
    Podcast Summary

    • Discounts and Quality Products from Burrow Furniture, Noom, and 1800flowers.comBurrow Furniture offers discounts on high-quality, durable outdoor furniture with free shipping. Noom provides personalized weight loss plans, even for salad haters, with typical users losing 1-2 pounds per week. 1800flowers.com offers a one-stop-shop for gifts and celebrations with products made with care and love.

      Burrow Furniture offers high-quality, durable outdoor furniture with free shipping, and for a limited time, they're offering discounts on their website. Meanwhile, Noom provides personalized weight loss plans for individuals, even those who don't enjoy salads, and typical users can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Lastly, 1800flowers.com is a one-stop-shop for gift giving and celebrating special occasions, with products made with care and love. In the podcast episode, Kaveh Hoda welcomed two returning guests, Sharky Liguana, a small business owner, musician, and commissioner of the San Francisco Homeless Oversight Commission, and discussed his role in overseeing the department's budget of around 700 million dollars annually. Despite the significant responsibility, Sharky expressed his enjoyment and dedication to the job.

    • Exploring Passion and EnthusiasmDiscovering joy and enthusiasm in unexpected places, whether it's trying new restaurants or simple pleasures like Chipotle, is essential for a fulfilling life.

      Passion and enthusiasm can be found in the most unexpected places. While some people dedicate themselves to their interests and experiences, others may find excitement in the simplest things. During this episode of the podcast, the hosts shared personal stories about their experiences and the things they are passionate about. One host shared his enthusiasm for trying new restaurants and experiencing different cultures, while the other admitted to having little taste in music and being excited about Chipotle. The hosts also discussed the origin story of Chipotle and the founder's inspiration for starting a chain based on mission-style burritos. The episode was a mailbag episode where the hosts answered anonymous questions submitted by listeners, some of which were not medical in nature. The hosts reminded listeners that they are not qualified to dispense medical advice and encouraged seeking advice from a qualified physician. One interesting question was about the meaning of the Greek prime minister's name in Farsi, which led to a discussion about cultural connections and the ongoing history of conflicts between the Persians and Greeks. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of finding joy and enthusiasm in life, no matter how big or small the passion may be.

    • IBD history doesn't always increase anal sex riskIndividuals with IBD can engage in anal sex if not experiencing issues, communicate openly with healthcare providers.

      Having a history of inflammatory bowel disease does not necessarily increase the risk of having anal sex, unless one is experiencing active symptoms or has an unhealed fistula. The lack of concrete data on this topic suggests that it is generally safe for individuals with IBD to engage in anal sex if they are not currently experiencing any issues. However, open communication with healthcare providers about sexual health concerns is always encouraged. A related question was also addressed, suggesting that discussing anal sex with doctors should not be taboo in 2024, and that doing so may lead to better understanding and support from healthcare professionals.

    • Effective communication in sensitive discussionsBe sensitive and patient when communicating with loved ones about intimate topics, and healthcare professionals should facilitate open and comfortable dialogue on various topics, including sexual health.

      Effective communication between patients and healthcare providers is crucial for understanding complex medical concepts and ensuring comfort during sensitive discussions. This was highlighted in a conversation where the speaker's mother mistakenly referred to a bus stop instead of a bedroom during a conversation about sexual intimacy. Instead of correcting her, the speaker used the opportunity to explain the concept of meeting at a bus stop as a common social practice. This experience emphasized the importance of being sensitive and patient when communicating with loved ones about intimate topics. Additionally, the speaker shared an experience with a nurse in her thirties who was a virgin and needed guidance on sexual education before marriage. This conversation underscores the need for open and comfortable dialogue between healthcare professionals and patients on various topics, including sexual health. Furthermore, the speaker expressed interest in discussing medical aid and dying as a potential episode topic, acknowledging its complexity and the need for open and informed conversations around this sensitive issue.

    • Doctor's experiences with end-of-life decisionsDoctors consider patient's condition, resources, and expertise when referring to specialists, while families may struggle without appointed decision makers, leading to prolonged suffering. Open communication and proper medical guidance are crucial for informed healthcare decisions.

