
    Episode 25: Hair-Raising Horror Week III - Magick

    en-usOctober 27, 2022

    About this Episode

    Does magick exist? If so, what is it? Do you practice magick? How do you feel about those that do? Is it possible that everyone practices magick and is unaware of that fact? Pull up a chair and strap in.

    Catch the video livestream with Doc Side Media from 10-22-22 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXh3Ge7Hwwk

    Adam Taula: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheParanormalPolynesian
    Ashley Hilt: https://open.spotify.com/show/5FVVdkDr3udJxE8gwIOB5G?si=aec056da0ff343df
    Jimothy Strange: https://open.spotify.com/show/4GYholreImH79pPtP63SzG?si=7df68fc550764d46
    Kiki Dombrowski: https://twitter.com/kikid333
    Nathan Isaac: https://www.pennyroyalpodcast.com/
    Katie Webb: https://www.youtube.com/c/LiminalEarth
    Vincent Treewell: https://open.spotify.com/show/0vwl2EP3EaGKVGwb5ou2dU?si=bb48037a38ef46a7


    Recent Episodes from Paranormal Patio

    Episode 5: Thank You

    Episode 5: Thank You

    “The choice isn’t to move on—life moves whether I want it to or not. No, the choice is to look forward, not backward, to take a step because refusing to move won’t draw the past nearer, only postpone better days.”
    ― Caroline George

    Paranormal Patio
    en-usMarch 11, 2024

    Episode 4: Transdimensional Vessels (ft. Nathan Isaac)

    Episode 4: Transdimensional Vessels (ft. Nathan Isaac)

    Amidst the velvety cloak of the night sky, UFOs emerge like silent specters, dancing on the edge of human comprehension, their origins and intentions veiled in cosmic ambiguity. Flying Saucers traverse the celestial canvas with a grace that defies earthly laws, leaving behind whispers of wonder and whispers of trepidation. In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, UFOs remain as elusive as the secrets of the universe itself, beckoning us to gaze skyward and ponder the mysteries that linger beyond the reach of human understanding.

    Welcome to Paranormal Patio, the podcast that brings you one step closer to the paranormal and occult one patio at a time. Joining us on this paranormal journey are our intrepid guides, Jason and Keith. Pull up a chair.

    In this hair-raising episode, we'll be shedding light on not one, but two compelling UFO incidents that left witnesses bewildered and ignited the flames of curiosity and conspiracy. First, we'll journey to the heartland of America, where a quiet, rural patch of fields and farmland in Indiana was thrust into the spotlight, and the night sky became a backdrop for strange lights. Yes, you guessed it, we're talking about Lucky Point, Indiana.

    Nathan Isaac (of Penny Royal) joins us for the guest interview, highlighting his upcoming project, "Hidden in the Herd".

    But that's not all; we'll also venture into the chilling account of Captain Thomas Mantell, an experienced pilot who met a puzzling fate while pursuing a UFO over Kentucky's skies, an event known as the Mantell UFO Incident.

    These stories are not just about lights in the sky; they're about the unexplained, the otherworldly, and the inexplicable encounters that challenge our understanding of reality. So, fasten your seatbelts, dear listeners, and prepare for a journey that will take you beyond the stars and into the realms of the unknown. Let's lift the curtain on UFOs and discover what lies beneath.


    Music by: Karl Casey @White Bat Audio

    Episode 3: Atypical Disturbance

    Episode 3: Atypical Disturbance

    Monsters that confine their eerie appearances to singular geographic locales weave a tapestry of mystery. These enigmatic creatures become part of the very essence of their surroundings, their tales whispered among the locals. Their isolated presence adds a layer of intrigue, inviting us to ponder the unique forces that shape their existence within a specific corner of the world.

    Welcome to Paranormal Patio, the podcast that brings you one step closer to the paranormal and occult one patio at a time. Joining us on this paranormal journey are our intrepid guides, Jason and Kody. Pull up a chair.

    In this episode, we're embarking on a spine-tingling expedition into the world of two “one-off monsters” that defy the boundaries of reality while completely respecting their own.

