
    EXPOSED: The Darkside of De-transitioning

    en-usNovember 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Parental Involvement in Gender Identity IssuesParents play a crucial role in supporting their children through gender identity journeys, seeking resources, and fostering open dialogue. Be aware of industry growth and potential manipulation, and encourage understanding and challenging societal norms.

      The discussion highlights the importance of parental involvement in addressing the complex and often controversial issue of gender identity and expression, particularly in the context of children. The podcast features the experiences of individuals who have undergone gender transitions and the legal and activist perspectives of parents. The conversation also touches upon the significant financial growth of the gender reassignment industry, which raises concerns about potential manipulation and pressure on children. Parents are encouraged to seek resources and support networks to help their children navigate these issues and make informed decisions. The podcast also emphasizes the need for open dialogue and understanding between parents and their children, as well as the importance of questioning and challenging societal norms and pressures.

    • Personal journey of a transgender individual during teenage yearsCompassionate, individualized care and support is crucial for transgender youth, with sensitive language and a focus on resources and solutions being key.

      The experiences of individuals undergoing gender transition, particularly during their teenage years, can involve complex and rapid processes, often influenced by societal and medical pressures. The speaker shared their personal journey of discovering their identity as transgender and the subsequent medical interventions they underwent. They also highlighted the role of fear and suicide risk in shaping their experience, as well as the affirmative approach taken by their therapist. It's important to note that every person's experience is unique, and the discussion underscores the need for compassionate, individualized care and support for transgender youth. The language used by medical professionals can have a significant impact on families, instilling fear and potentially perpetuating harmful stereotypes. It's crucial to approach these situations with sensitivity, understanding, and a focus on providing resources and solutions rather than instilling fear.

    • Validation and Affirmation from Online Community vs ParentsOnline community can validate and affirm young people's gender and sexuality, but it may create a wedge between them and their parents during crucial developmental stages. Balance is needed to maintain open communication and trust.

      The online community, including social media platforms, can play a significant role in validating and affirming the identities of young people exploring their gender and sexuality. However, this support can come at a cost, as it may also create a wedge between these individuals and their parents during crucial developmental stages. Furthermore, the rapid shift in societal acceptance and introduction of new terms and concepts following the legalization of gay marriage has put pressure on parents to affirm their children's identities without proper understanding or consultation. This can lead to a lack of trust and communication, causing fear and isolation for parents who feel misunderstood and without support. Ultimately, it is essential to strike a balance between providing validation and maintaining open lines of communication between parents and their children.

    • Parents must unite to protect children's rights in schoolsDemocrat mom shares experience fighting for parental notification in schools and encourages all parents to be informed, involved, and find common ground to protect their children's wellbeing and rights.

      Parents, regardless of political affiliations, must unite and take a proactive stance to protect their children's wellbeing and rights in the face of controversial school policies. The speaker, a Democrat, shared her experience of fighting for parental notification in schools regarding her daughter's name change, which the school wanted to make without her consent. She emphasized the importance of being informed and involved, especially in states with liberal policies that may not prioritize parents' rights. The speaker also highlighted the need to break down political divisions and find common ground to effectively address these issues. She shared her success in passing parental notification policies in California and forming alliances with various groups, including radical feminists and evangelicals. By sharing her story, she encourages all parents to take a proactive role in their children's education and advocacy, and to look for opportunities to collaborate with others, despite their political differences.

    • California's Controversial Transgender BillsGovernor Newsom vetoed a bill that could have penalized parents for not supporting their child's transgender identity, but another bill allowing 12-year-olds to leave home for state-run facilities was signed into law, sparking controversy over family rights and potential harms to children.

