
    Podcast Summary

    • Failure as a divine intervention for growthFailure reveals our dependence on the unconscious and offers opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth

      Failure, as described in a Jungian perspective, is not just an obstacle, but an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Jung viewed failure as a divine intervention that challenges our ego and reveals our dependence on the unconscious. It's a subjective experience that can lead to valuable insights if we're open to learning from it. Failure can help us become more aware of our limitations, and ultimately, lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves. The Dream School program at thisyongielifedot com can provide the guidance and community to help individuals decipher their personal dream code and harness it to optimize their lives, including gaining insights from their experiences of failure.

    • Failure as a teacher and catalyst for growthFailure can instruct us, build resilience, and foster self-discovery, rather than being a reflection of our worth or a reason to give up

      Failure, although painful, can be instructive and essential for personal growth and developing a strong and realistic ego. The ego, as Job learned, is not the ultimate reality, and acknowledging this can help us approach failure with resilience and openness to new experiences and attitudes. Failure can serve as a necessary corrective and a catalyst for growth, helping us build a more grounded sense of self and orientation to the world. It's important to remember that failure is not a reflection of our worth, but rather an opportunity to learn and adapt. Additionally, embracing the idea that there are forces greater than our ego can provide a deeper sense of resilience and understanding of the world. The Wright Brothers' persistence in the face of repeated failures is a testament to the generative power of failure. So, instead of fearing or avoiding failure, we should view it as a valuable teacher and a necessary part of the journey towards growth and self-discovery.

    • Shifting perspective on failure through ancient wisdom and modern psychologyRecognizing failure as a natural part of life, offering our efforts to a higher power, and understanding the commonality of suffering can help us mature and connect with humanity.

      Our perspective on failure can be transformed by recognizing the larger context at play. As discussed, this idea is rooted in ancient Indian philosophy, specifically the Bhagavad Gita and the concept of Karma Yoga. By shifting our mindset to view our self as a generator and receiver of the fruits of our labor, offered to a higher power, we can move beyond a personal interpretation of success and failure. This transpersonal attitude not only helps us matures but also connects us to humanity as a whole. Jung's quote emphasizes this point, highlighting how our perception of suffering changes when we recognize that it is a common experience. Additionally, recognizing the role of shame in failure and the normalizing effect of recognizing that others experience it as well, can help us navigate the complexities of failure and maintain a more balanced perspective.

    • Perception of failure can be distortedUnderstand that failure is a natural part of learning, and our sense of self should not be defined by external successes or failures.

      During times of failure, it's important to be aware of how our perception of ourselves and the world around us can be distorted. When we experience failure, we may feel that the goal seems less attainable, and we may perceive the task as being further away or more difficult than it actually is. This can lead to feelings of helplessness and a belief that our abilities have no value. These feelings can be particularly damaging if we define our sense of self solely based on external successes or failures. Instead, it's crucial to internalize our own values and standards and not let external validation define us. Failure can be a challenging moment for our persona, but it also presents an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. By recognizing that our sense of self is not defined by external successes or failures, we can begin to rebuild and find new ways to define ourselves. Ultimately, it's important to remember that failure is a natural part of the learning process and that we can learn valuable lessons from our mistakes.

    • The Impact of Failure on Identity and Self-WorthFailure can be painful and humiliating, but it's not catastrophic. It provides opportunities for self-discovery and resilience, and allowing children to experience reasonable failures is essential for their growth.

      Failure can significantly impact our sense of identity and self-worth, potentially leading to extreme measures such as suicide or infanticide, as depicted in the film "Downfall" about Hitler's last days. Failure can also be traumatic, evoking deep-rooted fears and ghosts from our past. However, it's essential to distinguish between failure and trauma. While failure can be painful and humiliating, it doesn't necessarily wipe us out. Instead, it can provide opportunities for self-discovery and resilience. Conversely, if we're shielded from failure, we may lack the necessary skills to cope when faced with adversity, leading to fragility and a distorted perception of failure as catastrophic. Therefore, allowing children to experience reasonable failures is crucial for their growth and development.

    • Failure as a catalyst for growthFailure can be a powerful catalyst for growth and self-discovery, helping us identify our true values and align with our authentic selves.

