
    Podcast Summary

    • Enhance experiences and opportunities with language skills and platforms like Rosetta Stone and LinkedInImprove language skills with immersive programs like Rosetta Stone for travel and work, and utilize LinkedIn for hiring professionals, even those not actively seeking new roles.

      Improving your language skills, especially in a place where it's commonly spoken, can greatly enhance your experiences and opportunities. Rosetta Stone is a trusted language learning program that immerses you in the language and offers a lifetime membership with access to 25 languages. Meanwhile, LinkedIn is a valuable platform for hiring professionals, including those who aren't actively looking for a new job. The speaker shared her personal experience of wishing she had better Spanish skills for her frequent trips to Mexico and California. She mentioned that her high school education didn't provide her with the necessary skills, but Rosetta Stone's immersive approach did. The program's speech recognition features also help improve pronunciation. Additionally, LinkedIn was highlighted as a platform for finding professionals, including those who might not be actively looking for a job but could be a great fit for a role. The speaker emphasized that over 70% of LinkedIn users don't visit other leading job sites, making it an essential tool for hiring. Lastly, a unique and intriguing story was shared about a woman named Christine who experienced mysterious health problems and paranormal incidents. The speaker suggested that there might be a connection between the two, and the listener is encouraged to tune in to the episode to hear Christine's story.

    • A Childhood Encounter with Hypnosis TapesDespite being a skeptic, Christine shares her curiosity about the unexplored phenomena in the natural world, inspired by her childhood experience with hypnosis tapes and their potential scientific explanation

      Christine, a skeptical and logical-minded person, shares her personal experience with sleepwalking and the impact of hypnosis tapes on her childhood. Despite her disbelief in "woo woo" or intuitive things, she acknowledges the possibility of unexplored phenomena in the natural world and hopes for the eventual scientific understanding of such experiences. Christine's story begins in her childhood when her parents introduced hypnosis tapes to help her sleep due to her anxiety and sleep issues. She recalls the soothing background noises and the woman's voice providing instructions to relax. One specific instruction involved a backwards counting exercise, which Christine remembers vividly. This experience left a lasting impact on her, and she reflects on it with a newfound curiosity, even as a skeptic. She hopes that science will eventually uncover the mysteries behind these phenomena and bridge the gap between intuition and scientific understanding.

    • Childhood experiences in liminal spacesFamiliarity with liminal spaces from childhood shaped the speaker's ability to navigate supernatural encounters and lucid dreaming throughout her life

      Liminal spaces, the transitional areas between our normal reality and other states of consciousness, played a significant role in the speaker's childhood experiences. Through meditation tapes and self-hypnosis, she became adept at navigating these spaces and even lucid dreaming regularly. This familiarity with liminal spaces may have influenced her later encounters with the supernatural. The speaker's ability to control her transitions between sleep and wakefulness as a child also led to vivid dreams in her adolescence and adulthood. Despite occasional sleep issues and depression, she continues to have rich dream experiences. Overall, her unique experiences in liminal spaces shaped her understanding of the world around her and prepared her for the extraordinary events that were to come.

    • Undiagnosed Depression's Hidden SymptomsPhysical symptoms of undiagnosed depression can be overlooked, causing frustration for patients and delaying proper treatment. Listen to patients and consider mental health conditions when dealing with unexplained symptoms.

      Undiagnosed depression can manifest in various ways, including physical symptoms. The speaker's experience involved recurring depressive episodes throughout their life, which they could usually manage on their own. However, a major life event triggered a more severe depression, leading to physical symptoms such as tinnitus, headaches, unexpected weight gain, lethargy, and gastrointestinal issues. Despite visiting multiple doctors, they were initially dismissed, leading to a long and frustrating search for answers. The depression also caused them to stop dreaming, adding to their sense of disconnection. It wasn't until they were diagnosed with a minor thyroid issue that they began to make progress, but their symptoms persisted. This experience highlights the importance of listening to patients and considering the possibility of underlying mental health conditions when dealing with unexplained physical symptoms.

    • Experience of Not Dreaming and the 'Void'Despite feeling distressed by the absence of dreams, the speaker struggled to find medical attention. She encourages listeners to prioritize mental health and consider therapy to process difficult emotions.

      The speaker's experience of not dreaming and feeling stuck in a "void" during the night was a significant and distressing symptom for her, which she tried to share with doctors but received little attention or interest. She describes this experience as a deliberate escalation that felt out of her control. The speaker also emphasizes the jarring and dark feeling of being consciously aware of not dreaming, which she calls the "void." This experience has continued into 2019, and she is still seeking medical answers while also dealing with the absence of dreams. The speaker encourages listeners to prioritize addressing their emotional and mental health concerns, using therapy as a resource to process and work through difficult feelings. She also promotes the podcast "Sofia with an f," which covers topics like sex, life, mental health, and relationships in an open and raw way.