      The political landscape surrounding transgender issues in California, particularly regarding children, has been a subject of controversy. A bill, B 957, which aimed to force judges to determine the best interest of a child to support their transgender identity against their parents, was vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom due to concerns it would penalize parents who do not support their child's transgender identity. However, another bill, B 665, was signed into law, allowing 12-year-olds to leave their homes and live in state-run facilities without any record of abuse. This bill, criticized as state-sanctioned kidnapping, has raised concerns about family rights and the potential consequences for children in residential facilities. Parents are encouraged to get involved in the ongoing legal fight against B 665 and to seek resources and support from organizations like Protect Kids CA.

    • Impact of Father-Son Relationship on a Boy's IdentityFather's presence and support can positively influence a boy's emotional development. Absence or abuse can lead to confusion, isolation, and a search for alternative role models. Seek focus and supportive communities to navigate challenges.

      The relationship between a father and son can significantly impact a boy's self-identity and emotional development. Absence or abuse from a father figure can lead to confusion, feelings of isolation, and a desire to seek out alternative role models. This was the experience of the speaker, who shared how his emotionally abusive father influenced his negative perception of masculinity and contributed to his confusion about his own gender identity. The lack of a positive masculine role model in his life led him to seek comfort in feminine figures and ultimately come to terms with his sexuality. This issue is not unique to the speaker, as many people who transition often come from fatherless homes or have experienced abuse from their fathers. Therefore, it's crucial for fathers to be present and supportive in their sons' lives, providing a positive role model and unconditional love. For those who have experienced similar struggles, it's essential to find a focus in life, whether through a career, education, or hobbies, and seek out supportive communities to help navigate the challenges of growing up.

    • Differences in handling gender identity issues between the US and UKThe US and UK have contrasting approaches to gender identity issues, with the US being more extreme and lenient, and the UK more cautious due to consent and potential harm concerns. Social media plays a significant role in shaping these trends, with criticism over policies and potential negative consequences.

      The US and the UK are experiencing significant differences in the handling of gender identity issues, particularly in relation to children. While the US is seen as more extreme with a large number of people identifying as trans and more lenient policies towards gender-affirming care, the UK has taken a more cautious approach due to concerns over consent and potential harm. However, there is a growing cultural battle in both countries, with some advocating for affirmative approaches and others raising concerns over the potential negative consequences. The UK's National Health Service has faced criticism for policies allowing transgender patients in women-only wards, while the US has seen a surge in legislation banning gender-affirming care in some states. Social media, which is largely American-based, is also seen as a significant influence on these trends. European countries, including the UK, have historically followed US trends, but there are signs of growing resistance and proactive parental involvement in the UK. Despite these differences, there is a shared concern over the potential negative effects of social contagion and the role of social media in influencing young people's gender identity.

    • Impact of Social Validation on Adolescents' Identity and Self-EsteemSocial validation influences self-perception and decision-making during adolescence. Positive influences from parents and peers are essential, while negative ones like bullying can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Transgender individuals may seek validation online due to lack of acceptance from families and society.

      Social validation, especially during adolescence, can significantly impact one's self-perception and decision-making, particularly when dealing with issues related to identity and self-esteem. The absence of positive social influences and the presence of negative ones, such as bullying, can lead individuals to seek validation in unhealthy ways, like social media or risky behaviors. Parents play a crucial role in providing love, discipline, and respect to their children, especially during the formative years. Failure to do so can leave kids feeling adrift and vulnerable to negative influences. In the case of transgender individuals, the lack of acceptance and validation from their families and society can push them towards transitioning at a young age, seeking validation and acceptance online. Parents should be aware of these signs and strive to create a supportive and loving environment for their children.

    • Parents' conflicting responses to a child's gender identityParents should affirm a child's gender identity with love and understanding, avoiding making it the sole defining factor of their worth.