      Failure, though it may feel overwhelming and even traumatic in the moment, can be a powerful catalyst for growth and self-discovery. The unconscious mind can be a powerful force in these moments of affective overwhelm. It's important to recognize this and to hold the thought that the feeling will pass, while also seeking support and learning from the experience. Failure may not always be a true reflection of our authentic desires, and it can be a result of external pressures or goals that don't align with our true selves. Through self-reflection and honest introspection, we can identify what we truly value and find meaning and purpose in pursuits that align with our authentic selves. Failure can also serve as a reminder to ask important questions about our motivations and to rely on our instincts and irrational thoughts to guide us towards a more authentic and fulfilling path in life.

    • Our failures can teach us valuable lessonsEmbrace failures as opportunities for growth and self-discovery, learn new skills, and find wisdom in struggles

      Our failures can serve as valuable opportunities for growth and self-discovery. The story of Ivan and the firebird illustrates this idea, as Ivan, the youngest and seemingly least capable son, ultimately succeeds where his older brothers fail. Our conscious ways of approaching problems may not always be sufficient, and it's essential to tap into our unconscious and learn new parts of ourselves when faced with challenges. Adler, one of the early psychoanalysts, encouraged people to view their experiences as a form of dancing, suggesting that growth and skill can be cultivated over time. Ultimately, embracing the perspective that our failures can be our greatest teachers and sources of motivation can lead us to enlarge our personalities and find wisdom in our struggles.

    • Embrace personal growth and creativityStrive for understanding and inner authenticity, align with deeper currents within, make a difference in our own lives and in the collective consciousness.

      Life and creativity are interconnected, and we are all small dancers in the grand scheme of existence. The ancient gnostic hymn's Christ figure encourages us to strive for understanding and inner authenticity, rather than being ashamed of our efforts. Jung's wisdom on dream interpretation can help us align with deeper currents within ourselves, leading to a more meaningful and easier life. Lisa's book, "Motherhood, Facing and Finding Yourself," has touched many hearts and won awards, providing valuable insights into the inner journey of motherhood. By embracing our personal growth and creativity, we can make a difference in our own lives and in the collective consciousness. If you're interested in learning more about dream interpretation, check out the Dream School at thisunionlife.com. And if you've read Lisa's book, please leave a review on Amazon to help spread the word.

    • Midlife transition symbolized by setting sun, disrupted by inner feminineMidlife transitions can be disruptive but also offer opportunities for personal growth and transformation

      This dream represents the dreamer's midlife transition, symbolized by the setting sun. The dreamer has been going through significant changes in his life, including leaving his religion, changing careers, and starting couples therapy. The ore in the dream represents the potential for growth and transformation, but its access has been blocked by the Anima figure, symbolized by the woman causing the cave-in. This disruption allows the dreamer to sneak into a new country and witness the beautiful boats made from the ore, symbolizing the promise of new beginnings and the potential for personal growth. The Anima figure, representing the dreamer's inner feminine and the mysterious muse of creativity, plays a crucial role in this process by disrupting the status quo and allowing new experiences and perspectives to emerge. The dream serves as a reminder that midlife transitions can be challenging but also offer opportunities for growth and transformation.

    • A journey towards self-discovery and integration with the unconsciousEncounter an anima figure, receive ego vessels and tools, learn humility and assertiveness, embrace a holistic approach to personal growth

      The dream symbolizes the journey of the ego towards self-discovery and integration with the unconscious. The dreamer encounters an anima figure who facilitates their entry into a hidden, idyllic world, where they are introduced to beautifully crafted ego vessels (boats) and given the tools of aggression (swords) to navigate the world. The dream highlights the need for both humility and assertiveness in the journey of self-actualization. The anima figure serves as a link between the dreamer and the agents of the unconscious, guiding them towards a new vision for their life. The dream also emphasizes the importance of caring for and integrating these newfound energies, rather than just wielding them. Overall, the dream encourages the dreamer to embrace a more holistic approach to their personal growth, combining both the humility of walking on foot and the assertiveness of wielding a sword.

    • Leveraging Challenges for Personal GrowthEmbrace challenges to refine abilities, make important distinctions, and navigate life effectively. Clarify understanding and grow by making necessary discriminations.