    • Investing in Quality: Enhancing Your LifeInvesting in high-quality products can lead to cleaner homes, healthier cats, stylish wardrobes, and new language skills.

      Investing in high-quality products can significantly improve various aspects of your life, whether it's through using a superior cat litter like Pretty Litter, shopping at affordable yet stylish brands such as Quince, or learning a new language with a trusted program like Rosetta Stone. The Pretty Litter not only keeps your home clean and odor-free but also provides peace of mind with its early health indicator system. Quince offers timeless, high-quality essentials at affordable prices, ensuring ethical and responsible manufacturing practices. Rosetta Stone's intuitive language learning program helps you learn a new language naturally, making it an invaluable tool for personal and professional growth. The speaker's personal experiences highlight the importance of these investments. They share their frustration with cheap cat litter that not only fails to effectively absorb odors but also poses health risks for cats. They express their excitement about Quince's affordable yet high-quality clothing and accessories, which make them look more presentable and fashionable. Lastly, they share their struggle with learning a new language and the relief they felt when they discovered Rosetta Stone's effective and immersive approach. Investing in these high-quality products can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of your life, from maintaining a clean and healthy home to expanding your personal and professional opportunities through language learning.

    • Undiagnosed health conditions causing unexplained symptomsAdvocate for your health, seek multiple opinions if symptoms persist, undiagnosed conditions can lead to severe health issues and emotional distress

      Undiagnosed health conditions, such as anemia, can cause various symptoms including heart palpitations, high blood pressure, lethargy, and hair loss. These symptoms can significantly impact a person's quality of life and lead to fear and anxiety, especially when no explanation is found. In this case, the individual's anemia went undetected for an extended period, leading to severe anemia and the need for blood transfusions. Even after treatment, the person continued to experience unexplained symptoms, including waking up in the middle of the night feeling terrified and the room feeling hot. These symptoms, while not directly related to anemia, may be a result of the stress and anxiety caused by the undiagnosed condition. It's important for individuals to advocate for their health and seek multiple opinions if they are not getting answers or relief from their symptoms.

    • A persistent entity's escalating sleep disturbancesAn individual faced escalating sleep disturbances from an unseen entity, using various tactics to gain access to their upper chest cavity.

      The individual described experiencing a series of escalating sleep disturbances, starting with insomnia and progressing to night attacks where they felt physically assaulted. The disturbances seemed deliberate and focused, with the entity responsible for them trying new tactics when the previous ones weren't effective. The attacks were described as oppressive and focused, and the individual instinctively refused to open their eyes during them. They tried various methods to defend themselves, including physically pushing the entity and concentrating their personal energy into a ball to repel it. The attacks continued for several months before reaching their final stage. The individual was unable to consciously describe the appearance of the entity but perceived it as a black shadow or cloud. Overall, the experience was described as a deliberate escalation of tactics by an entity that seemed determined to gain access to the individual's upper chest cavity.

    • Encountering a comforting presence during emotional distressDuring emotional distress, finding effective coping mechanisms can help alleviate feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. This can include religious practices, mantras, or even encounters with comforting, reassuring presences.

      During a challenging period in her life, the speaker used various tactics to cope with intense emotional distress, including religious mantras and chants. These methods worked for a while, but as the entities she believed were causing her distress became stronger, she had to try new tactics. One notable experience was encountering a beautiful, 1920s-era woman in her room, who communicated without speaking but seemed to understand the speaker's question and responded with a reassuring smile. This encounter, along with her use of mantras, helped the speaker feel less alone and hopeless during a chaotic and isolating time. Overall, her experiences highlight the importance of finding effective coping mechanisms during times of emotional distress.

    • Mysterious woman in white ends sleep paralysis episodesA woman in white appeared during a sleep paralysis episode, leading to an immediate resolution of the speaker's long-term physical and mental health issues, leaving room for interpretation of her intentions.

      The encounter with a mysterious woman in white during a sleep paralysis episode led to an immediate resolution of the speaker's long-term physical and mental health issues. This interaction was described as both terrifying and potentially benevolent, leaving room for interpretation. The woman's appearance seemed to mark the end of the speaker's struggle with various health problems that had persisted for an extended period. After this experience, the speaker never had another episode of sleep paralysis or night entity attack. The sudden improvement in health was significant and unexplained by medical professionals. The woman's role in this transformation remains unclear, with possibilities ranging from helpful intervention to gloating or even surrender of the entities that had been causing harm. Regardless of her intent, the woman's presence marked a turning point in the speaker's life.

