
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the significance of sleep, intellectual curiosity, and individualityThe Sleep Number smart bed highlights the importance of quality sleep and individualized comfort. Intellectual Dark Web thinkers, like Eric Weinstein, value intellectual curiosity and challenge mainstream narratives.

      The importance of quality sleep and individualized comfort cannot be overlooked, as demonstrated by the Sleep Number smart bed. Meanwhile, intellectual curiosity and challenging mainstream narratives are key themes among the thinkers of the Intellectual Dark Web, as exemplified by Harvard-educated mathematician Eric Weinstein. While crocodiles can't stick out their tongues and short-term health insurance plans offer flexible coverage, these facts pale in comparison to the significance of these deeper insights. Additionally, Weinstein's intellectual achievements, such as his PhD dissertation on the Yang Mills equation, serve as a testament to the power of determination and neurodivergence. The Intellectual Dark Web represents a diverse group of thinkers who refuse to accept groupthink and tribalism, instead choosing to question and challenge mainstream narratives.

    • The need for civility in intellectual debatesMaintain respect and follow intellectual rules for productive discussions, despite political differences, to effectively engage in debates and focus on the issues at hand, especially in a world where many people feel anxious and uncertain about the future.

      The importance of civility in intellectual debates cannot be overstated. Despite political differences, members of the Intellectual Dark Web maintained a level of respect and adhered to intellectual "Queensbury rules" for productive and meaningful discussions. However, the current state of discourse often devolves into personal attacks and ad hominem insults, hindering the ability to effectively engage in debates. Additionally, while we live in a statistically better world than previous generations, many people are plagued by anxiety and angst, potentially due to the awareness of our immense power and the potential for catastrophic consequences. The loss of faith in an indefinite human future contributes to the sense of unease and the need for a renewed focus on civility and productive discourse.

    • The Danger and Importance of Nuclear WeaponsDespite the cessation of atmospheric nuclear testing, the potential danger of nuclear weapons remains. Cultural differences could lead to miscommunication and misunderstanding, increasing the risk of their use.

      We should not underestimate the danger and importance of nuclear weapons in today's world. The speaker believes that despite the cessation of atmospheric nuclear testing in 1962, there is a growing unconcern with the potential danger we live in. He emphasizes the cultural differences between the modern west and Central and Eastern Europe, where nuclear weapons are used more frequently for engineering purposes. The speaker also warns of the potential for cross-cultural miscommunication leading to a nuclear scenario. He urges us to reacquaint ourselves with the danger of nuclear weapons and the need for understanding the cultural differences that could impact their use. While AI becoming sentient is a concern for the future, the speaker believes that the immediate danger lies with nuclear weapons and the potential for miscommunication and misunderstanding leading to their use.

    • The Danger of Nuclear WeaponsEven good people can misuse nuclear power, democratic systems can elect unfit leaders, public institutions are not always truthful, and public spirited fictions are necessary for proper governance.

      The power of nuclear weapons is what makes them dangerous, not morality or intellect of those who possess them. The speaker argues that even good people may misuse such immense power, and democratic systems can sometimes elect unfit leaders. Additionally, the speaker believes that public institutions, including politicians, scientists, and media, are not always truthful, but the lies they tell are not competent or minimal, which is distressing for those with higher intellect. The speaker also holds that public spirited fictions are essential for proper governance and that people should not be asked to believe things that no child should. The speaker expresses surprise that there is debate about Putin's invasion of Ukraine and the need to repel it, given the human cost and sovereignty issues involved.

    • Understanding Central and Eastern Europe's complex history and geopoliticsRecognizing historical context and complicated relations in Central and Eastern Europe is crucial for informed public discourse, as border readjustments and US actions towards former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries have long-term strategic implications.

      The complex history and geopolitical dynamics of Central and Eastern Europe require a nuanced understanding that goes beyond the simplistic lens of sovereignty versus aggression. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing the historical context and complicated relations in the region, as well as the potential consequences of border readjustments. They also point out the long-term strategic implications of the United States' actions towards former Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries, suggesting that a multi-decade plan may be in place, but its details are not fully understood. The speaker emphasizes the need for a more nuanced and informed public discourse on these issues, and warns against the dangers of oversimplifying complex geopolitical situations.