    First on our eerie journey is "The Enfield Horror," a creature that terrorized the small town of Enfield, Illinois, in the spring of 1973. This curious beast stood on three legs, had grayish-green skin, and was reported to possess eyes as big as flashlights, each glowing like embers from the abyss. Its appearance left a trail of dread and bewilderment among witnesses, as they grappled with the notion that such a monstrous entity could exist.

    Our second enigma, "Iemisch," hails from the remote reaches of Patagonia, a land steeped in folklore and mystery. Described as a cross between a giant otter, and a ground sloth, with large fangs, Iemich has been a figure of fascination and fear for generations.

    So, fellow explorers of the unexplained, prepare yourselves for a journey that will test the limits of your imagination. Join us as we delve deeper into these extraordinary tales, illuminating the strange and wondrous corners of our mysterious world.



    Music by: Karl Casey @Whitebataudio

    Episode 2: Hysteria, Accusations, and Executions

    Episode 2: Hysteria, Accusations, and Executions

    Mass hysteria can be a terrifying and bewildering phenomenon, capable of spreading like wildfire through a community. When fear and uncertainty take hold, rationality often gives way to irrational beliefs and behaviors. In the grip of mass hysteria, even the most improbable claims can gain unwavering acceptance, leaving a lasting mark on those affected.

    Welcome to Paranormal Patio, the podcast that brings you one step closer to the paranormal and occult one patio at a time. Joining us on this paranormal journey are our intrepid guides, Jason and Keith. Pull up a chair.

    In this episode, we're delving deep into the haunting stories of two women who found themselves entangled in the web of accusations, witchcraft, and the supernatural.

    Our first enigmatic figure, Elizabeth Betsy Reed, was a woman whose life was forever altered by the sinister whispers of her neighbors. Accused of being a witch and accused of the unthinkable – poisoning her own husband – her story is a chilling reminder of the hysteria that once gripped communities, turning neighbor against neighbor.

    Our special guest interview features "The Wild Creek Witch" Logan Canafax!

    Then, prepare to step back in time to the 17th century and into the heart of another dark tale. We'll unravel the eerie story of the Witch of Ridley Creek, Margaret Mattson. Accused of bewitching farm animals and uttering strange incantations while cooking meat in a great cauldron, her presence cast a long shadow of fear over the community.

    Join us as we venture into the fog-shrouded past, where accusations of witchcraft could mean life or death, and where the line between fact and folklore blurs. These tales are just a glimpse into our haunting history.

    So, gather 'round, listeners, and brace yourselves for a journey into the darkest corners of the human psyche. For in the realm of the paranormal, the whispers in the shadows may reveal more than we can ever imagine.



    Music by Karl Casey @Whitebataudio

    Episode 1: Real Monsters

    Episode 1: Real Monsters

    Ghosts, UFOs, aliens, monsters, bumps in the night…it’s easy to tell yourself that it’s all make believe. You have an overactive imagination. There’s no such thing…until there is.

    Welcome to Paranormal Patio, the podcast that brings you one step closer to the paranormal and occult one patio at a time. Pull up a chair.

    In this episode, we're diving deep into the annals of history to uncover the terrifying tales of real-life monsters that have left their mark on our world. Joining us on this paranormal journey are our intrepid guides, Jason and Keith.

    Our first monstrous tale takes us to the rural river valley of the American Midwest, a land where legends are born. Picture this: a vast expanse of dark meadows and thick forests, where the leaves whisper secrets and the shadows hold untold horrors. And in the heart of this nightmarish landscape, there lurked a creature that could make the bravest of souls tremble—Big Jim.

    But that's not all, dear listeners. Our journey into the unknown doesn't end there. We'll also unravel the enigmatic and mystical ties of one of history's most intriguing figures—Rasputin, the healer, the mystic, and some say, a conduit to the supernatural. His story is laced with intrigue, betrayal, and whispers of dark rituals that would make your blood run cold.