    • Listeners are deeply engaged and appreciative of Otherworld podcastListeners leave positive reviews, tell friends, consider Patronage, prioritize show, engage on social media, and share paranormal experiences.

      The listeners of Otherworld podcast are deeply engaged and appreciative of the show. They feel compelled to leave positive reviews, tell their friends, and even consider becoming Patrons. The team's hard work is acknowledged, and listeners are willing to support them financially. The podcast has become a favorite, and some listeners might even prioritize it over others. The launch of Otherworld's social media pages on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter is encouraged. Listeners are also invited to share their own paranormal experiences with the show. Overall, the listeners' connection to Otherworld is strong, and they are eager to engage further.

    Recent Episodes from Otherworld

    Episode 84: Them: Part Three “7 Portals”

    Episode 84: Them: Part Three “7 Portals”
    Solveig answers some of the big questions that have arisen throughout the first two episodes of the series, including what she believes "they" might be, what they want, and why they are communicating with this group of women in the first place. She also discusses some of the strange things that happened to her and her family as the years went on. Including being "worked on", strange photos appearing in their phones, and bizarre physical symptoms. To hear bonus episodes and videos of Otherworld, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 24, 2024

    Wendy & Solveig [Patreon Preview]

    Wendy & Solveig [Patreon Preview]
    Last year, during the first interview with Solveig, I learned that she had a reading with Wendy coming up. This was early 2023, and I was still just getting to know Wendy (the clairvoyant from the "Ball of Light" episodes) and having trouble wrapping my head around her in general. Then I met Solveig, and it was just so much to process at once. I thought it would be interesting to sort of test them both by recording this reading and ensuring that Wendy knew nothing about Solveig or her story going into it. I also wanted to do this because there were things Wendy had told me in the past that were very similar to some of the things Solveig had told me. To hear the full episode, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 20, 2024

    Episode 83: Them: Part Two “Sisters”

    Episode 83: Them: Part Two “Sisters”
    In part two, Solveig continues the story of her night after coming back from the water. The following morning, she and Sara spend the entire day walking around the town, trying to process what happened. Weeks later, Solveig's sister Cara gets brought into the situation after she begins experiencing some strange things herself. This is Part 2 of an ongoing series titled "Them" To hear bonus episodes and videos of Otherworld, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 17, 2024

    Episode 82: Them: Part One "Meet Us"

    Episode 82: Them: Part One "Meet Us"
    After a young Norwegian woman named Solveig experiences a series of frightening events in her college dorm, she calls her mom in hopes of finding reassurance and comfort. To her surprise, Solveig's mom reveals that she has been experiencing the same things herself, and even more. Solveig's mom urges her to take a train to visit her in the Norwegian countryside, where she will explain the situation in more detail and introduce her to a mysterious 19-year-old girl who has apparently become involved in it. This is Part 1 of an ongoing series titled "Them" To hear bonus episodes and videos of Otherworld, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enJune 10, 2024

    Interview with Shannon Taggart

    Interview with Shannon Taggart
    Shannon Taggart is an American photographer and artist known for her work exploring themes of spirituality, mysticism, and the supernatural. She is particularly recognized for her book Séance which documents the practice of Spiritualism, a religious movement that believes in the possibility of communication with the spirits of the dead. Although she originally began as an artist with no interest in the paranormal, Taggart's fascination with Spiritualism began in 2001 when she started photographing in Lily Dale, New York, a town known for its psychic community. If you want to hear more conversation between Jack & Shannon Taggart, we will be posting a second part on the Otherworld Patreon shortly. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 28, 2024

    Episode 81: The Front Line

    Episode 81: The Front Line
    Former war reporter, author, and Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Sebastian Junger tells the story of his near-death-experience and reflects on how it changed his beliefs in the afterlife. Want more episodes? For bonus episodes and videos, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 20, 2024

    Episode 80: Three Green Lights

    Episode 80: Three Green Lights
    While visiting his father as a teenager, William witnesses three green lights emerge from the forest and come towards him. He describes the feeling of being stalked and overcome like prey by these lights. Years later, he thinks this may have something to do with the dark emotional state he was going through at the time of this experience. Want more episodes? For bonus episodes and videos, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    enMay 13, 2024

    Chicken Whackers Pt 3 [Patreon Preview]

    Chicken Whackers Pt 3 [Patreon Preview]
    In this follow up to the chicken whackers series, we speak to a reporter from the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel about her research. Then we speak to a woman from Grand Junction named Alex who became homeless along with her brother at the age of 15. She learned about the Chicken Whackers the very first night she spent living on the streets. To hear the full episode visit www.patreon.com/otherworld To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Episode 79: The Chicken Whackers Pt. 2

