
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Opportunities Beyond Clinical Practice in MedicineA medical career offers diverse roles beyond clinical practice such as education, research, advocacy, and health system leadership.

      Learning from this conversation with Dr. Michael Anderson is that a medical career offers various opportunities beyond being a clinician. Dr. Anderson, a pediatric critical care physician, health care executive, child advocate, and disaster response expert, has had an impressive career that spans from leading children's hospitals to advising government leaders. He emphasizes the importance of being open to different roles and experiences in medicine. Dr. Anderson's journey started with serving on the admissions committee at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, which ignited his passion for healthcare leadership. He then became the vice president and chief medical officer at University Hospitals Health System in Cleveland, leading to the presidency of Benioff Children's Hospital at UCSF. Currently, he is a senior advisor to the assistant secretary for preparedness and response at the Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Anderson's advice to premedical students is to explore various roles in medicine, as a career in medicine can lead to becoming an educator, researcher, advocate, or health system leader, among others. His story is a testament to the vast opportunities available in the medical field.

    • Reflecting on career aspirations and the importance of being a good doctor before leadership rolesReflect on career goals, seek mentors, and utilize clinical expertise to make a positive impact in leadership roles

      Having a clear plan and identifying mentors are crucial steps for achieving professional goals. The speaker, a doctor with a background in intensive care and hospital leadership, shared how a chance conversation with a colleague led her to reflect on her career aspirations and the importance of being a good doctor before taking on leadership roles. She emphasized that clinical knowledge and experience are valuable assets for leaders in healthcare. Later in her career, she transitioned from her role at UCSF to consult for the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response during the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout her journey, she emphasized the importance of having a plan, seeking mentors, and utilizing clinical expertise to make a positive impact in leadership roles.

    • Leading Pediatric Efforts in COVID-19 and Future Public Health EmergenciesMonoclonal antibodies save lives during COVID-19 and strategic planning is crucial for future public health emergencies. Dr. Unger, a pediatrician and public health leader, encourages the next generation to be prepared.

      Dr. Unger, the Assistant Surgeon General and Acting Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is leading efforts in pediatric issues related to COVID-19, therapeutics, and preparing for future public health emergencies. Dr. Unger highlighted the importance of monoclonal antibodies in reducing hospitalizations and saving lives during the pandemic. He also emphasized the need for strategic planning to improve the public health response system for future emergencies. Dr. Unger shared his experience as a pediatrician and chief medical officer, using various skills from communication to science to build bridges. He encouraged the next generation of physicians to be better prepared for public health emergencies. Despite being in Washington D.C., Dr. Unger finds joy in visiting the city and returning to his family in Cleveland, Ohio. A surprising fact about Dr. Unger is that he was once an intensive care pediatric attending, where he helped nervous residents and students feel at ease in the unit.

    • Exploring unexpected paths in medicinePursue a compassionate and dedicated career in medicine, then explore various specialties and career paths like research, teaching, or clinical work, touching lives in unexpected ways.

      A career in medicine offers numerous opportunities for personal growth and making a difference in people's lives. The speaker shared her unique experiences, from interacting with rock stars to working in a children's hospital and being a funeral director's assistant. These experiences showcased the unexpected paths one can take in medicine and the joy and compassion that comes with it. The speaker emphasized the importance of being a compassionate and dedicated doctor first, and then exploring various specialties and career paths, such as research or teaching. The medical field is vast, and one can touch lives in various ways, from conducting clinical trials to performing heart surgery for children. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of pursuing a career in medicine and the endless possibilities it brings.

    • Advocating for Patients and Leading in HealthcarePhysicians can advocate for patients, especially those without a political voice, and can lead in healthcare at various levels. MDs can also contribute to research.

      Physicians have a crucial role beyond just providing clinical care. They can also be advocates for patients, particularly for those who lack a political voice like children. Advocacy can be a full-time commitment, and there are opportunities to do so at various levels, from local to federal government. Additionally, physician leadership is essential in the healthcare industry, and there are resources available to help doctors develop the necessary skills. Furthermore, the perception that only PhD scientists or those with an MD and PhD can be researchers is incorrect. MDs can and do contribute significantly to research, and it can be a rewarding part of their career. Ultimately, the diversity of opportunities within the medical field allows individuals to find what resonates with them and bring joy to their career. The speaker's decision to pursue pediatrics was a fulfilling one, as he had personal experience with the field and a passion for advocating for children's health.

