
    Equality..Optimism..Hope with Bisi Alimi #isharehope Episode 84

    enJune 02, 2016

    About this Episode


    Bisi Alimi is a CONTROVERSIAL, PASSIONATE, and POWERFUL internationally renowned researcher, public speaker, policy analyst, television pundit and campaigner. His expertise on Social Justice ranges from Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity to Race and Race Relations, Feminism, Education and Poverty Alleviation.

    He has appeared on many international television stations as a social and political pundit, including, CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera, and CCTV, and outlets like NPR and the Washington Post has profiled him.

    His TEDx talk, “There should never be another Ibrahim” has been listed as one of the 14 most inspiring queer TEDtalk of all time, his talk at the Aspen Ideas festival left the audience asking for more. Alimi gave the closing speech at a Daily Beast event hosted at the New York Public Library titled, “I am Bisi Alimi and I am not a victim.”

    “The Development Cost of Homophobia” is his most successful article that was translated into over 15 languages globally. His most recent article for the Guardian: “If you say being gay is not African, you don’t know your history” has gone on to great review and cited in many news article globally.

    He has many laurels for his work globally. He consults for World Bank on Economic impact of Homophobia and serves on the Bank advisory board on SOGI. He was a 2014 New Voices fellow at the Aspen Institute. Listed 19 most important LGBT person in UK 2015 and was named 77 on the World Pride Power List 2014.

    Recent Episodes from I Share Hope: Chris Williams

    Hope and Positivity! with Amelia Earhart #isharehope Episode 122

    Hope and Positivity! with Amelia Earhart #isharehope Episode 122


    Named by the Jaycees as one of the "Top Ten Young Americans", Amelia Rose Earhart recreated and symbolically completed the 1937 flight of her namesake, Amelia Mary Earhart. Her 28,000 mile flight around the world in a single engine aircraft became a symbol of determination, courage and empowerment for anyone who has ever decided to seek new horizons.

    Amelia is the president of the Fly With Amelia Foundation, a non-profit providing flight training scholarships to young women across America. She can be seen each morning on Denver's NBC affiliate, KUSA-TV reporting on breaking news and traffic, is an active member of the Board of Directors at Wings Over the Rockies, Colorado's Official Air and Space Museum and is currently working toward her multi-engine aircraft rating.Additional Notes::

    My website is www.flywithamelia.org. Thank you!

    I Share Hope: Chris Williams
    enFebruary 23, 2017

    Find Good in Everyone..in Everything with Abdelrahman Al-daqqa #isharehope Episode 121

    Find Good in Everyone..in Everything with Abdelrahman Al-daqqa #isharehope Episode 121


    Doctor at Palestinian ministry of health, Horizons Representative in Palestine, Palestinian campaign to raise awareness about internet safety and pornography addiction, Healthy university Initiative.

    A motivated, young entrepreneur, volunteer, and social activist doctor, I am very interested in the innovation in the health care which leads to a better health for all people especially for my home which is a poor country live under difficult circumstances (Palestine).

    For this reason I got used to work hard and overcome my limitations. Therefore, since childhood period, I started building myself as strong, qualified person, then to work with youth and community members to solve many problems in environment of war, killing and destruction.

    I focused on building new motivated and creative generations, to be able to build our future and try to spread the hope, the knowledge, and the energy. Meanwhile, I worked with more than 1000 volunteers to establish campaigns like Internet safety, breast cancer awareness, health university, Horizons, health activities..etc. and I led many organizations and initiatives for that reasons.

    Eventually, I got many scholarships and Awards (more than 11), and I represented my home at many international conferences, in Norway, the Netherland, USA. And I appeared on TVs and media more than 15 times including Aljazeera channel.

    I have recently got a diploma in one of most prestigious business school in the world, Kelley school of business , USA. Happily, I had the privilege to represent Palestinian youth it at US chamber of state, Washington 2016.

