
    Podcast Summary

    • Media attempts to downplay Russia investigation significanceDespite media spin, Mueller investigation revealed important facts and evidence regarding Trump-Russia collusion, and it's crucial not to forget.

      Despite media attempts to move on from the investigation into collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, it's important to remember that this was never a serious allegation, and Mueller did not exonerate Trump. Instead, Trump himself was the one who declared his innocence. The media and some individuals may try to downplay the significance of this investigation, but it's crucial not to be swayed by their narratives. It's essential to remember the facts and the evidence that came to light during the investigation. Furthermore, the title of today's show, "Exonerated: Spygate Book Two," reflects the importance of continuing to examine and discuss this issue. Additionally, a shout-out to WaxRx, a product Dan endorses for dealing with earwax build-up, which can be a significant inconvenience.

    • Mueller failed to find evidence of Trump's collusionDespite extensive resources, Mueller's investigation couldn't prove Trump colluded, raising questions about collusion narrative's legitimacy

      President Trump was exonerated not by Robert Mueller, but by himself, as he never committed the alleged crimes. Mueller's investigation, which lasted 675 days and cost $35 million, failed to find any evidence of collusion despite issuing tens of thousands of subpoenas, hundreds of search warrants, and interviewing foreign governments. The fact that Mueller was unable to find collusion despite these extensive resources raises questions about the legitimacy of the collusion narrative that was widely circulated in the media. The speaker emphasizes that Mueller deserves no credit for exonerating Trump, as Trump was innocent from the start. This is an important reminder that accusations should be backed up by solid evidence before being widely publicized.

    • Former FBI Agent Believes Mueller Knew No Collusion Early OnAndrew McCarthy, a former FBI agent and prosecutor, argues that Robert Mueller knew there was no Russian collusion within weeks of his investigation but continued to probe for political reasons, focusing on obstruction of justice and charges related to the dossier.

      Former FBI agent and prosecutor Andrew McCarthy strongly believes that Special Counsel Robert Mueller knew early on that the Russian collusion narrative was a hoax, yet he continued investigating for two years. Mueller's initial mandate was to investigate Russian collusion in the election cycle, but McCarthy argues that Mueller likely figured out within weeks that there was no collusion and instead asked for a revised scope memo to investigate obstruction of justice or charges within the dossier itself. Mueller's prolonged investigation, according to McCarthy, was actually a political campaign to destroy President Trump's presidency. McCarthy's evidence includes the revised scope memo, which is largely still classified, and the fact that Mueller's investigation was not impeded in any way. The entire collusion narrative, McCarthy emphasizes, is based on the debunked and discredited dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton.

    • Politically motivated investigation based on false premiseMueller's investigation, based on a false charge, targeted Trump for obstruction of justice despite no crime taking place, driven by personal animus and media influence.

      The Mueller investigation was based on a false premise from the beginning. The initial charge of a bank robbery that never occurred was used as a pretext to investigate individuals, including Donald Trump, for obstructing justice. Mueller, despite knowing the initial charge was false, went back to his superiors for a revised scope memo to investigate obstruction of justice, even though no crime had taken place. The entire investigation was politically motivated, and Mueller's personal animus towards Trump and the media influenced his decision to continue the investigation. Those who propagated this myth will be held accountable, and the fight against it is far from over. The speaker is committed to exposing the truth and will not let this issue go.

    • Lending Club: A solution for debt consolidationLending Club offers affordable fixed rate personal loans to help individuals consolidate debt and regain financial control online. Despite media focus on Trump's potential obstruction of justice, there's no evidence of collusion and Mueller report left obstruction charge undecided.

      During the show, Lending Club was discussed as a solution for individuals looking to consolidate their debt and regain control of their finances. Since 2007, Lending Club has helped millions of people with affordable fixed rate personal loans, allowing them to pay off high-interest credit cards and other debts with one monthly payment. The process is simple and can be done online. Meanwhile, in the news, there has been a shift in focus from the collusion investigation to allegations of obstruction of justice against President Trump. However, it was emphasized during the show that there was no evidence of collusion and that the Mueller report did not make a judgment on the obstruction charge, leaving it up to the Department of Justice to decide. The media's narrative of Trump's potential obstruction of justice was called out as inaccurate and a political hit.

    • Mueller report did not find sufficient evidence for obstruction charge against TrumpMueller report failed to provide enough evidence for an obstruction charge against President Trump, and the DOJ agreed with this assessment

      Despite media claims to the contrary, the Mueller report did exonerate President Trump on the issue of obstruction of justice. Mueller did not have sufficient evidence to make a charge, and leaving the conclusion ambiguous was a deliberate move to maintain the investigation's narrative. The Department of Justice agreed with this assessment, as did Attorney General Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein. The case for obstruction was dead due to lack of evidence and the legal limitations on indicting a sitting president. Mueller's actions were seen as an attempt to give the media a narrative to continue investigating the president.

    • Barr decided not to prosecute Trump for obstruction, but this doesn't mean he was exoneratedTrump wasn't under investigation when he asked about probe, no obstruction evidence found, but several individuals were prosecuted, and questions remain about Rosenstein's role and use of discredited dossier for FISA warrants.

