
    About this Episode

    This episode is the second in a mini-series of three all about the Constitution, Trust Law, and Sovereignty! This one of course is about Trust Law, and by the way - your government is a corporation! Don't believe me? Listen to the show! The planned special guest for this episode was Travis Wilson @PatriotPapers on Twitter, but unfortunately his computer took a shit and I luckily was referred to another guy by the name of Josh Schmidt @SchmidtLiberty on Twitter who is about to start his own Podcast soon!

    Recent Episodes from Don't Listen To This Show! Podcast

    Episode 8 - Final Episode Featuring @SinisterAnon

    Episode 8 - Final Episode Featuring @SinisterAnon
    This is the final episode of the Don't Listen To This Show! Podcast. With great regret, I have decided to end this series on Politics. Not because I don't care, but because I simply don't think it's worth caring THIS MUCH about anymore. I have been on a spiritual journey the past year, and this show is becoming more and more a burden than an enjoyment to do every two weeks. I will henceforth be focusing all my attention on a new program designed to talk about spirituality and the journey to understand the self. It will be able to be found here on Pod-O-Matic, as well as my Blog, here: http://drtwblog.blogspot.com/p/philosophy-podcast.html Thanks for everyone for listening, and much LOVE to you all!

    Episode 7: Ode To PFC Bradley Manning

    Episode 7: Ode To PFC Bradley Manning
    In this episode, I don't force you to listen to me drone on and on and on about whatever the hell, I force you to listen to someone ELSE drone on and on and on! This person's important, though - PFC Bradley Manning who recently read a prepared statement in court as he attempts to defend himself against the charges of treason against "THE UNITED STATES" corporate empire. I do a short intro to the statement, and short outro after it's over, and in the middle is nearly an hour of Manning's statement which is played in it's entirety in honor of his efforts to maintain morality and ethics in the face of an unethical immoral government system. Comments, questions, or just want to tell me how stupid I am? E-mail the show at dontlistentothisshow@gmail.com! Find the show on Twitter: @DLTTSPodcast Find the host on Twitter: @C0nsciousBeing Much <3 and stay safe out there!

    Episode 6 - Sovereignty / Support The Troops!

    Episode 6 - Sovereignty / Support The Troops!
    The final episode in the mini-series within the show is now! Part 3/3 of the Constitution, Trust Law & Sovereignty! This episode explains the Sovereign Citizen movement, and how to become Sovereign. Here's a hint: you already are one! Also within the show is an explanation of exactly why YOU should take the time to thank active and veteran Military folks for serving, even if you don't support war, support the Troops! They're human lives. Finally, my Special Guest this time is the same as the Debut episode for the show, Molon Labe of resist1776.info, also found @TNP_Sheepdog on Twitter. We talk Gun Control, George Washington, The Federalist Papers, and more! Follow the show on Twitter: @DLTTSPodcast Follow the host on Twitter: @C0nsciousBeing E-mail the show: dontlistentothisshow@gmail.com

    Episode 5: Trust Law and Corporate America

    Episode 5: Trust Law and Corporate America
    This episode is the second in a mini-series of three all about the Constitution, Trust Law, and Sovereignty! This one of course is about Trust Law, and by the way - your government is a corporation! Don't believe me? Listen to the show! The planned special guest for this episode was Travis Wilson @PatriotPapers on Twitter, but unfortunately his computer took a shit and I luckily was referred to another guy by the name of Josh Schmidt @SchmidtLiberty on Twitter who is about to start his own Podcast soon!

    Episode 3: A New Direction / Adventures of a Super Psychic

    Episode 3: A New Direction / Adventures of a Super Psychic
    In this episode, I explain how I had a bit of an epiphany, and will heed the advice of whatever muses were embracing me to transition the show from an information dump to a more spiritual, awakening approach. I also have a very special guest, Just Jess, who explains how she had premonitions of 9/11/01 a decade before it happened with extremely accurate details - and even dreamed of fighting terrorists night after night on Flight 93!

    Episode 2: Patriotic Expatriation Authorized to Bend You Over Act!

    Episode 2: Patriotic Expatriation Authorized to Bend You Over Act!
    In this episode, we talk about how The Patriot Act, the NDAA, and the brand spankin new Enemy Expatriation Act all work hand in hand to give you a nice fucking with the red, white, and blue democracy dick. My special guest this time around to help talk about this madness is Travis Wilson, who goes way beyond what I even expected, all the way back to the 1800's!