
    About this Episode

    There will be times when you will want to give up. You might be tired of the journey and just want to fall back into comfortable coping mechanisms and to stick with unhealthy behaviors because it's what you know.

    In this week's episode, I talk about the challenges in learning healthy behaviors and how to prepare for times when you're exhausted and just want to give up.

    Accepting how you feel is important as is giving yourself the space and time to process your feelings.

    Life is not an all or nothing sum game. There will be times when we want to give up, times when we make mistakes, and then times to get up again.

    That's the circle of life.

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    Want to learn more about Let Go and Be Free? Check out the Let Go and Be Free book series.

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    Recent Episodes from Let Go and Be Free

    Episode 104: The Relationship Episode

    Episode 104: The Relationship Episode

    Relationships can be viewed many different ways. We can see them as opportunities to grow and learn more about ourselves, or fall into unhealthy patterns that leads to enmeshment and codependency.

    In this episode, I share my story, the challenges I've encountered along the way, and the decisions I made to help me find love and happiness.

    Spoiler: The answers might not be what you think.

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    Episode 103: The Reasons Why We Resist Change

    Episode 103: The Reasons Why We Resist Change

    Many think that it's easier to stick with what we know (even if it's not healthy for us) than face the fear of the unknown.

    Reasons why we resist change:

    Fear of the unknown, anxiety, doubt, worry, and helplessness.

    And sometimes there's the belief that since this is all we know, we can't imagine anything beyond it (or that we deserve something better, so we settle).

    But there is a way to overcome our internal resistance to change.

    Let's learn together.

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    Episode 102: The Importance of Downtime and Play

    Episode 102: The Importance of Downtime and Play

    If we're always working on ourselves and at our jobs, family and with doing chores, when will have time to be a kid again?

    Having fun is essential to learning about who we are, what we like, and being comfortable in our own skin. 

    Let's be sure to take time to list what we can do to relax and give ourselves downtime.

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    Episode 101: There Is No Silver Bullet

    Episode 101: There Is No Silver Bullet

    There is no magic bullet that's going to solve all your problems. It's okay to accept that the road to healing takes time and is not linear

    In this week's episode, we'll discuss how to use tools and skills that we can learn to help propel us forward on our journey of healing and growth.



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    Episode 100: Dealing with Perfectionism

    Episode 100: Dealing with Perfectionism

    Perfectionism can be cloaked in your trying to be there for everyone and in doing "all the things." 

    Take time to reflect and be honest with yourself:

    • How do you handle failure?
    • Are you taking care of yourself?
    • Can you handle change?

    If you have Netflix, be sure to watch the film Nyad (watch the trailer). It's a good film about marathon swimmer Diana Nyad that shows how perfectionism can be admirable yet also devastating to the people around you.

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    Episode 99: How to Face Your Fears

    Episode 99: How to Face Your Fears

    Each of us has a choice: We can continue to try and hit our light from the rest the world to just "get by" or we can live up to our full potential.

    In today's episode, we'll talk about stepping out of our comfort zone in order to grow and embrace hope.

    We all have fears. Pretending that we don't and trying to ignore or repress our fears will only make them stronger.

    Shining a light on what we fear, admitting to that, and taking healthy risks can take us on the path toward healing and happiness.

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    Episode 98: Learning How to Be Calm During a Difficult Time

    Episode 98: Learning How to Be Calm During a Difficult Time

    When difficult problems come upon you in life, how do you deal with those times?

    If you grew up in a dysfunctional family or where one (or both) of your parents struggled with addiction, you might never have seen healthy problem-solving behaviors.

    Building a network to help you during times of stress, along with learning skills to help you with process your emotions, effectively communicate, and solve problems are all ways to growth.

    Some good skills to learn are:

    • Differentiating between what you cannot change and what you can is key.
    • Building strong boundaries between you and others.
    • Strengthening your adult voice (e.g., "Is this true?" or "Is this healthy for me?") is also essential.

    The tools mentioned in this episode are:

    • The Twelve Steps
    • The Serenity Prayer
    • Journal writing
    • Attending ACOA (Adult Children of Alcholics and Dysfunctional Family) meetings
    • Talking with a therapist

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    Episode 97: How to Cure Loneliness and Feeling Like You Don't Fit In

    Episode 97: How to Cure Loneliness and Feeling Like You Don't Fit In

    In this episode, we'll learn how to overcome feeling lonely and like we don't fit in as well as the importance of building a social network around us.

    What are some basic steps that we can do to help ourselves? 

    1. Identify and allow yourself to feel your emotions. 

    2. Step out (slightly) of your comfort zone. 

    3. Be easy on yourself. 


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    Episode 95: Avoiding Drama in Your Life

    Episode 95: Avoiding Drama in Your Life

    Take time to do the following:

    • Perform an inventory of people in your life to see who tries to pull you into their drama or is a chaotic friend.
    • Strengthen your boundaries and give yourself time to take of yourself.
      • We don't have to jump to answer a call or text immediately. Give yourself the space your need.
    • With the extra time you have by creating distance from those chaotic friends, use the time to heal and have fun.


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    Episode 95: Time to Forgive

    Episode 95: Time to Forgive

    As we continue onward on our journey for 2024, let's talk about the importance of forgiveness.

    When I look back at my life, I see some of the mistakes that I made or weaknesses I had that trapped me in a circle of dysfunctional behaviors.

    But as I learned, practiced new communication and self-care skills, I realized that I needed to let go of the past before I could fully move forward.

    A big part of that was to forgive my past self.

    To become a fully indvidualized person, I needed to embrace all of who I was and let go of feeling bad for myself.

    From a practical perspective, that meant that I needed to forgive myself and then create a support system around me.

    Let's learn how to do that together.

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