
    Expanding Our Perspectives, with Susan Sarandon

    en-usDecember 11, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering our cosmic origins at the museumActress Susan Sarandon was reminded of our stardust origins by the meteorite at the museum, emphasizing our interconnectedness with the universe, and inspiring her advocacy for individual rights and acceptance.

      Susan Sarandon, an Academy Award-winning actress and humanitarian, shares a deep connection with the universe through her experiences and activism. During a visit to the American Museum of Natural History for her son's birthday party, Neil deGrasse Tyson introduced her to a meteorite, reminding her and all of us that we are made of stardust. This connection was further emphasized when Tyson shared that the iron in the meteorite and in the hemoglobin of New York metropolitan area residents comes from the same dying star. Sarandon's advocacy for various causes, including LGBTQ rights and marijuana legalization, reflects her broadening of people's acceptance and understanding of who we are as individuals and as part of the universe. The meteorite serves as a tangible reminder of our cosmic origins and the interconnectedness of all things.

    • Connecting to the Universe through MeteoritesExploring and understanding meteorites deepens our connection to the universe, emphasizing our interconnectedness and the importance of caring for Earth.

      Holding a meteorite and being told of its cosmic origins can create a profound sense of connection to the universe. This connection is not immediately obvious due to the meteorite's otherworldly appearance. The discovery of meteorites and understanding their significance is a result of scientific exploration and education. Susan Sarandon's encounter with an astronaut's perspective from space further emphasized the importance of caring for Earth and recognizing our interconnectedness in the larger cosmos. This perspective, often referred to as the overview effect, can be a transformative experience.

    • Challenging gender norms in scienceExperiencing the extraordinary can broaden perspectives and challenge societal norms, including gender roles. Embrace individuality and inclusivity to break free from limiting factors.

      Experiencing the extraordinary, like space travel, can significantly change one's perspective and make them question societal norms, including gender roles. The interview with Susan Sarandon on StarTalk highlighted the challenges women face in science and the need to redefine our perception of gender. Sarandon, an actress and humanitarian, advocated for embracing individuality and inclusivity, encouraging everyone to "color outside the lines" and not be defined by their gender or any other limiting factor. The conversation touched upon the importance of inclusivity in science and the potential benefits of breaking free from traditional gender norms. The record-breaking spaceflight of astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, who spent nearly 200 days in space, served as an inspiring example of how experiencing the extraordinary can broaden one's horizons and challenge preconceived notions.

    • Understanding Gender: Beyond Binary CategoriesRecognize the complexity and fluidity of gender, empathize, be open-minded, and continuously learn from science and each other.

      Our understanding of gender is complex and evolving. People's identities don't always fit neatly into binary categories. Rebecca Oppenheimer, an astrophysicist, shared her perspective, explaining that gender is a sense of self while sex may be determined by external factors. She also shared her personal experience of identifying as a woman despite being born with a male legal name. The conversation emphasized the importance of recognizing the fluidity of gender and the need to move beyond rigid categorization. Science, including astrophysics, can help us understand this complexity by revealing the diversity and nuance in the natural world. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of empathy, open-mindedness, and ongoing learning in our understanding of gender and human identity.

    • Expanding Our Perspectives in Astronomy and Social SciencesThe discovery of diverse planets and the evolving understanding of gender and identity challenge our preconceived categories. Scientific thought and questioning assumptions aid in broadening perspectives.

      Our understanding of the world, whether it's in the realm of astronomy or social sciences, continues to evolve and challenge our preconceived categories. In astronomy, the discovery of various types of planets has shown that they don't neatly fit into distinct categories, but rather exist on a continuum. Similarly, in human exploration and social sciences, our understanding of gender and identity is expanding to include a greater range of experiences and expressions. This process of broadening our perspectives can be aided by scientific thought and the willingness to question our assumptions, even if it means acknowledging when we are wrong. In the case of Carl Sagan, his cosmic perspective was influenced not only by his scientific work but also by his use of marijuana, which he believed helped him focus and be present in the moment amidst the distractions of modern life. Overall, the ongoing exploration of the universe and humanity requires an open-minded and adaptable approach.