      The pressure from both external sources, such as the trans community, and internal sources, like parents, to affirm a child's gender identity can create a complex and potentially harmful situation. The speaker's experience of having one parent fully affirming her identity while the other expressed concerns but was discouraged from expressing them, led to a sense of rejection and confusion when she realized her parents' affirmation was based on her trans identity rather than her inherent worth. It's essential for parents to approach their children's gender identity with love, understanding, and open communication, avoiding the pitfall of making their child's identity the sole defining factor of their worth. Parents' political beliefs and affiliations can also influence their approach to their child's gender identity, potentially adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

    • Common threads among detransitioners: family issues, trauma, and a desire for acceptanceDetransitioners' experiences often involve complex family dynamics, past traumas, and a longing for love and acceptance. These underlying issues can be overlooked, leading some vulnerable kids to transition as a solution, rather than addressing the root causes.

      The experiences of detransitioners, a diverse group of individuals, share common threads such as family issues, trauma, and a desire for acceptance. These patterns are often overlooked by doctors and society, and can lead vulnerable kids into transitioning as a way to find love and acceptance from both friends and parents. Some parents, driven by their own narcissistic tendencies or political beliefs, may encourage and even parade their children as trans as a badge of honor. It's important to recognize these patterns and address the root causes of a child's desire to transition, rather than simply accepting it as a solution.

    • Parents using children as emotional props can harm themSome adults may use their children's identities to fill their own emotional gaps, potentially causing harm and confusion for the child, rather than promoting their well-being and safety.

      Some adults may be using their children as props to fill their own emotional gaps, and this can be harmful and potentially dangerous for the children. This behavior can be seen in the context of the increasing number of parents affirming their transgender children's identities, which some argue is a way for the parents to project their own issues onto their children. This can lead to a distorted view of reality, where the child is told that everything is wrong with them and that they need to be "fixed." This approach is not loving or caring, especially when the child is already distressed and seeking validation. Instead, it's important for adults to use common sense and consider the potential consequences of their actions. Furthermore, it's crucial to recognize that dividing parents, sexes, and classes can create chaos and conflict, and may even attract predators. It's essential to prioritize the well-being and safety of children above all else.

    • Small communities with strong religious beliefs resisting progressive ideologiesReligious communities rooted in their values resist progressive ideologies, while those with fewer beliefs are seen as easier targets

      The speaker believes small communities, particularly those with strong religious beliefs, are being targeted by institutions to adopt progressive ideologies, such as transgender issues, due to the perceived lack of a unifying faith. He argues that these communities, rooted in their values and principles, are less susceptible to such influences and are more likely to resist. Conversely, communities with fewer religious affiliations, like many Democrats, are seen as easier targets due to their perceived lack of a unifying belief system. The speaker also suggests that progressive ideologies have taken on a religious fervor, replacing traditional religious beliefs for some people. He argues that understanding this dynamic is crucial for engaging in meaningful debates on these issues.

    • Belief systems surrounding transgender identitySome transgender communities hold beliefs that disconnect mind and body, leading to harmful disregard for physical reality and potential risks, including pedophilic ideologies.

      Within certain communities, particularly those surrounding transgender identity, there exists a deep-rooted belief that transcends scientific evidence. This belief system, which some compare to a new religion, can lead to the ostracization and even cult-like treatment of those who question or leave it. This includes detransitioners, who are often met with hostility and even recommended cult deprogramming books. The core tenet of this belief system is the separation of the mind and body, with the belief that one's gender identity is not connected to their physical form. This disconnection can be harmful, particularly for young people, as it can lead to a dangerous disregard for the reality of one's physical existence. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential for pedophilic ideologies being embedded within these beliefs. Overall, it's crucial to recognize and address the potential risks associated with these belief systems and promote a more holistic understanding of identity that acknowledges the connection between mind and body.

    • Online trans community can be dangerous for young girlsParents, guardians, and concerned individuals must protect young trans girls from predators and promote healthy, inclusive communities.

