
    Episode 40 - The Pieces Don't Fit

    enJuly 24, 2018

    About this Episode

    This episode's question:

    What do you do if you don't fit into your job?

    As mentioned on the podcast...The Peter Principle  

    Recent Episodes from Leading Questions Podcast

    Episode 105 - Even When He's Wrong, He's Right

    Episode 105 - Even When He's Wrong, He's Right

    In this episode, we answer the question:

    During a recent job interview, I was asked "what values are most important to you as a leader"? What am I supposed to do with that? I was thrown, and I think it hurt me in the interview. I didn't get the job.

    We discussed "Values Inventory" websites in this episode - here's one that you can use, although there are a bunch of others out there. You don't have to use this one. Use whichever one you like - we're not your mother:

    Popinjay (n.): a person given to vain, pretentious displays and empty chatter

    Don't forget to read along with us - in our next bookclub we will be discussing No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer.

    Episode 104 - Generous With His Services

    Episode 104 - Generous With His Services

    Our question this episode...

    My boss gave me a hugely complicated project that involved coordinating a lot of external vendors. I put in quite a bit of legwork in preparation. A month later, he told me he no longer wants to do it.

    How would you suggest breaking this information to all of the vendors I've been coordinating with?

    Don't forget to read along with us as we tackle No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention by Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer for the bookclub!

    Episode 103 - Quickly, to the Pink Squirrel-mobile!

    Episode 103 - Quickly, to the Pink Squirrel-mobile!

    This episode's question...


    My position is cross-functional - I work with people from across the business in a multitude of disciplines. One of the people that I interact with has no boundaries - he is constantly working, day and night and weekends. While that may work for him and his leader, it's not how I and my team operate. Additionally, he refuses to communicate with anyone over anything but a call or meeting. The problem comes in when my team needs to interact with him. He expects others to act the way he does - he sends out emails on Saturdays and Sundays demanding a call over the weekend, he expects others to be available at any time, anywhere, with no regard to their schedules. If they respond that they are booked or unavailable, he replies "It will only take a few minutes." This guy is the core of several projects, so we MUST interact with him, and his leader isn't really - he doesn't coach or train his team and refuses to deal with problems head-on, assuming they will just work themselves out. How do I reign this guy in and protect my team from his craziness?

    In case you're looking to make a Pink Squirrel for yourself after hearing about it, you can find the recipe over on Liquor.com.

    The Pink Squirrel

    Don't forget about our bookclub! We're currently reading Tribes by Seth Godin

    Episode 102 - FINISH HIM!

    Episode 102 - FINISH HIM!

    This episode's question...

    Recently, a former team member interviewed for a postion at my new company. Previously, this person had certain challenges that made them difficult to work with. I have concerns about them bringing those same issues with them now. I asked them about the issues, and they acknowldged the issue and discussed how they had grown from there. I'm skeptical. How do you balance knowledge you have of a person from the past and what they describe of their growth path over the years between then and now when deciding on whether or not to hire them?

    Don't forget about our bookclub! We're currently reading Tribes by Seth Godin

    Episode 100 - Where Everybody Knows Your Name

    Episode 100 - Where Everybody Knows Your Name

    Welcome to the 100th episode of Leading Questions!

    We're doing something a little different to commemorate this episode - instead of a listener question, Dawn and Jer ask each other questions they want to hear the other person answer. So, this time, you get TWO questions!

    Dawn asks Jer...

    You've talked about the path you've taken from being an individual contributor to being a leader - How much of that was intentional, and what was your process for becoming a better leader?

    Jer's question for Dawn is...

    How do you coach someone in something you're actively bad at?

    In case you're wondering - here is the puppet that haunts Jer's nightmares:

    Tarantula Puppet

    And here's the cross-stitch that haunt's Dawn:

    Nearly done cross-stitch Tiny Stitches