
    About this Episode

    Watch this episode on YouTube here.

    Let’s talk about stress. 

    In this day and age, the amount of stress people are experiencing is quite intense. Well, I'm here to bring some peace and joy to this topic. 

    The majority of times when people refer to the word “stress”, they only have a negative connotation of what stress is. And there is truth in that aspect, for sure. 

    However, there's another perspective to what stress is and what it does, and how it can actually be a good thing.

    In this TAO-Living episode, we explore:

    • Eustress (good stress) vs distress (bad stress)

    • How overcoming challenges, putting your body to the test, and learning something new are all “stressing” your body and mind - yet it’s good for you!

    • The distinctions between “accumulative constructive survival values” and “accumulative destructive survival values”

    • The tool of self-assessment and scanning your day to see if your activities, location, interactions, etc. are building you up or breaking you down

    • How to Manage Your Environment and utilize Conscious Languaging to modify your perspective on stress in your life

    • Mindfulness, thriving, and much more!

    If you only conceive of stress from a negative connotation, you're missing a powerful productive ally in your life. 

    Learning, growing, working out, overcoming challenges - all of these things are productive “eustress” that help you stay healthy and move forward in your life!

    Thanks for tuning in and please be aware that we have a “eustress” experience 😉 coming up in October: The Art of Living Immersion.

    If you'd like to experience four days of transformation with an intimate group of people in pure nature, doing some amazing work to handle the destructive stuff, and incorporate the constructive, life affirming shifts in your life - join us October 12th to 15th!

    Abundant Blessings,

    Recent Episodes from TAO-Living with Lou Corleto

    Consciousness, Sound and Healing with Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

    Consciousness, Sound and Healing with Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

    Welcome to another enlightening episode of TAO-Living podcast, The Art of Living. In this special episode, we delve into the fascinating world of sound healing with the world-renowned Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, founder and director of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research in Carlsbad, California.

    Dr. Thompson, is considered the world’s premier sound healing researcher, brainwave entrainment expert, and high-tech personal transformation innovator, motivator, and futurist. He is a physician/ musician, composer, inventor, educator, and author.  In this episode he shares his profound expertise in sound healing research and brainwave entrainment. Throughout the episode, he delves into the intricate connection between sound frequencies and their impact on the body, mind, heart, and spirit.

    As the conversation unfolds, Dr. Thompson reveals his groundbreaking research on using precise sound frequencies to influence the autonomic nervous system, ultimately leading to profound healing effects. He discusses the concept of conscious faith and the importance of aligning with the universe's flow to unlock one's true potential.

    Moreover, Dr. Thompson shares his innovative approach to translating color frequencies into sound frequencies, highlighting the transformative power of elemental frequencies like oxygen. Through his meticulous research and practical experiments, he demonstrates how specific sound frequencies can positively impact blood oxygen levels and overall well-being.

    The episode delves into the evolution of brainwave entrainment, with Dr. Thompson introducing a wide array of brainwave frequencies beyond the traditional four, showcasing the potential for sound therapy to rebalance the brain and promote holistic healing.

    Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the intersection of science, sound, and spirituality with Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, a true pioneer in the field of sound healing.

    Tune in to discover the transformative power of sound frequencies and their profound impact on our health and well-being.

    Contact Dr. Jeffrey Thompson:

    Check out his YouTube channel for his Livestream Broadcasts 

    Contact Dr. Lou Corleto

    Join Dr. Lou to experience what is shared in this episode at his 4-Day Immersion.

    TAO-Living with Lou Corleto
    en-usFebruary 27, 2024

    Commitment and Mastery: A Skydiver's Journey to World Champion

    Commitment and Mastery: A Skydiver's Journey to World Champion

    Embracing the Journey to Mastery

    Welcome to another episode of the TAO Living Podcast, where we dive into The Art Of Living and explore the journey of self-discovery and growth. In this episode, host Lou Corleto sits down with special guest Jason Brigmon, a six-time national champion and current world champion skydiver in the freestyle discipline.

