
    About this Episode

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Transformational Therapy podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed.

    In this episode, I dive into the deep and often misunderstood realm of Cluster B Personality Disorders. These disorders, including Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders, affect a significant number of individuals, often causing distress for both those diagnosed and those in their circle of relationships. I explore the typical behavioral patterns, the reasons behind them, and the often subtle, yet impactful manipulation tactics they can employ.

    We begin with a brief overview of what Personality Disorders are, then discuss Cluster B Personality Disorders breaking down each one to understand their distinct features and challenges.

    The main segment of this episode focuses on manipulation tactics often associated with these disorders. From gaslighting to victim playing and pity-plays, from fear, obligation, guilt (FOG), we examine how these tactics manifest in everyday situations. This episode provides practical examples, helping listeners to identify these strategies and understand their psychological underpinnings.

    Throughout the episode, we reiterate that, like any mental health issue, these disorders require empathy, understanding, and professional intervention, and are not an excuse for harmful behavior.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of personality disorders, mental health professionals, or those who have been personally affected by these conditions. Remember, knowledge is power, and understanding these disorders is a critical step towards reducing stigma, fostering empathy, and promoting mental health awareness.


    Recent Episodes from Viking Mindset Transformational Therapy

    Episode 74 – Podcast Season 2 Episode 22 (74): The 1st episode in a 10 Episode Series "The Boundary Blueprint: The Fundamentals of Personal Boundaries"

    Episode 74 – Podcast Season 2 Episode 22 (74): The 1st episode in a 10 Episode Series "The Boundary Blueprint: The Fundamentals of Personal Boundaries"

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the 1st in a 10-episode series on the subject of personal boundaries titled “The Boundary Blueprint” I discuss " The Fundamentals of Personal Boundaries." Let’s dive in.

    This is the inaugural episode of our hopefully enlightening 10-episode series entirely devoted to unraveling the intricate tapestry of personal boundaries. Today, we begin this series on a quest to comprehend one of the most pivotal aspects of human interaction and mental health: the essence, establishment, and enforcement of personal boundaries.

    As we begin, it's crucial to understand what personal boundaries represent. In essence, personal boundaries are the invisible lines we draw around ourselves to protect our sense of self-identity and personal space. These boundaries dictate the manner in which we wish to be treated by others, the types of behaviors we accept, and those we refuse, delineating a clear demarcation between ourselves and the external world. Think of them as guidelines, rules, or limits that a person identifies as reasonable, safe, and permissible ways for others to behave towards them, and how they will respond when those limits are crossed.

    But why are personal boundaries so vital? The significance of personal boundaries extends far beyond the mere delineation of personal space; they are fundamental to our mental health, serving as the foundation for building healthy, respectful relationships. Personal boundaries empower us to safeguard our emotional well-being, ensure mutual respect in our interactions, and foster a sense of autonomy and self-respect. They enable us to communicate our needs and desires clearly and concisely, reducing misunderstandings and conflicts while enhancing our connections with others.

    The landscape of personal boundaries is vast and varied, encompassing several distinct types, each with its unique significance and challenges. These include emotional boundaries, which protect our feelings and emotional energy; physical boundaries, which safeguard our personal space and body; intellectual boundaries, which respect our thoughts and ideas; and spiritual boundaries, which honor our beliefs and values. Navigating these different types of boundaries is crucial to building and maintaining healthy relationships, both with ourselves and with others.

    Our episode today is not just an academic exercise; it is a deeply personal exploration into the core of our interpersonal dynamics. By understanding and respecting personal boundaries, we foster environments where trust, respect, and empathy flourish. This series is dedicated to all those who seek to strengthen their relationships, enhance their emotional well-being, and live authentically within the sphere of their personal values and convictions.

    In today’s episode, we aim to lay the foundation for this series by covering the fundamentals of personal boundaries. We will delve into the importance of boundaries for mental health and relationship dynamics, explore the different types of personal boundaries, and discuss the historical and psychological perspectives that have shaped our understanding of this critical concept. My goal is to equip my listeners with the knowledge and tools necessary to establish, communicate, and maintain your boundaries, thus enabling you to navigate the complexities of interpersonal relationships with grace and confidence.

    Episode 73 - The Tenth In a 10 Episode Series Titled “The Enigma of Consciousness: Unraveling the Mind's Greatest Mystery” - " The Future of Consciousness Studies"

    Episode 73 - The Tenth In a 10 Episode Series Titled “The Enigma of Consciousness: Unraveling the Mind's Greatest Mystery” - " The Future of Consciousness Studies"

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the 10th and final episode in a 10-episode series on the subject of consciousness I discuss "The Future of Consciousness Studies." 

