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    Episode Nineteen - "Ultimate" Warrior in WCW
    The end is near folk. Better Call Creative round out the story book career of the Warrior Man by checking out the Batman version of him in the wacky world of WCW. This run is full of so much goody goodness that its impossible in this blurb to sum it up, but there's a mirror, a smoke filled toilet, the worlds worst fire ball, and Brutus the Barber Beefcake. So whats not to like ay? Its the same Warrior Time, same Warrior place and same Warrior channel........speak to us Warriors!!!! "Hello...is that creative?"

    Recent Episodes from Better Call Creative Wrestling Podcast


    Here on Better Call Creative, we always celebrate birthday's differently. This year the power is going to be shared around. Jack celebrates his birthday in our first birthday episode, and with the power, he chooses a company we have yet to visit...XPW. Rob Black, Supreme, Death Match, this company has lived, died and been reborn in infamy. We are heading back to peak XPW in 2002 and Baptised in Blood III. The return of Shane Douglas who demonstrates the greatest shot ever and a barb wired sex toy! Its Deathmatch folk, and so we honour Jack's Birthday with celebrating....or maybe not, the legacy of this bizarre world, and this crazy show! Do they have creative? Well we had Better Call Creative then i guess!

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE TWENTY TWO - Elimination Chamber 2015

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE TWENTY TWO - Elimination Chamber 2015
    SEASON 2 - EPISODE TWENTY TWO - Elimination Chamber 2015
    A new concept in wrestling is difficult to come up with. In 2002 on the back of the attitude era and the death of any real competition, the WWE created the Elimination Chamber. Four chambers, six competitors and a whole new way of deciding titles, contenders and feuds. Like any concept be it the Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Ladder Matches and the like, there will always be ups and downs. By 2015 the Chamber had its own ppv, but strangely this ppv had been moved to May, and with no real need for elimination chamber matches that year, the decision was made to throw in the IC and Tag Team Titles. A chamber event with the Los Matadores, Ryback, Prime Time Players all popping out the pods was always going to be a hard sell, but man oh man, we haven't scratched the surfce of this awful event! Somebody had Better Call Creative!

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE TWENTY ONE - Uncensored 1995

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE TWENTY ONE - Uncensored 1995
    SEASON 2 - EPISODE TWENTY ONE - Uncensored 1995
    Oh 1995 what a terrible year you were! Well at least in wrestling terms it was, WWF was struggling to find a new direction with a New Champion in Diesel, but over in WCW despite having hold of the two biggest names in Wrestling, they were putting out pay per views like Uncensored! A show that featured a wrestling match on the back of a truck, a boxer versus wrestler contest, the most bizarre martial arts style match, and a main event strap match which features Ric Flair in drag....it's fair to say we may have found the worst of wrestling's past! So join us as we try and digest this crazy show, and reimagine what the show could have been!

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE TWENTY- Wrestling Weddings

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE TWENTY- Wrestling Weddings
    SEASON 2 - EPISODE TWENTY- Wrestling Weddings
    Love is in the air this valentines day as Better Call Creative celebrate the truest way one can express their love in the world of wrestling, a wrestling wedding! Since the early 80s it seems that wrestling and weddings have gone together like a horse and carriage as the old song says! From Butcher Vachon and the wild antics of Captain Lou Albano, to Rusev jumping out of a giant wedding cake. As many Wedding Crashers as I Do's, its fair to say a wrestling wedding is never dull, so take your seat as part of our wedding party, and lets all raise a toast to the happy couple of Wrestling and Weddings!


    Going into 2001, WCW was on life support. On the back of a terrible year creatively, and financially, with a series of bookers coming and going, it's fair to say optimism wasn't high. A rebrand of the ppv schedule was designed, around the seven deadly sins. The launch for this concept was the ppv named Sin, and it would feature a fatal four way main event with Scott Steiner defending his title against stable mate Jeff Jarratt, Sid Vicious and WCW's president choice....well that was the mystery hook! The main event, will live in wrestling history, for a terrible terrible injury....however, we aren't here for that, we are here for the mystery! Creatively this show is awful, but you'll have to listen to find out why! You'd Better Call Creative i guess!