    The episode kicks off with Lou reminiscing about his first encounter with Jason at a local drop zone, where Jason was just getting his skydiving license. Lou recalls the moment when Jason, a former student, quickly became the teacher, showcasing his natural talent and dedication to the sport.

    As the conversation unfolds, Jason shares insights into his path to mastery, emphasizing the importance of commitment, hard work, and mindset in achieving his goals. He reflects on the process of growth and learning through challenges and setbacks, highlighting the value of consistent practice and perseverance.

    The discussion delves into the concept of celebrating achievements while staying focused on continuous improvement. Jason shares his perspective on not resting on success but using it as a stepping stone to further growth and development. He emphasizes the need to set realistic expectations and embrace discomfort as a catalyst for personal and professional growth.

    Throughout the episode, the tone remains motivational and inspiring, with both Lou and Jason sharing personal anecdotes and experiences to connect with listeners. The conversation serves as a reminder of the importance of embracing challenges, pushing boundaries, and committing to the journey of mastery in any endeavor.

    Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own goals, set high expectations, and embrace the process of growth with dedication and resilience. The episode concludes with a message of empowerment and encouragement, urging listeners to pursue their dreams with passion and determination.

    Join us on this enlightening and empowering journey as we explore the art of living and the pursuit of excellence with Jason Brigmon, a true champion in the world of skydiving.

    For more inspiring content and to connect with Lou Corleto, visit his websitehttps://www.loucorleto.com/ and follow him on social media for updates and additional resources. 
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lou_corleto 
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/loucorleto/ 
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/loucorleto.official

    Contact Jason Brigmon
    Email: Jason.r.brigmon@gmail.com
    Skydiving Team’s Website: https://www.xpascend.com/

    Watch Jason in action Video Links:
    2023 US Nationals Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSBqnrrIHAo
    2022 World Championship

    TAO-Living with Lou Corleto
    en-usFebruary 19, 2024

    From Vision to Consciousness: Exploring the Science of Light with Dr. Jacob Liberman

    From Vision to Consciousness: Exploring the Science of Light with Dr. Jacob Liberman


    From Vision to Consciousness: Exploring the Science of Light with Dr. Jacob Liberman. In this captivating episode of the TAO-Living podcast, host Dr. Lou Corleto engages in a profound conversation with Dr. Jacob Liberman, a renowned expert in the fields of light, vision, and consciousness. Dr. Liberman's groundbreaking discoveries have been endorsed by luminaries such as Bruce Lipton, Deepak Chopra, and Eckhart Tolle.

    During this enlightening discussion, Dr. Liberman shares insights from his latest book, "Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living." He delves into the nature of perception, the power of intuition, and the profound connection between light and life.

    As the conversation unfolds, Dr. Liberman invites listeners to explore the concept of 'common sense', a sense of knowing that transcends belief and taps into the infinite ocean of awareness. He emphasizes the importance of presence and the role of the mind in our daily lives, offering practical ways to reconnect with our inner guidance and live in alignment with our true essence.

    Join Dr. Lou Corleto and Dr. Jacob Liberman on this transformative journey as they delve into the depths of consciousness and inspire listeners to embrace the Art Of Living. Don't miss this opportunity to gain profound insights and discover the power of light in your own life.

    Key Topics:
    * The role of perception and intuition in our lives 
    * The difference between belief and truth 
    * The power of presence and 'common sense' 
    * The profound connection between Light and Life, reconnecting with our inner guidance 
    * Embracing the Art Of Living 

    Guest Bio: Dr. Jacob Liberman is a world-renowned pioneer in the fields of light, vision, and consciousness. His work has been endorsed by leading figures in science and spirituality, and his books have inspired countless individuals to explore the depths of their own awareness. With a unique blend of scientific knowledge and spiritual wisdom, Dr. Lieberman continues to inspire and transform lives through his teachings and writings.

    Host Bio: Dr. Lou Corleto is the host of the TAO-Living podcast, where he explores the Art Of Living and shares insights on personal growth, spirituality, and holistic well-being. With a background in ChiropracTIC, neuroscience, consciousness, and a passion for helping others, Lou brings a unique perspective to his conversations with thought leaders and experts in various fields. 