      Our experiences, even difficult ones, can help us develop new perspectives and skills. In the discussed scenario, a man's challenges led him to refine his abilities to discern and make important distinctions in his career and relationship. This process allowed him to move beyond confusion and navigate life more effectively. It's essential to make such discriminations to clarify our understanding and grow, rather than remaining stuck in uncertainty. Listen to "This Jungian Life" for more insights on personal development and submit your dreams for interpretation. Remember, you can support us through Patreon and engage with us on social media. Keep living this union life with clarity and purpose.

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    Can Art Heal Us? The role of imagery in Jungian Analysis.

    Can spontaneous art-making harness the power of imagery and symbols to promote emotional healing and self-discovery?

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    Prepare to discover what Jungian art therapy is and its role in individuation, how imagery and symbols facilitate emotional healing, which techniques and methods are most effective, whether art can really serve as a bridge between your conscious and unconscious mind, why integrating creative expression into all areas of our life is essential for well-being…and so much more.

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/jungian-art-therapy/

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    HERE'S SOMETHING SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. BUY YOUR TICKET HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.


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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar

    SELF-SABOTAGE: Why we do it and how to stop it.

    SELF-SABOTAGE: Why we do it and how to stop it.

    Can understanding self-sabotage empower you to overcome hidden barriers and transform your life?

    Understanding Self-Sabotage is crucial for unlocking our true potential and overcoming barriers to personal growth. We can identify the unconscious complexes that hinder our progress by exploring internalized negative beliefs, fear of success, unresolved inner conflicts, and defense mechanisms like avoidance and self-handicapping. Through dream analysis, active imagination, and creative expression, we can transform self-sabotaging behaviors into opportunities for growth.

    Prepare to discover what self-sabotage is and how it manifests in your life, how to identify and address unconscious drives and defense mechanisms that work against you, which Jungian concepts and therapeutic strategies can help transform self-sabotaging behaviors into personal growth, whether your fears and conflicts are rooted in internalized negative beliefs or unresolved inner conflicts, why understanding self-sabotage is crucial for achieving a harmonious and fulfilling life…and so much more.

    HERE'S SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. BUY YOUR TICKET HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.

    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/self-sabotage/ 

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    LOOK & GROW 

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    JOHN TEMPLE: Does AI Dream Interpretation Really Work?

    JOHN TEMPLE: Does AI Dream Interpretation Really Work?

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta 

    Can the synergy between AI technology and human expertise revolutionize dream interpretation, promote personal growth, and ensure ethical considerations in the age of digital psychology?

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    Prepare to discover what AI dream interpretation reveals about the unconscious mind, how AI and human insights can complement each other in dream analysis, which benefits and limitations AI brings, whether AI can replicate human intuition, why integrating AI technology with traditional methods might enhance personal growth and self-awareness…and so much more.

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/ai-dream-interpretation/

    HERE'S SOMETHING SPECIAL: You're invited to JUNG'S AMERICAN MUSE: THE VISIONS AND ART OF CHRISTIANA MORGAN, a live podcast recording on Saturday, July 13th, at 2 pm EST. Tickets are on sale now for $5. Christiana Morgan's visions and art were pivotal to Jung's understanding of the nature of the feminine. We're thrilled to welcome her granddaughter, filmmaker Hilary Morgan, as our guest. Hilary will share Tower of Dreams, her short documentary, and then discuss her memories and reflections on her grandmother's life. Buy Your Ticket Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jungs-american-muse-the-visions-and-art-of-christiana-morgan-tickets-928055668487?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=ebdsshcopyurl.

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar:  https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar:  https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar



    How can recognizing and mitigating the psychological effects of toxic leadership protect people from regressing and aligning with dangerous leaders before it's too late?

    Understanding the effects of toxic leaders is crucial for fostering healthy organizational and societal dynamics. Malignant narcissism and large group regression can lead to destructive leadership, but by integrating psychological insights into leadership training and policy formulation, we can create environments that resist such toxicity. Education, ethical leadership, and community engagement are powerful tools that can counteract the negative influence of toxic leaders. Through informed action and collective effort, we can build resilient communities and organizations, ensuring a healthier and more harmonious society for all.

