
    Episode 41: The University of Colorado School of Medicine

    enDecember 08, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Growth and Traditions at the University of Colorado School of MedicineThe University of Colorado School of Medicine, with its focus on education, research, patient care, and community service, has expanded from its humble beginnings to a reputable institution with advanced research facilities and clinical opportunities throughout Colorado.

      The University of Colorado School of Medicine, which began with just two students and two professors in 1883, has grown into a reputable institution with state-of-the-art research facilities on a 230-acre campus in Aurora. The medical school offers various educational programs for students, residents, and fellows, as well as clinical opportunities throughout the Denver metropolitan area and Colorado. The mission of the school includes a focus on education, research, patient care, and community service. During the podcast, the host also shared information about a unique tradition at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine called Doc Opera, which is a student-written, directed, and starred variety show that raises funds for the student-run clinic and free clinic in Cleveland. This year's event, which has a theme of "Traumia," has been converted to a virtual format, allowing people from outside of Cleveland to attend. Additionally, the host invited listeners to suggest admissions-related topics for potential bonus episodes of the podcast. The guest of the episode was Doctor Jeffrey Soohoo, who has extensive experience in medical education and joined the University of Colorado School of Medicine as the assistant dean of admissions in 2020.

    • Exploring the Admissions Process at University of Colorado School of MedicineThe University of Colorado School of Medicine values diversity and received over 10,000 applications last year, with a commitment to selecting applicants with potential to succeed in their rigorous curriculum.

      The University of Colorado School of Medicine is committed to providing top-notch clinical care through innovative programs and serving the community. Doctor Suhoo, an assistant dean for admissions and ophthalmologist, shares how he found himself involved in the admissions process, which involves looking for applicants with the potential to succeed in the curriculum and thrive on campus. The medical school encourages applications from diverse backgrounds and received over 10,000 applications last year, with 57% being female and an average age of 24. Doctor Suhoo, a Denver resident, shares his personal journey to becoming involved in admissions and his excitement for the opportunity to lead the process.

    • Denver: Urban and Outdoor ExperiencesDenver's unique blend of urban and outdoor activities, accessible weather, and world-renowned venues make it an ideal place to live with something for everyone, allowing residents to enjoy them as weekend getaways or daily experiences.

      Denver, Colorado offers a unique blend of urban and outdoor experiences, making it an ideal place to live with something for everyone. The city is known for its sunny weather, cultural attractions, and world-renowned outdoor venues, such as Red Rocks Amphitheater. Dr. Jeffrey Goldberg, an ophthalmologist and assistant dean at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, emphasizes the accessibility of these activities, allowing residents to enjoy them as weekend getaways or even daily experiences. Additionally, Dr. Goldberg emphasizes the importance of authenticity and the lack of a significant difference between himself and those he interacts with, regardless of their roles. He also acknowledges the personal and impersonal nature of the medical school admissions process, where applicants must present their lives on paper, making it a challenging experience for all involved.

    • Colorado Medical School's New Curriculum: TREKThe TREK curriculum at the University of Colorado School of Medicine accelerates clinical and foundational science learning, emphasizes leadership, curiosity, and commitment, and prepares students for residency through a multidisciplinary approach.

      The University of Colorado School of Medicine is implementing a new curriculum named TREK for the class of 2025. This curriculum, which has been in development for several years, emphasizes leadership, curiosity, and commitment as its primary tenets. The TREK curriculum is designed to accelerate clinical and foundational science learning, with students entering their clinical year as their second year of medical school. The curriculum is divided into stages, including the Plains (Foundational Sciences), Foothills (advanced science courses), and the Summit (focused residency preparation). The Plains curriculum focuses on clinical and foundational science training, while the Foothills stage introduces advanced science courses and individualized learning. The Summit stage prepares students for residency and their future careers as physicians. The curriculum is named after different parts of a hike in Colorado and aims to create a multidisciplinary learning environment by requiring students to interact with basic scientists after clinical experiences.

    • Personalized Medical Education with Longitudinal Clinical ExperiencesThe LIC model at the University of Colorado School of Medicine provides students with longitudinal clinical experiences, fosters curiosity and problem-solving skills, and prepares them for successful careers in medicine.