    • Understanding the complexities of cooperating with Putin and free speechCooperation with Putin and free speech require nuanced approaches, recognizing limits and context.

      While it may not be in America's national interest for a Russian dictator like Vladimir Putin to expand his power and territory, cooperating with him could be a necessary step due to the complex and dangerous nature of the region. Putin's skill and the historical and intellectual significance of the region make it crucial for the US to have a deep understanding of the tensions there. Free speech is another complex issue, with limits and restrictions that are often overlooked. While the concept of free speech is important, it doesn't mean unrestricted speech. Elon Musk, a champion of free speech, demonstrated this when he canceled an interview with a critic who mildly criticized his decision to allow Alex Jones back on his platform. These complexities require a nuanced approach and a deep understanding of the context.

    • The Inconsistency of Free Speech and TruthWhile upholding free speech and truth are important principles, their inconsistent application can lead to dangerous consequences. Platforms like Wikipedia require constant vigilance to prevent disinformation.

      While we value principles like free speech and truth, our human nature makes us inconsistent in upholding them when they don't align with our beliefs. This inconsistency is why we have laws to protect these principles. However, platforms that promote free speech, like Wikipedia, can be exploited and become dangerous when people intentionally spread disinformation. The quality of information on Wikipedia varies greatly depending on the subject matter. Political or controversial figures often have low-quality information due to determined individuals trying to spread disinformation. The free speech debate has evolved from an exchange of ideas into a question of what can be said without consequences, often leading to vitriol and personal attacks. Regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the debate has become heated, and individuals like Brett have gained high profiles for their positions. While it's important to respect everyone's right to their opinions, it's crucial to ensure that information is accurate and not intentionally misleading.

    • Concerns over the origins of COVID-19 and lack of transparencyThe speaker raises concerns over the mysterious origins of COVID-19, potential conflicts of interest, and the need for transparency and accountability to fully understand the pandemic and hold those responsible accountable.

      The origins of COVID-19 and the actions surrounding it remain shrouded in mystery, with many important details and potential conflicts of interest being overlooked. The speaker expresses concern over the apparent deceit surrounding the origins of the virus, its treatment, and the reasons for various decisions, and believes that a lack of transparency and accountability is leading to a dangerous vacuum of knowledge. They also criticize efforts to silence discussion on potential links to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the EcoHealth Alliance, and express concern over the potential consequences of ignoring the past and present limitations of our scientific and political understanding. Additionally, they criticize the changing narrative around COVID-19 and the handling of scientific information during the pandemic, and believe that a more aggressive and open approach is necessary to fully understand what happened and hold those responsible accountable.

    • Missteps and uncertainties in using PPE during COVID-19 pandemicScientific community faced criticism and mistrust due to inconsistencies in PPE use, rooted in past failures and doubts about efficacy. Supporting independent scientists, promoting open dialogue, and encouraging collaboration can help prevent future crises and ensure informed decisions.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were missteps and uncertainties regarding the use of PPE, specifically masks. The reasons for these inconsistencies were rooted in a reluctance to admit past failures and doubts about the efficacy of masks. This situation led to a lack of transparency and trust in the scientific community, with experts being criticized and dismissed. The complexities of scientific theories, such as Einstein's theory of relativity, can add to the confusion, but it's essential to ensure that scientists adhere to ethical practices and consider diverse perspectives. To address these issues, one potential solution is to support independent scientists, promote open dialogue, and encourage a more inclusive and collaborative scientific community. This will help ensure that we are better prepared for future crises and can make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable information.

    • A Call for a 'Civil War' in Academia to Restore Rigor and IntoleranceThe speaker advocates for a purge of issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and plagiarism in academia, emphasizing the importance of rigorous scholarship and intolerance of intolerance, while expressing concern about the loss of academic freedom and the power of large channels to amplify voices and ideas.