    • Effective communication in pediatricsEmpathy, compassion, focus, and interviewing skills are essential for successful pediatricians. Pre-med students should prioritize both academic and interpersonal skill development for future leadership roles.

      Being a successful pediatrician involves not only mastering the technical aspects of medicine, but also effective communication and interviewing skills. During her college years, the speaker made a brilliant decision to take an interviewing course alongside her organic chemistry studies. This choice equipped her with empathy, compassion, focus, and the ability to get information and get her message out as a physician and advocate. She emphasizes the importance of bringing your best every day as a student and physician, as the health and wellbeing of future patients depend on it. The speaker encourages young pre-med students to focus on both their academic and interpersonal skills to prepare for leadership roles in medicine.

    • Beyond science: Developing well-rounded undergraduatesFocus on personal growth, take courses in diverse areas, and gain leadership skills through campus or community organizations to prepare for health system leadership roles.

      During undergraduate studies, it's essential to focus on becoming a well-rounded individual beyond just excelling in science courses. This includes taking courses in areas of personal interest and getting involved in campus or community organizations to develop leadership skills and learn from different leadership styles. As a health system leader, the primary concerns are ensuring patient safety, managing fiscal strains, and exploring innovative ways to improve healthcare services. Engaged leadership and understanding the day-to-day operations are crucial for maintaining a safe and effective healthcare environment.

    • Balancing innovation and safety in healthcare leadershipBe an excellent doctor first, consider an MBA for leadership roles later, prioritize safety, and explore employer coverage options.

      A healthcare leadership role involves a balance between innovation and safety, with safety always being the top priority. Dr. X, a healthcare leader, emphasized the importance of being an excellent doctor first before pursuing an MBA to further one's career in leadership roles. The MBA can be beneficial for those who want to make a positive impact in healthcare and lead as a CMO or chairperson, but it's important to have a solid foundation in medical knowledge first. The MBA can be pursued later in one's career when they have more experience and gray hair, making the learning experience more enjoyable and challenging. Additionally, it's worth exploring if an employer may cover the cost of an MBA for dedicated employees. Lastly, the upcoming medical application cycle may continue to be virtual, so students should stay informed and prepare accordingly.

    • Virtual interviews offer advantages despite anxietyApplicants can practice, have notes, and save costs with virtual interviews, despite challenges in adapting to the lack of in-person interaction and body language cues.

      While remote interviews through platforms like Zoom may cause anxiety for applicants due to the lack of in-person interaction and body language cues, there are advantages to this format. These advantages include the ability to practice with friends and have notes readily available during the interview. Additionally, with the increasing shift to virtual interactions due to the pandemic, it's essential for applicants to become comfortable with this format. While there may be challenges, such as adjusting to the lack of nonverbal cues, with preparation and practice, applicants can make the most of virtual interview opportunities. Furthermore, the cost savings associated with virtual interviews may make the application process more accessible for some students. Overall, it's important for applicants to approach virtual interviews with a positive attitude and a willingness to adapt to the new format.

    • Gaining campus experience and building professional skills despite financial challengesPrepare thoroughly, be adaptable, and show empathy during professional interviews and public speaking engagements.

      Pre-med students may face financial challenges when applying to multiple medical schools for in-person visits, but there are advantages to gaining campus experience and building professional skills. Dr. Anderson shared his experience of using university hospitals' TV studios to prepare for live interviews, which saved him time and resources. He also advised assuming good intentions and communicating openly if technical difficulties occur during interviews. While this advice is not specific to pre-med students, it can be valuable for anyone navigating professional interviews or public speaking engagements. Overall, Dr. Anderson emphasized the importance of preparation, adaptability, and empathy in professional settings.

    • Trusting healthcare professionals during uncertain timesMaintain a strong relationship with your doctor, value their expertise, and trust their insights during uncertain times.