      The Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC) model at the University of Colorado School of Medicine offers students a unique and personalized medical education experience. Unlike traditional clerkships, which are fragmented and disconnected, LICs provide students with longitudinal clinical experiences and relationships with both patients and faculty. Students have the opportunity to establish rapport and provide continuity of care for patients over an entire year. Additionally, the scholarly activity requirement, which is a mentored and broadly defined project, fosters curiosity and problem-solving skills essential for physicians in any practice setting. The program's partnerships with various hospitals throughout Colorado provide students with diverse clinical experiences and patient populations. Overall, the LIC model at the University of Colorado School of Medicine offers a comprehensive and personalized medical education experience that prepares students for successful careers in medicine.

    • Exploring Learning Opportunities Beyond DenverThe University of Colorado School of Medicine provides students with diverse learning opportunities at LIC sites and branch campuses, including a focus on '1 Health' in Fort Collins and an optional global health track.

      The University of Colorado School of Medicine offers various learning opportunities for medical students beyond its main affiliate hospitals in Denver. These opportunities include Learning Institution (LIC) sites in surrounding towns and branch campuses in Fort Collins and Colorado Springs. Students can express interest in these branches during the application process, but acceptance does not depend on it. The curriculum remains the same across all locations, but delivery methods and faculty mentors may vary. The Fort Collins branch, in collaboration with Colorado State University, has a unique focus on "1 Health," which emphasizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. Additionally, the school offers an optional global health track with partnerships in various countries. Despite the virtual interview process this year, the dean of admissions meets all applicants on interview days.

    • Interdisciplinary Learning at the University of Colorado School of MedicineThe University of Colorado School of Medicine fosters interdisciplinary education and collaboration among students and faculty, preparing them for teamwork in hospitals and promoting excellence in patient care, education, and research.

      The University of Colorado School of Medicine values interdisciplinary education and collaboration among students and faculty. The unique feature of this school is the opportunity for students from various health professions to interact and learn together, mirroring the teamwork found in hospitals. The students are described as a laid-back, collaborative group with diverse backgrounds and goals. Although it's challenging to convey the "vibe" of the campus during virtual interviews, the school is proud of its students' shared goal of becoming physicians and their commitment to excellence in patient care, education, and research. The school takes pride in accepting students with diverse backgrounds and experiences, fostering a supportive community where everyone can succeed.

    • Emphasis on faculty mentoring and holistic admissionsThe University of Colorado School of Medicine values deep relationships between students and faculty, and its admissions process prioritizes applicants' experiences, attributes, and competencies beyond just academic achievements.

      The University of Colorado School of Medicine's new curriculum places a strong emphasis on faculty mentoring and coaching, aiming to develop deep relationships between students and faculty members. This unique feature, along with the commitment to holistic review in the admissions process, values applicants' experiences, attributes, and competencies beyond just academic achievements. Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate how their experiences have affected them and how they have grown from them, showcasing their communication skills, leadership abilities, service orientation, and cultural competency. While it may be challenging for applicants to fully understand the medical school before attending, the admissions process values a clear understanding of why an applicant is drawn to the school and how their goals align with its mission.

    • Understanding the complex medical school admissions processThe University of Colorado School of Medicine values holistic evaluations, but decisions remain challenging as applicants' unique experiences and attributes are considered beyond test scores, GPAs, and clinical hours.

      Medical school admissions is a complex and nuanced process. The University of Colorado School of Medicine, like many other institutions, strives to evaluate applicants holistically, considering their unique experiences, attributes, and opportunities. However, this approach doesn't make the decisions any easier. Applicants may not have the resources or insider information to fully understand what makes a school like the University of Colorado School of Medicine a good fit for them. Admissions committees recognize this and understand that applicants cannot be reduced to just their test scores, GPAs, or clinical hours. The value placed on clinical experiences can vary, and it's not always straightforward. Pre-pandemic, applicants had more opportunities to gain clinical experience, but this year, it's been more challenging. Admissions committees are trying to understand how applicants have demonstrated a commitment to the values of the school in various ways. The holistic approach is about putting context to the applicant's story, but the decisions are still difficult. As an applicant, understanding this process and knowing that you're not reduced to any one specific thing can provide some comfort.

    • Gaining experiences outside of hospital settingsNon-clinical experiences in healthcare can provide valuable insights and shape future careers in medicine. Reflecting on these experiences and sharing growth is essential.