    In this 10th and final episode of our series on consciousness, we stand at the precipice of the unknown, gazing into the vast expanse of future possibilities in the realm of consciousness studies. As we embark on this journey together, we delve into the horizon of this fascinating field, exploring the emerging technologies, novel theories, and the potential breakthroughs that lie ahead. Our exploration is not just about understanding consciousness but about redefining the very essence of what it means to be human and how this understanding could revolutionize our future.

    Consciousness studies, a field that resides at the intersection of psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and even quantum physics, has long been shrouded in mystery. It probes the fundamental questions of what it means to be conscious, how consciousness arises from the non-conscious matter, and how subjective experiences emerge from the brain's complex machinery. For centuries, scholars and scientists have sought to unravel these mysteries, making strides in understanding yet often encountering more questions than answers.

    As we look forward to the future of consciousness research, we find ourselves on the cusp of a new era. Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, neuroimaging, and brain-computer interfaces offer unprecedented opportunities to explore the inner workings of the human mind. These tools are not just expanding our capabilities to observe and measure consciousness; they are fundamentally altering our approach to studying it. By leveraging these technologies, researchers can delve deeper into the neural correlates of consciousness, offering insights into how our brains generate the rich tapestry of thoughts, emotions, and experiences that define our existence.

    Episode 72 - The Ninth In a 10 Episode Series Titled “The Enigma of Consciousness: Unraveling the Mind's Greatest Mystery” - " Consciousness and Spirituality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective"

    Episode 72 - The Ninth In a 10 Episode Series Titled “The Enigma of Consciousness: Unraveling the Mind's Greatest Mystery” - " Consciousness and Spirituality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective"

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the 9th in a 10-episode series on the subject of consciousness I discuss " Consciousness and Spirituality: A Cross-Cultural Perspective."

    Consciousness, that luminous thread of awareness weaving through the tapestry of our existence, remains one of the most profound and enigmatic phenomena experienced by humanity. It's the essence of our being, the foundation upon which we construct our reality, and the lens through which we perceive the vast universe around us.

    In parallel, spirituality, with its boundless expressions and interpretations, serves as humanity's timeless quest for meaning, connection, and transcendence. It's a testament to our innate desire to understand the nature of our existence and our place within the cosmos.

    The relationship between consciousness and spirituality is as ancient as it is profound. Across the globe, spiritual traditions have sought to explore and explain this relationship, each offering unique insights into the nature of awareness and the divine.

     Why, then, is it essential to examine this relationship from a cross-cultural perspective? The answer lies in the rich tapestry of human experience and understanding. By weaving together the threads of diverse spiritual traditions, we can gain a more holistic view of consciousness, one that transcends cultural boundaries and deepens our collective insight into the spiritual dimension of our existence. In doing so, we not only enrich our understanding of the world's spiritual heritage but also illuminate the universal aspects of the human quest for meaning and connection.

    In this episode, we’ll discuss the philosophies and practices of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, from the ancient wisdom of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism to the mystical insights of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We will also venture into the spiritual landscapes of indigenous and shamanic traditions, uncovering the role of altered states of consciousness in connecting with the spiritual world. Our exploration will not stop there; we will also delve into modern perspectives on consciousness, examining how contemporary science and spirituality intersect and influence our understanding of this profound subject.

    Episode 71 – Podcast Season 2 Episode 19 (71): The Eighth In a 10 Episode Series Titled “The Enigma of Consciousness: Unraveling The Mind's Greatest Mystery”- "Consciousness in Non-Human Entities: Animal and Beyond"

    Episode 71 – Podcast Season 2 Episode 19 (71): The Eighth In a 10 Episode Series Titled “The Enigma of Consciousness: Unraveling The Mind's Greatest Mystery”- "Consciousness in Non-Human Entities: Animal and Beyond"

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the 6th in a 10-episode series on the subject of consciousness I discuss "Consciousness in Non-Human Entities: Animal and Beyond."

     Consciousness, a concept that has fascinated scholars, philosophers, and scientists for centuries, traditionally conjures images of human thought, emotion, and self-awareness. At its core, consciousness refers to the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. It's this introspective lens through which humans have sought to understand not only themselves but the very fabric of reality. Historically, the study of consciousness has been deeply intertwined with the human experience, often regarded as a unique and defining characteristic of mankind. This anthropocentric view posits consciousness as the pinnacle of cognitive evolution, a mirror reflecting the complexity and depth of human intellect and emotion.