    Episode 79: The Chicken Whackers Pt. 2
    In part 2 of Keegan’s story, he and his friend Grant attempt to leave Grand Junction by hopping a train with the help of a stranger they just met. During this attempt, they begin experiencing a bizarre set of events that they believe may be connected to a group they heard rumors about called "The Chicken Whackers". Warning: This episode contains some content that may be disturbing to some listeners, including descriptions of assault, drug use, and death. Want more episodes? For bonus episodes and videos, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Episode 78: The Chicken Whackers Pt. 1

    Episode 78: The Chicken Whackers Pt. 1
    A man named Luke originally reached out to the show on behalf of his younger brother. His brother Keegan left home to hitchhike and travel the country, which eventually turned into living on the street for years. When the family finally got Keegan off the street, he had many stories, but there was one in particular that he was nervous and afraid to discuss, involving a mysterious group called "The Chicken Whackers". This story was very different from our normal submissions, which is why we liked it. This first part is mostly Keegan's backstory, what it's like living on the street, and how dangerous it can be. Part 2 will be out in just a few days. Want more episodes? For bonus episodes and videos, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    Episode 29: Fight or Flight

    Episode 29: Fight or Flight
    Eikeland is a forest firefighter who experiences two unsettling incidents where he is awoken in the middle of the night by a strange and terrifying creature that appears to be a frightening hybrid of human and beast. During the first encounter, Eike decides to confront the creature, but during the second encounter, he is overcome with fear as the entity makes physical contact and reveals his strange nature. To see photos related to this episode, click here Subscribe to Otherworld on Patreon for exclusive content and bonus interviews Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter  If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your full story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Episode 31: The Night Hag

    Episode 31: The Night Hag
    During his childhood, Alec experienced a peculiar phenomenon where he would find himself outside of his own body at night. Upon awakening, he would observe his sleeping form before embarking on a journey to explore his own home. Initially, this activity was enjoyable, but he was apprehensive about entering a specific area downstairs, sensing an ominous presence beckoning him toward it. Eventually, he mustered the courage to venture into that area, only to be tormented by an entity for several hours, a haunting experience that persisted into his teenage years. Alec now believes the entity that tormented him in his childhood was The Night Hag or The Old Hag. This is a supernatural creature that shows up in almost every country and culture around the world, going back very far into history. In fact, the word nightmare even comes from folklore about this entity! This is part one of a two-part series. To see photos related to this episode, click here Subscribe to Otherworld on Patreon for exclusive content and bonus interviews Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter  If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your full story at stories@otherworldpod.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Sarah Smyth of Raw & Rebelious on comparison, social media, and how she built her 7 figure business in under two years.

    Sarah Smyth of Raw & Rebelious on comparison, social media, and how she built her 7 figure business in under two years.

    On this episode, Sarah Smyth opens up about her struggles with Chron's disease, a bout of depression, comparison, and anxiety while building her 7 figure jewelry brand. We adore her words and her ability to adapts and evolve to exactly what her customers want to see! 

    Check out our show notes here!

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    Ep. 81: "You WILL get through this!" Interview with Fashion Blogger and OCD Advocate Jemma Mrdak

    Ep. 81: "You WILL get through this!"  Interview with Fashion Blogger and OCD Advocate Jemma Mrdak

    "You WILL get through this!" Interview with Fashion Blogger and OCD Advocate Jemma MrDak

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD Anxiety Panic CBT Fashion Blogger Advocate Jemma Mrdak Therapy Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast Kimberley QuinlanHello there CBT School Community! 

    Welcome back to another episode of Your Anxiety Toolkit Podcast.  Today, we are so excited to share with you Jemma Mrdak.  Jemma is a well-known Australian Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger and an avid Mental Health advocate.  I first heard about Jemma on social media after she bravely came out and talked about her experience with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) on the Today show.  As soon as I saw her interview, I knew she would be such an inspiration to you all.  

    In this episode, Jemma talks about her struggles with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), specifically checking and tapping compulsions.  Jemma talks about being so overwhelmed with anxiety that she was unable to get to school on time and fell behind in her studies. Jemma also talks about her success with seeking treatment from a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT) and how she used her tools to help her get her life back from OCD.  Jemma also shared her love for nature and exercise and how that helped her get in touch with the practice of Mindfulness.  If you are feeling hopeless about your future and questioning if you are able to get better at managing your anxiety and OCD, this episode is for you.  Jemma is so great at sharing what was easy, what was really hard and what roadblocks she came across in her treatment journey.  She is truly an inspiration and will give you some amazing words of wisdom to help with on your journey to mental wellness. 

    For more info on Jemma, visit the below:

    Website: astylishmoment.com

    IG: @astylishmoment


    Before we go, GET EXCITED!  ERP School is almost here again.  ERP School will be re-released in late January.   Click HERE to be the first one alerted by signing up to be on the waitlist.