    Prepare to discover what specific behaviors and traits define toxic leadership and its impact on group dynamics and individual well-being, how to identify signs of malignant narcissism in leaders and implement effective strategies to counteract their negative influence, which leadership styles foster healthy organizational cultures and promote emotional intelligence and ethical practices, whether your current organizational environment is affected by toxic leadership and what steps you can take to initiate positive changes, why understanding the psychological effects of leadership styles is crucial for personal development and the overall health of organizations…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/effects-of-toxic-leaders/


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    Kwame Scruggs: The Power of Myth in Urban Youth Development

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    Prepare to discover what transformative power mythological storytelling holds for urban youth development, how myths foster emotional healing, personal growth, and community, which methods effectively integrate myth and analytical psychology in educational programs, whether myth-based approaches can facilitate meaningful change, why storytelling is a vital tool for instilling hope and resilience in young people's lives…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/the-power-of-myth-in-urban-youth-development/

    Learn more about Kwame here: https://www.kwamescruggs.com/

    Learn about Kwame’s live mentor training in New York City on June 22, 2024.  https://www.alchemyinc.net/rsvp


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    Psychodermatology: How Skin Communicates Unconscious Conflicts

    Psychodermatology: How Skin Communicates Unconscious Conflicts

    How do skin conditions give voice to silent suffering in our souls?

    Our skin serves as a canvas for our emotional and psychological states, manifesting internal conflicts through visible conditions. The symbolic meaning behind skin conditions can reveal deep-seated emotional issues.  Self-inflicted lesions highlight an individual's internal turmoil, serving as a cry for help. We all understand how blushing and sweating provide outer clues about our psychological landscape. Skin, a boundary between ego and the external world, exists as a threshold organ where experiences enter us and responses are displayed. Applying Jung’s symbolic attitude to our body can lead us to hidden meanings in our skin that may release us from suffering.

    Prepare to discover what your skin can reveal about your unconscious conflicts; how a symbolic interpretation of specific symptoms can lead to a meaningful dialogue with the unconscious; which therapeutic approaches can effectively decipher the language of skin symptoms; whether addressing emotional well-being can improve chronic skin issues; why some of us are more vulnerable to somatic symptoms like skin reactions…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/skin_communicates_unconscious_conflicts/


    Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/  

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    IDENTITY CRISIS: When Our Story Falls Apart

    IDENTITY CRISIS: When Our Story Falls Apart

    How can understanding and reshaping our personal narratives help us navigate and overcome identity crises during major life transitions?

    A Narrative Identity Crisis occurs when the evolving story we create to make sense of our lives—integrating past experiences, present realities, and future aspirations—becomes disrupted, leading to profound disorientation and psychological distress. This crisis can be triggered by significant life changes, traumatic events, or conflicting social and cultural pressures, causing our coherent self-narrative to fragment. Memory, meaning-making, and emotional regulation are all impacted as we struggle to reconcile our self-concept with new experiences. Addressing a Narrative Identity Crisis involves reflection, support, and often therapeutic intervention to rebuild a stable, adaptive narrative that restores our sense of meaning, direction, and psychological well-being.

    Prepare to discover what a personal life story is and how it integrates past experiences, present realities, and future aspirations into a coherent sense of self; how individual narratives shape our psychological well-being, influence our emotions, and guide our understanding of life events; which cognitive and emotional processes contribute to constructing and maintaining a coherent self-narrative; whether disruptions in our self-concept can lead to identity crises and the potential for growth and transformation through these crises; why engaging with and reconstructing personal narratives is crucial for emotional regulation, resilience, and overall psychological health...and so much more.

    THE DREAM WE ANALYZE IS HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/identity-crisis/ 


    Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/  

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    Six Swans Jungian Analysis: Transforming Fear into Joy

    Six Swans Jungian Analysis: Transforming Fear into Joy

    How can we harness inner strength and resilience to transform personal fears and adversities into growth and joy?