    I'm the CEO of MWD company ( medical waste disposal company) startup.


    I Share Hope: Chris Williams
    enFebruary 16, 2017

    Hope diminishes Fear with Nora Jaccaud #isharehope Episode 119

    Hope diminishes Fear with Nora Jaccaud #isharehope Episode 119


    Human Postcards is an ongoing series of 60 second video portraits, capturing the inspirational and often powerful messages of everyday people from around the world.

    Nora's passion in life is to learn from others by observing and listening. As a child she would collect stories from people the way kids collect seashells. Nothing could stop her curiosity. Languages became a tool to open more doors.

    With time, her need to share stories and create connections led me to become a story teller. Being a part of Human Postcards fuels this passion, by capturing these moments for others to experience.


    I Share Hope: Chris Williams
    enFebruary 02, 2017

    Hope can never be taken away.. with Amberley Snyder #isharehope Episode 118

    Hope can never be taken away.. with Amberley Snyder #isharehope Episode 118


    Amberley was born in California and moved to Utah when she was seven. She is the second of six children in her family. She started riding horses at the age of three and competing in rodeo at the age of seven. Amberley competed all through junior high and high school qualifying for numerous national rodeos. Amberley has won multiple titles including the Finals and World All-Around Cowgirl for the National Little Britches Association. She also served as the Utah FFA State President.

    Amberley just graduated from Utah State University obtaining a degree in Agricultural Education and is now pursuing a graduate degree in School Counseling. She was involved in a paralyzing car accident in 2010. The odds were against her as she began life in a wheelchair.

    Amberley returned to rodeo 18 months after her accident and in 2015 ran in the world’s richest one-day rodeo called The American. She ended her final college rodeo season fifth in the Rocky Mountain Region in the barrel racing. She is now competing on the amateur and pro rodeo circuit. Amberley travels the nation sharing her story of triumph over tragedy and hopes to inspire others that no matter what happens, they have the strength to overcome it.

    Fighting the War on Drugs with Hope with Lisa Sanchez #isharehope Episode 117

    Fighting the War on Drugs with Hope with Lisa Sanchez #isharehope Episode 117


    Lisa holds a B.A. in International Relations from Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico and the Institute of Political Studies in Paris (Sciences Po), a M.A. in Political Science from the University Paris I (Panthéon Sorbonne) and a M.Sc. in Public Management and Governance from the London School of Economics.

    At present she serves México Unido contra la Delincuencia (MUCD) and Transform Drug Policy Foundation (TDPF) as Director of the Latin American Programme for Drug Policy Reform, and is the Latin American “Associate Expert” of the LSE Ideas’ International Drug Policy Project. Called into the drug policy field by the need of urgently stopping the blood bath caused by the militarisation of drug control strategies in Mexico, she's been working for eight years now from both the public and the third sector (civil society) to achieve more humane, evidence-based drug policies that do not exacerbate violence and respect human rights. Professionally, she worked for the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organisation of American States from 2010 to 2012 and has collaborated with several civil society organisations such as Espolea, MUCD and TDPF.

    As a young activist, she has fought for different causes, ranging from sexual and reproductive health and rights to gender equality, HIV/AIDS and drug policy reform.

    Respect, Understanding & Hope for the Tribal People with Sophie Grig #isharehope Episode 116

    Respect, Understanding & Hope for the Tribal People with Sophie Grig #isharehope Episode 116


    Sophie Grig, senior campaigner at Survival International.

    She has been with Survival since 1995 and has campaigned against the annihilation of tribal peoples in Bangladesh, India, Siberia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, West Papua and Indonesia. She has visited tribal communities in South America, Asia and Melanesia.

    Sophie has also campaigned on uncontacted peoples in India and Melanesia; issues of tribal health and displacement; the dangers of imposing ‘development’ on self-sufficient tribal peoples; forcible evictions from tiger reserves and challenging prejudice against tribal people in India, where they are often portrayed as backward and primitive.