      During uncertain times, it's crucial to trust the expertise of healthcare professionals and maintain a strong relationship with your physician. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought healthcare providers into the spotlight, emphasizing the importance of science and the role of medical experts. While it can be challenging for doctors to communicate complex information in short sound bites, their opinions and insights are valuable. Unfortunately, healthcare providers have faced increased criticism and skepticism, which is unfortunate given their dedication and sacrifices during this marathon crisis. The next generation of physicians must continue to support each other and recognize the emotional toll of the profession. Ultimately, trusting your doctor and valuing their knowledge and expertise are essential for navigating the complexities of healthcare during challenging times.

    • Trusting in Science and Experts During CrisisDuring crises, it's essential to trust medical professionals and experts, listen to facts, and acknowledge the vital roles medical schools and state governments play in preparedness and response.

      During times of crisis, the importance of trusting in science and the expertise of medical professionals cannot be overstated. Dr. Anderson, a medical professional with extensive experience, emphasized the need for the public to listen to experts and not be swayed by misinformation. He also highlighted the crucial role medical schools and state governments play in disaster preparedness and response. Despite concerns about the rapid development and distribution of vaccines, Dr. Anderson expressed optimism about the future of medicine and the rising interest in medical and nursing education. He encouraged premeds to celebrate science, stand tall for facts, and be proud advocates for the scientific community in the ongoing fight against the pandemic.

    • Continuing social distancing and masking beyond March 2021Despite the pandemic easing, social distancing and masking should be continued. Cherish undergrad experience, stay diligent, and enjoy the journey towards becoming a physician.

      Social distancing and masking measures are important to continue practicing beyond March 2021, as the pandemic is not over yet. Another key point is to make the most of the undergraduate experience and cherish the opportunity to grow into a well-rounded person, with the hope of becoming a physician in the future. Dr. Anderson emphasized the importance of remaining diligent and enjoying the journey, despite the pressures of medical school applications. Overall, the conversation provided inspiration and instruction for listeners, highlighting the importance of perseverance and staying focused on personal and professional goals.

    Recent Episodes from All Access: Med School Admissions

    Episode 71: University of Michigan Medical School Updates

    Episode 71: University of Michigan Medical School Updates

    Dr. Deborah Berman

    In this enlightening episode, I sit down with the recently appointed, dynamic Assistant Dean for Admissions at the University of Michigan Medical School, Dr. Deborah Berman. Dr. Berman offers an in-depth look into the significant curricular updates, wellness initiatives, and the evolving admissions landscape at one of the premier medical schools in the United States.

    Our conversation begins with a deep dive into the curricular updates that are setting new standards for medical education. Beyond the curriculum, we explore the comprehensive wellness initiatives that underscore the University of Michigan Medical School's commitment to student well-being. Dr. Berman discusses the resources and support systems in place to ensure that medical students can thrive academically, physically, and mentally throughout their rigorous educational journey.

    Admissions updates and advice form a crucial part of our discussion. Dr. Berman sheds light on the latest changes in the admissions process, emphasizing holistic review practices that seek to identify well-rounded candidates passionate about making a difference in the medical field. She offers invaluable advice for applicants, from highlighting their unique experiences to demonstrating a genuine commitment to healthcare and community service.

    Tune in to gain an insider’s view of medical education at the University of Michigan Medical School how they have forward-looking initiatives in innovative and compassionate physician training.

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please! It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

    HOST: Christian Essman



    M-Home Support Services

    Dr. Lisa Meeks, Disabilities expert in medical education


    Episode 70: AAMC Prospective Applicant Resources

    Episode 70: AAMC Prospective Applicant Resources

    Welcome to this special episode where we delve into the treasure trove of resources available for prospective medical school applicants. Today, we're joined by Tami Levin, MA, the Director of Premed and Applicant Resources at the AAMC, and Laura Fletcher, PhD, a senior research analyst in the Admissions & Selection Research and Development team at the AAMC.

