
    EXTRA! EXTRA! The Newsboy Strike Episode!

    enJune 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Stepping out of comfort zoneExploring new experiences and growth can come from pushing past comfort zones, as demonstrated by historical figures like newsboys who banded together for change.

      Stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to new experiences and growth. Jennika Lopez invites listeners to join her in Season Three of Over Comfort, where she'll have honest conversations about vulnerable topics. Meanwhile, Josh and the team at Stuff You Should Know explore the Newsy Strike of 1899, a time when newsboys, mostly teens and tweens, banded together to fight for better wages. These historical figures, like the newsboys, demonstrate the power of coming together to seek change, even when facing adversity. Whether it's through podcasts or real-life situations, pushing past comfort zones can lead to meaningful conversations and progress. Listen to Over Comfort, Part-Time Genius, Two Guys Five Rings, and Criminalia, or explore history through Stuff You Should Know, available on iHeartRadio and other podcast platforms.

    • Newsboy StrikeDuring the late 1800s, a newsboy strike occurred due to newspapers raising their prices, causing financial hardship for newsboys who formed a union to defend themselves against exploitative practices.

      During the late 1800s, newsboys in New York City could buy essentials like cereal, soup, oats, and potatoes for a dime each. They earned their living by selling newspapers, often hustling on the streets and selling bundles to consumers. Initially, they bought these bundles for 50 cents and sold them individually for a penny or two. However, when the Spanish-American War broke out, newspapers raised their prices to 60 cents per bundle to cover war expenses. While the sales initially increased, the newsboys faced financial hardship when other papers returned to their pre-war prices. This situation led to a newsboy strike, which saw these young hustlers forming a union and defending themselves against exploitative practices. The strike lasted less than two weeks and gained significant attention, making it a notable event in labor history.

    • Podcast genres on iHeartRadioIHeartRadio offers a vast selection of podcasts, covering various genres like trivia, relationships, personal stories, and scientific insights

      Podcasts on iHeartRadio offer a wide range of content, from trivia and secrets to personal stories and scientific insights. For example, "Part-Time Genius" explores intriguing questions, "The Super Secret Bestie Club" talks about relationships and secrets, and "a slight change of plans" discusses navigating life-changing moments. Another interesting story is about newsboys who tipped over a wagon to protest unfair paper prices, which served as an inspiring example of collective power. These podcasts, along with others on the iHeartRadio platform, provide listeners with diverse perspectives and knowledge to enrich their daily lives.

    • Newsies Strike LeadershipTwo key figures, Dave Simons and Kid Blink, led the Newsies Strike of 1899, enforcing it through physical means and gaining public support despite facing opposition from newspapers and authorities.

      During the Newsboys' Strike of 1899, the young news vendors recognized the need for leadership and elected two key figures: Dave Simons (also known as Davey the Jew or Davey the Fighter) and Kid Blink (Lewis Boletti or Lewis Dalit). These two, along with other notable figures like Racecar Higgins, Crutch Morris, Hunch Maddox, and Muggsy McGee, led the striking newsies. They patrolled the streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and other areas, using horseshoes, baseball bats, and other makeshift weapons to enforce the strike. The newspapers responded by targeting these two publications, and the striking newsies faced physical confrontations and even some arrests. Despite this, they gained support from the public, with some even throwing ticker tape in their parades. The event showcased the determination and resourcefulness of these young newsies in standing up for their rights.

    • Newsboys' Strike of 1899The Newsboys' Strike of 1899 was a pivotal moment in labor history, demonstrating the power of collective action and leading to improved wages and working conditions for newsboys.

      The Newsboys' Strike of 1899 was a turning point in labor history due to its impressive organization and widespread impact. The strike began when newsboys demanded a wage increase and better working conditions. Initially, the strike was limited to New York City, but it quickly spread to other states as more newsboys and even women joined. The strike caused significant financial losses for newspaper companies, leading them to consider giving in to the newsboys' demands. The strike also gained public support, making it a significant challenge for newspaper management. The strike ended with a partial victory for the newsboys, as they secured a wage increase and improved working conditions. The event highlighted the power of collective action and the potential for labor strikes to bring about change.

    • Newsboys' StrikeThe Newsboys' Strike of 1899 was successful due to the newsboys' determination and the public's support, despite initial resistance from the journal and potential repercussions.

      During the Newsboys' Strike of 1899, a group of newsboys led by David "Dead Rabbit" Sullivan and Jacob "Kid Blink" Parrott, fought for better wages and working conditions. At Irving Plaza, Race Track Higgins delivered a passionate speech, urging the newsboys to stay strong and keep their eyes open for opportunities. The journal offered a significant pay increase, but the newsboys refused due to the journal's unwillingness to cover their hospital expenses, fearing repercussions. The tide turned when they began distributing flyers, appealing to the public's sense of justice. The strike gained widespread support, inspiring sympathetic strikes in other towns and cities. Despite the world and the journal's silence, other newspapers covered the story, helping it spread rapidly. Ultimately, the newsboys' determination and the public's support led to their victory.

    • Life-altering momentsStaying true to values and principles is crucial during life-altering moments, as shown in the Newsies' Strike where accepting payoffs led to the movement's demise

      Life-altering moments can challenge even the strongest relationships, and the choices we make during these times can have significant consequences. In the case of the Newsies' Strike, the leaders' decision to accept payoffs from newspaper companies led to the demise of the movement, despite their initial inspiring leadership. This illustrates the importance of staying true to one's values and principles, especially during times of change. Whether it's in personal relationships or larger social movements, the decisions we make can have lasting impacts. Listen to "A Slight Change of Plans" podcast on iHeartRadio or wherever you get your podcasts to learn more about navigating life's pivotal moments.

    • Newsboys' Strike of 1899The Newsboys' Strike of 1899 was marked by decentralized leadership and lack of organization, but the newsboys persisted in their fight for fair prices and eventually gained adult support and a significant concession, the ability to return unsold papers for a full refund.

      The newsboys' strike of 1899 was a chaotic event marked by decentralized leadership and a lack of organization in its early stages. Despite this, the newsboys continued their fight for a fair price for the newspapers they sold. A pivotal moment came when the newspapers offered a compromise, which was rejected by the union. The newsboys gained support from other newspaper sellers and organized under adult leadership, but their stamina began to wane as they went without earnings for an extended period. The strike ended on August 1st when a group of newsstands declared it a failure and stopped supporting the strikers. However, the union continued to grow and gain power, eventually becoming a significant force in labor organizing. An important concession the strikers won was the ability to return unsold papers for a full refund, which was crucial for their business. Despite the late organization, the union's impact was significant and enduring.

    • Disney's risk with live-action musicalsDisney faced criticism and initial box office failure with 'Newsies', a live-action musical, but it later became a cult hit and Broadway success despite inexperienced actors and hidden dance numbers.

      Disney took a risk by introducing live-action musicals, specifically the film "Newsies," during a time when the format was out of fashion. The film, which told the story of a newspaper delivery boy strike, featured inexperienced actors like Christian Bale in leading roles, and the resulting dance numbers were often hidden from view due to the cast's lack of skill. Despite initial criticism and box office flops, "Newsies" eventually became a cult hit and later found success as a Broadway show. Meanwhile, a listener's email criticized the hosts for their alleged bias and lack of seriousness on the podcast, to which they responded with good humor but no commitment to change.

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