
    Episode 9-Second online book meeting-Organized by Dr. Afshan Hashmi.

    en-usJune 09, 2014

    About this Episode

    Friends please go to the following link and answer these questions for an interactive discussion: https://www.goodreads.com/questions/5384-shahjehan-is-one-of-my-favorite-mughal/answers/1281-also-please-see-the You tube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2euRavjFpk Welcome friends to my second online book meeting. As you all know that this session will be recorded and will be shared on various socia media platforms. Thanks a lot for taking time from your busy schedules and joining us. I am Dr. Afshan Hashmi the organizer of this book club meeting. The views/opinions presented in this meeting are solely those of the person sharing those views and do not represent those of the moderator/ organizer of this meeting. So lets start friends our intellectual journey in an unique stylish and glam way. I am fascinated by Mughal dynasty and have become an expert in teaching Mughal dynasty to a vast audience. Mughal dynasty was famous for their royal costumes jewelery and cuisine besides good administration. I will tell you first in brief about Shahjahan and fashion in the mughal era and bring you all in the mood of Mughal period before discussing today,s book. Shah Jahan, a title meaning 'King of the World January 1592 – 22 January 1666 was the fifth Mughal Emperor of India. He ruled from 1628 until 1658. Born Prince Khurram, he was the son of Emperor Jahangir. He was chosen as successor to the throne after the death of his father in 1627. He is considered one of the greatest Mughals. His rule has been called one of the most prosperous ages of Indian civilization the golden age He was passionate to expand his vast empire. In 1658, he fell ill and was confined by his son Aurangzeb in Agra Fort until his death in 1666. Fashion in Mughal era: : Mughal emperors encouraged creativity and Innovation. The harem women were not only beautiful but also very creative. Their mantra to please the emperor had given rise to many new discoveries. Men wore long gowns, as well as decorated sashes, pearl necklaces and jewelled turban ornaments.Women wore long, gown worn over tight trousers is remarkably similar to men costumes itr-Jahangir one of the finest perfume was created during the Mughal period. Mughal women wore beautiful necklaces made of gold and silver studded with gems and pearls A large number of ornaments were made out of gold , silver and copper which hung down from the ears. Nurjahan wrote poetry, blended perfumes and designed clothes and fabrics, dresses in a style that established the fashion for many years to come. She introduced the delicate art of white embroidery chikankari now associated with Lucknow, to the Mughal court, where it became the height of fashion. Velvets, printed cottons and embroideries were also used in the portable tents and furnishings used by the emperor when on the move, either on a military campaign or a hunting expedition.This moveable court was almost as luxurious as the permanent one, I have visited Taj Mahal many times and every time I visited it I learned something new about this monument. The book we are discussing today is: Shah Jahan: The Rise and Fall of the Mughal Emperor by Fergus Nicoll Hardcover: 280 pages Publisher: Haus Publishing; Publication Date: June 1, 2009 My review and thought after reading the book: I loved and enjoyed reading this book a lot. It is a very well written book. I was mesmerized the way author has depicted Shahjahan as a son, grandson, Father and husband.. The bibliography and maps are beautifully depicted and the pictures well- connected to the text. Reading of the planning and consecutive building of the Taj Mahal is a treat. The love story of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal has attracted the author’s special attention. A marvellous work of literature which is rich,in facts that are woven interestingly into the life of Shah Jahan, one of the illustrious emperors of India. Here are some questions which I have put forward now for the audience to discuss:. I will put these questions on Goodreads forum to have a very interactive discussion: Shahjehan is one of my favorite Mughal emperor and what are your thoughts about Shahjahan after reading this book? Did reading the book evoke any strong emotion in you? Was there one event in the book that resonated with you deeply? Have you visited Taj Mahal and what memories comes to you associated with that visit ? Please join my onlinebook club in Goodreads also and start posting your comments also on the discussion questions I have posted there. I am going to put these questions also there . Good bye friends and see you all in another stimulating Stylish and glam book discussion!!!! Bye-bye till we meet again !!! Thanks Dr Afshan Hashmi http://www.drafshanhashmi.com/

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