    Episode Resources:
    Dr. Jacob Liberman's Website https://www.jacobliberman.org/
    Dr Liberman's books we referenced:
    Luminous Life: How the Science of Light Unlocks the Art of Living
    Take Off Your Glasses and See

    Subscribe and Connect: Subscribe to the Tao-Living podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your preferred podcast platform.

    Follow Lou Corleto on Instagram for updates and inspiration. https://www.instagram.com/lou_corleto/

    Get access to your free video training Operators Manual for Your Vehicle https://www.loucorleto.com/Operators-Manual-For-Your-Vehicle

    TAO-Living with Lou Corleto
    en-usJanuary 30, 2024

    Things that make you go hmmm...

    Things that make you go hmmm...

    The Art of Living Podcast: Things That Make You Go, Hmm

    Welcome to another episode of the TAO Living podcast, The Art of Living. I'm your host, Lou Corleto, and today we're going to explore some intriguing concepts that will make you go, "Hmm."

    Have you ever noticed the health food section in a grocery store? It's interesting to think about what that implies about the rest of the store. If that section is labeled as "health food," what does it make everything else? It's a thought-provoking observation about our society and the way we categorize things.

    We live in a world where we drive on parkways and park on driveways. We have life insurance for death and health insurance for sickness. We even use natural lemon juice in our dish detergents while consuming artificial lemon juice in our drinks. These contradictions make you wonder about the choices we make and the labels we assign to things.

    I had the incredible opportunity to explore Antarctica a few years ago. Witnessing the majestic humpback whales migrating thousands of miles without deviating even one degree left me in awe. How do they navigate the open ocean with such precision? And the penguins in Antarctica, enduring extreme temperatures and winds, huddle together to protect their eggs and themselves. They instinctively migrate from the outside to the inside and vice versa, without any leader guiding them. It's fascinating to think about how these animals tap into their inner guidance and trust the process.

    In contrast, during the devastating tsunami of 2004, countless lives were lost despite our advanced warning systems. However, the wild animals sensed the impending danger and sought higher ground, saving themselves. How did they know? How do they tap into their instincts without directions, maps, or GPS? It's a question that makes you ponder the innate wisdom within us and why we often fail to access it.

    Science has shed some light on these mysteries. Harvard Medical School recently discovered that humans possess a protein in our eyes called cryptochrome, similar to the one found in animals. This protein is believed to play a role in our intuitive abilities. We've been told that we have five senses, but in reality, we have more. Our sixth sense, intuition, is a powerful tool that we often overlook.

    Furthermore, science has revealed that there are more brain frequencies than the commonly known beta, alpha, theta, and delta. Gamma and epsilon are states of higher consciousness that we can tap into. These states of awareness are available to all of us, yet we often fail to access them.

    So, how do we reconnect with our inner guidance and tap into our intuition? The answer lies in the art of living, a philosophy that combines contemporary science, spirituality, quantum physics, mysticism, and Eastern philosophy. Tao Living, as derived from 40 years of personal experience and backed up by scientific research, offers a way of life that can be implemented by anyone.

    When we are fully present in the moment, we open ourselves up to life's invitations. By letting go of the need to search and allowing our inner light to connect with the guiding light, we align ourselves with the flow of life. Tao Living brings us to the intersection of science and spirituality, providing practical tools to experience presence and transform our lives.

    Our thoughts shape our reality. When we align our breath, eyes, and mind, we align with life's invitations, and presence finds us. Awareness is curative, and through new experiences, our minds are stretched, preventing us from reverting to our old ways of being and seeing.

    I invite you to join us for this year's Tao Living Experience, The Art of Living, from May 16-19, 2024. This transformative retreat will take place on our beautiful sanctuary, nestled on 92 acres at the foothills of the Cherokee National Forest. It's an opportunity to reconnect with your inner guidance and vision, and walk your life forward in trust.
    Click here for all the details https://www.loucorleto.com/TAO-LIVING-IMMERSION 

    To learn more and dive deeper into the teachings of Tao Living, visit my website
    Website: https://www.loucorleto.com/

    or on social:
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/loucorleto.official
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lou_corleto
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/loucorleto/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/lou_corleto

    Remember, you are the driver of your life, not just a passenger. Embrace the things that make you go, "Hmm," and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.