      The speaker believes that the traditional academic institutions, such as Harvard and MIT, have become corrupt and are in need of a "civil war" to purge them of issues related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and plagiarism. He argues that we need to return to rigorous scholarship and collegiality, and that universities should not be kindergartens where people are easily offended. He also mentions his experience with the intellectual dark web and the power of large channels to amplify voices and ideas. He expresses concern about the state of universities and the loss of academic freedom, citing an example of a professor being fired for using offensive language during a lecture about it. He emphasizes the importance of restoring academic rigor and intolerance of intolerance. He also mentions his skepticism towards rapid-fire questions on the internet and the importance of nuanced discussions.

    • Considering Multiple Perspectives in Controversial TopicsApproach controversial topics with a critical and open-minded attitude, considering multiple perspectives and seeking out reliable sources of information to make informed decisions and contribute to productive public discourse.

      The importance of considering multiple perspectives when evaluating information, especially in the context of controversial topics like the use of Ivermectin as a prophylactic or treatment for COVID-19. Brett and Eric had vastly different views on the effectiveness and safety of Ivermectin, with Brett seeing it as a potential game-changer and Eric cautioning against its use due to potential risks and the presence of misinformation online. Moreover, the conversation highlighted the potential negative consequences of engaging in online debates, particularly when dealing with individuals who may be bots or spreading misinformation. The fear of being subjected to harassment and negative attention can deter people from sharing their opinions or seeking out new information. Ultimately, it's essential to approach such discussions with a critical and open-minded attitude, recognizing that there may be valid concerns on both sides and that the truth often lies somewhere in the middle. It's also crucial to seek out reliable sources of information and to fact-check claims before sharing them with others. In conclusion, the conversation between Brett and Eric serves as a reminder of the importance of considering multiple perspectives, approaching online debates with caution, and seeking out reliable sources of information. By doing so, we can make more informed decisions and contribute to a more accurate and productive public discourse.

    Recent Episodes from Piers Morgan Uncensored

    Roger Waters Uncensored

    Roger Waters Uncensored

    As the man behind rock revolutionaries Pink Floyd, Roger Waters is music royalty. 

    He’s still filling stadiums after six decades in the business.

    Dark Side of the Moon remains one of the most iconic and acclaimed records in music history.

    But his critics say there’s a dark side to Roger Waters, too, namely his contentious views on political lightning rods such as Putin, Israel and Donald Trump.

    Piers once uncharitably described him as “the dumbest rockstar in history.”

    He one accused Piers, of being part of a media conspiracy to cancel him.

    Well, he got the call. And delighted to say Roger Waters joined us in the Uncensored studio...

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Can Democrats Replace Biden?

    Can Democrats Replace Biden?

    Amazingly, it seems that last week’s car crash presidential debate has done little to persuade the Democrats to change course, as Joe Biden remains the candidate they back to take on Donald Trump in November's election. Piers Morgan not only believes this to be a colossal mistake, but also openly wonders if the incumbent will make it to election day. The main target of his ire is First Lady herself, Jill Biden.

    Piers brings host of 'The Michael Knowles Show' Michael Knowles, host of 'The Bitchuation Room' podcast Francesca Fiorentini, host of 'Tomi Lahren is Fearless' on Outkick Tomi Lahren, streamer and commentator Destiny and Fox News medical contributor Dr Marc Siegel on the show to discuss the abysmal state of affairs in the Biden camp.

    00:00 - Introduction

    04:00 - Should Joe Biden remain the democratic candidate for this election?

    06:50 - Tomi says Biden would be the easiest competition to beat

    09:40 - “The thought of Kamala Harris terrifies the Democrats more than Dementia Joe”

    13:30 - Francesca: “Donald Trump represents a far worse threat than Biden”

    16:07 - Michael: “How does the entire liberal establishment campaign for this guy?”

    19:20 - Dr. Marc Siegel diagnoses Biden as a “bumbling idiot”

    27:50 - “MAGA is a cult of conspiracy theorists”

    30:00 - "Will people vote for a corpse over Donald Trump?"

    34:30 - 'The public can smell a political hit job'

    43:20 - Trump’s conviction 'embarrassing' for America

    46:00 - Who would the panel parachute in to save the Democratic Party?”

    47:10 - Where are we heading?

