
    About this Episode

    In this episode we answer a question from one of our listeners! Are we a benefit or a burden to God? Kurt and Brady explore this topic by looking at the story of Job and discussing if a person can fit one of these two categories in relation to God.

    Job 7:20
    Job 22:2
    Job 42:1-6
    Colossians 1:17-20

    Recent Episodes from Water Cooler Christian

    Episode 46: Black and Blue

    Episode 46: Black and Blue

    It's another listener question episode! Kurt and Brady jump in off the top rope into a discussion on movements like Black Lives Matter and Back the Blue with a look at how Jesus would respond to these current cultural moments. So put on your safety helmets and strap in as we explore what the Bible says about mixing Religion and Politics.

    Matthew 5:17-25
    Deuteronomy 16:18-20
    Leviticus 19:17
    Leviticus 23:22
    Deuteronomy 14:22
    Mark 12:14-17
    Hebrews 13:1-3
    Luke 13:1-5
    1 Corinthians 1:10-13
    James 4:1-5

    Tim Keller Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/29/opinion/sunday/christians-politics-belief.html

    Episode 37: The Secret Life of Christians

    Episode 37: The Secret Life of Christians

    One of the most common complaints about Christians is we're hypocrites. We say one thing in public but our private lives don't back up our words. Join Kurt and Brady as they explore the secret side of Christianity outlined by Christ, and discover how this should shape our worship, ministry, and even our social media use.

    Matthew 6:1-6 & 16-18
    Matthew 5:14-16
    Luke 18:9-14
    Acts 10:1-7
    1 Corinthians 3:10-15