      The online trans community can be a dangerous space for young girls, particularly those who identify as trans and express their identity publicly. Predators may target these girls, exploiting their vulnerability and disassociation with their bodies. The normalization of sexualization and desensitization in certain trans communities, as well as the potential for ostracism and targeting if one leaves the community, can further contribute to this risk. This issue is a complex one, with deep roots in societal attitudes towards gender, body image, and self-identity. It's important for parents, guardians, and other concerned individuals to be aware of these risks and take steps to protect young people from harm. Additionally, it's crucial to challenge the normalization of sexualization and promote healthy, inclusive communities where all individuals can feel safe and valued.

    • Transgender movement driven by various motivationsThe transgender industry targets vulnerable individuals, particularly children and those with mental health issues, for profit and social image improvement, with sexual fetish and eugenic undertones.

      The transgender movement is driven by various motivations including money, government funding, and a sexual fetish component. The industry, worth billions, targets vulnerable individuals, particularly children and those with mental health issues. Companies are investing in this area as part of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, seeking to improve their social image. The sex component is evident in the growing market for transgender porn and the advocacy of eunuch as a valid gender identity. Additionally, there are eugenic undertones, with detransitioners often being autistic and facing sterilization. The ultimate goal seems to be the destruction of traditional norms and institutions, including the family unit. This complex issue involves deep-rooted motivations and far-reaching consequences.

    • Transgender debate goes beyond individual identity and rightsBelief in permanent medical interventions for transgender individuals can lead to significant societal and financial costs, including tax dollars, parental expenses, and company profits.

      The transgender debate is not just about individual identity or rights, but also about societal implications and financial motivations. The belief that permanent medical interventions are necessary for transgender individuals can lead to a cycle of medicalization, resulting in significant costs for individuals and society. These costs include tax dollars funding gender transformations in various institutions, parents spending money on court systems and attorneys during custody battles, and profits for companies providing related products and services. Additionally, there is a financial incentive for some individuals and institutions to push for these interventions, creating a pipeline of revenue from people's distress and misery. The lack of support for detransitioners and the limited understanding of how to help them further highlights the financial motivations and the potential harm caused by these interventions.

    • Detransitioners face challenges in accessing medical care and supportDetransitioners face underreported challenges, lack of acknowledgement, and dismissal from medical system and transactivist groups, leading to despair and health issues.

      The transgender community, particularly those seeking to detransition, face numerous challenges in accessing appropriate medical care and support. Hospitals and clinics may not want to treat detransitions due to negative impacts on their statistics and data. This results in underreported detransition rates, with some estimates suggesting the number could be as high as 30%. The lack of acknowledgement and support for detransitioners contributes to a growing sense of despair within these communities. Many individuals, especially those who transitioned as children, report significant health issues and a lack of hope for improvement. Despite the real harm caused by transition-related treatments, the medical system and transactivist groups often overlook or dismiss the needs of detransitioners. The growing number of individuals seeking help in detransition forums underscores the need for increased awareness and resources for those experiencing regret or negative consequences from their transitions.

    • The Challenges of Post-Transition LifePost-transition life can bring physical pain, mental trauma, and the inability to have children. Faith and reminiscence therapy can help cope, but the medical industry and communities often shun these individuals, leaving them feeling isolated and suicidal.

      The process of gender transition, while a valid choice for some, can come with severe and lifelong health consequences, including physical pain, mental trauma, and the inability to have children. These individuals, often shunned by the medical industry and their former communities, are left feeling isolated and suicidal. Faith and reminiscence therapy have been helpful for some in coping with their post-transition struggles. The procedures involved in transitioning, such as phalloplasty and hysterectomy, come with significant scarring and high complication rates. It's crucial to acknowledge the complexities and potential risks associated with gender transition, and to provide adequate support and resources for those dealing with the aftermath.

    • Challenges faced by individuals undergoing gender transition proceduresIndividuals undergoing gender transition procedures face physical and mental health complications, including incontinence, chronic pain, and loss of sexual function, which are often hidden due to stigma and negative perception. Ethical concerns arise regarding consent and decision-making abilities of minors undergoing these procedures.

