
    Evening Briefing Wednesday 22nd November

    enNovember 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Conservative Party's Budget: Tax Cuts for MillionsThe Conservative Party's budget includes tax cuts for millions, including average earners, nurses, police officers, self-employed individuals, and a permanent tax break for businesses investing in plant and machinery. Benefits will rise in line with inflation, and the state pension increases by 8.5%.

      BT, a major business sponsor, is committed to supporting businesses of all sizes through various means, including tax cuts. This week, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced significant tax cuts for millions of people, including those on average salaries, nurses, police officers, and self-employed individuals. The average savings range from £450 to £630 per year. Additionally, benefits will rise in line with inflation, and the state pension will increase by 8.5%, worth up to £900 more per year. A tax break for businesses investing in plant and machinery has also been made permanent. These measures, according to former Conservative party chair Jake Berry, could boost the Conservative Party's election prospects, as they demonstrate the government's focus on what's best for the country, rather than just election wins. However, Labour's shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves is skeptical and calls for change. This budget, in essence, is a clear demonstration of the Conservative Party's commitment to cutting taxes and supporting people, which could potentially lead to increased voter support.

    • Economy stalls, tax burden reaches record highThe economy has stalled, and the tax burden is projected to hit a post-WWII high of 37.7%.

      Despite the chancellor's claim of economic improvement under the conservatives, the truth is that growth has stalled and the tax burden is set to reach a post-WWII high at 37.7%. This news comes as Israel and Hamas agree to a ceasefire in Gaza, providing a temporary respite from conflict. Elsewhere, the families of victims in Liverpool are dealing with the aftermath of a tragic shooting, as four men have been given life sentences for their role in the crime. Amidst these uncertain times, some things remain constant, such as the need for health insurance. UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans offer peace of mind in the face of the unexpected. Overall, the economy, international conflicts, and personal tragedies serve as reminders of the complexities and uncertainties of the world around us.

    • UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans and 1800flowers.com offer unique solutions for life transitions and celebrationsUnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans provide affordable, flexible health insurance during life transitions with long-term coverage and access to a nationwide network. 1800flowers.com delivers joy by putting love into every detail of their gifts, from farmers to florists, for special occasions.

      Both UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans and 1800flowers.com offer valuable solutions for different aspects of life. UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, provide affordable and flexible health insurance options for those in transition periods, with coverage lasting nearly 3 years in some states and access to a nationwide network of doctors and hospitals. This can offer peace of mind during uncertain times. On the other hand, 1800flowers.com goes beyond being just a gift-giving destination. They put their hearts into every detail, from their farmers and bakers to their florists and makers, ensuring that every gift is made with love. Their mission is to help you celebrate all life's special occasions with friends and family, delivering smiles with every order. In essence, UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans provide financial security during life's transitions, while 1800flowers.com offers a way to spread joy and celebrate life's special moments.

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    Biden doesn't like McCarthy's debt ceiling plan.  Biden says it has "huge cuts" to Americans.  What he is really saying, it is big cuts to big government and his ability to spend:  https://apnews.com/article/speaker-kevin-mccarty-debt-ceiling-biden-1dd542c6c7acfc2287e68e6facae2be4

    More than $2 trillion in government "payment errors" have cost taxpayers:

    The Genral Accounting Office still sees payment errors as a big problem.  And some 78% of these errors were contained within five programs last year - Medicaid, Medicare, the Paycheck Protection program, unemployment insurance, and the earned income tax credit.


    For more business content, go to The Business Advisor magazine at:  https://flipboard.com/@lodgeco/michael-lodge-the-business-advisor-vt0agg1bz

    Business Question?  Send it to thebusinessadvisor@zmail.com  If you would like to sit down and talk about business issues confidentially, schedule an appointment online at:  http://www.lodge-co.com 

    Fiscal Forecast: Warning or Watch?

    Fiscal Forecast: Warning or Watch?

    On the latest episode of the Conduit Street Podcast, Kevin Kinnally and Michael Sanderson break down the driving factors behind Maryland's current fiscal picture, economic trends, and what it could mean for the next legislative session and beyond.

    As previously reported on Conduit Street, the Board of Revenue Estimates adopted a revised estimate for fiscal 2024 – a  minor write-down of $14.1 million – and the first official estimate for fiscal 2025.

    And while the State closed its books on fiscal 2023 with an unassigned general fund balance of $555 million, the Department of Legislative Services warns of looming structural deficits over the next four years, a stark change from last January, when DLS projected billions in structural surpluses between fiscal 2023 and fiscal 2028.

    The Conduit Street Podcast is available on major platforms like Spotify, Apple, Google, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. Episodes are also available on MACo's Conduit Street blog.

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    RERL-1717- Johnny Khamis, San Jose Council Member

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    This week many cities across the US started phase 1 of relaxing restrictions and reopening the economy. It’s a big step towards normalcy that we have been looking forward to, even if there are new rules to follow. Council Member Johnny Khamis calls in today to talk about San Jose’s phase in, and the effect COVID-19 has had on business. Topics include:

    • Measure E update
    • The war on reopening
    • Disaster recovery funding
    • Protesting
    • What phase 2 will look like & how long till we get back to normal
    • Personal privacy invasion
    • Will tech lead to a more rapid recovery?



    If you wish to contact Joe Cucchiara email him at Joe@RERadioLive.com, call (408)-838-9060 or simply visit www.RERadioLive.com. We also provide additional information to help you make smart decisions in and around your real estate venture.

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