
    About this Episode

    Hi everyone,


    In this episode the following points and questions are addressed:


    • What is the purpose of the weekend in your opinion and how it aligns to the opinions of others. Or is there an general alignment?
    • Do you see weekend as an opportunity to relax or opportunity to work on your goals? I guess this completely depends on your goals.
    • Weekend and opportunity it presents to work on your goals and dreams, as well as setting the foundation for the upcoming week. Time to grind or time to play? Which option aligns with your mission?
    • By dedicating 5-8+ hours on Saturday and Sunday to get closer to your personal and professional goals, are you taking time away or adding more time to spend with your family? This is difficult, but not impossible question to answer.
    • The importance of time and how it can help or hurt your mission in the long run?
    • Ways we can use weekends to maximize our time available to establish and work towards completing those goals, which ultimately should lead you closer to your lifetime dream(s). You may not currently see the weekend the same way I do, and that's ok, but I want to show you how change in our daily activities, including weekends,  can be the different between standing still and moving forward.

    If you are interested in latest updates delivered weekly directly to you via email, you may sign up for free Leadership Digest by clicking this link: http://eepurl.com/b0ReHz


    Alex Kheyson

    Recent Episodes from Aleksandr E Kheyson | Heart & Mind of a Leader

    Finding Happiness Series - 16. Dealing with stress - Self-inspiration and motivation

    Finding Happiness Series - 16. Dealing with stress - Self-inspiration and motivation

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Dealing with Stress - Self-Inspiration and Motivation

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


    Finding Happiness Series - 15. Unhappiness Caused by Too Much Success

    Finding Happiness Series - 15. Unhappiness Caused by Too Much Success

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Unhappiness Caused by Too Much Success

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


    Finding Happiness Series - 14. Affirmations, Visualizations, and Vision Boards

    Finding Happiness Series - 14. Affirmations, Visualizations, and Vision Boards

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Affirmations, Visualizations, and Vision Boards

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


    Finding Happiness Series - 13. Living in a Moment One Day at a Time

    Finding Happiness Series - 13. Living in a Moment One Day at a Time

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Living in a Moment One Day at a Time

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


    Finding Happiness Series - Topic 12. The Power of Smile and Positive Energy - Unleashing Positivity Within You

    Finding Happiness Series - Topic 12. The Power of Smile and Positive Energy - Unleashing Positivity Within You

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - The Power of Smile and Positive Energy - Unleashing Positivity Within You

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


    Finding Happiness Series - 11. Daily Positive Mind-Setting Techniques - Ways to Keep Negative Thoughts Out of Your Mind

    Finding Happiness Series - 11. Daily Positive Mind-Setting Techniques - Ways to Keep Negative Thoughts Out of Your Mind

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Daily Positive Mind-Setting Techniques - Ways to Keep Negative Thoughts Our of Your Mind.

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


    Finding Happiness Series - 10. Motivation Roadblocks and Ways to Overcome Them

    Finding Happiness Series - 10. Motivation Roadblocks and Ways to Overcome Them

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Motivation Roadbloack and Ways to Overcome Them.

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


    Finding Happiness Series - 9. Living the life full of energy and motivation

    Finding Happiness Series - 9. Living the life full of energy and motivation

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Living the life full of energy and motivation - Returning to a 'Happy Place' when inner peace is desired.

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


    Finding Happiness Series - 8. Never Say the word 'Never' - Life is an unpredictable rollercoaster full of ups and downs, twists and turns

    Finding Happiness Series - 8. Never Say the word 'Never' - Life is an unpredictable rollercoaster full of ups and downs, twists and turns

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Never Say the word 'Never' - Life is an unpredictable rollercoaster full of ups and downs, twists and turns

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


    Finding Happiness Series - 7. Life Free of Regrets - Living in the present and making the time for people whom we love and care about vs. living in the land of our memories

    Finding Happiness Series - 7. Life Free of Regrets - Living in the present and making the time for people whom we love and care about vs. living in the land of our memories

    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Life Free of Regrets - Living in the present and making the time for people whom we love and care about vs. living in the land of our memories.

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.
