
    About this Episode

    Why do some shiny objects catch our eye and move along vs those that catch our eye, catch our hearts, minds, soul and being What makes for an ah-ha moment of Awareness that catapults us into Action that ultimately helps us to solidify and give life to our passion and purpose. A key to living your best life is to live a life with purpose. Join me to learn why purpose is so important and how to discover the power of observation to open your mind to move from possibilities to realities with; happiness, fulfillment, excitement, and joy as the outcomes.

    Recent Episodes from Awareness to Action with Joan Marlow: The Journey Towards Living Your Life's Purpose

    Waking the Healer Within You

    Waking the Healer Within You
    How many of us 'know' we have something within us that can support others, but we sometimes keep it under wraps because using the word 'healer' or 'mystic' is looked at strangely by others as well as personally feeling uncomfortable? When we come to accept the 'knowingness of knowing' that we possess these natural gifts, it's a game changer in our life and in the lives of countless others we serve, including entire communities. This episode will offer insight on Patricia Federico's journey into what she calls 'becoming woke' as a spiritual realist sharing the means to support unity and compassion that ultimately will help us all to survive and thrive. You'll go away with basic tenchiques to help you on your way to finding your 'knowingness of knowing' as well as personal positive health and well-being

    The Four Pillars of a Story Well Told

    The Four Pillars of a Story Well Told
    Every human being has treasured gifts the world is waiting to experience, and those treasured gifts come from those life-changing moments where we were brought to our knees and had to make the decision to rise (often from the ashes). Inherently we want to make a difference in the world -- and sharing our stories with authenticity and vulnerability is made strong when we understand The Four Pillars of a Story Well Told.

    Encore: Simplify Your Life: How to Turn Your Chaos into Calm

    Encore: Simplify Your Life:  How to Turn Your Chaos into Calm
    Join as Joan facilitates an impactful conversation with Andrea Brundage, Professional Organizer, Bringer of Calm, and author of Simplify Your Life: 8 Simple Principles to Turn Your Chaos into Calm. You will come away with inspiration, organizing tips and techniques that you can implement in your own life TODAY.

    Points of Awareness with tips to Action include:

    The relationship between clutter and stress
    The benefits of simplifying life
    How and where to get started
    The magic of knowing the P s Q s

    Changing Lives Through Art: Building a Higher Standard of Care in Senior Industry

    Changing Lives Through Art:  Building a Higher Standard of Care in Senior Industry
    Through the regular participation of high quality art programming lives can be changed, memories can be awakened, medications can be reduced, self-confidence can be restored, lifelong friends can be made. What is stopping you from adding a program in your community. The Artsy Smartsy / HeARTsy story.
    Join us live on Tues, Nov 2, 9 a.m. Pacfic on https://www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Or after Nov 2, visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs51Lw9z61SHMo6AFWJ2Dyg or listen at https://peacefullyhealing.com/work-with-joan/radio-show/

    Supporting Women to Clear the Way to Step Into Their Own Power

    Supporting Women to Clear the Way to Step Into Their Own Power
    Fact: Where the mind goes, the body follows! So if you don't have a positive sense of self-worth or don't feel comfortable saying 'no' when you're overwhelmed or can't look in the mirror and say out loud, 'I am enough,' you're not fully living your best life. This episode offers simple practices to flip the narrative and create habits, which subtly and powerfully help you to live your best life! Join us live, October 19, 9 a.m PST at https://facebook.com/transformationtalkradio or watch later at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs51Lw9z61SHMo6AFWJ2Dyg or listen at https://peacefullyhealing.com/work-with-joan/radio-show/

    Toxic Tits

    Toxic Tits
    Join us live, Tues, Oct 5, 9 a.m. Pacfic Facebook/transformationtalkradio
    Roxanne is a certified Qigong and T ai Chi Teacher, author and health advocate. Roxanne shares her personal journey and her near certain death. She had silicone breast implants and unbeknownst to her they were leaking; slowly killing her. She tells her story and shares her experience and wants to tell listeners how she has survived and thrived where many have not. Her hope is to shed light on the dangers of breast implants and to save lives..

    Note: Mention will be made of 'The Naked Truth About Breast Implants,' by Dr. Susan Kolb
    Watch it live at https://www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio at 9 a.m. Pacific on Tuesday, October 5; watch later at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs51Lw9z61SHMo6AFWJ2Dyg or listen at https://peacefullyhealing.com/work-with-joan/radio-show/

    NO VICTIMS: Empowering Seniors in the Fight Against Fraud

    NO VICTIMS:  Empowering Seniors in the Fight Against Fraud
    No one really helps seniors avoid becoming fraud victims. Wouldn't it be great if seniors recognized red flags and knew of techniques to avoid becoming victims in the first place?! Let's teach our seniors fraud prevention skills so they are empowered in the fight against fraud. There will be no victims.

    I Am Teen Strong: Empowering our Youth...and Their Parents

    I Am Teen Strong:  Empowering our Youth...and Their Parents
    It s not a secret, our youth are struggling. Whether it be anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, eating disorder, or any of the other multitude of issues, parents, along with the kiddos, need to have one place to go to find support and resources. The IamTeenStrong.com website is that one place.

    Resources for both parents and youth

    Directory of national hotlines/helplines
    Directory of AZ and CO support services

    Available in English and Spanish, website articles and animated videos support wellness of teen youth (although the website is geared for teens identifying as female); these are great conversation starters for parents
    Empowerment, what does that look like?
    How can parents support their youth?

    Day One: Starting With the End in Mind…with Special Guest Joan Marlow

    Day One: Starting With the End in Mind…with Special Guest Joan Marlow
    7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey, will always be the primer to finding your true north, your personal direction in life and the path to achieve it. As we create our personal Next Normal, we need to get back to basics ; back to what we know is true about ourselves; layered with current realities; and to honor those truths through reflection, creative exploration and dreams of what might be. Day One offers the opportunity to rediscover or redefine who we are, what we want and offers navigational tools and experiences to create your path and identify ways to get past real or imagined obstacles towards creating and living our best life in our Next Normal.Watch live on Facebook. www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/

    Doing Life Together

    Doing Life Together
    Join us Live on Tues, Aug 17, 9 a.m. PT...https://www.facebook.com/transformationtalkradio/ What do you get when 5 distinctly different women decide to meet for a cup of coffee in the hope of creating power partnerships and walk away with a friendship that goes beyond most bestie relationships. You get a coffee buddy relationship that s built on rapport, respect, magnetism, support, a sisterhood, and a knowingness that when there s a need, you have a team who will move heaven and earth to support you! This show brings these 5 women together to share their pieces of this story that began over a decade ago. This show will share perspectives on friendship that might offer a different take than what s typical. Join us to explore what s possible when you make the move to gather a group of individuals together over a cup of coffee that changes your life exponentially.