    However, as our understanding of the natural world expands, so too does our perception of consciousness. The traditional boundaries that once separated humans from the rest of the living world are beginning to blur, prompting a reevaluation of what it means to be conscious. This shift in perspective is not merely academic; it touches upon the fundamental ways in which we relate to other beings and the planet itself. In light of this, our episode today seeks to explore the frontiers of consciousness beyond the confines of human experience, venturing into the realms of animals, plants, and potentially other non-human entities.

    Research into animal consciousness has revealed startling complexities within the animal kingdom, challenging our preconceptions about intelligence and emotional depth. Studies on various species, from the social intricacies of elephants to the problem-solving capabilities of octopuses, suggest that many animals possess forms of consciousness once thought exclusive to humans. These revelations compel us to question the ethical implications of our interactions with these sentient beings, reshaping our responsibilities toward them.

    Episode 70 - The Seventh In a 10 Episode Series Titled “The Enigma Of Consciousness: Unraveling The Mind's Greatest Mystery”- The Ethics of Consciousness: Challenges and Controversies

    Episode 70 - The Seventh In a 10 Episode Series Titled  “The Enigma Of Consciousness: Unraveling The Mind's Greatest Mystery”- The Ethics of Consciousness: Challenges and Controversies

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the 6th in a 10-episode series on the subject of consciousness I discuss The Ethics of Consciousness: Challenges and Controversies."

    Consciousness remains one of the most enigmatic and debated topics in the realms of psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy. At its core, consciousness refers to the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. It is a multifaceted construct, encompassing the experiences of perception, awareness, cognition, and self-awareness that form the backdrop of human existence. Despite centuries of inquiry, a comprehensive definition of consciousness that satisfies all disciplines remains elusive, underscoring the complexity and depth of this phenomenon.

    The significance of consciousness studies cannot be overstated, as they touch upon the most fundamental aspects of human experience and existence. Consciousness is the lens through which we perceive, understand, and interact with the world around us. It informs our thoughts, emotions, actions, and interactions, shaping our reality and our understanding of self. The exploration of consciousness not only holds the key to unraveling the mysteries of the human mind but also poses profound implications for ethics, morality, and the treatment of both non-human entities and artificial intelligences.

    Episode 69 - The Sixth In A 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness: "Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness "

    Episode 69 - The Sixth In A 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness: "Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness "

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the 6th in a 10-episode series on the subject of consciousness I discuss "Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness." 

    In this era of rapid technological advancement, artificial intelligence (AI) stands at the forefront, embodying the pinnacle of human ingenuity and the quest to mirror human intellect and beyond. AI's journey from rudimentary programmed machines to sophisticated systems capable of learning, adaptation, and autonomous decision-making is not just a tale of technological evolution but a profound exploration into the very essence of intelligence and consciousness. This journey beckons us to ponder a question of both scientific intrigue and philosophical depth: Can artificial intelligence achieve consciousness?

    Artificial intelligence, in its broadest sense, is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the information), reasoning (using the rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions), and self-correction. The inception of AI can be traced back to the mid-20th century, when the dream of creating machines capable of thinking like humans began to take shape in the minds of visionary scientists and mathematicians. Pioneers like Alan Turing not only laid the groundwork for computational theory but also dared to ask whether machines could think.

    The evolution of AI from its nascent stage to its current state is a saga marked by groundbreaking achievements and, admittedly, inflated expectations followed by periods of disillusionment, known in the field as "AI winters." Initially, AI research focused on developing systems that could perform tasks considered to require human intelligence, such as solving algebra problems or playing chess. These early systems were rule-based, relying on predefined algorithms to process data and execute tasks. They lacked the ability to learn from their experiences or adapt to new, unforeseen scenarios.


    Episode 68 - The Fifth In a 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness: "- "Altered States of Consciousness: From Meditation to Hallucinations"

    Episode 68 - The Fifth In a 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness: "-  "Altered States of Consciousness: From Meditation to Hallucinations"

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the fifth in a 10-episode series on the subject of consciousness I discuss " Altered States of Consciousness: From Meditation to Hallucinations." 

    In this week's episode, we delve into the intriguing world of altered states of consciousness (ASCs). Throughout history, various cultures and individuals have sought to explore and understand the different realms of consciousness, often venturing beyond the ordinary experiences of daily life. These altered states, which we will examine today, provide a unique window into the human mind, revealing its complexity, adaptability, and the profound depths of human experience.