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Nick Kyrgios Vs Piers Morgan: Round 2

    Nick Kyrgios Vs Piers Morgan: Round 2

    Few public figures have feuded so publicly, explosively and bitterly as the tennis superstar Nick Kyrgios - and Piers.

    Piers once called the Australian a monumental asshole. Kyrgios told Piers 'to eat a dick'

    But after making up in their first interview last year...Nick came to visit Piers in our London studio.

    00:15 - Who is the real Nick Kyrgios?

    02:00 - Reacting to adversity 

    07:00 - Handling criticism 

    10:45 - John McEnroe Vs Nick Kyrgios 

    13:20 - Mental strength needed to become elite athlete 

    17:00 - Andy Murray "Afraid to let go" 

    19:30 - Djokovic's 'sick obsession'  

    23:00 - Move into Boxing after Tennis

    27:00: Nick responds to Andrew Tate fallout

    33:00 - Piers Vs Nick: Table Tennis (probably better viewed on our YouTube page)

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Biden Vs Trump Debate: The Uncensored Verdict

    Biden Vs Trump Debate: The Uncensored Verdict

    The first US presidential debate was held last night, and for Joe Biden supporters at least, it was a nightmare come to life. While Donald Trump predictably resorted to embellishment and non-truths, the President seemed frail, confused and lost. Piers Morgan wonders how long the Democrats can continue to hold him up as their nominee - and if they do switch, who could they possibly put forward to oppose Trump?

    Joining Piers Morgan Uncensored to dissect this debacle is podcaster Vinny Oshana, host of The Young Turks Cenk Uygur, Trump’s former lawyer Jenna Ellis, Twitch streamer Hasan Piker, Republican US Senate candidate for Arizona Kari Lake, Joe Biden's former White House advisor Moe Vela and RNC spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko. Suffice it to say, the pro-Biden camp spoke to his legislative achievements, but no one seems to want to defend the performance that was seen around the world.

    00:00 - Introduction

    05:10 - Cenk Uygur gives his reaction to the presidential debate

    09:09 - Piers asks Hasan Piker if Biden should continue in Office

    12:20 - Kari Lake calls the debate a “trainwreck combined with a dumpster fire”

    17:30 - Jenna Ellis on Republican triumph and a democratic replacement

    21:28 - Vincent Oshana calls Gavin Newsom "a disgusting snake"

    24:00 - Vinny clashes with Hasan Piker over California, 9/11 and the debate

    27:00 - Will Joe Biden drop out of the race?

    32:35 - Biden’s former advisor Moe Vela joins the discussion

    33:50 - Vela calls the President a “decent, beautiful, and warm human being”

    45:42 - Hasan calls for America to “ put Mama Gretch in office”

    53:07- Pro-Biden TikTok influencer Harry Sisson joins

    01:03:20 - Elizabeth Pipko: “We’re in uncharted territory, this is genuinely a sad time”

    01:07:42 - Cenk: “If we keep Biden in the race, a Trump victory is guaranteed"

    01:12:30 - What happens now?

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Biden Vs Trump: Presidential Debate Preview

    Biden Vs Trump: Presidential Debate Preview

    The presidential debate between President Biden and former President Trump is one of the most anticipated in TV history. 

    And in a knife edge election it could also be the most consequential.

    It’s 45 versus 46, Biden v Trump: The Rematch.

    This time President Biden is debating as the deeply unpopular incumbent, and it’s Trump promising to restore normality.

    But can he stay on message? 

    Is the format - with no audience, muted mics between questions and two commercial breaks - rigged against him?

    Have Republicans set the bar too low by predicting the ailing President will barely be able to stay on his feet?

    This Friday we’ll host an Uncensored special, with some heavyweight guests to debate the fallout, but there is already plenty to discuss with our pack...

    Joining us:

    From the Officer Tatum YouTube channel, Brandon Tatum 

    Former Congressman, Joe Walsh 

    Host of The Bitchuation Room podcast, Francesca Fiorentini 

    And Karoline Leavitt, Spokeswoman and Press Secretary for Donald Trump

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Piers Morgan Vs George Galloway

    Piers Morgan Vs George Galloway

    British politician George Galloway - who is renown for his staunch support of Palestine and scathing criticism of Western foreign policies - joins Piers Morgan Uncensored for a deep dive into current events during a fascinating feature-length interview.

