
    Expert Witness Says He Hacked Into Georgia Election System (Ep 1425)

    enDecember 31, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Pennsylvania's Voter Discrepancy: 6.9 Million Registered Voters vs. 6.7 Million Counted VotesIn Pennsylvania, 6.9 million people reportedly voted, but only 6.7 million votes were counted, leaving many questioning the election results and awaiting clarification from officials.

      The 2020 election results in Pennsylvania have raised significant questions due to a discrepancy between the number of votes counted and the number of people who reportedly voted. Dan Bongino, the host of a show known for uncovering the truth, discussed this issue, explaining that according to Pennsylvania's official voter registration system, 6.9 million people cast their ballots, but only 6.7 million votes were counted. This inconsistency is puzzling, and an explanation from Pennsylvania officials is expected to leave listeners even more perplexed. Additionally, an expert witness in Georgia claimed to have hacked into the state's voting system. While the show's sponsors, such as ExpressVPN, were mentioned, the focus remained on providing both sides of the story, with fair coverage of responses from Pennsylvania officials.

    • Discrepancy between reported votes and number of voters in Pennsylvania electionsThe 2020 US elections in Pennsylvania saw a discrepancy of over 200,000 votes between the reported total and the number of voters who cast their ballots, raising concerns and calls for further investigation.

      During the 2020 US elections in Pennsylvania, there is a discrepancy between the number of votes counted (6.9 million) and the number of voters who actually cast their ballots (6.7 million). Pennsylvania officials explain that the number of ballots cast may not match the number of voters due to uncounted ballots. However, this explanation has left many questioning the accuracy of the election results. The inconsistency between the reported votes and the number of voters raises concerns and calls for further investigation. Despite the official explanation, the discrepancy remains a significant issue that demands transparency and clarity.

    • Discrepancy of 200,000 votes in Pennsylvania explained by blank ballotsUnusual occurrence of blank ballots in Pennsylvania election might explain the discrepancy, but further investigation needed to confirm.

      During the discussion, it was mentioned that there is a discrepancy of 200,000 votes in Pennsylvania. The explanation given by the woman from Pennsylvania is that these votes came from people who showed up to vote but didn't fill out their ballots with any selection. They simply handed in blank ballots. The hosts found this explanation hard to believe, as it's unusual for someone to go to vote without intending to cast a vote. However, this is the explanation given by the Pennsylvania State officials. It's important to note that this is just one perspective, and further investigation would be required to determine the validity of this claim. The discussion also touched upon the media's role in spreading clickbait and fake news, and the importance of fact-checking information before sharing it.

    • Misrepresentation of Secret Service article as Trump attackArticle misrepresented as Trump corruption attack, but changes to presidential detail are common during transitions, and agents are apolitical professionals

      An article from The Washington Post about changes to the presidential detail in the Secret Service is being misrepresented as an attack on Trump's supposed corruption of the Secret Service. However, this is a common occurrence during presidential transitions, and the detail changes are not news. The article's claim that Secret Service agents loyal to Trump are being replaced is not accurate, as these changes happen every time a new president takes office. The agents mentioned in the article are apolitical professionals who have worked with various candidates and presidents. The expert witness in a Georgia Senate hearing video made an astonishing claim about hacking into a system in the ongoing Georgia Senate race, but the authenticity and evidence of this claim are yet to be verified.

    • Expert discovers unexpected data communication between voting equipmentAn expert found real-time data communication between voting machines at a polling location without Wi-Fi access, raising concerns about potential data manipulation. One compromised device could lead to larger issues.

      During a Georgia state Senate hearing on election integrity, an expert witness testified about discovering real-time data communication between voting equipment at a polling location, which should not have Wi-Fi access. This unexpected finding raised concerns about potential data manipulation. Despite the seriousness of the issue, there seems to be a lack of media coverage or interest in the matter. Elsewhere in the hearing, it was mentioned that there are three types of machines used in the election process: a scanner, a market device, and a polling pad. The expert couldn't identify which device was communicating, but noted that even one compromised device could lead to data manipulation. The expert also emphasized that this type of access should not be possible, and it was unclear how someone with dishonest intentions could exploit this situation. Overall, the discovery of this data communication raises significant concerns about the security and integrity of the election process.

    • Facebook's Perceived Bias and Interference in PoliticsDan criticizes Facebook for censorship of conservative content, apparent support for radical leftist candidates, and fact-checking of his posts. He plans to leave the platform and encourages others to do the same, while also promoting his skincare brand.