    In the haunting twilight hours, an unsettling truth lingers just beyond the boundaries of our perception. It is said that monsters walk amongst us, their presence known only to those who dare to seek them. They dwell in the shadows, camouflaged within the mundane, biding their time until curious eyes pierce the veil. In that moment, when the heart races and the senses sharpen, the monsters emerge from the darkness. But they are not visible to all; only those with the audacity to acknowledge their existence will glimpse the eerie reality that lurks beneath the surface of our world. Thus, we remain surrounded by the unseen, our reality a fragile construct, where monsters are as real as the darkness itself and come in many different forms.


    Theme Song by Karl Kasey @Whitebataudio

    Episode 13: Hair-Raising Horror Week 4 - Episode 04

    Episode 13: Hair-Raising Horror Week 4 - Episode 04

    Welcome to Hair-Raising Horror Week 4! This year, I wanted to do something different and so I asked three of my favorite guests to join me in playing a tabletop roleplaying game called "Call of Cthulhu" (which is sort of Dungeons and Dragons for weirdos.)
    Admittedly, it doesn't start to get weird and spooky until Episode 2, but buckle up!
    Make sure you check out/follow/subscribe to all of my guests:
    Steve Berg - https://linktr.ee/steveberg
    Tobias Wayland - https://www.singularfortean.com/
    Martin Shaw - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/25858095.Martin_R_Shaw
    Theme music: The Alchemist - Karl Kasey - White Bat Audio

    Episode 12: Hair-Raising Horror Week 4 - Episode 03

    Episode 12: Hair-Raising Horror Week 4 - Episode 03

    Welcome to Hair-Raising Horror Week 4! This year, I wanted to do something different and so I asked three of my favorite guests to join me in playing a tabletop roleplaying game called "Call of Cthulhu" (which is sort of Dungeons and Dragons for weirdos.)
    Admittedly, it doesn't start to get weird and spooky until Episode 2, but buckle up!
    Make sure you check out/follow/subscribe to all of my guests:
    Steve Berg - https://linktr.ee/steveberg
    Tobias Wayland - https://www.singularfortean.com/
    Martin Shaw - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/25858095.Martin_R_Shaw
    Theme music: The Alchemist - Karl Kasey - White Bat Audio

    Episode 11: Hair-Raising Horror Week 4 - Episode 02

    Episode 11: Hair-Raising Horror Week 4 - Episode 02

    Welcome to Hair-Raising Horror Week 4! This year, I wanted to do something different and so I asked three of my favorite guests to join me in playing a tabletop roleplaying game called "Call of Cthulhu" (which is sort of Dungeons and Dragons for weirdos.)
    Admittedly, it doesn't start to get weird and spooky until Episode 2, but buckle up!
    Make sure you check out/follow/subscribe to all of my guests:
    Steve Berg - https://linktr.ee/steveberg
    Tobias Wayland - https://www.singularfortean.com/
    Martin Shaw - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/25858095.Martin_R_Shaw
    Theme music: The Alchemist - Karl Kasey - White Bat Audio

    Episode 10: Hair-Raising Horror Week 4 - Episode 01

    Episode 10: Hair-Raising Horror Week 4 - Episode 01

    Welcome to Hair-Raising Horror Week 4! This year, I wanted to do something different and so I asked three of my favorite guests to join me in playing a tabletop roleplaying game called "Call of Cthulhu" (which is sort of Dungeons and Dragons for weirdos.)
    Admittedly, it doesn't start to get weird and spooky until Episode 2, but buckle up!
    Make sure you check out/follow/subscribe to all of my guests:
    Steve Berg - https://linktr.ee/steveberg
    Tobias Wayland - https://www.singularfortean.com/
    Martin Shaw - https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/25858095.Martin_R_Shaw
    Theme music: The Alchemist - Karl Kasey - White Bat Audio

    Episode 9: Folklore of Weird Egypt w/Misteyre Creations

    Episode 9: Folklore of Weird Egypt w/Misteyre Creations

    Pull up a chair! My guests in this episode are here to talk about "Weird Egypt" (or, as I like to call it: home). The Southern tip of Illinois is locally known as "Little Egypt" due to comparisons of the land between rivers resembling Egypt. Because of this, there are several towns and areas named with Egyptian correspondences. But, that's not the weird part. Join us as we discuss the book, "Weird Egypt: The Case for Supernatural Geology" by late author, Jim Jung.