    TAO-Living with Lou Corleto
    en-usJanuary 22, 2024

    Handling the obstacles of life with Kristian Hval

    Handling the obstacles of life with Kristian Hval

    In this compelling episode, Kristian Hval joins us as we explore the importance of drawing upon [viewing] life experiences as opportunities, instead of obstacles. 

    Kristian is a transformational coach who shares his profound journey from a tumultuous past to becoming a calm and confident leader in his community.

    Kristian's story serves as an inspiring testament to the power of self-discovery and healing.

    Join us as we discuss … 

    • The pivotal role of a spiritual connection in overcoming deep wounds.

    • Kristian discusses the challenges and transformations that led him to a place of calm confidence, standing as a willing leader in his community.

    • Understanding that life is a balancing act …

    • Shifting from victimhood consciousness to understanding that life is happening for you, not to you. 

    • Finding peace with life's fluctuations, whether in moments of suffering or joy. 

    • Looking at life’s obstacles as hidden gifts just waiting to be unpacked.

    • Embracing vulnerability as strength.

    • Kristian outlines his coaching approach, rooted in Taoist principles of integrating opposites and finding balance.

    • Exploring the profound impact of realizing your responsibility for your life.

    This episode will leave you with a sense of hope and resilience, and offer you an invitation to embark on your own journey of self-discovery and healing.

    Kristian offers coaching rooted in Taoist principles of integrating opposites and finding balance. It was a great pleasure to speak with him! Stay connected with him here: www.moderntaocoaching.com/

    Check out the new Conscious Languaging courses I recently launched.  

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Abundant Blessings,


    TAO-Living with Lou Corleto
    en-usJanuary 11, 2024

    5 Days to Healing with Dr. Lou Corleto & Veronika Archer

    5 Days to Healing with Dr. Lou Corleto & Veronika Archer

    Dr. Lou was interviewed on Veronika's Voice from Veronika Archer International.
    The topic: 5 Days to FULL Healing 

    Veronika and Dr. Lou dive into healing the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of ourselves.
    Powerful! Enjoy this show

    5 Days to FULL Healing [Veronika's Voice]

    If you listened to my Phoenix Burning mini-series, you know that the end of last year and beginning of this year were ROUGH for me.

    Several significant (and traumatic) events occurred in my family between September and December.

    By the end of December, I had developed acute physical symptoms including fatigue, pain, and peripheral neuropathy to the point I was only functional 3 to 4 hours a day.

    I had experienced and recovered from chronic illness in the past and I was determined to resolve this!

    You may know, I committed to 6 months focused on healing and recovery.

    I also prioritized working with a healing practitioner and, as synchronicities happen, the perfect practitioner crossed my path.

    I worked with this practitioner in an intense, one-on-one setting for 5 consecutive days at the end of January.

    And at the end of those 5 days, I was almost fully recovered! 

    In fact, a few weeks after returning, I started practicing martial arts 3 to 4 times a week even though I hadn’t worked out for about 5 years prior.

    People have asked me how on earth that was possible?

    The answer – working with Dr. Lou Corleto.

    I am SO excited to share this episode of Veronika’s Voice where Dr. Lou reveals his 3-part process that resulted in such amazing results for me.

    Dr. Lou Corleto is an internationally recognized speaker, teacher, retreat facilitator, and healer. 

    He has been studying the human “bodies,” consciousness, and healing principles for 30+ years. He personally has served tens of thousands of people on all seven continents and in over 50 countries.
    Dr. Lou is famous for the safe and sacred space he holds while delivering elite-level training on healing principles, psychology, physiology, neurology, and conscious living that is practical, spiritually sound, science-based, heart-centered, and astoundingly effective.

    You may guess that Dr. Lou is in high demand and requires a significant investment for private work (worth every penny!)