    In our conversation, they will highlight invaluable tools and guides like the Premed Competencies, the Anatomy of An Applicant Guide, the 2023 AMCAS Workbook, and the Medical School Application Guide. They'll also discuss the MSAR® online database, a vital resource for comparing U.S. and Canadian medical schools, and the Premed Navigator, a monthly newsletter packed with tips and important dates for applicants.

    Join us as we navigate these resources, designed to guide learners and applicants from preparation to application, medical school, and beyond. This episode is a must-listen for anyone embarking on the journey to becoming a medical professional.

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please! It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

    HOST: Christian Essman


    Competency-related Resources:

    Other AAMC Resources

    • 2023 AMCAS Workbook
    • Medical School Application Guide: The Official Guide to Medical School Admissions 
    • The Medical School Admission Requirements™ (MSAR®):  is an online database that enables you to browse, search, sort, and compare information about U.S. and Canadian medical schools. You can save notes, favorites, and see how your MCAT, GPA, and completed coursework matches each medical school’s current first-year class and admission requirements.
    • The Premed Navigator: A monthly free newsletter with important dates, information, and tips for applicants and pre-meds.
    • Aspiring Docs Diaries: A blog with pieces written by premeds, med students, and residents.
    • The free Virtual Medical School Fair, held in the Spring and Fall each year, which features several information sessions and typically about 90-100 medical schools from across the United States and Canada.
    • The Fee Assistance Program which benefits include significantly reduced registration fee for the MCAT exam, MCAT prep products, a 2-year subscription to MSAR, AMCAS application with up to 20 medical school submissions, and fee waiver for the PREview professional readiness exam.

    Episode 69: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

    Episode 69: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

    Dr. Roopal Kundu, Associate Dean for Admissions, highlights the unique curricular features and educational philosophy at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, shedding light on their innovative approaches to medical education. From fostering curiosity and inquiry to promoting equity through group and problem-based learning, Dr. Kundu explores how Northwestern's curriculum is shaping the physicians of tomorrow.

    In addition to the curriculum, Dr. Kundu provides valuable insights into the admissions process at Feinberg, offering guidance and advice for aspiring medical students. Whether you're considering Northwestern as your medical school or are simply passionate about medical education, this podcast provides a wealth of information and inspiration.

    Join us as we explore the world of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and gain valuable insights into med school admissions with Dr. Roopal Kundu, a dedicated faculty member and an expert in medical education.

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please! It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

    HOST: Christian Essman


    AAMC Virtual Fair Registration - 10/17 & 10/18/2023

    The Clinical Excellence Podcast

    Science Behind Science Podcast

    Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

    Curricular Phases

    Education-Centered Medical Home

    Student Research

    Characteristics of the Successful Candidate

    College Mentors



    Music: I Had A Feeling by TrackTribe

    Bonus Episode: Listener Event Announcement!

    Bonus Episode: Listener Event Announcement!

    Join us for an exclusive Zoom event featuring Christian Essman, the host of "All Access: Med School Admissions." Are you an aspiring medical student with burning questions about the admissions process? Look no further! This is your chance to spend an engaging evening with Christian Essman and have all your inquiries answered.

    During this virtual gathering, Christian Essman will share his knowledge and expertise on the intricate world of medical school admissions. As a seasoned professional in the field, he has guided countless students through the challenging journey of getting into medical school. With his wealth of experience and insider insights, Christian will provide invaluable advice, strategies, and tips to help you navigate the complex admissions process successfully.

    The event will be structured as an interactive Q&A session, allowing participants to ask Christian anything related to med school admissions. Whether you have inquiries about crafting an outstanding personal statement, preparing for interviews, selecting the right medical schools, or seeking guidance on how to stand out among other applicants, Christian will be there to offer his expert advice and address all your concerns.

    THURSDAY, JUNE 15th @ 7:00 pm EST



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    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool

    Episode 67: UMass Chan Medical School

    Episode 67: UMass Chan Medical School

    I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Tracy Kedian, the Associate Dean for Admissions, at the UMass Chan Medical School in Worcester, MA. Dr. Kedian sheds light on the unique aspects of UMass Chan's curriculum, known as VISTA. This innovative curriculum fosters curiosity, inquiry, and equity through group and problem-based learning, along with extensive use of medical simulation. One exciting feature of UMass Chan is its commitment to serving underserved populations. With a focus on health disparities and public and community health, the school offers two distinct tracks with its regional campuses - the Population-based Urban and Rural Community Health track, based at Baystate Health Systems in western MA and the LEAD@Lahey track, located in Burlington, MA, that concentrates on leadership skills and health systems science to prepare future medical leaders.

