
    Episode #209 ... Improving our world through applied ethics. (Peter Singer, Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek)

    enAugust 26, 2024
    What progress has been made under capitalism according to Singer?
    How does Singer view critics of capitalism's moral issues?
    What alternative activism method does Singer suggest?
    Why is public perception important for activism?
    What should be the focus in critiquing capitalism?

    Podcast Summary

    • Capitalism progressDespite criticisms, philosophers like Peter Singer believe that progress has been made under capitalism, with fewer people living in extreme poverty and more children surviving to adulthood, but acknowledge the need to address ongoing horrors and injustices.

      While some critics argue that philosophers like Peter Singer are merely plugging holes in a failing capitalist system by raising awareness of moral issues, Singer and others believe that progress has been made under capitalism and that it's important to acknowledge this while continuing to work towards improving the world. Singer emphasizes that fewer people are living in extreme poverty and more children are surviving to adulthood than ever before, but acknowledges that there are still horrors and injustices that need to be addressed. He encourages a nuanced perspective that acknowledges both the progress and the challenges of the current economic system.

    • Capitalism progressFocus on using capitalism's productivity and technology to better distribute a decent standard of living to everyone, rather than solely critiquing its flaws and waiting for it to collapse.

      While there are issues with the current economic system, focusing solely on its flaws and waiting for it to collapse is not productive. Instead, we should aim to use the productivity and technology of capitalism to better distribute a decent standard of living to everyone. Progress may be uneven, but denying progress overall is a different matter. It's important to be specific about what aspects of capitalism we're critiquing and to focus our efforts on making positive changes rather than getting stuck in philosophical debates. Peter Singer and Kasia de Lazari Radik emphasize the importance of taking action and participating in the democratic process to address real-world issues like poverty and suffering, where progress is possible.

    • Ethical EngagementFocus on specific ethical issues and their consequences, embrace diversity of ethical theories, and use them appropriately in different situations for effective ethical engagement.

      Effective ethical engagement can be achieved by focusing on specific, manageable issues and their consequences, as advocated by philosophers like Peter Singer. However, it's essential not to view ethical theories like utilitarianism or deontology as teams to join, but rather as different ways of thinking that describe how people approach moral decision-making. Both deontological and utilitarian approaches are necessary for creating a functional society, and neither should be discarded. Instead, we should embrace the diversity of ethical theories and use them appropriately in different situations. As Kasia de Lazari-Radek emphasizes, the goal is not to convert everyone to a single ethical theory, but to understand and respect the different ways people think about moral decision-making. Ultimately, ethical engagement requires an open-minded and nuanced approach that recognizes the value and limitations of various ethical theories.

    • Ethical reasoning limitationsDespite the complexity and limitations of ethical reasoning, it's crucial to continue learning, understand moral theories' contexts, and apply them to real-world situations.

      Ethical reasoning is a complex process with no definitive answer. As discussed, different moral theories have their strengths and weaknesses, and none can claim to be the ultimate best way to reason ethically in every situation. Instead, it's essential to accept this fact, continue learning, and be aware of the limitations in our own ethical reasoning. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the applications and contexts of various moral theories. Moreover, the podcast episode features sponsor messages from NordVPN, BetterHelp, and Chubbies. NordVPN offers internet privacy and access to global content with its VPN service. BetterHelp provides online therapy services for those dealing with challenges and seeking support. Chubbies offers comfortable and unique apparel, with a current promotion offering a 20% discount with the promo code PT. Lastly, the podcast episode emphasizes the importance of having these ethical discussions and applying them to real-world moral dilemmas. It's not just about debating hypothetical scenarios, but rather using these discussions to make a difference in our lives and the world around us.

    • Meme warfare and societal normsCreative and engaging activism methods like meme warfare can reach a larger audience and insinuate themselves into people's minds more effectively than ethical discussions. Societal norms and public perception also play a crucial role in shaping behavior, and understanding this can help create more impactful campaigns.

      While ethical discussions and theoretical moral arguments are important, they may not be enough to bring about significant, permanent behavior change in individuals. Instead, a more effective approach to activism might involve creative and engaging methods, such as meme warfare, that can reach a larger audience and insinuate themselves into people's minds more effectively. Additionally, societal norms and public perception play a crucial role in shaping behavior. By understanding this and leveraging it, activists can create more impactful campaigns. Ultimately, the goal is to create a social temperature that makes unethical behavior less acceptable and more people want to be moral individuals.

    • Influencer's impact on ethicsInfluencers have the power to shape ethics through authentic and intentional influence, and structural requirements like ethical education in schools can also be effective.

      Influencers have the power to shape people's perspectives, often unintentionally. However, there's potential for influencers to use their influence deliberately and authentically to promote moral positions. Noam Chomsky as a muscular, tanned influencer was an out-of-the-box idea discussed, but authenticity is crucial. Alternatively, making ethical awareness a requirement at a structural level, such as in schools, can also be effective in shaping young minds. Peter Singer, an influencer in ethics, supports this idea and cites South Korea as an example of successful implementation. Ultimately, influencers have the power to inspire positive change, and authenticity and intention are key to making the most of that power.

    • Ethics in EducationPhilosopher Peter Singer advocates for integrating ethics into education from a young age through programs like Philosophy for Children, and for adults, he suggests reviving philosophy cafes or engaging with ethical discussions online through effective altruism.

      Philosopher Peter Singer advocates for incorporating ethical values into education from a young age. He supports the Philosophy for Children program and believes that education systems should facilitate the exploration of these values. For adults, he suggests the revival of philosophy cafes as a place for deeper discussions on philosophy. Although the philosophy cafe movement has waned due to the popularity of online discussion groups, Singer sees potential in the effective altruist movement, which started from online philosophical discussions and has led to significant charitable efforts and lives saved. Ultimately, Singer emphasizes that engaging with ethical positions and encouraging others to do the same can lead to positive change in the world.

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