
    About this Episode

    Stephanie discusses the concept of contrast, which is the felt difference between what you WANT and what you are experiencing in the actual moment. She invites you to see the current experience of COVID19 as an experience of contrast. She shares how choosing to see this experience as contrast will help you experience a deeper sense of gratitude and appreciation because once you know what you don't want, you're able to know what you do want.

    Stephanie shares a way to begin the practice of contrast to be:

    Pay attention – moment to moment – when you find yourself not feeling good and experiencing a situation that feels unpleasant, notice it and before you go down the trail of negativity say “Thank you for this moment that doesn’t feel good because of this moment, I will know when I feel good and for that I am grateful.

    Stephanie ends this episode with a prayer, feel free to use this prayer daily or as often as needed if it resonates with you:

    Universe, thank you for contrast. I am so grateful for contrast; I can find appreciation for the moments that don’t feel good and for the experiences that I least desire because when I experience what I least desire it reveals to me what I most desire and for that I am grateful.

    I know everything is happening for me and I know there is always a lesson to learn. I am ready to demonstrate my ability to accept what is and to find the good even in moments of contrast. I know and I believe without dark, there is no light, with no light, there is no dark. Even in times when it seems dark is greater, I will shine my light and I will choose light, for I know light always wins. I am ready to experience what I most desire, I am ready to feel good. I will choose to do what love would do; I choose to be more like you. Thank you, Universe.

    To learn more about Stephanie visit www.themindfulliving.com and follow her on Instagram @mindfulliving.now, Emenator @mindfulliving, and Facebook @mindfulliving. Find Mindful Makeover on Amazon.

    Recent Episodes from The Mindful Living Podcast

    Episode 54: How To Reduce Stress.

    Episode 54: How To Reduce Stress.

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    If you need a guide to help you release the weight of stress, check out her most recent book, Unpack Your Bags, Your Self-Help Guide To Inner Peace.

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: Unpack Your Bags, WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 53: How to Release Emotional Baggage.

    Episode 53: How to Release Emotional Baggage.

    Stephanie shares insight on emotional baggage and the impacts of carrying old weight from the past. She discusses how emotional baggage from the past can manifest as addiction, alcoholism, mental health struggles, self-limiting beliefs, and self-sabotaging behaviors. Stephanie offers actionable steps to get on the path of inner peace and highlights how worthy YOU are. Stephanie also shares what inspired her most recent book, Unpack Your Bags, Your Self Help Guide To Inner Peace.


    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: Unpack Your Bags, WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 52: Unpack Your Bags is LIVE!

    Episode 52: Unpack Your Bags is LIVE!

    Stephanie is stoked to announce her FIFTH book 'Unpack Your Bags, Your Self-Help Guide To Inner Peace' has been released and is available on Amazon and Kindle. 

    FREE Kindle version promo starts January 11th - January 14th. 

    Order your copy NOW + get excited to experience inner peace.

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 51: How to Stop Future Tripping.

    Episode 51: How to Stop Future Tripping.

    Stephanie defines future tripping and discusses the impacts and how it is a barrier to personal growth. Stephanie also shares 5 strategies to overcome future tripping: 1) Practice Mindfulness, 2) Setting Realistic Goals, 3) Embracing Flexibility, 4) Cultivate Gratitude, 5) Positive Reframing. 


    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 50: The Difference Between Enabling + Empowering.

    Episode 50: The Difference Between Enabling + Empowering.

    Stephanie discusses the difference between enabling and empowering, specifically regarding relationships. Stephanie highlights what makes a healthy relationship and offers action steps to create positive change and nourish the relationship with yourself and others.


    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 49: How to Hold Boundaries + Manage Holiday Triggers.

    Episode 49: How to Hold Boundaries + Manage Holiday Triggers.

    Stephanie discusses the importance of holding boundaries and managing triggers this holiday season, and she shares the following strategies to be practical tools to support you during the holiday season:

    Strategies for Holding Boundaries: 1) Self-Awareness, 2) Clear Communication, 3) Set Realistic Expectations.

    Strategies for Managing Triggers: 1) Self-Care, 2) Support System, 3) Exit Strategy.

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @stephanierobilio, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 48: Prioritize Your Mental Health.

    Episode 48: Prioritize Your Mental Health.

    Stephanie discusses the importance of prioritizing your mental health and highlights mental health as the foundation of well-being. Stephanie also provides insight into the connection between the mind and body and shares the positives of prioritizing mental health.

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 47: Transform Your Pain into Inner Peace.

    Episode 47: Transform Your Pain into Inner Peace.

    Stephanie discusses how to transform pain into inner peace and take life's challenges and turn them into a source of healing and growth. Stephanie highlights the following critical steps: acknowledgment, acceptance, forgiveness, self-reflection, and mindfulness. She emphasizes how every person is worthy of experiencing life with inner peace. Stephanie also shares an exciting announcement about her next product drop! 

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 46: How to Make the Most Out of Each Day.

    Episode 46: How to Make the Most Out of Each Day.

    Stephanie discusses the importance to make the most out of each day and highlights four ways to do so: 1) Be present every day, in the NOW, the only time you have, 2) Be so concerned about the way you feel, 3) Prioritize self-care, and 4) Self-reflect and adjust accordingly. Stephanie also highlights how important it is to do less of what stresses you and more of what brings you happiness. She shares insight on how your internal narrative can either support you or bring you down.

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find all of Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.

    Episode 45: Face Your Fears.

    Episode 45: Face Your Fears.

    Stephanie discusses how running from yourself can cause you to miss out on opportunities. She discusses how fear is natural yet how important it is to identify your fears, examine the validity of each, and create a strategy to be able to show up despite fear being present. Stephanie empowers you to move out of your own way so you can set yourself up for success in mind, body, and spirit.

    To learn more about Stephanie, visit www.stephanierobilio.com and follow her on Instagram @stephanierobilio, Facebook @mindfulliving, and subscribe to her on YouTube Stephanie Robilio. Find all of Stephanie's books on Amazon: WellNow, Mindful Makeover, Painted Soul, and Bonafide Spirit.