      Gaining experiences related to medicine and healthcare can come in various forms and does not always require being in a hospital setting. The experiences we have, whether clinical or not, can significantly inform our decision to pursue a career in medicine and shape how we approach patient care. The ability to reflect and grow from these experiences is also crucial. For instance, working as a receptionist in a medical office or being a full-time caregiver for a family member with dementia can provide valuable insights into the healthcare system and patient experiences. These roles intersect with the healthcare system in numerous ways, from scheduling appointments to managing medications and transportation. Therefore, these experiences should be considered clinical experiences, and applicants should focus on sharing what they learned and how they grew from these opportunities.

    • Showcasing intellectual curiosity through experiencesDuring medical school applications, focus on the depth and curiosity demonstrated in your experiences, whether medical or non-medical. Older applicants are not preferred but commitment and passion are valued.

      During the medical school application process, the specific label you give to your experiences, whether medical or non-medical, is less important than the depth and curiosity demonstrated in the description. While research experience can be valuable, it's not the only way to showcase intellectual curiosity. Working on projects that address community problems, develop new solutions, and demonstrate a hypothesis and outcome can also be compelling. Regarding age and gap years, the admissions committee at the Colorado School of Medicine looks for applicants who have a well-developed sense of their path to becoming a physician and can demonstrate leadership and commitment. Older applicants are not preferred, but the applicant pool often includes students at various stages in life, and the goal is to admit individuals who are passionate about medicine and committed to learning.

    • Evaluating Applicants through Competency-Based InterviewsMedical school interviews assess applicants' experiences, leadership abilities, and cultural competence, allowing admissions officers to understand personal growth and future impact in the medical field.

      Medical school admissions involve a competency-based assessment process, which includes group and individual interviews. While the format has changed due to the pandemic, the goal remains to evaluate applicants based on their experiences, leadership abilities, and cultural competence. Admissions officers are not fortune tellers, but rather seek to understand how applicants have grown from their mistakes and how they plan to make a positive impact in the medical field. The interview day also provides an opportunity for applicants to learn about the medical school's curriculum, financial aid, and other programs.

    • Getting a feel for the school and its community is challenging onlineTrust instincts, consider logistics, communicate effectively in group interviews, be authentic and honest.

      While the structure of medical school interview days may be similar this year despite the absence of campus visits, the intangible aspects of getting a feel for the school and its community cannot be replicated online. Applicants should trust their instincts when making their decision, but also consider logistical factors such as cost and support systems. Group interviews are an essential part of the process, designed to assess an applicant's ability to communicate effectively in a team setting, as medicine is a collaborative field. Applicants should not view group interviews as a competition but rather an opportunity to meet and learn from their peers. There is no "secret sauce" to acing an interview, and applicants should aim to be authentic and honest throughout the process.

    • Virtual interviews: Making the best of a necessary situationBoth applicants and interviewers should prioritize authenticity, follow etiquette, and communicate openly during virtual interviews to create an effective experience.

      While virtual interviews may not be ideal, they are necessary in the current situation. Applicants should be themselves, follow basic etiquette, and understand that interviewers are doing their best to create an authentic experience. Interviewers, on the other hand, should aim to shorten interviews and make information more asynchronous to reduce virtual fatigue. It's important for both parties to communicate openly about the use of multiple screens during interviews to avoid misunderstandings. Ultimately, everyone involved recognizes that virtual interviews are not perfect, but everyone is doing their best to make the process as effective and authentic as possible. Applicants should focus on being prepared, but not rehearsed, to ensure their authenticity shines through during the interview.

    • Adapting to Virtual Interviews: Maintaining Eye Contact and Understanding Admission DecisionsMaintain eye contact during virtual interviews as best as possible, and be patient when waiting for admission decisions as the school does not provide rank-ordered lists or specific numbers on how many students typically come off the alternate list.

      Adapting to virtual interviews is a challenge for both applicants and interviewers. While it's important to maintain eye contact during in-person interviews, it's not always possible in a virtual environment. Additionally, the interview process at the school involves notifying applicants of their admission decisions within about 4 weeks after the interview day. Students who are placed on the alternate list will be tiered into groups at the end of the season, but the school does not provide a rank-ordered list or specify how many students typically come off the alternate list. For applicants waiting on decisions, the school discourages sending updates or "love letters" due to the volume of communication and the need to maintain fairness for all applicants. As for recommendations, Jeff mentioned the podcast "The Nocturnist" as an excellent resource for understanding the experiences of healthcare workers during the pandemic.