      Former Attorney General William Barr, who was handpicked by President Trump, decided not to prosecute him for obstruction of justice based on the Mueller report. However, this does not mean that Trump was exonerated of obstruction as some media narratives suggest. Trump was not under investigation at the time of his requests to investigative matters, and no evidence of obstruction was found. Additionally, several individuals involved in the Russia investigation, including Flynn, Papadopoulos, and Cohen, were prosecuted. The fourth FISA warrant used to spy on the Trump campaign was signed by Rod Rosenstein, whose signature also appeared on a letter stating there was no evidence of Trump committing an obstruction of justice offense while he was still in office. This raises questions about Rosenstein's role in the investigation and the use of the discredited Steele dossier as the basis for the FISA warrants. Trump's handling of Rosenstein and Barr's decision not to prosecute have been criticized, but some see it as a strategic move to undermine the Russia investigation narrative.

    • President's politically brilliant move leaves critics looking foolishThe President's self-exoneration was a strategic move, and it's important to prepare for emergencies before they happen.

      The President's decision to have Rosenstein sign off on a letter exonerating him, while Rosenstein had previously signed a warrant accusing him of collusion, was a politically brilliant move. This tactic, which has been described as a stroke of genius, left those who questioned Rosenstein's impartiality looking foolish. The President's exoneration came not from Rosenstein, Barr, or Mueller, but from himself, as he had done nothing wrong. Another important takeaway is the importance of preparing for emergencies before they happen. The speaker emphasized that it's crucial to have an emergency food supply on hand, as disasters can strike without warning. The best time to prepare is when things are calm, and not during the chaos of a crisis. The speaker encourages listeners to visit preparewithdan.com to secure a two-week food kit, which can last up to 25 years in storage.

    • U.S. Investigation into Trump-Russia Collusion: A Hoax Based on Debunked DossierThe U.S. investigation into Trump-Russia collusion was based on a debunked dossier, raising concerns about the weaponization of government and the reliability of political opposition research.

      The discussion highlights the concern that the U.S. system failed during the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Despite serious allegations, an investigation was held, but credible conclusions were not reached, and the system relied on unverified political opposition research to initiate the probe. The speaker argues that this is a horrifying scar on U.S. history and those who refuse to acknowledge the weaponization of the government will be humiliated by future accounts. The speaker emphasizes that the dossier, which served as the basis for the investigation, was debunked by Mueller, indicating that the entire investigation was based on a hoax.

    • Media's persistent push for Russian collusionThe media's unfounded pursuit of Russian collusion led to a flawed investigation and significant consequences, emphasizing the need for factual reporting and accountability.

      The New York Times, despite reporting in January 2017 that there was no conclusive evidence of wrongdoing related to the Trump presidency, continued to push the narrative of Russian collusion for nearly two years. This false narrative, fueled by the media and political forces, led to the investigation of the Trump campaign through the infamous FISA warrant obtained using the debunked Steele dossier. The system failed to verify the information used to initiate the investigation, leading to significant consequences for those involved. The media's refusal to acknowledge the lack of evidence and their pivot to obstruction charges further highlights the importance of factual reporting and accountability.

    • Media's promotion of Trump-Russia collusion investigation based on debunked dossierMedia's long-held narrative of Trump-Russia collusion is based on a debunked dossier. Obama's involvement in the investigation adds to the damaging revelations.

      The media's reporting on the Trump-Russia collusion investigation, which they've been uncritically promoting for over a year and a half, has been based on a hoax. Specifically, the dossier, which was the basis for the investigation, has been debunked by Robert Mueller. The media's attempt to shift the narrative and claim that the investigation didn't start with the dossier but with George Papadopoulos is disingenuous. The real reason they're protecting this narrative is to defend the legacy of the Obama administration and the Democratic Party, not the FBI or civil liberties as they claim. The revelation that Obama knew about the dossier and the dossier's role in the investigation will result in a nuclear explosion that will forever damage their reputations.

    • FBI's Russian collusion investigation based primarily on debunked Steele dossierThe FBI's Russian collusion investigation was not solely based on the Steele dossier as commonly believed, and the dossier's debunked nature raises questions about the investigation's legitimacy.

      The FBI's investigation into Russian collusion during the 2016 election, which led to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, was based primarily on the Steele dossier, which was not the cause of the investigation as commonly believed. An FBI agent named Gata met with Steele in London two weeks before the investigation began, raising questions about what they discussed. George Papadopoulos, who was later interviewed and charged for lying to the FBI about his Russian contacts, was not interviewed until months after the investigation began. The recanted testimony of Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor allegedly linked to Papadopoulos, further muddies the waters as he claimed that Papadopoulos never mentioned Trump or dirt on Hillary. The debunked nature of the Steele dossier, which was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign, calls into question the legitimacy of the entire investigation.

    • Emphasizing optimism and patriotism, Dan Bongino's show teases a counter attack in the upcoming episode.Dan Bongino's podcast encourages listeners to stay informed and engaged, with a positive and motivating message emphasizing American greatness and a promise of a response to recent events.

      This sentiment was emphasized through a tweet displayed during the show, which can be viewed on the YouTube channel. The audience was encouraged to tune in for part two the following day as the counter attack was about to begin. Dan Bongino's podcasts are available on iTunes and SoundCloud, and his Twitter handle is D Bongino, where he is active 24/7. The tone of the show was upbeat and encouraging, with a clear message of optimism and patriotism. The counter attack alluded to upcoming discussions or actions, suggesting that there would be a response to recent events or issues. Overall, the Dan Bongino show conveyed a positive and motivating message, emphasizing the greatness of America and the importance of staying informed and engaged.

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