    Dr. Kedian also provides valuable insights into the admissions process at UMass Chan. While the school predominantly admits students from Massachusetts, it remains an excellent resource for premeds from all backgrounds. Throughout this conversation, you'll discover a wealth of helpful advice for aspiring medical students, regardless of whether UMass Chan is your state school or not. Join us as we delve into the world of UMass Chan Medical School and med school admissions with Dr. Tracy Kedian, a dedicated family physician and an expert in medical school admissions.

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please! It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. https://linktr.ee/allaccessmedschool


    UMass Chan Medical School

    2022 Year in Review YouTube Video

    VISTA Curriculum




    Kalte Ohren by Alex (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. https://dig.ccmixter.org/files/AlexBeroza/59612 Ft: starfrosch & Jerry Spoon


    Episode 66: U. of Texas - San Antonio Long School of Medicine

    Episode 66: U. of Texas - San Antonio Long School of Medicine

    Dr. Judianne Kellaway, the Associate Dean for Admissions & Outreach, at the Joe R. & Teresa Lozano Long School of Medicine at University of Texas Health San Antonio joins me for a entertaining and wonderfully informative conversationDr. Kellaway takes us through the highlights and unique aspects of their CIRCLE curriculum including, professional identity formation, wellness programming, ultrasound curriculum, and more! She also discusses their admissions process in the TMDSAS (Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Service), what they value in applicants and how they use the CASPer situational judgment test and Standardized-One-Way-Video for interviewees.

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please!  It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu    

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



    Young Physicians Initiative recorded panel from March 1, 2023

    *FREE! AAMC Virtual Medical School Fair - March 28 & 29, 2023


    The Long School of Medicine

    What to expect at the Long the School of Medicine

    IRAT and TRAT 

    Curriculum - Including Distinction Programs

    Professional Identity Formation

    Student Wellness



    Positivity, By Barbara Fredrickson

    Shawn Achor - Human Potential Expert




    Black cat Funky by reusenoise (c) copyright 2017 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial  (3.0) license. https://dig.ccmixter.org/files/reusenoise/56513 

    Music: Soaring over the sea by Darkroom (c) copyright 2022 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/mactonite/65379 


    Episode 65: Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

    Episode 65: Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

    The Assistant Dean of Medical Education and Admissions, Dr. Liesel Copeland, joins me to discuss the curricular highlights and admissions process at Rutgers University Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. In 2021, the medical school launched the 5 C’s Curriculum: Curiosity, Critical Thinking, Clinical Skills, Competence and Compassion which we talk about during our conversation. We also discuss their admissions process and how and why they use situational judgment tests like CASPer and the AAMC’s PREview assessment.

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please!  It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu    

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



    *FREE! AAMC Virtual Medical School Fair - March 28 & 29, 2023

    MSAR - Medical School Admissions Requirements Guide

    Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School 

    Distinction Programs

    5 C’s Curriculum

    Finding Your Personal Purpose and Values Resources

    CONTACT: rwjapadm@rwjms.rutgers.edu 


    Music: Soaring over the sea by Darkroom (c) copyright 2022 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/mactonite/65379 

    Episode 64: Catching Up with Dr. Lina Mehta on Admissions-related Topics

    Episode 64: Catching Up with Dr. Lina Mehta on Admissions-related Topics

    I sat down with Dr. Lina Mehta, Associate Dean for Admissions at the CWRU School of Medicine to discuss some admissions-related topics. We reflected on the previous application cycle, current topics is admissions, and looking ahead to the next cycle. We think you'll find this episode to be informative and, hopefully, entertaining! 

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please!  It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu   

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



    Would you like us to speak to your pre-med group?  Email us at allaccess@case.edu and we’ll try to work out something with you!  