      Facebook, or "fake book" as Dan refers to it, is under fire for its perceived bias and interference in political matters. Dan has expressed his intention to leave the platform due to its censorship of conservative content and its apparent support for radical leftist candidates, such as Raphael Warnock, through its fact-checking and in-kind donations. Dan has criticized Warnock for his past sermons that encourage renouncing whiteness, which Dan views as a racist statement. In response, Facebook has fact-checked and restricted Dan's posts about Warnock, leading Dan to post about the issue repeatedly. Dan also encourages his team to continue posting about the issue until the January 50 election. He warns Facebook shareholders to be prepared for changes, as conservatives are planning their exit from the platform. Additionally, Dan promotes his skincare brand, Genucel, and offers a promotional code for discounts on their products.

    • Liberal Media and Big Tech's Symbiotic RelationshipThe liberal media and big tech have a mutually beneficial alliance to control narratives and censor content, as seen in the suppression of certain stories and targeting of platforms promoting free speech.

      The relationship between liberal media and big tech is a symbiotic one, with each entity relying on the other to control narratives and censor content. The speaker provides examples of this relationship, such as the suppression of the Hunter Biden story before the election and the targeting of platforms like Parler, Rumble, and Substack that promote free speech. The New Yorker's article attacking Substack, a news publishing platform, is used as evidence of the media's fear of losing control over the narrative. The speaker emphasizes that anyone who challenges the liberal narrative, like Dana Lash, is a target for attack. The media's dislike for free speech is implied rather than stated outright, as they cannot openly admit to this stance.

    • The Fight for Free Speech and Truth in the Digital AgeIn the digital age, it's crucial to distinguish fact from opinion and support free speech, as traditional news outlets struggle with credibility and major media outlets attempt to dictate what's real and what's disinformation, potentially leading to censorship and loss of payment systems for unpopular opinions.

      The digital landscape is increasingly flooded with disinformation and conspiracy theories, making it difficult for readers to distinguish fact from opinion. Traditional news outlets are struggling to maintain their credibility, while platforms like Substack are becoming a haven for personal writing and analysis. The fight against censorship and the battle for free speech is intensifying, with major media outlets attempting to dictate what is real and what is disinformation. This can lead to a dangerous cycle where truth tellers are accused of spreading disinformation. The stakes are high, with potential consequences including censorship and even loss of payment systems for businesses and individuals expressing unpopular opinions. It's important to stay informed and be prepared for the ongoing fight for free speech and truth in the digital age.

    • Expiration of proxy voting rules poses challenge for Pelosi's re-election as SpeakerExpiration of proxy voting rules in the new Congress could prevent Pelosi from attending the in-person vote, potentially jeopardizing her re-election as Speaker of the House, while a Republican could gain majority votes in a Democrat-controlled House if the situation unfolds unfavorably.

      The expiration of proxy voting rules in the new Congress could potentially cause trouble for Nancy Pelosi in her bid to be re-elected as Speaker of the House. With a thin Democratic majority and several members unwilling or unable to return to the Capitol due to COVID-19 concerns, Pelosi can only afford to lose a few votes. However, the rules no longer allow for voting by proxy, meaning that all members must be present to cast their votes. If a significant number of Democrats are unable to attend the in-person vote, Pelosi could be in jeopardy of losing the Speakership. A Republican, on the other hand, could potentially gain a majority of the votes in a Democrat-controlled House if the situation unfolds unfavorably for Pelosi.

    • Decrease in Police Intervention Leads to Increase in CrimeThe current political climate is leading to a decrease in police intervention, resulting in an increase in crime and potentially dangerous situations.

      The current political climate, specifically the push to defund the police, is having real-world consequences. According to the speaker, this attitude is leading to a decrease in police intervention, which in turn is leading to an increase in crime. He uses the example of a situation where a 911 call is made about a potential mugging, but when the police arrive, they are met with hostility and potential legal repercussions for their involvement. As a result, the police are hesitant to get involved, leading to an increase in crime and potentially dangerous situations. The speaker also shares statistics that support this trend, with murder being up 36.7% in 57 agencies with data through at least September 2020. The speaker emphasizes that this issue is not a partisan one, but rather a matter of public safety.

    • Significant increase in murder rates in 51 out of 57 reporting agenciesUnchecked crime leads to tragic loss of life, particularly in vulnerable communities. Proactive law enforcement strategies can help prevent more serious crimes.