    In this episode, we will focus on four primary methods through which people achieve altered states of consciousness: meditation, hypnosis, drug use, and sensory deprivation. Each of these methods offers a distinct path to altering our mental state, and each has its unique implications and insights into our understanding of consciousness.

    Our aim is to explore how these altered states differ from our normal state of consciousness and what they can teach us about the capabilities and mysteries of the human mind. Let's embark on this fascinating journey together.

    Episode 67 - The Fourth In a 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness: "In the Realm of Dreams: Unraveling the Mysteries of Consciousness"

    Episode 67 - The Fourth In a 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness: "In the Realm of Dreams: Unraveling the Mysteries of Consciousness"

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the fourth in a 10-episode series on the subject of consciousness I discuss " Consciousness and Dreams." 

    This week, we’re discussing a very interesting subject; dreams and their intricate relationship with consciousness. Dreams, those elusive narratives that unfold in our sleep, have long fascinated humanity. They are a universal experience, yet profoundly personal and often ineffable. Our objective in this episode is to delve deep into understanding dreams and exploring how they intertwine with our waking consciousness.

    Why do we dream? This question has intrigued philosophers, scientists, and dreamers alike for centuries. Dreams have been a source of artistic inspiration, a window into our subconscious, and a subject of scientific speculation. They are an integral part of our psychological landscape, offering a unique perspective on the human mind. The study of dreams opens a dialogue between the known and the unknown, the conscious and the unconscious, the scientific and the mystical.

    In attempting to unravel the mysteries of dreams, we inevitably encounter the concept of consciousness. Consciousness, often defined as our awareness of ourselves and the world around us, remains one of the most profound and elusive subjects in psychology and neuroscience. It's a spectrum that ranges from complete alertness to deep sleep, including various states of awareness in between. Dreams occur in a unique state of consciousness, different from our waking reality yet undeniably connected to it. This intersection of dreams and consciousness presents a fascinating area of exploration, one that bridges the gap between science and the deeper aspects of human experience.

    Episode 66 - The Third In a 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness: Consciousness and the Brain: A Neurological Exploration

    Episode 66 - The Third In a 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness: Consciousness and the Brain: A Neurological Exploration

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the third in a 10-episode series on the subject of consciousness I discuss " Consciousness and the Brain." 

    Introduction: Consciousness and the Brain - A Neurological Exploration

    Welcome, listeners, to another thought-provoking episode of our podcast. Today, we delve into one of the most captivating and enigmatic topics in both philosophy and science: consciousness. This episode, titled "Consciousness and the Brain: A Neurological Exploration," aims to unravel the complex tapestry of consciousness through the lens of neuroscience.

    Consciousness has long been a subject of intrigue and debate. It's the essence of our experiences, the vivid backdrop to our every waking moment, and yet, it remains one of the most elusive phenomena under scientific scrutiny. Historically, the study of consciousness was the realm of philosophers. René Descartes' famous dictum "Cogito, ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am) in the 17th century underlines the centrality of consciousness in our understanding of self. However, with the advent of modern neuroscience, the study of consciousness has transitioned from philosophical speculation to empirical analysis.

    Neuroscience, the scientific study of the nervous system, has made significant strides in understanding how the brain works. It seeks to uncover how billions of interconnected neurons give rise to thought, behavior, and consciousness. The journey of understanding consciousness through neuroscience is akin to assembling a colossal jigsaw puzzle, with each piece representing insights from cognitive psychology, neurology, computational modeling, and even quantum physics.

    Episode 65 - The Second In a 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness: Titled "Echoes of the Mind: Tracing the Ancient Paths of Consciousness"

    Episode 65 -  The Second In a 10 Episode Series Titled The Enigma Of Consciousness:  Titled  "Echoes of the Mind: Tracing the Ancient Paths of Consciousness"

    All information presented here on the Viking Mindset Podcast is for educational purposes only. Nothing heard here should be considered as a substitute for professional help if needed. In this episode, which is the second in a 10-episode series on the subject of consciousness I discuss " The Historical Perspectives on Consciousness." 

    Welcome to this week’s episode, where we delve into ancient philosophies and their views on consciousness. We will explore the intriguing perspectives from three cradles of civilization—Ancient Egypt, India, and Greece—to understand how these early cultures conceptualized the mind and soul. This journey will not only reveal the diversity of thought but also the foundational ideas that have shaped our understanding of consciousness.