
    EPISODE #32: Fashion Stories and the Touraine headdress (English version)

    en-usJanuary 16, 2024

    About this Episode

    Welcome to My Fashion Stories Box Podcast’s Season 4! Starting from now on, the episodes will be available in English and in French. To start this new cycle, we will talk about the local Touraine headdress. I, myself, was born in the city of Tours and my family has been living in the Touraine region for some generations, and it became an evidence for me to dedicate some times researching this fashion item. To share the first results of my researches dedicated to the origins of this headpiece, I organized on November 24 2023 a conference followed by an exhibition, entitled “The Touraine headdresses – To the origins” in partnership with the association “Histoire et Patrimoine de Saint-Christophe-sur-le-Nais”. 

    In this episode we will cover:

    • The Touraine headdress, an anatomy
    • The symbolism of the patterns and the embroidery 
    • How the headdress was worn and by whom
    • Its possible origins

     Follow me in this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast to discover the mysteries of a French local headpiece: the Touraine headdress. 

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    Recent Episodes from My Fashion Stories Box Podcast

    EPISODE #32: Fashion Stories and the Touraine headdress (English version)

    EPISODE #32: Fashion Stories and the Touraine headdress (English version)

    Welcome to My Fashion Stories Box Podcast’s Season 4! Starting from now on, the episodes will be available in English and in French. To start this new cycle, we will talk about the local Touraine headdress. I, myself, was born in the city of Tours and my family has been living in the Touraine region for some generations, and it became an evidence for me to dedicate some times researching this fashion item. To share the first results of my researches dedicated to the origins of this headpiece, I organized on November 24 2023 a conference followed by an exhibition, entitled “The Touraine headdresses – To the origins” in partnership with the association “Histoire et Patrimoine de Saint-Christophe-sur-le-Nais”. 

    In this episode we will cover:

    • The Touraine headdress, an anatomy
    • The symbolism of the patterns and the embroidery 
    • How the headdress was worn and by whom
    • Its possible origins

     Follow me in this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast to discover the mysteries of a French local headpiece: the Touraine headdress. 

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    EPISODE #31: Les histoires de mode et la coiffe tourangelle (version française)

    EPISODE #31: Les histoires de mode et la coiffe tourangelle (version française)

    Bienvenus dans le premier épisode en français de My Fashion Stories Box Podcast! Dorénavant, les épisodes seront disponibles en français et en anglaise. Pour inaugurer ce nouveau cycle, les histoires de mode parleront de la coiffe tourangelle. Originaire de la Touraine, j’ai organisé le 24 novembre 2023 une conférence-exposition intitulée “Les Coiffes tourangelles – Aux origines” avec l’association Histoire et Patrimoine de Saint-Christophe-sur-le-Nais. Ce fut l’occasion pour moi de partager les résultats de mes premières recherches visant à découvrir l’ancêtre de la coiffe tourangelle.

    Dans cet épisode nous parlerons de :

    • La coiffe tourangelle, son anatomie
    • La symbolique des broderies et des motifs représentés
    • La manière dont était portée la coiffe et par qui
    • Les origines possibles

     Suivez-moi dans ce nouvel épisode de My Fashion Stories Box Podcast pour découvrir les mystères d’une coiffe régionale française : la coiffe tourangelle.

    Vous pouvez suivre My Fashion Stories Box Podcast sur Instagram  pour completer l’écoute de cet episode avec des visuels. 

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    EPISODE #30: Fashion Stories & Coco Chanel, a free spirit in the fashion industry

    EPISODE #30: Fashion Stories & Coco Chanel, a free spirit in the fashion industry

    In this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast, we will talk about Gabrielle Chanel, the woman who didn’t want to dress as the others. We will talk about:

    • Her personality
    • Her time
    • And, how all these influenced the fashion she created.

    Follow me in this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast to understand the behind the scenes which transformed Gabrielle Chanel into Coco and Mademoiselle, the free spirit of the fashion industry. 

    To go further: "The Allure of Chanel" by Paul Morand.

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    EPISODE #29: Fashion Stories & the Middle Ages, fashion at the time of the fin'amor

    EPISODE #29: Fashion Stories & the Middle Ages, fashion at the time of the fin'amor

    In this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast, we will travel back in time to the Middle Ages and, more precisely, to the 12th century. Why this century more than another? Well, because, this is the century of the “fin’amor”, l’amour courtois or courtly love.

    • What is the fin’amor, or courtly love?
    • How did the 12th century society look like?
    • And, more precisely, how did people dress during this century of courtly love?