      End-of-life options, such as assisted suicide, are a legal but challenging process for patients and their families. Doctor's experiences show that while keeping people alive is a medical strength, ensuring quality of life and having advanced directives are often overlooked. The process for making end-of-life decisions can be difficult for families without appointed decision makers, leading to prolonged suffering. As for knowing when to call a medical specialist, doctors and non-medical individuals perceive different experiences. Doctors, like Bobby, consider various factors such as patient's condition, availability of resources, and expertise before referring to a specialist. Sharky, as an outsider, expresses concerns about potential gatekeeping and accessibility to specialists. Both perspectives highlight the importance of open communication and proper medical guidance in making informed decisions regarding healthcare.

    • Primary care doctors: First point of contact and holistic care providersPrimary care doctors manage most health concerns, offer a holistic perspective, and guide patients to appropriate care.

      While family doctors may not always have all the answers, they can effectively manage most health concerns and often avoid the need for specialist referrals. They serve as the first point of contact and provide valuable context based on their experience with various patients. However, in some cases, especially for complex or rare conditions, it's essential to consult specialists. The healthcare system and individual circumstances can influence the decision-making process. The emphasis on subspecialists in certain areas may lead to unnecessary visits, but primary care doctors can handle the majority of cases. The primary role of a primary care doctor is to offer a holistic perspective, identify potential underlying causes, and guide patients towards the appropriate care.

    • Consult with primary care doctor first for better health outcomes and cost savingsStarting with a primary care doctor can lead to a wider range of potential causes being considered, better health outcomes, and cost savings.

      It's generally more beneficial for patients to first consult with a primary care doctor before going directly to a specialist. This approach allows for a wider range of potential causes to be considered first, and it's more cost-effective. Primary care doctors are equipped to handle most common health issues within their scope of care. However, it's crucial to find a doctor who is open-minded, willing to listen, and willing to make adjustments when necessary. While there are many specialists available, the focus on primary care in other countries has led to better health outcomes compared to the US. A study in Camden, New Jersey, showed that going directly to a specialist can result in more procedures and higher costs, without necessarily improving health outcomes. Ultimately, a good doctor is one who is willing to experiment and make adjustments when treatments aren't working.

    • Doctors' adaptability and the debate on specialist vs generalist ratioDoctors are adaptable and willing to learn from new information. The high number of specialists in the US may be due to genuine interest and financial incentives, raising questions about system failure.

      Doctors, like the one being discussed, are adaptable and willing to learn from new information. They tried an approach that didn't work and are now trying something different. This is a positive sign of a good doctor. Another interesting question raised during the discussion was whether the high number of specialists relative to generalists in the US is a sign of system failure. While it's a valid question, it's also important to consider if the high interest in certain specialties, like dermatology, is due to the higher pay. The speaker shared a personal anecdote about his wife's passion for skin care, suggesting that there may be genuine interest in these fields. However, if these specialties didn't pay as well, there might be fewer applicants. Overall, the conversation touched on various aspects of medical education and career choices, highlighting the importance of passion, adaptability, and financial considerations.

    • Parenting involves making mistakes and loving your childrenAccept mistakes in parenting and focus on showing love and care for your children's development

      Accepting that as a parent, you will make mistakes and recognizing this can help alleviate constant worry and concern. During Burrow's Memorial Day Sale, get up to 60% off at burrow.com/acast. A parent shared the best advice they received, which was to love your children and let them know you care for them, as this forms a strong foundation for their development. Regarding the question of whether holding your pee for a long time is good for you, it depends. In general, it's recommended to go when you feel the need to, but in certain psychological cases, training your body to delay urination may be beneficial.

    • Holding in urine occasionally is unlikely to cause harm, but frequent interruptions or holding it in for too long can lead to health issues.Occasional holding in of urine is fine, but frequent interruptions or prolonged holding can cause urinary tract infections or other health problems. Be mindful of your urination frequency and consistency and consult a healthcare professional if concerned.

      While it's generally not recommended to hold in urine for extended periods, the definition of "extended" can vary. Holding it in occasionally, such as during a long car ride, is unlikely to cause harm. However, frequent interruptions to urinate or holding it in for too long can lead to urinary tract infections or other issues. Additionally, certain beverages like LaCroix, which contain carbonation and may acidify urine, can increase urination frequency and potentially irritate the bladder. Overall, it's important to listen to your body and address any concerns about urination frequency or consistency with a healthcare professional.