    Dr. Mehta’s Current Book Recommendations:

    From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life

    The Immortal Life Henrietta Lacks

    Christian’s Current Book Recommendations: 

    Becoming a Resonant Leader

    Project Hail Mary


    Music: The Vendetta by Stefan Kartenberg (c) copyright 2018 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. http://dig.ccmixter.org/files/JeffSpeed68/58628 Ft: Apoxode


    Episode 63: University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine

    Episode 63: University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine

    Join me for an informative conversation with the Assistant Dean of Admissions, Dr. Dustin Fulton, from UTHSC.  As one of two public allopathic medical schools in the State of Tennessee, it is a popular destination for many premed students.  The College has a strong commitment to training physicians who plan to go into primary care practice. Throughout the 4-year curriculum, students are exposed to primary care options through preceptors and master clinicians in the first two years and during clerkships, electives and junior internships in the clinical phase of the curriculum. They also have an accelerated 3-year curriculum offers a conditional acceptance into a primary care residency program at UTHSC upon completion of the MD degree. 

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please!  It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu   

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 




    “Please Come to Boston” by Dave Loggins

    Blinq - Digital Business Card


    Accelerated 3-year MD

    Longitudinal Scholars Project

    SASSI - Student Academic Support Services

    CHIPS - Simulation Center


    Bluff City Medical Society

    UTHSC Information Sessions



    Episode 62: 2022-23 Mid-Cycle Check-In

    Episode 62: 2022-23 Mid-Cycle Check-In

    Checking in midway through the 2022-2023 application cycle with updates and tips for current applicants and advice for prospective applicants. 

    If you find this podcast to be a helpful resource, RATE, REVIEW, & SUBSCRIBE please!  It helps others find it!

    Send me your recommendations for future medical schools that you'd like to hear featured! Send it to: allaccess@case.edu   

    Visit our website for more information on this episode and others. 



    AMCAS 2022-2023 Application Guide

    FREE AAMC - Diversifying the Next Generation of Doctors: Career Fair and Workshops

    Saturday, November 12, 2022   |   8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CT   |   Nashville, TN

    AAMC FACTS - Applicants, Matriculants, Enrollment, Graduates, MD-PhD, and Residency Applicants Data

    Altus - Casper Situational Judgment Test

    AAMC PREview Situational Judgment Test

    Kira Situational Judgment Test 

    See what schools require situational judgment tests - MSAR

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    Cultivating Your Planted Roots to Thrive
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    Through preparation, self-awareness, failing forward, discipline and motivation, we’ll be able to keep going as we thrive and succeed in our endeavors.   

    This week, Kison interviews Daniela Ruah, an American-Portuguese actress, where they discussed the importance of knowing how to help oneself develop and grow to thrive and reach success. 

    They also touch on the following:

    • Gaining preparation through classes and other’s experiences
    • Being aware of your strengths and things to improve on
    • Using failures as a stepping stone to move forward and step up
    • Knowing how motivation and discipline work together 

    Follow BossMove on all socials: https://linktr.ee/bossMoveSeries

    Why preparing for your appraisal is important.

    Why preparing for your appraisal is important.

    In this episode we're thinking about preparing for an appraisal / performance review.

    How does it make you feel if you're asked to bring a list of your achievements to your appraisal? 

    What else do you need to do to prepare to the best of your ability so that you go into your appraisal feeling comfortable and confident?

    Have a listen, because as always, we have some tips for you. 

    Also - if appraisals are just paid lip service in your organisation - then do listen in to find out why they're an important process and how they can help you to grow on an organisational, team and individual level. 


    Fay - https://www.fayblakey.com 

    Rebekah - https://www.quest4est.co.uk

    Thank you to Jon at Wahhoo Media for our production: https://www.wahhoo.co.uk

    #101 - Ryan Holiday: Finding stillness amidst chaos

    #101 - Ryan Holiday: Finding stillness amidst chaos

    Ryan Holiday, bestselling author and author of Daily Stoic, discusses practical ways to find stillness and apply the insights of stoic philosophy in the midst of COVID-19 chaos. Ryan discusses the importance of taking back a feeling of control, the benefits of structure and routine, and the idea of being prepared for anything.