     These are some of the main questions we will try to answer during this episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast. Follow me to the 12th century with a look back in the time of the all-powerful Eleonor of Aquitaine.

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    EPISODE #28: Fashion Stories & Make love not war, A Story of Hippie Fashion

    EPISODE #28: Fashion Stories & Make love not war, A Story of Hippie Fashion

    Today’s episode will be dedicated to the 70s fashion, the Flower Power, the Hippies and their influence on the fashion styles of this decade not like any other.

    In this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast, we will try to answer the following questions about the Hippies:

    • Who were the Hippies?
    • What were their demands?
    • How did their messages translate into their lifestyle and fashion style?
    • What legacy did they leave?

    At the end of this episode, you will have a better understanding of the 70s fashion and why this decade is still a big source of inspiration nowadays.

    Follow me in this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast to know more about the Flower Power, the Hippie Fashion and the 70s fashion!

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    EPISODE #27: Fashion Stories & Les Incroyables et les Merveilleuses, the post French Revolution fashion influencers

    EPISODE #27: Fashion Stories & Les Incroyables et les Merveilleuses, the post French Revolution fashion influencers

    Did you know the Incroyables and the Merveilleuses? No? They were the post French Revolution fashion influencers, men and women with a certain fashion style, but not only… In this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast, we will discover more about them. Together, we will:

    • Understand the historical and political context in which they took part;
    • Analyse their origins and their lifestyle;
    • Decifer the messages they wanted to communicate through their experimentation in clothes and fashion style.

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    EPISODE #26: Fashion Stories & Marie Antoinette: a 18th century fashion icon

    EPISODE #26: Fashion Stories & Marie Antoinette: a 18th century fashion icon

    2023 is off a flying start with this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box podcast dedicated to the very controversial but so interesting Marie-Antoinette. In this episode, we will: 

    • Learn a bit more about Marie-Antoinette, her family, her life before moving to Versailles and becoming the future last Queen of France.
    • See how Marie-Antoinette started to use fashion to impose herself and the many controversies her different styles created.
    • Look at her legacy in fashion and haute couture. 

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    My Fashion Stories Box Podcast
    en-usJanuary 14, 2023

    EPISODE #25: Fashion Stories & Catherine of Medici: a Renaissance fashion icon

    EPISODE #25: Fashion Stories & Catherine of Medici: a Renaissance fashion icon

    The heroin of this episode is Catherine of Medici and her inputs to the fashion of her time. Together, we will:

    • Learn a bit more about her, not so easy, life as Queen of France and the black legend around her.
    • Discover a bit more about the Renaissance fashion for women.
    • Go through the main inputs of Catherine of Medici into the Renaissance fashion.
    • See how she is inspiring modern days designers. 

    Happy listening!

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    EPISODE #24: Fashion Stories & the Fashion Weeks: some historical inspirations?

    EPISODE #24: Fashion Stories & the Fashion Weeks: some historical inspirations?

    In today’s episode, I will analyse the last Paris Fashion Week which took place from September 26 to October 4 2022, showcasing the Women’s Ready to Wear Spring Summer 2023 collections. In this new episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast:

    • I will axe my analysis to the potential historical inspirations fashion brands and their creative designers might have had.
    • I will explain you the analysis methodology I used for this.
    • I will share with you my general impressions about the Paris Fashion Week.
    • And I will tell you the main historical references I spotted and analyse the most “historically” inspired fashion shows.

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    EPISODE #23: Fashion Stories & Elsa Schiaparelli – A life in Shocking Pink

    EPISODE #23: Fashion Stories & Elsa Schiaparelli – A life in Shocking Pink

    Today, we will be all Shocking Pink with an episode dedicated to the surrealist Elsa Schiaparelli.

    In this episode of My Fashion Stories Box Podcast:

    • we will try to understand what made Elsa Schiaparelli, the fashion phenomenon of the 30s. 
    • We will try to know who was Schiap, as she liked to nickname herself, 
    • how she ended up in the fashion industry.
    • We will see the Schiap’s universe, what made her different from the other big designer of that time, Coco Chanel.
    • We will look at the evolution of the House of Schiaparelli today, under the creative direction of Daniel Roseberry.

    And I will tell you everything about the new exhibition currently happening at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris and dedicated to “Les Mondes Surréalistes d’Elsa Schiaparelli”.

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.

    Follow My Fashion Stories Box Podcast on Instagram for visual diaries going along with the episodes.