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE EIGHTEEN - Royal Rumble 1999

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE EIGHTEEN - Royal Rumble 1999
    SEASON 2 - EPISODE EIGHTEEN - Royal Rumble 1999
    Timing in life is everything isn't it. Given the terrible revelations and at the time of publishing, allegations about Vince McMahon, it is somewhat poorly timed that we would release a podcast looking back at his Royal Rumble win. However, creatively this show is a show that has performed poorly against the now lengthy Royal Rumble history. A Royal Rumble built around the biggest storyline in wrestling possibly ever in Austin v McMahon, and the collatoral damage seemingly was the rest of the roster. The Attitude Era was built around big brash characters, but some characters shine brighter than others, and on this show, only two stars shone brightly. Oh and we haven't got to Mankind taking seven unprotected chair shots to the head. This, unfortunately is not a Rumble to Remember.

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE SEVENTEEN - Giants in Wrestling

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE SEVENTEEN - Giants in Wrestling
    SEASON 2 - EPISODE SEVENTEEN - Giants in Wrestling
    In the immortal words of the Hall of Fame opener, it started with one! Well kind of anyway. For many when you say Giant and Wrestling, Andre will be the first name from their lips. So imposing was his legacy that it can be easy to forget those who came before and after him. However the legacy he carved has meant that the world of wrestling has been littered with Giants. No podcast could review them all, and plenty small time 6 foot plus Giants have had to be cut away until those who tower above even the greats like Kane and Undertaker remain. We will be country hopping, bouncing around the era's to celebrate the Giants of Wrestling, no matter there in ring ability. Raja Lion and all. You'd Better Call Creative right!

    BONUS EPISODE - TNA Impact No.1

    BONUS EPISODE - TNA Impact No.1
    BONUS EPISODE - TNA Impact No.1
    A podcast favourite is our trips to TNA Impact and so we have been excited at the imminent return of the TNA wrestling brand! We celebrate the TNA brands wonderful past, buy looking back at it's first ever TNA Impact back in 2004! A show that highlights everything that makes TNA so wonderful, Don West, Shark Boy, AJ Styles, Popeye! It's weird its wonderful and it's back! Cross the line and listen to Better Call Creative now!

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE SIXTEEN - Starrcade 1998

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE SIXTEEN - Starrcade 1998
    SEASON 2 - EPISODE SIXTEEN - Starrcade 1998
    We round out the year in wrestling tradition as we look back on Starrcade from 1998. One of the biggest years in WCW history, and whilst the 83 weeks dominance of WWF has now gone, WCW continue to look strong with the rise of the undefeated WCW Champion Goldberg going into 1999! All he must do is survive the challenge of Kevin Nash....so what could possibly go wrong! Then there is the return of the Nature Boy Ric Flair! Gone for almost a year, Slick Ric is back and ready to give the WCW fans what they want in kicking the butt of Eric Bischoff....what could possibly go wrong? Oh and then there is Jerry Flynn teaming with Fit Finlay to face NWO B Team members Brian Adams and Scott Norton...ok well we know whats wrong with that! A card that lacked a lot of depth but nonetheless had star power, so why was it so bad? Well, you had Better Call Creative and find out!!

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE SIXTEEN - Crown Jewel 2018

    SEASON 2 - EPISODE SIXTEEN - Crown Jewel 2018
    SEASON 2 - EPISODE SIXTEEN - Crown Jewel 2018
    It's Christmas time and we wanteed to keep everything on gimmick, and celebrate all things christmas....but that Saudi Blood Money was just all too much to turn down so we are going back to 2018 and the return match for Shawn Michaels! DX versus the Brothers of Destruction and a World Cup! Well.....it's not quite as great as it sounds on paper...or maybe it is! Yes its the match where Triple H tears his pectorial muscle, and where Kane's mask just falls off! Who cares though because nobody in the crowd seem to! The one thing you should care about is that Shane McMahon wins the Best in the World cup without being in the tournament! It's no Silent Night here in Saudi Arabia but join Better Call Creative this festive time to celebrate all the Saudi nonsense! Happy Christmas everyone!