    Dr. Lou’s healing process is founded in 3 Key Principles.

    For the first time, Dr. Lou has created an online program sharing one of his 3 principles to make this healing accessible to more people.  

    This process is incredibly effective for emotional, physical, or spiritual healing and is something I incorporate daily!

    This program is incredibly affordable, check it out here.

    Enjoy this conversation with my mentor Dr. Lou! 

    To your wellness, 
    Veronika Archer International https://www.youtube.com/@VeronikaArcherInt/podcasts 

    P.S. – , My mentor and healing practitioner Dr. Lou Corleto is offering his new online course at an incredible investment

    This course shares one of his three pillars that supported me in attaining full health.
    Don’t miss out! check it out now!
    Click this link

    TAO-Living with Lou Corleto
    en-usOctober 16, 2023

    Rewrite Emotional Narratives with Dr. Gary Salyer

    Rewrite Emotional Narratives with Dr. Gary Salyer

    Watch on YouTube here.


    In this incredibly insightful episode, Dr. Gary Salyer joins us for a deep dive into the core themes of his book, "Safe to Love Again." 

    We explore attachment theory, attachment styles, and the potential for individuals to reclaim secure love. 

    Dr. Salyer emphasizes the importance of understanding our emotions as “permission slips” - guiding our choices and experiences.

    Join us as we discuss…

    • The four attachment styles and how they shape your approach to love and connection

    • Dr. Salyer's recommendations for those with anxious or avoidant attachment styles to rediscover a sense of security and emotional well-being

    • How your emotions guide your life and relationships

    • How early feelings are etched in your brain's amygdala, influencing your sense of safety and empowerment

    • How your brain processes information, shaped by encoded feelings, and its impact on your experiences

    • The brain's natural tendency to focus on threats and its role in perception

    • How emotions and experiences leave bioenergetic imprints in your body and their importance in well-being

    • Harnessing the transformative potential of breath to shift from fight or flight to a state of calm and safety

    • How connecting to your higher self provides a pathway to empowerment and change

    • A sneak peek into Dr. Salyer's upcoming 5 day challenge and online course

    Dr. Salyer’s work offers profound insights and it was such a pleasure to speak with him! Stay connected with him here: www.garysalyer.com

    Here are the links to the first episode with Dr. Gary Salyer and the overview of the context we dove deeper into on the current episode:

    Listen to the audio here.

    Watch on Youtube here.

    Check out the new Conscious Languaging courses I just launched live two weeks ago. These are POWERFUL processes to help achieve what Dr. Salyer and I address in the podcast.

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Abundant Blessings,

    Feeling Better vs Better Feeling

    Feeling Better vs Better Feeling

    Watch Episode Here.


    Everybody wants to feel better. And that's a beautiful thing, something you should continually aspire to, for sure. 

    However, let's get clear on how that works and the difference between “feeling better” and “better feeling”.

    We've grown up in a society where feeling better has been driven by some form of sedation. We don't like the way we feel so we suppress our feelings.

    However, if we don’t feel our feelings, do we FEEL better?

    Better feeling means being present with what you’re feeling. You’re better able to feel.

    Because here’s the thing - in the unpleasant feelings there's also a massive amount of life, growth, healing, and opportunity.

    In this episode we explore:

    • How the goal of feeling better may lead to self-deception and denial of the underlying issues

    • How sedation prevents healing

    • How to increasing your emotional bandwidth

    • Pain's primary function in helping us grow and heal

    • The correct way to respond to emotions so we can release them

    • Healthy ways of better feeling our experience

    • And much more!

    “We can’t heal what we can’t feel.”

    So, how about you? What are you feeling? What are you numbing? 

    I encourage you to face all of your feelings because on the other side of them is a brighter, more aligned, joyful life.

    Up to you! 🙏

    - - - - -

    These are the last few days you can join us at The Art of Living Immersion.

    Want to face your feelings, feel, and grow? This will be a phenomenal opportunity.

    October 12-15, 2023 with Lydie Ometto, me, and a group of sincere souls going all in on who they really are.

