
    Evening briefing Thursday 20th June

    enJune 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Conservative Party ScandalThe Conservative Party is facing a major scandal involving betting on the election date and leaking of sensitive information, leading to resignations and disillusionment among activists, overshadowing a growth-focused summit.

      The Conservative Party is facing a major scandal involving allegations of betting on the election date and leaking of sensitive information. This has left many Tory activists feeling disillusioned and angry, leading to resignations. The betting scandal comes at a time when the party is already dealing with other issues, including anger over immigration and economic concerns. The latest developments have added to the morale-crushing blows the party has faced, and many feel that those at the top are out of touch with the average person. Meanwhile, the Times CEO Summit focused on growth, with the Chancellor and Shadow Chancellor in attendance. The scandal has dominated the news cycle, overshadowing the summit's themes. The anger and frustration among the public and within the party are palpable, and it remains to be seen how the party will navigate these challenges.

    • Conservative Party conference shiftRachel Reeves stole the show at the Conservative Party conference, leaving Jeremy Hunt acknowledging a possible Labour victory in the upcoming election

      The power dynamic at the Conservative Party conference shifted this year, with Rachel Reeves, the Shadow Chancellor, stealing the spotlight from Jeremy Hunt. Traditionally, it's the Chancellor who commands the room at business conferences, but Reeves' pitch to business left a lasting impression. Hunt acknowledged the changing political landscape, admitting that a Labour victory in the upcoming election is a possibility. Meanwhile, an intensive search operation for a missing British teenager in Tenerife entered its third day, with the last contact being in the early hours of Monday. The teenager, Jay Slater, was believed to have gone with some English friends to their Airbnb and then lost contact, leaving his friends concerned when he called them the next morning with a low battery phone and unsure of his location.

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