    • Encountering Surprising Supplement AdvocacyApproach supplements critically, consult healthcare professionals, and beware of potential harm from unregulated industry.

      The supplement industry, while it may offer some benefits, is often fraught with misinformation and potential harm. A person who had a surprising encounter with some supplement advocates shared their experience of being confronted with alternative beliefs and the heavy promotion of supplements, which they found unsettling. The speaker expressed concerns about the lack of regulation in the industry and the potential for liver damage or other health issues from some supplements. The origins of the supplement craze can be traced back to Linus Pauling, a Nobel Prize winner who became obsessed with high doses of vitamin C and damaged his reputation as a result. It's important to approach supplements with a critical eye and to consult with healthcare professionals before making them a part of your health regimen.

    • Doctor's influence on vitamin D guidelinesA doctor's financial ties to a supplement company led to lower normal vitamin D levels, causing unnecessary tests and treatments, costing millions.

      The vitamin D industry, worth over a billion dollars, was potentially manipulated by a doctor's influence on guidelines, leading to unnecessary testing and consumption. Paul Offit, a doctor and author, exposed this issue in his book "Overkill." He revealed how a doctor on the payroll of a supplement company influenced the endocrine society to lower the normal vitamin D level threshold, despite insufficient evidence. This resulted in millions being spent on unnecessary tests and treatments, particularly in sunny areas. Offit's work highlights the importance of questioning industry influence on medical guidelines and maintaining skepticism. If we could play a musical set with anyone, alive or dead, Offit's insights remind us to value credible sources and evidence over obscure or unproven claims.

    • Authentic emotional connection in musicMusic that resonates deeply with listeners is rooted in authentic emotional connection. Artists like Cap Stevens demonstrate this powerfully through their songwriting.

      Authentic emotional connection in music is what truly resonates with listeners. A singer-songwriter who can effectively convey raw emotions through their artistry leaves a lasting impact. Cap Stevens is an example of such an artist, as his music deeply connects with listeners through its emotional narrative. The loss of genuine songwriting in favor of catchy hooks and beats is a concern, but artists like Adele and Taylor Swift have shown that a well-crafted emotional arc can still thrive in popular music. Music, at its best, serves as a form of emotional reporting, allowing listeners to experience the artist's feelings as they are expressed. The authenticity and sincerity of this connection make for a compelling listening experience.

    • The Importance of Decent Behavior in Long-Term Musical PartnershipsDecent behavior is crucial for sustaining long-term musical partnerships, as it's challenging to collaborate with a difficult person and maintain a positive image in the industry.

      The ability to sustain long-term musical partnerships may indicate that musicians are decent people, as it's challenging to maintain such relationships if one is not respectful and collaborative. Additionally, dealing with fans and being nice constantly can be more challenging than collaborating with another musician. Musicians often spend more time sharing stories than performing music, and becoming successful while being a true dick is difficult due to the reliance on others in the industry. However, being in an artistic relationship with a musician can be a pressure cooker, as it involves negotiating emotional exchanges with both each other and an audience, and requires spending extensive time together in various settings.

    • Authentic vs. Staged Appreciation for ArtGenuine audience engagement is crucial for artists, as manipulating or deceitfully creating appreciation can be disrespectful and damaging.

      Experiencing genuine connection and appreciation for one's art can be an incredibly rewarding and uplifting experience. However, manipulating or deceitfully creating such moments can be disrespectful and damaging. The artists in this conversation, having experienced both authentic and staged success, emphasized the importance of genuine audience engagement and the negative impact of disingenuous pranks. The shared sentiment was that such moments, when authentic, can be compared to religious experiences and should be treated with respect and sincerity.

    • The unexpected journey of audience engagementCreative work can lead to unexpected connections with audiences, resulting in deeper experiences than intended.

      As creators, we have limited control over how our work is received and experienced by our audience. While our initial intention may not align with the audience's interpretation, it's essential to recognize that an authentic connection can still be formed. The audience's engagement and enjoyment can sometimes lead to a more profound experience than what the creator intended. This vulnerability and the potential for unexpected outcomes are part of the creative process. The rug being pulled out from under us is a common experience in the creative industry, and it's through these challenges that we grow and improve.