    Register here, only a couple spots lefts.

    Until next time ~ remember who you are, and may you be abundantly blessed,

    Conscious Breathing: Pranayama

    Conscious Breathing: Pranayama

    >> Watch on YouTube here.

    This is a continuation from an episode called Eight Limbs of Yoga with my guest, Lydie Ometto. Today we're going to focus on one limb of yoga, and that is pranayama, or conscious breathing.

    Lou: So why is breath so important to you?

    Lydie: Well, first is important because I'm alive. Breath is life. It's important for me to ground. It’s important for me to be present in the moment. It’s important for me to connect to nature. As I am breathing, I'm breathing her, nature. So for me, breath is life.

    Prana means life force, while pranayama is the management of breath, or life force.

    In this episode Lydie and I explore:

    • Moving and directing energy in nerve system

    • The fastest way to access the autonomic nervous system

    • Basics of breathing:  diaphragmatic breathing and the 1-to-2 ratio

    • The distinctions between nasal, mouth, chest, and belly breathing

    • Utilizing the diaphragm in its full capacity

    • Why the best detox can be learning how to breath properly

    • The power of breath to manage and eliminate physical pain

    • The effect of breath on the mind and meditation

    • Accessing memories through conscious breathing

    • A technique for cooling down the temperature of your body by breathing

    • And so much more!

    Here is the Conscious Breathing Crash Course, mentioned in this episode. 

    If you’d really like to take a deep dive into the power of breath to transform your life using all the tools we bring to the table, then we invite you… October 12th - 15th, right here in this beautiful sanctuary. Lydie and I are honored to be the caretakers of over 92 acres in the foothills of the Cherokee National Forest. It is bliss, pure nature. 

    It's a 4-day immersion which Lydie and I are facilitating. A deep dive into life and health and transformation of your consciousness. And of course, we will be utilizing breath among a plethora of other tools - movement, the elements, etc.

    So if you're looking for a place that offers real-deal transformation in a safe and sacred place, come join us. We have people from all walks of life - professionals, athletes, martial artists, yoga practitioners, health practitioners, healing practitioners, chiropractors, breathwork facilitators - joining us. 

    This event is for ALL levels - beginner, intermediate, advanced. From wherever you are, you will progress on YOUR path. At the end of four days, you will be blown away by what you created.

    Talk is cheap. Come play. Click here. Check out TAO-Living Immersion, October 12-15, 2023 in Tennessee, USA. If it resonates, come join us!

    Abundant Blessings,

    Eustress vs Distress

    Eustress vs Distress

    Watch this episode on YouTube here.

    Let’s talk about stress. 

    In this day and age, the amount of stress people are experiencing is quite intense. Well, I'm here to bring some peace and joy to this topic. 

    The majority of times when people refer to the word “stress”, they only have a negative connotation of what stress is. And there is truth in that aspect, for sure. 

    However, there's another perspective to what stress is and what it does, and how it can actually be a good thing.

    In this TAO-Living episode, we explore:

    • Eustress (good stress) vs distress (bad stress)

    • How overcoming challenges, putting your body to the test, and learning something new are all “stressing” your body and mind - yet it’s good for you!

    • The distinctions between “accumulative constructive survival values” and “accumulative destructive survival values”

    • The tool of self-assessment and scanning your day to see if your activities, location, interactions, etc. are building you up or breaking you down

    • How to Manage Your Environment and utilize Conscious Languaging to modify your perspective on stress in your life

    • Mindfulness, thriving, and much more!

    If you only conceive of stress from a negative connotation, you're missing a powerful productive ally in your life. 

    Learning, growing, working out, overcoming challenges - all of these things are productive “eustress” that help you stay healthy and move forward in your life!

    Thanks for tuning in and please be aware that we have a “eustress” experience 😉 coming up in October: The Art of Living Immersion.

    If you'd like to experience four days of transformation with an intimate group of people in pure nature, doing some amazing work to handle the destructive stuff, and incorporate the constructive, life affirming shifts in your life - join us October 12th to 15th!

    Abundant Blessings,