
    About this Episode

    The role of the chief financial officer, the CFO, is one that continues to evolve and grow in breadth.
    How has the pandemic reinforced the importance of the CFO role beyond financial stewardship? Clive Webb, ACCA's Senior Insights Manager, Professional Insights discusses this and other trends in our joint report with the IMA 'The CFO of the Future' with Helen Morgan, CFO Character.com, ACCA Panel member and Brendan Sheehan, Change and Agility expert, ACCA Global Council Member, and Chair of the audit committee. 

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    Episode 8: Risk culture: Conduct and culture MI

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    • Being aware of taxpayers (and agents) situation
    • Being responsive
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    Let us know whether you found this podcast interesting and what other topics you would like to hear covered at ukpolicy@accaglobal.com

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    en-gbDecember 05, 2023

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    Episode 52: Match Fit Finance- Creating a successful application (episode 2)

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