
    About this Episode

    This is Teacher Appreciation week so we asked scholars and parents to send us videos showing appreciation to our teachers. Thank you parents and scholars for answering that call!
    Enjoy the videos and notes that have come in, everyone! Thank you, Legacy school community for pulling together to help teachers hear your thank you messages!

    Recent Episodes from Ask Dr. B. Good

    Episode 95: School or home instruction

    Episode 95: School or home instruction
    Today’s podcast will be in both languages - English and Spanish. The need for it seems to be great since we have parents who can’t decide whether to have in school or in home instruction.
    So today we will talk about how to know when your family is ready for in school instruction.
    The first half of the show been English in the second half will be in Spanish. Put any questions in the chat or comment box below, please!

    Episode 94: Reopening School, Spanish Version

    Episode 94: Reopening School, Spanish Version
    Today we will be doing our podcast totally in Spanish! We’re doing that to make sure that all of our parents have a chance to hear about some of the things we talked about last week like the upcoming remote learning curriculum, the parent survey, asynchronous learning/synchronous learning, etc.
    See how much you understand of the podcast as you practice your Spanish with us! Listen for the upcoming online parent meeting nights next week.

    Episode 93: Reopening of school manual

    Episode 93: Reopening of school manual
    Welcome back to the Ask Dr. B. Good podcast where we try to answer a lot of the questions that are going on in our Legacy world and sometimes outside of our Legacy world.
    Today we’re going to concentrate on going through the reopening of school manual that every district in Texas had to put together.
    We want to go through it even though it’s about 28 pages because it answers a lot of the questions that parents have about the school safety protocols being put into place and can help with the decision as to whether parents want to bring their kids back to school or not (when that decision is finally allowed).
    We also will be placing this podcast on the Legacy website so that it’s available to you to listen to at your leisure.
    Please let us know if there any questions remaining about our school reopening plan after you have listen to the podcast. Ease write comments and let us know if we have done a good job in reassuring you that we have our buildings prepared to receive children and staff.
    Thank you!

    Episode 92: Back to school preparations

    Episode 92: Back to school preparations
    Today, we will start preparing for the return to school by having on our district RN, Ms. Ortiz and a newcomer to Legacy Laura Montoya, our new bilingual elementary counselor, for Mesquite.
    Ms. Ortiz will be talking about the wearing of masks and hand washing and what parents can do at home to start preparing children for when they come back to school.
    Ms. Montoya will be sharing some mental health advice for children since we are still in the COVID time period and children still need to be helped to understand this pandemic through different interventions.

    Episode 90: Anti-racism Movement

    Episode 90: Anti-racism Movement
    Clearance Glover, aka Professor Freedom, will be joining us to chat about the current social unrest and the opportunity we have for a “New America Movement”. He will also review a book called, “The Lies My Teacher Told Me” about how social studies and history have been taught in American classroom for generations.
    Join us for this interesting and progressive look at how we can turn racism into an anti-racism movement!

    Episode 89: Safety protocols for new school year

    Episode 89: Safety protocols for new school year
    Today, we will be going over some serious safety protocols that are being put into place and will be in place by the time school starts in August.
    We’re bringing on Buddy Davis, our facilities director and Staci Weaver, our school operations director, to share with you all the plans that we have That must be turned into the state of Texas for approval but that we want to put into place to make sure we have the safest school available when our teachers, staff, and our scholars come back.

    Episode 88: Visit with Legacy Board Members

    Episode 88: Visit with Legacy Board Members
    Today’s Podcast will be full of recent Legacy news involving COVID and graduation. Then we will have a visit with two of our longer serving Legacy School Board members, President and Chair Byron Ricks and Member at Large, Megan Bauer. We will go down memory lane, sharing Legacy stories and also sharing some of what Legacy’s future might look like because of this COVID time.

    Episode 87: Salutatorians

    Episode 87: Salutatorians
    Today we will be talking about upcoming Legacy events like summer school. We will continue our student series And will be chatting with the salutatorians from both campuses!

    Some of the questions that we will ask them are about
    what does it take to get to that spot in a high school?
    Did your family/parents help you in any way develop these traits?
    Has COVID impacted you in any way?
    Are you going to college? Where? Why that one?
    What are your life goals?
    How has Legacy helped you to achieve these goals?
    What do you think of our upcoming graduation ceremony?
    Come and enjoy hearing from more top scholars at Legacy this year!

    Episode 86: Valedictorian

    Episode 86: Valedictorian
    Today we will be talking about upcoming Legacy events and more importantly, will be chatting with the valedictorians from both campuses!

    Some of the questions that we will ask them are about
    what does it take to get the top academic prize in a high school?
    Did your family/parents help you in any way develop these traits?
    Has COVID impacted you in any way?
    Are you going to college? Where? Why that one?
    What are your life goals?
    How has Legacy helped you to achieve these goals?
    What do you think of our upcoming graduation ceremony?
    Come and enjoy hearing from the top two scholars at Legacy this year!