
    Episode 60: Spiritually Sassy AF

    enFebruary 24, 2021

    About this Episode

    The word 'authenticity' is like a frisbee, it gets thrown a lot by people in cargo shorts. Luckily, Brendan sits down with a true authentic gem, Sah D'Simone, meditation coach and author of Spiritually Sassy. The spiritual kindred spirits discuss how to be alone with your thoughts even if you're terrified of them, how drugs and alcohol can fog your brain, why Americans hate themselves, and why everyone from Brazil is hot. 

    Recent Episodes from Spiritual Asshole

    Sex Magic & Unreasonable People (w/Bret Lockett)

    Sex Magic & Unreasonable People (w/Bret Lockett)

    Believe it or not, a lot of good comes from being unreasonable. Luckily, Brendan spoke with one of those amazing unreasonables, Bret Lockett, former NFL player, Gene Keys expert, and breathwork coach.

    The literally tackled some amazing territory like:

    • Why unreasonable people make s**t work.
    • How to transition from survival mode to thriving.
    • The ultimate dream killer.
    • The potent power of Sex Magic.
    • And the brand-new, mind-blowing Gene Hackman Keys.

    Bret Lockett
    Work with Bret
    The Cleveland Browns 



    "Traumatized Freaks" (w/Dana Kippel)

    "Traumatized Freaks" (w/Dana Kippel)

    Let's face it. We're all weirdos, and that's pretty sweet. Fortunately, to delve into why we're hilariously unhinged maniacs, Brendan had a fantastic conversation with the incredible Dana Kippel, author, philosopher, possible alien, and writer/director of the hit spiritual movie, "Reflect."

    Together, they explored some incredible territory, including:

    • Why discovering yourself might unearth self-loathing.
    • Techniques for conversing with the little "you" that holds you back—tell them to go dance, damn it.
    • The definitive method for overcoming self-doubt.
    • Strategies for positively rampaging your way out of any situation.
    • The importance of maintaining your true value by checking your IMDb score.

    Dana Kippel
    Reflect Movie
    Plasma Reiki
    Real Life Alien 



    Astrocartography, Astrology, and Following Your Bliss into a Chilis (w/Helena Woods)

    Astrocartography, Astrology, and Following Your Bliss into a Chilis (w/Helena Woods)

    Hey, sometimes your bliss takes you to a place for some Southwestern Eggrolls. Brendan welcomes back IN PERSON the incredible Helena Woods, Astrocartographer, astrologist, and popular YouTuber.

    The two delve into some incredible topics like:

    • Astrocartography and why it led Helena to some wild success in Los Angeles.
    • The astrology and energy of place!
    • Why there are some cities that are better for you, and none of them are Staten Island.
    • The number ONE thing to do when you brush up against failure.
    • Asking yourself the important question, "Am I in a cult or just a really bad beach volleyball league?"

    Helena Woods
    Trust Your Timing Course 
    What is Astrocartography?
    Check Your Chart
    How You Know Your Astrocartography Has Gone BAD!



    The Best Four-Letter Word (w/Nate Klemp)

    The Best Four-Letter Word (w/Nate Klemp)

    No, it's not that one. It's "OPEN," which is the title of the new incredible book by today's guest, Nate Klemp. Nate is a best-selling NYT author and philosopher, and his book tackles just about everything that's ailing modern life from cell phone addiction to thinking everyone who doesn't agree with you is the enemy. 

    Brendan and Nate get into some epic and OPEN territory like:

    • Nate's amazing experiments in being open, like his wild three-day conspiracy theory binge fest.
    • Why modern technology makes us feel like we don't even know where we are anymore.
    • What happens when you go to a shooting range filled with people who don't love your politics.
    • The secret magical powers of ketamine.
    • And why Del Taco's advertisements all sound like threats.

    Nate Klemp
    Open the Book 
    Food that Makes You Closed 

    "A Robot That Can Reflect" (w/Jim Fortin)

    "A Robot That Can Reflect" (w/Jim Fortin)

    "The Most Incredible Person You'll Ever Meet..." (w/John Miles)

    "The Most Incredible Person You'll Ever Meet..." (w/John Miles)

    Turns out the most incredible person you'll ever meet is...YOU. Brendan talks with the fantastic John Miles, author and host of the wildly popular Passion Struck podcast.