    • The Importance of Continuous Learning and Adaptation in MedicineStay updated, build relationships, maintain a growth mindset, and adapt to new ideas for a successful career in medicine.

      Key takeaway from this conversation with Jeff is the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the field of medicine. Jeff shared his experiences and insights into the ever-evolving world of medical research and how staying updated and flexible is crucial for success. He emphasized the importance of networking and building relationships within the industry, as well as the value of mentors and collaborators. Additionally, Jeff highlighted the significance of maintaining a growth mindset and being open to new ideas and perspectives. Overall, this conversation underscored the importance of dedication, adaptability, and a passion for learning in the pursuit of a successful career in medicine.

    Recent Episodes from All Access: Med School Admissions

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    Episode 71: University of Michigan Medical School Updates

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    Admissions updates and advice form a crucial part of our discussion. Dr. Berman sheds light on the latest changes in the admissions process, emphasizing holistic review practices that seek to identify well-rounded candidates passionate about making a difference in the medical field. She offers invaluable advice for applicants, from highlighting their unique experiences to demonstrating a genuine commitment to healthcare and community service.

    Tune in to gain an insider’s view of medical education at the University of Michigan Medical School how they have forward-looking initiatives in innovative and compassionate physician training.

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

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    Episode 70: AAMC Prospective Applicant Resources

    Episode 70: AAMC Prospective Applicant Resources

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    Join us as we navigate these resources, designed to guide learners and applicants from preparation to application, medical school, and beyond. This episode is a must-listen for anyone embarking on the journey to becoming a medical professional.

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

    HOST: Christian Essman


    Competency-related Resources:

    Other AAMC Resources

    • 2023 AMCAS Workbook
    • Medical School Application Guide: The Official Guide to Medical School Admissions 
    • The Medical School Admission Requirements™ (MSAR®):  is an online database that enables you to browse, search, sort, and compare information about U.S. and Canadian medical schools. You can save notes, favorites, and see how your MCAT, GPA, and completed coursework matches each medical school’s current first-year class and admission requirements.
    • The Premed Navigator: A monthly free newsletter with important dates, information, and tips for applicants and pre-meds.
    • Aspiring Docs Diaries: A blog with pieces written by premeds, med students, and residents.
    • The free Virtual Medical School Fair, held in the Spring and Fall each year, which features several information sessions and typically about 90-100 medical schools from across the United States and Canada.
    • The Fee Assistance Program which benefits include significantly reduced registration fee for the MCAT exam, MCAT prep products, a 2-year subscription to MSAR, AMCAS application with up to 20 medical school submissions, and fee waiver for the PREview professional readiness exam.

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    Join us as we explore the world of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and gain valuable insights into med school admissions with Dr. Roopal Kundu, a dedicated faculty member and an expert in medical education.

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

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    Bonus Episode: Listener Event Announcement!

    Bonus Episode: Listener Event Announcement!

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    During this virtual gathering, Christian Essman will share his knowledge and expertise on the intricate world of medical school admissions. As a seasoned professional in the field, he has guided countless students through the challenging journey of getting into medical school. With his wealth of experience and insider insights, Christian will provide invaluable advice, strategies, and tips to help you navigate the complex admissions process successfully.

    The event will be structured as an interactive Q&A session, allowing participants to ask Christian anything related to med school admissions. Whether you have inquiries about crafting an outstanding personal statement, preparing for interviews, selecting the right medical schools, or seeking guidance on how to stand out among other applicants, Christian will be there to offer his expert advice and address all your concerns.

    THURSDAY, JUNE 15th @ 7:00 pm EST



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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

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    Dr. Kedian also provides valuable insights into the admissions process at UMass Chan. While the school predominantly admits students from Massachusetts, it remains an excellent resource for premeds from all backgrounds. Throughout this conversation, you'll discover a wealth of helpful advice for aspiring medical students, regardless of whether UMass Chan is your state school or not. Join us as we delve into the world of UMass Chan Medical School and med school admissions with Dr. Tracy Kedian, a dedicated family physician and an expert in medical school admissions.