      The increase in murder rates in 51 out of 57 reporting agencies represents a significant and tragic issue, with potential records being broken this year. This is not a political talking point, but a real-world concern affecting thousands of lives. The speaker emphasizes that these are not just statistics, but individuals with families who have lost their lives. The speaker also highlights the connection between unchecked crime and the breakdown of communities, particularly in minority and poor areas. He advocates for a proactive approach to law enforcement, such as the "broken windows" policing strategy, which can help prevent more serious crimes. The speaker criticizes politicians who defund or abandon their police departments, leaving citizens vulnerable and at the mercy of criminals. He urges listeners to recognize the danger and to demand action from their leaders.

    • Governments pushing for digital currencies could lead to loss of financial privacyGovernments aiming to create digital currencies may gain access to transaction data, potentially limiting access to services based on spending habits and infringing on financial privacy.

      The push for a digital currency by governments, as seen in China's latest trial, could lead to a loss of financial privacy as all transactions would leave a digital footprint. This could potentially allow governments to track citizens' purchases and limit access to certain services based on spending habits. The Wall Street Journal story highlights China's goal of creating a public digital currency to gain more access to transaction data and challenge payment duopolies. However, this could lead to potential misuse of this information, such as denying access to government benefits or regulating certain purchases based on personal spending habits. It's important to consider the implications of a digital currency and the potential loss of financial privacy.

    • Negative interest rates could be a disadvantage for savers with digital currencyGovernment implementation of negative interest rates with digital currency could lead to citizens losing value on their savings and potentially preferring physical cash or decentralized currencies

      The implementation of a fiat digital currency could lead to negative interest rates, which would effectively mean the government borrows money from citizens and pays them back less. This is a disadvantage for creditors, who would lose value on their savings if they keep them in the bank. Negative interest rates were tried in Japan, and the result was a surge in people withdrawing their money from banks and keeping it in physical cash or savings at home. The implication of this for digital currency is that people might prefer to hold physical cash or use decentralized currencies to avoid negative interest rates and government surveillance.

    • Negative interest rates and digital currency: potential dangersNegative interest rates could lead to significant wealth loss, and relying solely on digital currency poses risks. Decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are safer alternatives, but military technology like Project Thor offers a strong deterrent against potential adversaries.

      The use of negative interest rates and digital currency could lead to a significant loss of personal wealth, as seen in Japan's experience with negative interest rates. The speaker also discussed the potential dangers of relying solely on digital currency, as it could be taken away from individuals at any moment through digital means. Additionally, the speaker warned against the potential dangers of fiat digital currency, distinguishing it from decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In other news, the speaker mentioned the development of a new military technology called Project Thor, which uses tungsten rods dropped from space to destroy targets without the use of nuclear weapons and their associated fallout. The speaker emphasized the importance of having a strong deterrent against potential adversaries, and the potential benefits of such technology in avoiding the devastating consequences of a nuclear war. Finally, the speaker emphasized the importance of having multiple layers of security and avoiding single points of failure.

    • Nashville bombing underscores vulnerability of 911 systemsThe Nashville bombing revealed the vulnerability of 911 systems as single points of failure and emphasized the need for local authorities to assess vulnerabilities and have contingency plans in place.

      The Nashville bombing highlighted the vulnerability of our critical infrastructure, specifically the 911 systems, which remain single points of failure. Professor Doug Schmidt from Vanderbilt University described this as the Achilles heel, where one failure can cause widespread chaos. The Tennessee Emergency Communications Board is now addressing the impact on 911 operations following the bombing. Despite advancements in military defense, domestic preparedness is lagging. We cannot ignore the possibility of similar attacks on our soil. In the past, organizations like the Secret Service have learned to avoid single points of failure by implementing backup plans and alternate routes. It's crucial for local authorities to assess their own vulnerabilities and have contingency plans in place. We cannot rely on the assumption that every contingency can be accounted for, but having a basic plan is essential. The recent bombing incident in Nashville serves as a reminder of the importance of being proactive in securing our critical infrastructure.

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    17 - A Bankless Nation (Part 1)

    Episode: #17
    June 15, 2020

    An alien visits earth. He sees our cities, our governments, our moral codes. He's curious, "What's are you trying to do here?" he asks the humans. 

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    Join us next Monday for a fresh episode!


    Tools from our sponsors to go bankless:

    • Multis - bank your business without a bank (1 mon. trial!)
    • Ramp - the fiat onramp for DeFi (mention Bankless!)
    • Monolith - holy grail of bankless Visa cards
    • Aave - money lego for lending & borrowing

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