      The discussion highlights the physical and mental health challenges faced by individuals undergoing gender transition procedures, particularly those related to bottom surgeries. These complications, including incontinence, chronic pain, and loss of sexual function, are often downplayed or hidden within the trans community due to the fear of stigma and negative perception. Furthermore, the lack of age-appropriate explanations for the permanent loss of sexual function, as well as the potential destruction of fertility, raises ethical concerns regarding the consent and decision-making abilities of minors undergoing these procedures. The responsibility for addressing these issues lies with both parents and healthcare professionals, who must ensure that individuals are fully informed and supported throughout the transition process. The debate around banning or allowing these procedures for minors with parental consent continues to be a contentious issue in various states in the US.

    • Transgender Rights: A Divide Among StatesSome states allow transgender healthcare and sports participation for minors without parental consent, while others restrict it, leading to a contentious debate over children's privacy, self-determination, and parental rights.

      There is a significant divide among states in the U.S. regarding the legal rights and protections for transgender individuals, particularly in relation to healthcare and education. Some states, like California, Oregon, and Minnesota, have laws allowing transgender surgeries and treatments for minors without parental consent, while other states, such as Alabama, Arkansas, and Florida, have laws banning transgender students from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity. The issue is contentious, with some arguing for the protection of children's privacy and self-determination, while others express concern for parental rights and potential harm to minors. The debate continues, with various states and organizations advocating for their respective positions, and some even advertising as "sanctuaries" for transgender youth seeking gender interventions. The controversy highlights the complex and evolving nature of the debate surrounding transgender rights and the role of the government in protecting and supporting these individuals.

    • Suppressing unpopular viewpoints sets a dangerous precedentSuppressing unpopular viewpoints can lead to a lack of understanding and progress, it's essential to listen to and learn from all perspectives.

      The suppression of unpopular viewpoints, such as the documentary "No Way Back" about detransitioner stories, sets a dangerous precedent for free speech and can silence important conversations. The film, which features detransitioner stories and insights from experts, was canceled by AMC under the guise of poor ticket sales, but its distributor defended it, stating that those opposing it had not seen it. Ash Eskridge, who represented the director at screenings, emphasized the importance of presenting all sides of the issue, especially when it comes to the risks and long-term implications of gender affirming care. Eskridge also highlighted the need for love and support, faith, fighters, and faith in a higher power during challenging times. Ultimately, the suppression of unpopular viewpoints can lead to a lack of understanding and progress, and it's essential to listen to and learn from all perspectives.

    • Having open conversations about gender identity and transitioning within familiesExplore resources, engage in discussions, and share experiences to foster understanding of gender identity issues. Adults with personal experiences can provide valuable insights, and individual voices and grassroots efforts are crucial in promoting acceptance and growth.

      It's essential to have open and honest conversations about gender identity and transitioning, especially within families. Adults who have transitioned later in life, often due to past trauma or abuse, can provide valuable perspectives. Resources such as books, websites, and podcasts can help answer questions and foster understanding. The power of individual voices and grassroots efforts is growing, and we can all contribute by sharing these resources and starting conversations within our own circles. To learn more, visit Protect Kids CA.com, check out Ollie's book "Gender Madness," and engage in discussions with experts and individuals who have personal experience with gender identity issues.

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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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    PBD Podcast
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    “Jesus Was An Alien” - Ancient Texts, Pyramids, Trump’s Uncle & Nikola Tesla | Billy Carson | EP 426

    Patrick Bet-David sits down with Billy Carson, founder of 4BiddenKnowledge!

    Billy Carson is an American entrepreneur, best known as the founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge Inc, where he investigates ancient civilizations, extraterrestrial life, and conspiracy theories, making him a prominent figure in the exploration of the unknown.