    In our "Six Swans Jungian Analysis," we explore how a fairytale reveals profound insights into transformation, resilience, and the complexities of human emotions. Through a sister's silent endurance, a king's protective instincts, and the ultimate triumph of truth, we can also discover our own inner strength, sacrifice, and personal growth. The fairytale "The Six Swans" teaches us about the enduring human spirit, the transformative power of love, and the journey toward individuation and wholeness, offering valuable psychological insights into fear, joy, and resilience.

    Prepare to discover what inner strength and resilience genuinely mean in the face of adversity; how to navigate and transform personal fears into opportunities for growth; which psychological and emotional strategies can foster enduring change; whether embracing silent perseverance can lead to personal empowerment; why understanding the balance between good and evil within ourselves is crucial for achieving wholeness…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HEREhttps://thisjungianlife.com/six-swans-jungian-analysis/

    FIND THE GRIMMS TALE HERE: https://sites.pitt.edu/~dash/grimm049.html 


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    Two Red Books: The Shared Imaginal Realms of Jung and Tolkien

    Two Red Books: The Shared Imaginal Realms of Jung and Tolkien

    How can the shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien empower us to navigate our personal journeys and transform our understanding of self and community?

    In exploring the uncanny shared imaginal realms of Jung and Tolkien, author Becca Tarnas uncovers a profound intersection of depth psychology and mythopoeic literature, revealed in their seminal Red Books. Amid the early 20th century's upheaval, both authors undertook personal and universal journeys into the psyche, employing active imagination to engage archetypes such as the shadow, anima, and hero. Their works, brimming with symbolic meaning and mirroring profound psychological truths, beckon us to contemplate transformation, individuation, and the potency of the feminine principle within. By crafting intricate narratives and psychological insights, Jung and Tolkien charted the inner landscapes of human experience, underscoring the universal struggles and spiritual depths that bind us all. Their exploration of nature, the environment, and the darker facets of the psyche showcase the transformative power of literal and metaphorical journeys, guiding us toward enlightenment and self-realization.

    Prepare to discover what the psychological and creative processes behind the works of Jung and Tolkien reveal about the universal journey of self-discovery; how to access and interpret your own imaginal realms to deepen your understanding of the personal and collective unconscious; which aspects of Jung's and Tolkien's methodologies can be applied to enhance self-awareness and artistic expression; whether the challenges and insights presented in their works have parallels in contemporary psychological practices and personal development; why the exploration of imaginal realms is crucial for personal growth and the cultivation of a richer, more connected sense of community…and so much more.

    READ A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/shared-imaginal-realms-of-jung-and-tolkien/ 

    Rebecca Tarnas is an Assistant Professor in the Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her research includes depth psychology, archetypal studies, literature, philosophy, and the ecological imagination. She is an editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology and author of Journey to the Imaginal Realm: A Readers Guide to J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings (https://a.co/d/7zIUX4K). She is researching and writing a biography of Stanislav Grof, a co-founder of transpersonal psychology.

     For more information about Becca, check out her website: https://beccatarnas.com/


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    Encounters with Light: Jung's near-death experiences

    Encounters with Light: Jung's near-death experiences

    How can near-death experiences challenge and expand our understanding of consciousness and its connection to the transcendent?

    Carl Jung's near-death experience profoundly deepened his understanding of the psyche and its connection to the universal consciousness, reinforcing his belief in life beyond physical existence. During this transformative episode, he observed Earth from a distance, encountered mystical figures, and experienced a temple-like structure within a meteoric stone, enriching his theories on the collective unconscious and archetypal imagery. This experience left an indelible mark on his professional theories and personal philosophy, intensifying his exploration of human consciousness and the continuity of life after death.

     Universally consistent across cultures, Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are marked by out-of-body sensations, encounters with entities or deceased relatives, and environments filled with light, highlighting a shared psychological process at the boundary between life and death. Research efforts have effectively verified these phenomena, especially those corroborated in clinical settings, which challenge traditional views on consciousness. The transformative impacts of NDEs are profound, often leading to a diminished fear of death, increased spirituality, and a broader sense of self that integrates with universal consciousness. Open discussions enrich our understanding of NDEs within various cultural and historical contexts and provoke deeper reflections on consciousness as potentially expansive and eternal, aligning with modern and ancient perspectives on the human experience.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE:  https://thisjungianlife.com/near_death_experiences/

    Prepare to discover what profound transformations can occur as one hovers between life and death; how psyche might extend beyond the physical realm, suggesting our consciousness is capable of surviving bodily limits; which elements of near-death experiences (NDEs) resonate across different cultures; whether personal transformations following NDEs typically lead to significant life changes; why NDEs captivate scientific and spiritual communities, as they offer a glimpse into the potential expanses of human consciousness and provide a narrative that can bring solace and meaning…and so much more.