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please! It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool


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    VISTA Curriculum




    Kalte Ohren by Alex (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. https://dig.ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/59612 Ft: starfrosch & Jerry Spoon


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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu    

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    Black cat Funky by reusenoise (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial  (3.0) license. https://dig.ccmixter.org/files/reusenoise/56513 

    Music: Soaring over the sea by Darkroom (c) copyright 2022 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/mactonite/65379 


    Episode 65: Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

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    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please!  It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu    

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



    *FREE! AAMC Virtual Medical School Fair - March 28 & 29, 2023

    MSAR - Medical School Admissions Requirements Guide

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    CONTACT: rwjapadm@rwjms.rutgers.edu 


    Music: Soaring over the sea by Darkroom (c) copyright 2022 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/mactonite/65379 

    Episode 64: Catching Up with Dr. Lina Mehta on Admissions-related Topics

    Episode 64: Catching Up with Dr. Lina Mehta on Admissions-related Topics

    I sat down with Dr. Lina Mehta, Associate Dean for Admissions at the CWRU School of Medicine to discuss some admissions-related topics. We reflected on the previous application cycle, current topics is admissions, and looking ahead to the next cycle. We think you'll find this episode to be informative and, hopefully, entertaining! 

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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu   

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



    Would you like us to speak to your pre-med group?  Email us at allaccess@case.edu and we’ll try to work out something with you!  

    Dr. Mehta’s Current Book Recommendations:

    From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life

    The Immortal Life Henrietta Lacks

    Christian’s Current Book Recommendations: 

    Becoming a Resonant Leader

    Project Hail Mary


    Music: The Vendetta by Stefan Kartenberg (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/JeffSpeed68/58628 Ft: Apoxode


    Episode 63: University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine

    Episode 63: University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine

    Join me for an informative conversation with the Assistant Dean of Admissions, Dr. Dustin Fulton, from UTHSC.  As one of two public allopathic medical schools in the State of Tennessee, it is a popular destination for many premed students.  The College has a strong commitment to training physicians who plan to go into primary care practice. Throughout the 4-year curriculum, students are exposed to primary care options through preceptors and master clinicians in the first two years and during clerkships, electives and junior internships in the clinical phase of the curriculum. They also have an accelerated 3-year curriculum offers a conditional acceptance into a primary care residency program at UTHSC upon completion of the MD degree. 

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please!  It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu   

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 




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    Episode 62: 2022-23 Mid-Cycle Check-In

    Episode 62: 2022-23 Mid-Cycle Check-In

    Checking in midway through the 2022-2023 application cycle with updates and tips for current applicants and advice for prospective applicants. 

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please!  It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu   

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



    AMCAS 2022-2023 Application Guide

    FREE AAMC - Diversifying the Next Generation of Doctors: Career Fair and Workshops

    Saturday, November 12, 2022   |   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT   |   Nashville, TN

    AAMC FACTS - Applicants, Matriculants, Enrollment, Graduates, MD-PhD, and Residency Applicants Data

    Altus - Casper Situational Judgment Test

    AAMC PREview Situational Judgment Test

    Kira Situational Judgment Test 

    See what schools require situational judgment tests - MSAR

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    Charles Wesley Godwin #2

    Charles Wesley Godwin #2

    Charles Wesley Godwin stops by the podcast for the second time to talk about his new record deal with Big Loud and what led him to sign with a Nashville label, his plans for new music this year and dropping his new album 'Family Ties,' opening for Zach Bryan, how he makes his live shows memorable, his love for George Strait and much more.

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    Ep. 33: On being #BlackInChem

    Ep. 33: On being #BlackInChem

    In August 2020, Black chemists and allies took to Twitter to celebrate the inaugural #BlackInChem week. The social media campaign highlighted the diversity and accomplishments of Black chemists at all stages of their career and also created space for candid discussions about the discrimination these scientists face in chemistry. In the latest episode of Stereo Chemistry, host Kerri Jansen and reporter Ariana Remmel hear from Black chemists from a variety of disciplines across academia and industry about the current state of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the chemical sciences and what non-Black allies can do to support Black chemists.

    Update 11/24/20: In response to listener feedback, C&EN has added an editor's note to this episode. View the note at bit.ly/361aFUR

    Sign up for C&EN’s newsletter at bit.ly/chemnewsletter

    9 Black chemists you should know about: bit.ly/2FioR0l

    More resources and a script for this episode are available at bit.ly/361aFUR

    Image credit: Daniel Fishel