
    Episode 27: The Law of Attraction is Always Working For You.

    enApril 01, 2020

    About this Episode

    Stephanie discusses the power of thoughts and energy. She shares insight on the Law of Attraction and highlights how just because we are quarantined and practicing social distancing, the Law of Attraction hasn't stopped working. In this episode, Stephanie invites you to be deliberate with your thoughts and she provides four tips to help you stay in alignment, relieve anxiety, and overall elevate your energy:

    1. Create a word for the day or for the week. By having a word for the week, it is like a go-to when you find yourself drifting to what brings you to worry and anxiety. Maybe your word will be allow, faith, love, or patience, anything that resonates with you. If you start to fall into fear or if you begin to experience anxiety, remind yourself of your word and focus on that.
    2. Begin identifying one thing you can do daily for your mind, body, and spirit. This practice helps you stay in alignment and feel good. For example 1) mind: start the day with affirmations, 2) body: move your body, practice yoga, 3) spirit: paint, color, journal, listen to music, dance.
    3. Meditate - every morning for at least 10 minutes (work your way up to more time). Check out guided meditations on YouTube. There are tons of options.
    4. Start the morning by declaring how you will choose to feel. When you wake up and you start your morning routine, before anything, get clear on how you will feel.  For example, you could declare something like "Today I feel happy and satisfied." Declare it, own it, and then focus on only that which supports how you want to feel and in the moments you begin to fall out of alignment with how you want to feel, notice it and refocus on the feeling you declared. You can do this as many times as you need to.

    Stephanie also announces every Wednesday at 3pm EST, starting April 1st, she will be co-hosting free webinars with Kimberly Ibarra, author of Master Your Mind, via Zoom as a way to offer support and hold the space for you during these challenging times. Contact her to join.

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Recent Episodes from The Mindful Living Podcast

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    Episode 54: How To Reduce Stress.

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    If you need a guide to help you release the weight of stress, check out her most recent book, Unpack Your Bags, Your Self-Help Guide To Inner Peace.

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: Unpack Your Bags, WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 53: How to Release Emotional Baggage.

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    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: Unpack Your Bags, WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 52: Unpack Your Bags is LIVE!

    Episode 52: Unpack Your Bags is LIVE!

    Stephanie is stoked to announce her FIFTH book 'Unpack Your Bags, Your Self-Help Guide To Inner Peace' has been released and is available on Amazon and Kindle. 

    FREE Kindle version promo starts January 11th - January 14th. 

    Order your copy NOW + get excited to experience inner peace.

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 51: How to Stop Future Tripping.

    Episode 51: How to Stop Future Tripping.

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    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 50: The Difference Between Enabling + Empowering.

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    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 49: How to Hold Boundaries + Manage Holiday Triggers.

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    Strategies for Holding Boundaries: 1) Self-Awareness, 2) Clear Communication, 3) Set Realistic Expectations.

    Strategies for Managing Triggers: 1) Self-Care, 2) Support System, 3) Exit Strategy.

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 48: Prioritize Your Mental Health.

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    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 47: Transform Your Pain into Inner Peace.

    Episode 47: Transform Your Pain into Inner Peace.

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    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 46: How to Make the Most Out of Each Day.

    Episode 46: How to Make the Most Out of Each Day.

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    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find all of Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 45: Face Your Fears.

    Episode 45: Face Your Fears.

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    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find all of Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.