    • The Power of Gaining New PerspectivesExploring the universe or learning from others can broaden our perspectives and enrich our lives

      Expanding perspectives can come from various sources, including personal experiences, learning from others, and even the universe itself. Emily, an astrophysicist, shared her awe of studying the universe and how it broadens her perspective. She also mentioned how Carl Sagan's focus and perspective might have been influenced by marijuana, but she couldn't confirm it. The show, Star Talks, receives cosmic queries from around the world, and one question stood out to Emily about a moment when someone's perspective was expanded unexpectedly. She shared the story of astronaut Mike Massimino, who was stunned by the view of Earth from space and questioned if he was in heaven. These stories illustrate the power of gaining new perspectives, whether through personal experiences or learning from others.

    • Exploring Cosmic Perspectives with Neil deGrasse Tyson and Susan SarandonNeil deGrasse Tyson encouraged us to view Earth as a celestial body, broadening our minds. Susan Sarandon discussed her iconic roles challenging societal norms and her views on awe in the digital age.

      Our guest today, Neil deGrasse Tyson, shared a profound perspective about viewing our home planet as a heavenly body, instilling a cosmic perspective that broadens the mind. Meanwhile, during the interview, Susan Sarandon was featured, known for her open-mindedness, humanitarian efforts, and acting career. One of her iconic roles was in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show," which challenged societal norms in the 1970s regarding gender and self-expression. In the future, StarTalk will continue the conversation with Susan Sarandon about awe in the digital age and whether it's still possible despite scientific advancements. Additionally, Neil mentioned an astronomy fashion blog that aggregates cosmic-inspired clothing and accessories. So, stay tuned for more thought-provoking discussions on StarTalk.

    • The Importance of Wonder and Amazement in Modern TimesAdvanced technology can bring awe and convenience, but skepticism and doubts can rob us of wonder and amazement. Experiencing wonder and amazement, whether from technology or nature, is important for our daily lives.

      While technology, including advanced vending machines, can bring about a sense of awe and convenience, it can also rob us of our sense of wonder and amazement, particularly when skepticism and doubts arise about its authenticity. This was discussed during an interview with Susan Sarandon, where the topic of awe in modern times came up. The idea that advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic was also touched upon. As a comedian, Maeve found the concept of a hot burger coming out of a machine to be awe-inspiring, despite its questionable taste. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of experiencing wonder and amazement in our daily lives, whether it comes from technology or the natural world.

    • Gaining a cosmic perspective broadens our understandingObserving space broadens our perspective, science expands our knowledge, and a cosmic view fosters interconnectedness

      Experiencing a cosmic perspective, whether it's through observing the space station or traveling in space, broadens our understanding of the world and our place in it. Maeve's fascination with the space station and her connection with astronauts during twilight hours demonstrates this idea. Bill Nye echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of science in expanding our perspectives and designing the complex structures we see around us. Susan Sarandon, as a UN ambassador and science advocate, also champions this notion, using her influence to bring a cosmic perspective down to earth. Overall, looking at the world from above, whether it's from the space station or from a new perspective gained through knowledge and understanding, can lead to a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things.

    • Cosmic Perspective: Understanding Our Place in the UniverseGaining a cosmic perspective through space travel can change one's perspective on life and the universe, emphasizing the importance of understanding our place and letting go of ego-driven concerns. Peaceful use of space might depend on resolving Earthly conflicts first.

      Experiencing a cosmic perspective, often gained through space travel, can significantly change one's perspective on life and the universe. Astronomers and astrophysicists, who often hold this perspective, believe it's essential to understand our place in the universe and let go of ego-driven concerns. However, achieving peace and cooperation in space might be challenging if we can't manage it on Earth first. The hope is that the vast resources and energy in space can make it the most peaceful place in the universe. This cosmic perspective can be a recruiting tool for scientists and a reminder of the vastness and longevity of the universe. The UN and other international organizations have treaties and committees to promote peaceful uses of outer space, but achieving peace in space might depend on resolving conflicts on Earth first. As Neil deGrasse Tyson often says, "Keep looking up."

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