the case of Noom, even someone who dislikes salads, like Evan, was able to lose weight through a personalized plan. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of evidence-based information and the potential dangers of spreading misinformation, especially during a public health crisis.

    • Doctors spreading misinformation during pandemicDespite academic freedom, dealing with unscientific doctors is complex. Silencing them can backfire, so medical professionals need to speak up and correct misinformation.

      During the pandemic, anti-vaccine doctors and their ideas gained mainstream attention despite spreading unscientifically based evidence. Doctors like Sherry Tenpenny, who claimed COVID vaccines made people magnetic, and Vinay Prasad, who argued that fewer kids died from COVID than suicide, had similar views published in various media outlets. This was shocking to the speaker, who was familiar with these doctors' pre-pandemic anti-vaccine stance. The question then arises, how are these individuals still allowed to practice medicine? Academic freedom is a strong tradition in medicine, but dealing with unscientific practitioners is a complex issue. Silencing them can backfire, as they claim to be victims of censorship. Instead, the speaker suggests that medical professionals need to speak up and correct misinformation. It took courage for medical students to call out their professors, but revoking a license is a lengthy process and some of these individuals don't even have active practices. Ultimately, the solution lies in the medical community standing up for truth and science.

    • Debates over vaccines and health policies during the pandemicWhile some healthcare professionals challenge mainstream health policies, their contrarian views on vaccines for certain groups can be harmful and misleading, causing frustration for those who have suffered the most during the pandemic.

      During the pandemic, there have been debates surrounding vaccines and health policies, leading to accusations of censorship against certain individuals. These individuals, who are often healthcare professionals or experts, have gained significant attention and audiences for their contrarian views. While some argue that they have made valid points, such as advocating for vaccine distribution to underprivileged countries, others believe that their opposition to vaccines for certain groups, particularly children, has been harmful and misleading. The speaker expresses frustration with the silence of those who have suffered the most during the pandemic, including healthcare workers who have died from COVID-19. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the complexity and controversy surrounding public health policies during a global crisis.

    • The debate around children's vaccination during COVID-19Children's COVID-19 vaccination benefits outweigh potential risks, with around 221,000 US deaths and undercounting issues.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, the debate around vaccinating children shifted, with some arguing against it based on herd immunity or perceived dangers, despite evidence suggesting the benefits outweigh the risks. Dr. Vinay Prasad, for instance, advocated against vaccinating children due to potential side effects and the belief that the pandemic was ending. However, concerns over vaccine myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, were exaggerated, while actual deaths from the virus were downplayed. As of now, around 221,000 children have died from COVID in the US, but the actual number may be higher due to undercounting and overcounting issues. Despite this, the potential benefits of vaccination, such as protection from severe illness and death, far outweigh the risks.

    • Ignoring facts and evidence during the pandemic led to debates on children's protectionDisregarding facts and evidence during a crisis can result in dire consequences, such as increased child mortality and overwhelmed hospitals.

      The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a significant amount of misinformation, particularly regarding the impact of the virus on children. Some individuals, including those who opposed lockdowns and mask mandates, used the low pediatric death rate as evidence that children didn't need protection. However, this argument overlooked the fact that measures put in place to protect children contributed to the low death rate. Had we listened to these individuals and let COVID run rampant among unvaccinated children, thousands more could have died, and hospitals would have been overwhelmed. The main financier of the Great Barrington Declaration, Jeffrey Tucker, used similar logic when arguing for child labor. It's easier to write and argue against measures without repercussions, but the consequences of ignoring the facts can be dire. The pandemic led many respected doctors, including some admired by the speaker, to embrace a pro-virus philosophy, disregarding the need for evidence and rigorous testing. The speaker found it sad that such a response was necessary.

    • A Chasm Between Beliefs: Speaker and Former Colleague's Differences on Vaccines and Evidence-Based MedicineSpeaker emphasizes importance of open discussion on vaccines but laments personal attacks and lack of engagement from medical community, while former colleague holds unconventional beliefs and advocates practices like coffee enemas and drinking urine.

      Despite sharing a professional past, the speaker and a former colleague, Dr. Kelly Brogan, have grown apart due to profound differences in beliefs, particularly regarding vaccines and evidence-based medicine. The speaker, who has written extensively about the anti-vaccine movement, acknowledges the chasm between their viewpoints and the reluctance of mainstream medical professionals to engage in debate. Dr. Brogan holds unconventional beliefs, such as disbelief in germ theory and advocacy for practices like coffee enemas and drinking urine. The speaker emphasizes the importance of open discussion but laments the personal attacks and lack of engagement from those in the medical community. The speaker's book, which delves into the anti-vaccine movement, can be found on Amazon and Red Hawk Publishing, and the speaker can be followed on Twitter and Science Based Medicine. The speaker encourages readers to share the book and leave reviews to help spread the word.

    • Heartbreaking absence of loved ones during end-of-life momentsThe pandemic's isolation during end-of-life moments left a profound impact on patients and their families, highlighting the importance of honoring this aspect of the experience.

      The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges, particularly for those who fell ill without their loved ones by their side. This was a common occurrence early on in the pandemic, with many patients dying alone in hospitals. Nurses played a crucial role in caring for these patients, but the absence of family members added to the tragedy. One son shared the heartbreaking story of his mother, a plant worker, who passed away while he watched on his phone due to COVID-19 restrictions. This lack of family presence during end-of-life moments created a profound impact, leaving a lasting hole in the lives of both the patients and their families. It's important to remember and honor this aspect of the pandemic experience.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Episode 229 - Relationships

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    228 - HPAI (The Bird Flu)

    228 - HPAI  (The Bird Flu)
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Episode 227 - Menopause

    Episode 227 - Menopause
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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    About this interview:

    John Paul Beaudoin, Sr. grew up in Connecticut, USA. He has an MBA in Management and Bachelor of Science in Engineering. His 30 year career involved large contracts for research and development of semiconductor devices and semiconductor manufacturing processes. In this podcast John talk about how he obtained 500,000 unredacted death certificates from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He analyzed them and found significant deaths from covid vaccines and also found significant fraud in death certificates calling out covid as a cause of death where covid had no causal relation to death. John showed numerous deaths in children and adults from similar causes of death known to be related to covid vaccines. Most did not mention covid vaccines as the cause and some instead fraudulently listed covid as the cause of death when the vaccine caused the death. This is a fascinating podcast highlighting just one of the many despicable things that happended during the Covid years. If it was'nt for the likes of John, none of this would ever have seen the light of day. Never forget, and in my case, never forgive. Enjoy and as ever love to you all x ​ Links - Twitter
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    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

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