
    About this Episode


    It’s Friday, August 30th, 2019 and welcome to Episode 227 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom and I'm Eric Hernandez. Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode we are joined by my new Graduate Assistant, Eric Hernandez, and I give a general overview of how we make the TechTalk4Teachers podcast. After the recording I demonstrated to Eric the process of editing and helped him do his first editing job to finalize this podcast into the MP3 audio file that you are listening to now.

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    Technology Picks of the Week

    Tom's Tech Pick of the Week

    Wakelet Blog

    Wakelet in EDU

    Eric's Tech Pick of the Week

    That wraps it up for Episode 227 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and Eric Hernandez. Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Recent Episodes from TechTalk4Teachers - A Podcast For Teachers About Teaching, Learning, and Technology

    Episode 237 - The Last Episode

    Episode 237 - The Last Episode

    It’s Monday, June 29th, 2020 and welcome to Episode 237 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom, and I'm Newton Key.

    Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode the Director of the EIU Faculty Development and Innovation Center, Newton Key, and I discuss the choices faculty are preparing for in the upcoming summer session and Fall 2020 semester. 

    This will be my final episode of TechTalk4Teachers. I am retiring from EIU tomorrow and want to thank everyone who has helped further the education of our students over the years. With retirement comes life changes but I will always keep a foot in the #edtech world. If you are interested in keeping up with me and my life after EIU you can always follow me on Twitter @tomgrissom. Keep on Learning!!!

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    Technology Picks of the Week

    Tom's Tech Pick(s) of the Week

    Microsoft Office 365 for Education

    Be sure to checkout the educator community at Microsoft from the link above. You will find many people who are willing to help integrate technology into education to make a better learning experience for all.

    Newton's Tech Pick of the Week

    My tech (or pedagogy) pick of the week is a 6:21 video by Nate Lavey, on The Semantic Structure of the Conformist and Dissenting Bible, 1660-1780, 2020, https://vimeo.com/430062156/4072507ce9

    That wraps it up for Episode 237 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and I'm Newton Key, Keep on Learning!


    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Episode 236 - HyFlex, Hybrid, F2F, Online - Oh My!

    Episode 236 - HyFlex, Hybrid, F2F, Online - Oh My!

    It’s Friday, May 29th, 2020 and welcome to Episode 236 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom, and I'm Newton Key.

    Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode the Director of the EIU Faculty Development and Innovation Center, Newton Key, and I discuss the choices faculty are preparing for in the upcoming summer session and Fall 2020 semester. 

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    7 Things You Should Know About the HyFlex Course Model

    Newton's Tech Pick of the Week

    COVID-19 Planning for Fall 2020: A Closer Look at Hybrid-Flexible Course Design

    That wraps it up for Episode 236 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and I'm Newton Key, Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Episode 235 - Emergency Remote Learning - End of the Semester

    Episode 235 - Emergency Remote Learning - End of the Semester

    It’s Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 and welcome to Episode 235 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom, I'm Danielle Beamon, I'm Brittany Phelps, and I'm Eric Hernandez,.

    Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode my graduate assistants and I discuss the past five weeks of emergency remote learning as the semester finally comes to a close. So much has happened this semester as our faculty and students adjusted to 100 percent online emergency remote learning.

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    We recorded this episode of TechTalk4Teachers using Microsoft Teams. Since the three of us were separated by hundreds of miles the audio quality is not as good as what you typically hear from a TechTalk4Teachers podcast. The compression algorithms reduce audio quality while trying to maintain a consistent connection with Teams. Overall, pretty amazing that we can still schedule a podcast recording in these extraordinary times of Stay at Home orders using our existing equipment that we already have at home.

    Technology Picks of the Week

    Tom's Tech Pick(s) of the Week

    Microsoft Teams

    Brittany's Tech Pick of the Week

    Eric's Tech Pick of the Week

    Khan Academy

    Danielle's Tech Pick of the Week

    That wraps it up for Episode 235 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and I'm Eric Hernandez, and I'm Brittany Phelps and I'm Danielle Beamon. Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Episode 234 - Here we go! 100 percent online learning

    Episode 234 - Here we go! 100 percent online learning

    It’s Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 and welcome to Episode 234 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom, I'm Eric Hernandez, and I'm Brittany Phelps.

    Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode my graduate assistant and I discuss the very sudden shift to remote teaching and learning and how we are coping with "the new normal" of 100 percent online instructions.

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    We recorded this episode of TechTalk4Teachers using Microsoft Teams. Since the three of us were separated by hundreds of miles the audio quality is not as good as what you typically hear. The compression algorithms reduce audio quality while trying to maintain a consistent connection with Teams. Overall, pretty amazing that we can still podcast in these extraordinary times of Stay at Home orders using our existing equipment we have at home.

    Technology Picks of the Week

    Tom's Tech Pick(s) of the Week

    Microsoft Teams

    Eric's Tech Pick of the Week


    Brittany's Tech Pick of the Week

    That wraps it up for Episode 234 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and I'm Eric Hernandez, and I'm Brittany Phelps. Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Episode 233 - Discovering New Tools for Teaching and Learning

    Episode 233 - Discovering New Tools for Teaching and Learning

    It’s Friday, February 28th, 2020 and welcome to Episode 233 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom, I'm Eric Hernandez. 

    Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode my graduate assistant and I discuss how we discover new tools for teaching and learning.

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    We recorded a separate video file linked below in the show notes and extracted the audio track for this months TechTalk4Teachers podcast. If you would like to see what the Microsoft Stream video recording looked like click on the link below to go to our ITC Techshare YouTube channel. 

    Technology Picks of the Week

    Tom's Tech Pick(s) of the Week

    Microsoft Educator Center

    Microsoft Office 365 at EIU

    Eric's Tech Pick of the Week

    That wraps it up for Episode 233 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and I'm Eric Hernandez. Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Episode 232 - We are doing it live! - LiveStreaming at EIU using Microsoft Stream

    Episode 232 - We are doing it live! - LiveStreaming at EIU using Microsoft Stream

    It’s Thursday, January 30th, 2020 and welcome to Episode 232 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom, I'm Danielle Beamon. Eric Hernandez is our producer for this first ever Live Event broadcasting live to all of EIU using Microsoft Stream. 

    Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode my graduate assistants and I are pushing the frontiers of what is now possible for every faculty, staff, and student at EIU using Microsoft Stream technologies to broadcast a live event to the entire campus. The video production capabilities available now to everyone at EIU are truly amazing.

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    We recorded a separate video file linked below in the show notes and extracted the audio track for this months TechTalk4Teachers podcast. If you would like to see what the Microsoft Stream video recording looked like click on the link below to go to our ITC Techshare YouTube channel. 

    Note: Microsoft Stream currently is only available for users of your organization using Office 365, for public viewing for anyone in the world we uploaded this video to YouTube.

    Technology Picks of the Week

    What is Microsoft Stream?

    That wraps it up for Episode 232 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and I'm Danielle Beamon. Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Episode 231- The ITC Graduate Assistants Show

    Episode 231- The ITC Graduate Assistants Show

    It’s Thursday, December 12th, 2019 and welcome to Episode 231 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom, I'm Danielle Beamon, I'm Brittany Phelps, and I'm Eric Hernandez. Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode my three graduate assistants take over the studio and talk about life as a GA in the ITC. We then share our Technology Picks of the Week.

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    itcts 106 - Ten TEC Classrooms Updated Over Break - College of Education - EIU

    Technology Picks of the Week

    Tom's Tech Pick of the Week

    Eric's Tech Pick of the Week

    Woebot Self-care app

    Brittany's Tech Pick of the Week


    Danielle's Tech Pick of the Week

    That wraps it up for Episode 231 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom, Eric Hernandez, Brittany Phelps, and Danielle Beamon. Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Episode 230 - Ten COE Technology Enabled Classrooms Updated Over Break

    Episode 230 - Ten COE Technology Enabled Classrooms Updated Over Break

    It’s Saturday, November 30th, 2019 and welcome to Episode 230 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom. Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode I talk about the technology updates for Ten of our College of Education technology enabled classrooms that were upgraded over Thanksgiving break.

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    Ten (10)Technology Enhanced Classrooms Updated Over Break in Buzzard Hall  11/27/2019

    Technology Picks of the Week

    Tom's Tech Pick of the Week

    That wraps it up for Episode 230 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and Danielle Beamon. Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Episode 229 - Next Generation Video - ITC Studio B

    Episode 229 - Next Generation Video - ITC Studio B

    It’s Wednesday, October 30th, 2019 and welcome to Episode 229 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom and I'm Danielle Beamon. Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode we are joined by my Graduate Assistant, Danielle Beamon, who has a renewed interest in podcasting and video production. She also shares some of her experiences with taking notes on an iPad using Apple Pencil as her Technology Pick of the Week.

    This podcast was partially edited by Danielle Beamon, Graduate Assistant at the ITC.

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    Technology Picks of the Week

    Tom's Tech Pick of the Week

    What is FlipGrid AR

    Danielle's Tech Pick of the Week

    That wraps it up for Episode 229 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and Danielle Beamon. Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog

    Episode 228 - Online and Hybrid Learning at EIU

    Episode 228 - Online and Hybrid Learning at EIU

    It’s Friday, September 27th, 2019 and welcome to Episode 228 of TechTalk4Teachers, I’m Tom Grissom and I'm Brittany Phelps. Welcome to TechTalk4Teachers the show about teaching and learning with technology

    In this episode we are joined by my Graduate Assistant, Brittany Phelps, who is interested in podcasting and she shares some of her experiences with online and hybrid learning at EIU.

    This podcast was edited by Eric Hernandez, Graduate Assistant at the ITC.

    Right-click here to download.

    If you experience buffering please download the file locally for smooth playback or subscribe using your favorite podcast app.

    Show Notes:

    Technology Picks of the Week

    Tom's Tech Pick of the Week

    PowerPoint Presenter Coach

    Brittany's Tech Pick of the Week

    That wraps it up for Episode 228 of TechTalk4Teachers. For show notes please visit eiu.edu/itc and click on the TechTalk4Teachers link. Until next time, this is Tom Grissom and Eric Hernandez. Keep on Learning!

    Keep on Learning,
    Tom Grissom, Ph.D.

    Twitter: @tomgrissom

    Visit the EIU Instructional Technology Center website for more content:


    ITC Techshare YouTube Channel

    ITC Chronicles Blog