    She has a Bachelor's degree in Religious Studies and Anthropology from the University of Lancaster and an MPhil in Anthropology from Cambridge University.

    Sophie has spent time living in Brazil and Japan, and is currently living and working in the United Kingdom.

    Survival International is the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights. We help them defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures.

    Being Hopeful is being ready for Change with Gemma Mortensen #isharehope Episode 115

    Being Hopeful is being ready for Change with Gemma Mortensen #isharehope Episode 115


    Gemma joined Change.org in January 2016, assuming responsibility for the company's General Management globally. She was previously Executive Director of Crisis Action, having joined as the second member of staff in 2006, and led the organization to receive the 2012 MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions and the 2013 Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship.

    In 2011, the World Economic Forum selected her as one of their Young Global Leaders. CNN named her as one of their inspirational women for 2014 and she became a Yale World Fellow in 2015. She previously worked for the Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the United Nations in New York, the European Commission and as a journalist.



    Hope is about opportunities and possibilities for all with Alejandro Brauer #isharehope Episode 114

    Hope is about opportunities and possibilities for all with Alejandro Brauer #isharehope Episode 114


    Advocate of equality and social inclusion for those with intellectual disabilities, through his organisation, Stimulo.

    Stimulo is an organisation that has been working to defend the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities. We fight for total social inclusion, positive social participation and full access to opportunities. We do this through several activities and strategies, particularly through access to the employment market.

    Work should be for everyone in this world. It’s a right that enables other social, political and life quality advantages. That is why we have choosen to emphasise the right for people with intellectual disabilities, to be trained and hired for appropriate jobs.

    I Share Hope: Chris Williams
    enDecember 29, 2016

    There's a rainbow always after the rain... with Joana Bacallo #isharehope Episode 113

    There's a rainbow always after the rain... with Joana Bacallo #isharehope Episode 113


    While hopping in between continents, Ms. Joana Bacallo managed to finish her postgraduate in Aviation Management in Coventry University.

    Her passion for aviation and customer care were surpassed by the fuel that fills her heart, which is water. She would like to believe She is a social entrepreneur and as an advocate, one thing you should know about her is that She is a serial crowdfunder: She pledged her birthday each year to a water project of her choice or She goes on hiking to rural areas where she can engage with children to teach them importance of hygiene and water conservation through arts and fun games.

    She rolls out a call to action on social media platforms to her friends, former classmates and co-workers to take a vacation off and celebrate with her.

    Her 30th birthday gained some international media attention and She was able to sponsor (through crowdfunding) 200 indigenous kids in the highest elementary school in the Philippines.

    As per Joana:

    The lives the youth live nowadays are unparalleled.

    I work among the clouds- I am responsible for your inflight safety and comfort because I am an international senior flight stewardess. I have moved away from the Philippines about eight years ago and embarked on a traveled life.

    Free flights are amazing- this is one of the perks of my day job and it made me experience art and beauty but I also saw the ugly side of it too especially with water, sanitation and hygiene to countries I visit.

    Although my office is 40,000 feet up, I spend my days on ground learning about surrounding topics on water and advocating for people in rural communities to have more knowledge and access to cheap drinkable water.

    I wanted my impact magnified even after I created Agua Pura Natural, a purified water filtration and refilling station startup in my hometown in Metro Manila and I am continuously pioneering on how to engage young people to be advocates of water and its conservation even they belong to different industries and practicing different crafts- they can make a change, they can start a difference in their respective communities.

    I believe entrepreneurship empowers communities especially its young women as this activity provides the tools to immediate solutions to grassroots yet basic social problems we usually take for granted like the lack of water and poor sanitation.

    This is where the real impact starts. Everyone can be a practical and a tangible sources of hope in their small respective circles- the ripple effect!

    I Share Hope: Chris Williams
    enDecember 22, 2016