
    Episode 61 - Persitence & Determination as drivers of progress

    enMay 02, 2018

    About this Episode

    Hey everyone!


    My name is Alex E Kheyson, and I want to welcome you to the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast, wish you the best of luck and determination on your exciting and often challenging personal development and professional growth journey.


    Can I ask you for a big favor? Could you please leave your honest feedback about the topic, content, level of interest and engagement after listening to this episode of the Heart & Mind of a Leader podcast. Also, please let me know if you found this episode especially helpful in your existing situation, based on where you are today in your life and career.  I appreciate your support in helping me to create and share topics and information with each episode that is actionable and relatable to those listening and following this show. 


    Some of the key questions and points that I cover in this episode are:


    • What does it take to move the needle and to create change to keep moving forward towards goals and plans that we want to achieve in life
    • Why to view persistence and determination and key drivers of progress?
    • The importance of knowing what you want while being ready to and overcome various life's challenges along the way - Are you ready and prepared for a change today?
    • Understanding the downward spiral of procrastination which takes us nowhere and how to challenge yourself to break through our internal ineffective habits by our own inactivity and fear of change
    • Only you know that your limits are and what you are capable of achieving - so why be satisfied with mediocre performance?




    I hope you enjoyed listening and find this episode useful for you or someone else that you may know. Please share this episode if you know someone who may benefit from listening to it. Thanks again!

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    Finding Happiness Series - 16. Dealing with stress - Self-inspiration and motivation

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    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


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    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


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    Topic covered in this episode is - Living in a Moment One Day at a Time

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


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    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

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    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


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    Topic covered in this episode is - Daily Positive Mind-Setting Techniques - Ways to Keep Negative Thoughts Our of Your Mind.

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


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    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


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    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Living the life full of energy and motivation - Returning to a 'Happy Place' when inner peace is desired.

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


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    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Never Say the word 'Never' - Life is an unpredictable rollercoaster full of ups and downs, twists and turns

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.


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    Finding Happiness (Tips & Techniques to Deal with Life's Challenges) Podcast Series is based on the topics covered in the book I had written - 'Heart & Mind of a Leader - Creating your own path in life through continuous learning, self-discovery, and genuine leadership. Discovering the Art of Personal and Professional Growth and Development'.

    Topic covered in this episode is - Life Free of Regrets - Living in the present and making the time for people whom we love and care about vs. living in the land of our memories.

    You may visit my author pages on Amazon where you can find the book mentioned above as well as other books I had written over the years on the topic of personal development, leadership, motivation, self-discovery, life purpose and happiness fulfillment.