    • Buy Billy Carson's Latest Book: "Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets" - https://bit.ly/3Vv3xrV

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    No Tax On Tips, Deep Fakes & LGBTQ Friendly Traffic Signs | PBD Podcast | Ep. 425

    Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth, and Adam Sosnick cover Donald Trump's 'No Tax On Tips' campaign promise, the city of Los Angeles removing traffic signs that 'target' the gay community, Marc Cuban and Bill Ackman fighting on social media, and Sandy Hook families suing Alex Jones' for his social media accounts!

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Kevin Spacey EXPOSED, Elon Musk vs Apple, Hunter Biden A Convicted Felon | PBD Podcast | Ep. 424

    Kevin Spacey EXPOSED, Elon Musk vs Apple, Hunter Biden A Convicted Felon | PBD Podcast | Ep. 424

    Patrick Bet-David, Vincent Oshana, Tom Ellsworth and Adam Sosnick cover Kevin Spacey's revealing interview with Piers Morgan, Elon Musk taking on Apple's new AI, Hunter Biden being a convicted felon, and Joe Biden's weird interview that's causing the internet to speculate he's wearing a mask!


    • VT Father's Day Collection: Purchase a Valuetainment wallet and get a FREE Future Looks Bright hat: https://bit.ly/3RpZQCI

    THE VAULT 2024:


    • Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2


    • Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE
    • Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC
    • Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR
    • Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq
    • Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4
    • Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R


    • Purchase PBD's Book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD


    • Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz


    • Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz


    • Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0

    TEXT US:

    • Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time!


    • Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m


    • Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 13, 2024

    Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast | Ep. 422

    Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast | Ep. 422

    Tom Fitton is the President of Judicial Watch, a public interest group dedicated to investigating and prosecuting government corruption. Fitton's commitment to transparency and accountability in government has made him a respected figure in the conservative movement. Fitton and Judicial Watch have been involved in high-profile cases including a FOIA request for Clinton tapes, advising Trump on retaining presidential records, seeking the release of the Tennessee Covenant school killer manifesto, and a lawsuit over an FBI memo on the protection of legacy tokens. —— Purchase tickets to The Vault Conference 2024 featuring Patrick Bet-David & Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson: https://bit.ly/3X1JBzm Purchase the new "Angry Patriot" t-shirt for $34.99 at VTMerch.com: https://bit.ly/4c3WsW2 Connect one-on-one with the right expert for you on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3MC9IXE Connect with Patrick Bet-David on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3OoiGIC Connect with Tom Ellsworth on Minnect: https://bit.ly/3UgJjmR Connect with Vincent Oshana on Minnect: https://bit.ly/47TFCXq Connect with Adam Sosnick on Minnect: https://bit.ly/42mnnc4 Connect with Ricardo Aguilar on Minnect: https://bit.ly/4c7rxrY Connect with Rob Garguilo on Minnect: https://bit.ly/426IG0R Purchase Patrick's new book "Choose Your Enemies Wisely": https://bit.ly/41bTtGD Register to win a Valuetainment Boss Set (valued at over $350): https://bit.ly/41PrSLW Get best-in-class business advice with Bet-David Consulting: https://bit.ly/40oUafz Visit VT.com for the latest news and insights from the world of politics, business and entertainment: https://bit.ly/472R3Mz Visit Valuetainment University for the best courses online for entrepreneurs: https://bit.ly/47gKVA0 Text “PODCAST” to 310-340-1132 to get the latest updates in real-time! Get PBD's Intro Song "Sweet Victory" by R-Mean: https://bit.ly/3T6HPdY SUBSCRIBE TO: @VALUETAINMENT @vtsoscast @ValuetainmentComedy @bizdocpodcast @theunusualsuspectspodcast Want to be clear on your next 5 business moves? https://bit.ly/3Qzrj3m Join the channel to get exclusive access to perks: https://bit.ly/3Q9rSQL Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3sFAW4N Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/pbdpodcast/support
    PBD Podcast
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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