    The two Navy-trust fall into all kinds of great territory, discussing:

    • What happens when you ignore the Universe's nudges.
    • Why you can't build Rome in a day.
    • How it's NEVER too late to change, and yes, even for DJs.
    • The Mickey Mouse ear effect.
    • And whether or not the Navy is really just a lot of shirtless athletics.

    John Miles 
    Passion Struck Podcast
    Passion Struck Book 
    Alligator Necklace

    "I Am What Happens When I See the Beach" (w/Kristin Rivas)

    "I Am What Happens When I See the Beach" (w/Kristin Rivas)

    We hope you like feeling good, because this episode will hug you all the way to Inspiration Town (*TM...no it's not). Brendan talks with the magical Kristin Rivas, Rapid Resolution Therapist (his RRT therapist), TEDx speaker, and trained hypnotherapist. 

    The two dive into:

    • Kristin's amazing recovery story after years of struggling with PTSD-like symptoms and seizures after the tragic death of her sister. 
    • What makes RRT so incredibly powerful. 
    • Why you're whole life can change in ONE SESSION. 
    • The mind-blowing power of the saying, "It doesn't exist," in regards to your past. 
    • Why you ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS or YOUR BODY (unless you're hot, then you can be your body).
    • And a surprising new meditation for kids that just tells them to shut up a bunch. 

    Kristin Rivas
    Kristin Rivas TEDx Talk 
    Dr. Jon Connelly 
    A Pack of Pretty Chill Wolves


    "Soul Motherf***ing Vibes" (w/Aasha T)

    "Soul Motherf***ing Vibes" (w/Aasha T)

    Oh, it's time to vibe out hard. Brendan talked with the magnificent Aasha T, a high-vibe coach, author, and founder of Self-Worth Warriors.

    The two dive into:

    • Why NOT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD is a narcissist
    • The thin line between ego and self-confidence
    • Tips for being unstoppably magnetic
    • Why we can't survive without sex
    • An eye-opening practice to increase your sexual power
    • Why the only class you need to take is a self-worth class
    • And whether or not people in Wisconsin are having sex.

    Aasha T
    The Empath is the Narcisst Book 
    Self-Worth Warriors Program 
    Free Magnetic Activation Meditation 





    "You Can't Mosh Pit in a Symphony" (w/Brian Mahan)

    "You Can't Mosh Pit in a Symphony" (w/Brian Mahan)

    Turns out some shame...is good shame. Luckily, Brendan got to the bottom of this by talking with the legendary, Brian D. Mahan, somatic practitioner, podcast host, and author of 'I Cried All the Way to Happy Hour.' They dove right into:

    • The difference between toxic shame vs. healthy shame 
    • Why anger is a big part of self-confidences
    • How somatic healing helped Brian after a massive car wreck
    • Why exorcisims are on the rise 
    • Where trauma lives and it's not just in Las Vegas
    • Why empathy without boundaires is self-desctruction 
    • And why you can't actually form a mosh pit in a symphony 

    Taming Your Sugar Dragon (w/Florence Christophers)

    Taming Your Sugar Dragon (w/Florence Christophers)

    Is quitting sugar spiritual? Great question. Let me smell a cupcake and get back to you. Luckily, Brendan spoke with Florence Christophers, CEO of Better Health Coaching and kick sugar expert, to find out.

    The two delved into some sugar-free territory, exploring:

    • Why quitting sugar is as good as 'The Secret.'
    • Whether sugar addiction is chemical or emotional.
    • Quality self-care vs. junk self-care.
    • How to tame your Sugar Dragon.
    • The three-meal miracle.
    • S.A.N.E. eating protocol.
    • The surprisingly beneficial effects of quitting sugar (spoiler alert: sex).
    • The scary rise of Kale Ice Cream Men

    Florence Christophers
    The Kick Sugar Coach
    The Kale Ice Cream Man