

    en-usNovember 22, 2021

    About this Episode

    Lone wolf Emad Jamil Al Swealmeen got into a taxi on

    November 14, 2021 and asked the driver to take him to the

    Liverpool Cathedral, where thousands were commemorating 

    Remembrance Day, honoring British service members. 

    When roadblocks diverted them, he asked to go to Women’s 

    Hospital instead. Fortunately, the taxi driver noticed he was 

    fiddling with his suicide vest and locked the terrorist inside 

    the cab, so no one was killed when it exploded except Al 

    Swealmeen himself.

    For now, Al Swealmeen remains a mysterious and 

    enigmatic character, having left a trail of lies from the time he

    arrived in England in 2014 and repeatedly applied for -and 

    kept getting rejected from- asylum. Though the attack did cause 

    ’terror’ throughout the UK, it had a silver lining: it revealed 

    gaping loopholes in counterterrorism efforts. For one, rejected 

    asylum-seekers aren’t deported soon enough. And two, they 

    have been gaming the system by pretending to give up their 

    beliefs in Islam and converting to Christianity - a scam fondly 

    called ‘Pray to Stay’.

    Al Swealmeen converted in 2017, having undoubtedly  

    learned that, if one asserts it would mean certain death to 

    return home, after having abdicated their religion, they 

    would have a better chance at being granted asylum. You 

    will hear about what possibly motivated Al Swealmeen to 

    become a suicide bomber: from mental health issues to 

    Radical Islamists having made him feel guilty for converting 

    and convincing him that his only salvation is a jihadist act, 

    to the most likely explanation: he never gave up his Radical 

    Islamist beliefs, despite pulling the wool over everyone’s

    eyes, and finally took revenge when he realized his days of 

    being able to remain in England were coming to an end. One 

    thing is certain, there will undoubtedly be copycat attacks 

    and more ’taxi terrorists’.

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