    On the ongoing conflict in Gaza, Piers presses Galloway to denounce the killings of innocents by Hamas in Israel on Oct 7th. Galloway responds by saying that while killing children and the elderly is terrorism, "if you keep 2.3 million people in a cage, they’re going to try and break out". The pair also discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with Galloway declaring that he actually trusts Putin "more than Keir Starmer, Joe Biden or Donald Trump". Piers doesn’t let up, and George doesn’t back down...

    Plus, in a surprise turn, Galloway reveals that he has fallen victim to Fiona Harvey of Baby Reindeer notoriety's stalking.

    00:00 - Introduction

    02:05 - Is any debate more divisive than Israel-Palestine?

    04:06 - Piers asks if Galloway condemns the actions of Hamas on Oct 7

    11:44 - Terrorist organisations and freedom resistance fighters

    18:14 - Israel’s creation of “a boogie man of an Islamist Regime”

    23:19 - “The fact cannot be changed, there once was a Palestine, now there is not”

    24:14 - The Balfour Declaration: “My country caused it, that is why I’m so exercised by it"

    26:14 - Failure of the Accords to create a Palestine state

    37:14 - Brexit and losing control of UK borders

    40:33 - Russia, Ukraine and the expansion of NATO

    41:14 - George Galloway on Zelensky - “the greatest showman on Earth”

    49:14 - “I trust Putin more than I trust Keir Starmer, Joe Biden and Donald Trump”

    51:14 - Battle of Bucha

    59:14 - “Why do you trust Putin?”

    01:03:14 - On Julian Assange’s release

    01:14:14 - On being stalked by Fiona Harvey

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Assange Walks Free: The Debate w/RFK Jr.

    Assange Walks Free: The Debate w/RFK Jr.

    After years of legal battles and tensions with the governments of multiple countries, WikiLeaks founder and Australian citizen Julian Assange left a UK prison following a London High Court bail order on Monday.

    Assange is expected to plead guilty to a single espionage charge in a court appearance on a tiny US-controlled Pacific island and prosecutors will seek a sentence equivalent to time served.

    US officials were pursuing the Australian over charges related to a huge disclosure of secret files in 2010, which they said put lives in danger.

    But is he a hero or villain?

    Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. returns to Uncensored to give his verdict.

    But first, Piers is joined by Author Michael Shellenberger, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Conservative commentator Ben Ferguson and former Tory MP Louise Mensch

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Roseanne Barr...In her Wildest Interview Ever?

    Roseanne Barr...In her Wildest Interview Ever?

    If you just can’t say it, the chances are that she has already said it.

    Roseanne Barr is the uncancellable comic.

    She's back on tour, she has a new podcast, and she's recently become a serious political commentator.

    On a show called Uncensored, it probably comes as no surprise that she is one of our most popular ever guests.

    And with a mandatory trigger warning, Roseanne Barr, Uncensored.

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Jeffrey Sachs: On Putin's Peace Demands

    Jeffrey Sachs: On Putin's Peace Demands

    President Putin wants peace. At least that’s what he wants you to believe.

    The Russian dictator has, for the first time, outlined his terms for a ceasefire in Ukraine.

    He’s demanding the complete withdrawal of Ukrainian troops from four regions which are currently occupied by Russia, and which it claims to have annexed.

    Italy’s prime minister Giorgia Meloni, speaking at this weekend’s peace summit of world leaders, said he’s effectively telling Ukraine to withdraw from… Ukraine.

    But if Putin’s real aim was to feign innocence for his apologists and score another propaganda victory, he may have been successful.

    To debate, We're joined by Professor Jeffrey Sachs.

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Candace Owens: The Fallout

    Candace Owens: The Fallout

    Welcome to Morgan’s Mailbag, which today is all about our exclusive head to head interview with Candace Owens.

    This was Candace’s first interview after her controversial departure from The Daily Wire a few months ago. 

    It's been viewed by nearly 2 million of you to date and, with 40 thousand also commenting on it, it's clear that a lot of you want to have YOUR say on how it went down. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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