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    #646: How to Win at Losing

    #646: How to Win at Losing

    Losing stinks. Nobody wants to suffer defeat in a game, flunk a test, or get passed over for a promotion. Losses can feel like stinging humiliations, insurmountable setbacks, like the end of the world; they can even push us to quit pursuing something we love. And yet losses can be the most instructive and meaningful parts of our lives, and be central to our ultimate success.

    My guest set out to study and explain these underappreciated upsides of getting bested. His name is Sam Weinman, he's a sportswriter, and he shares what he learned in his book, Win at Losing: How Our Greatest Setbacks Can Lead to Our Greatest Gains, as well as in today's episode. Sam and I begin our conversation with how losing is typically a lot more interesting than winning, the difference between losing and failing, and how you can lose without failing, as well as fail without losing. Sam then illustrates the lessons in humility, growth, personal responsibility, and resilience that can come from losing by sharing the stories of famous people who dealt with famously big losses, including golfer Greg Norman, soap star Susan Lucci, presidential candidate Michael Dukakis, and speed skater Dan Jansen. We end our conversation with how Sam's study of how to turn loss into gain has influenced his own children and the way they deal with setbacks.

    Good insights here both on how to deal with your own losses as well as how to help your kids deal with theirs.

    Get the show notes at aom.is/winatlosing.

    #297 100 Days of Rejection: What One Man Learned About Fear and Failure

    #297 100 Days of Rejection: What One Man Learned About Fear and Failure

    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    Free Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY

    100 Days of Rejection Therapy
    Jia Jiang is the owner of Rejection Therapy, a website that provides inspiration, knowledge and products for people to overcome their fear of rejection. He is also the CEO of DareMe, a company that teaches people and trains organizations to become fearless through rejection training. In 2015, he authored the Amazon bestselling book, Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection and was one of the most viewed TED Talks of 2017.

    Several years after Jiang began his career in the corporate world, he took a life-altering risk and stepped into the unknown world of entrepreneurship. His result was everyone’s biggest fear: rejection. This was the catalyst that set Jiang on the path to his true calling.

    To conquer the fear of rejection, Jiang embarked on a personal quest and started a blog, 100 Days of Rejection Therapy. His journey revealed a world that was hidden in plain sight— a world where people are much kinder than we imagine. He discovered that rejection can be much less painful than we believe and that the fear of rejection is much more destructive than we know.

    Jiang grew up in Beijing, China and migrated to the United States at age 16. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from Brigham Young University and a Master of Business Administration from Duke University.

    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode—as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode—at http://www.JimHarshawJr.com/Action.  

    Embracing Failure: How to Turn Setbacks into Opportunities for Growth

    Embracing Failure: How to Turn Setbacks into Opportunities for Growth
    Now with over 1 million downloads....

    In this episode, we delve into the topic of failure and how to turn setbacks into opportunities for growth.
    We explore the common misconceptions around failure, how it can actually be a powerful tool for personal and professional development, and provide practical tips on how to reframe your mindset towards failure.

    From learning to embrace risk-taking to developing resilience, we share strategies to help you bounce back stronger from failures and turn them into valuable learning experiences. Tune in to gain valuable insights and shift your perspective towards failure.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/confidence-self-esteem-podcast--3128218/support.

    How Do You Bounce Back Resiliently?

    How Do You Bounce Back Resiliently?

    There's been a lot of talk about how hard & smart work improves your chances of success. But, did you know that stepping away from work at intervals helps improve your chances of success dramatically?

    Yes, stepping away helps!

    You see, we have misconstrued the definition of hard work, determination & resilience to be drowned in work all the time when it's actually detrimental to your creativity, productivity & motivation. You need to be able to totally disconnect to come back better!!

    Learn how!