    • From empty room to engaged audienceAsking anonymous questions during a live podcast can lead to engaging conversations and unexpected fan connections.

      The unexpected turn of events for the band, from playing to an empty room to performing for an audience of 400 fans who knew all their songs, can be a delightful experience when executed well. Anonymously asking questions during a live podcast can lead to engaging and open conversations. As for the bet about Sharky reading "The Power Broker" by Robert Caro, it seems like a tie as Sharky has read around 700-800 pages of the 1300+ page book but found the repetition tiring. The book, which delves into the life and work of the powerful urban planner Robert Moses, is a fascinating read, and Sharky expressed an interest in it.

    • City planner Robert Moses' legacy shaping modern urban planningNew generation of city planners reevaluating road infrastructure prioritization, focusing on health and happiness outside of career and financial success, and emphasizing reflection, adaptation, and continuous learning.

      Robert Moses, an influential city planner from the past, continues to shape the discussion around urban planning today. His legacy, marked by significant accomplishments but also criticized for negative impacts, has sparked a new generation of city planners who are reevaluating the design of cities and questioning the prioritization of road infrastructure. The conversation also touched upon the idea that true happiness can be found outside of career and financial success, and the importance of taking care of one's health. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of reflection, adaptation, and continuous learning in various aspects of life.

    • Exploring new options for health insurance and bed sheetsConsider UnitedHealthcare for health insurance flexibility or Boll and Branch for softer organic cotton sheets, with a 30-night guarantee and a 15% discount using 'buttery' code

      There are various situations in life where you might consider getting a new health insurance plan, such as being between jobs, coming off your parents' plan, or turning a side hustle into a full-time business. For those seeking more flexibility, UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans could be a good option. Meanwhile, if you're looking for a better night's sleep, Boll and Branch's organic cotton sheets might be worth considering. With their promise of getting softer with every wash, these sheets could bring you years of comfort. Try them out with a 30-night guarantee and enjoy a 15% discount using the code "buttery" (exclusions apply). Lastly, US Cellular encourages us to reevaluate our relationship with our smartphones. By putting them down for five minutes, we might discover new connections with the people and world around us. To learn more about this campaign, visit UScellular.com/builtforus.

    Recent Episodes from The House of Pod: A Medical Podcast

    Episode 230 - Ozempic

    Episode 230 - Ozempic
    Kaveh is joined by Endocrinologist and Obesity Medicine specialist, Dr. Karl Nadolsky and frequent guest co-host Will Poole (aka Kristi Yamaguccimane) to discuss the latest in weight loss medications, including but not limited to Ozempic and Wegovy.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Episode 229 - Relationships

    Episode 229 - Relationships
    Kaveh is joined by Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Elizabeth Hinkle and Entrepreneur/Sandwich Guru/YouTuber, Ike Shehadeh to answer listener questions about difficult relationship issues, as well as discuss dating, polyamory and common communication failures between partners.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    228 - HPAI (The Bird Flu)

    228 - HPAI  (The Bird Flu)
    Kaveh is joined by Virologists Angela Rasmussen and Jason Kindrachuk to have a high level discussion about the COVID lab leak hypothesis, the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, whether or not to stockpile flu medicines and large poops taken on the floor of a Blockbuster in the 90s. It's a deep dive is what I'm saying.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Episode 227 - Menopause

    Episode 227 - Menopause
    Kaveh is joined by podcaster Naomi Laguna (Housewifery) and OB/GYN and author of The Menopause Manifesto, Dr. Jen Gunter to discuss Menopause, hot flashes, the truth about weight gain and the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Episode 221 - Prescription for Pain

    Episode 221 - Prescription for Pain
    Kaveh is joined by guest co-host Dr. Arghavan Salles and author Philip Eil to discuss the case of Dr. Paul Volkman, a once promising MD/PHD who became a central figure in one of the largest pill mill operations our country has ever seen. Pick up Philip's new book Prescription for Pain wherever books are sold!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Ep 20 - Santa Claus!

    Merry Holidays Friends, Family and Listener! 

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    Message us with your fanfics of Santa and Krampus!

    Twitter: @outofmemorypod

    Instagram: @outofmemorypod

    Email: outofmemorypod@gmail.com


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