
    Episode 4 - The Hidden Faces of Procrastination

    enFebruary 21, 2021

    About this Episode

    Procrastination is something we have all done or been faced with at various points in our lives. And chances are, we loathe ourselves for procrastinating. However, maybe we have been looking at things all wrong.

    In this episode of 60 Seconds with Kei Dubb, Kerri-Anne provides us with fresh, reassuring perspectives.

    Recent Episodes from 60 Seconds with Kei Dubb

    Episode 1 - The Decisions We Make and The Life We Desire

    Episode 1 - The Decisions We Make and The Life We Desire
    In this episode, Kei Dubb looks at a situation that so many of us find ourselves in. That is, desiring a particular kind of life, but make decisions on a daily basis that seem contrary to what we desire.

    Inspirational, motivational, and practical, this episode of 60 Seconds with Kei Dubb will help encourage you to make those decisions daily that help you get where you want to be.