    We discuss:

    • Using times of adversity to evaluate and reflect how you’ve set up and prioritized your life [2:30];
    • What insights might the famous stoics provide amidst this COVID-19 pandemic? [8:15];
    • The possible consequences of the socially isolating nature of a pandemic (and why we need good leaders) [13:00];
    • Stoicism—what it means and how to apply it [18:45];
    • Lessons taken from the life of Winston Churchill—stillness, structure, routine, hobbies, empathy, forward thinking, and more [23:30];
    • Alive time vs. dead time—taking control of your time and making it count [38:45];
    • Auditing how the world (and its leaders) are handling the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of stoic philosophy [44:15];
    • Asserting control and using routine to find stillness in an environment not conducive for it [52:15];
    • Why you should find a way to exercise, especially now [58:30];
    • How to find purpose during this time—goal setting, having a project to work on, and the benefits of keeping a journal [1:02:00];
    • What is Ryan most optimistic about and what is he most concerned about over the next few months? [1:08:45];
    • How can you follow Ryan’s work and messages about stoicism and stillness? [1:17:45].
    • And more.

    Learn more: https://peterattiamd.com/

    Show notes page for this episode: https://peterattiamd.com/ryanholiday2

    Subscribe to receive exclusive subscriber-only content: https://peterattiamd.com/subscribe/

    Sign up to receive Peter's email newsletter: https://peterattiamd.com/newsletter/

    Connect with Peter on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.


    AGL 069: Leading Through Failures

    AGL 069: Leading Through Failures

    No matter how good you are, at some point in time, you will fail.  It's inevitable. Failure is not a problem, its promise.  How we respond to failure is crucial to how we is the most important part of failing.  It's not the failure that stops us, it's the inability to learn and move forward that stops us. I've failed at many projects, on tests in school, at sports and about in every area of my life.  We all fail and we should not fear failure.  I once had a boss that made my team fear failure.  He threatened to fire us if we made mistakes or missed bugs.  This fear prevented us from working at the pace we should have been.  Instead we were super slow, extra cautious, and rarely innovated.  Instead of inspiring a fear of failure, good leaders need to inspire a desire for success. Making us understand that we should desire succeed more than we fear failure.  But also teaching us to be practical, not reckless, and plan and prepare for the failures that may occur. A good leader allows their team to fail, but helps them plan and prepare so that they don't get hurt.

    I think of my kids.  In order for them to learn, they need to make mistakes and fail from time to time.  I want to allow them to fail on the little things, and learn from them, so that they don't fail on the big things. I don't want them to be afraid to fail, so I don't scold them when they try hard and fail, but rather encourage them to try again and learn from that failure.

    Coach Mike Krzyzewski, (basketball coach for Duke University for you non-sports fans), once said “My defining moments have usually been something where I’ve lost or where I’ve been knocked back.” In the 1983 ACC tournament Duke lost by 43 points. At dinner that night, someone raised their glass and said, “Here’s to forgetting about tonight.” Coach K interjected and raised his glass and said, “Here’s to never forgetting about tonight.”

    In tech, we hear the phrase "fail early, fail often, fail forward" regularly and it usually looses its meaning overtime.  Many people think that it is a phrase that gives software developers the excuse to recklessly push out untested code, but that's not what it means or how to apply it.  I tell my team "fail fast, recover faster."  It's a similar phrase, but has a subtle message reminding folks that they need to be prepared if they fail.  We need to have backup plans and rollback plans for everything. It means, don't be afraid to fail, but be prepared if you do.

    We we fail, we need to stay calm, respond and not react, and learn from our mistakes.

    Questions to ask when you fail

    1. Why did we fail or fall short of our goals?
    2. What did we learn from this failure?
    3. What early indicators of this project failure did we miss?
    4. How can we better prepare to prevent this in the future?

    Do you want to be someone who fears failure?  Or do you want to be someone who learns from it and moves on?

    Normally this is where I ask for a rating/review/subscribe, but instead, this month I’m asking that you make a donation for Breast Cancer Research in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month


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