
    Fabricated AI Research, AI Phishing Emails, AI Package Theft Detection

    enAugust 16, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • A new wave of AI-powered robots is transforming warehouses and factoriesRobots with improved manipulation capabilities using AI are revolutionizing warehouse tasks, but achieving human-like dexterity is still a work in progress

      We're witnessing a new wave of AI-powered robots taking over warehouses and factories. These robots, which can manipulate objects of various shapes and sizes, are opening up new possibilities for automation. While they can perform simple tasks like picking up objects and placing them in boxes, the level of dexterity required for more complex tasks is still a work in progress. Most of these startups are currently using robots with two fingers or vacuum sections for picking up items, which is a significant improvement from the repetitive movements currently used in factories. The article in Technology Review provides a good overview of this trend, highlighting the potential of these robots to revolutionize the way we automate tasks in warehouses. However, it's important to note that while the progress in robotics is impressive, we're still far from achieving general dexterity in robots. The hype around dexterity in robots might be overstated, and most of these startups are currently focusing on improving the manipulation of objects using AI, rather than achieving human-like dexterity. Overall, this is an exciting development in the field of robotics and AI, and it's worth keeping an eye on the progress in this area.

    • Robotics and AI in Manufacturing and Drug DiscoveryRobotics and AI are transforming industries, particularly in manufacturing and drug discovery, but there are concerns about employment and infrastructure retrofitting. AI is discovering potential treatments for rare diseases, but ethical guidelines are necessary to prevent fabricated research.

      Robotics and AI are making significant strides in various industries, particularly in manufacturing and drug discovery. However, there are concerns regarding employment and the complexity of retrofitting existing infrastructure. Some companies are assuring a gradual transition with humans working alongside robots. In the field of medicine, AI is being used to discover potential treatments for rare diseases, such as ADNP syndrome, by analyzing vast amounts of data. This technology has the potential to surface hidden drug interactions and could lead to breakthrough discoveries. On the downside, there have been instances of fabricated research papers being published due to advanced AI capabilities, which highlights the need for vigilance and ethical guidelines. Overall, the integration of robotics and AI into our society holds great promise, but it also comes with challenges that need to be addressed.

    • The rise of fake science and the importance of maintaining research integrityFake science is a growing concern, leading to noise in the scientific community and potential publication of misleading or incorrect information. It's crucial to maintain research integrity and be transparent about limitations and implications of new discoveries.

      The issue of fake science, where researchers are publishing misleading or incorrect information, is becoming increasingly common and concerning. This can lead to a significant amount of noise in the scientific community, making it harder for accurate and valid research to be recognized and acted upon. A recent observation noted that some publications have shortened their review process, allowing potentially fraudulent papers to be published. This trend is troubling and could have serious implications for the future of science. Additionally, there is an article by Francis Chance in IEEE Spectrum about creating an artificial neural network modeled after a dragonfly's brain. While the title might suggest that the network is able to copy or interact with real dragonflies, the reality is that it is only a simulation and only replicates some of the dragonfly's superficial behaviors. This serves as a reminder that while advances in technology and research are exciting, it's important to be cautious and clear about what these advancements can and cannot do. Overall, these stories highlight the importance of maintaining the integrity of scientific research and being transparent about the limitations and implications of new discoveries. It's crucial that we continue to strive for accuracy and validity in our research, and that we remain vigilant against the potential for misinformation and fraud.

    • Dragonflies' lightning-fast hunting and AI's advanced language capabilitiesDragonflies can quickly calculate prey's future position, while AI language models can write effective phishing emails, highlighting the need for awareness and ethical considerations in technology advancements.

      Technology, whether it's the speed and precision of a dragonfly's hunting abilities or the advanced capabilities of AI language models, continues to evolve and challenge our understanding. Regarding the dragonfly study, researchers discovered that these insects can calculate their prey's future position and react within 50 milliseconds. This quick response requires only a few layers of neurons to process the information and send motor controls. This finding sheds light on the efficiency of small networks and raises questions about the potential interpretability of such systems. Moving on to AI, a recent experiment showed that large language models like GBD3 from OpenAI can write more effective phishing emails than humans. This worrying development means that anyone can access these services and launch large-scale phishing campaigns, potentially causing financial harm or spreading viruses. The researchers differentiated between commonplace phishing and more targeted spear phishing, where AI's ability to generate personalized messages makes it a more effective tool. Although some APIs have strict rules, others offer easy access, making it essential to address the ethical implications and the need for education and awareness to help individuals detect and protect themselves from such threats. The increasing capabilities of language models are a reminder of the importance of staying informed and adapting to the ever-evolving technological landscape.

    • Ethical concerns with technology's ease of use and accessibilityIdentity verification processes can enable fraudulent activities and AI systems can unintentionally perpetuate racial bias in medical diagnoses and treatments

      Technology's ease of use and accessibility can lead to concerning ethical issues. In the first discussion, we explored how simple identity verification processes, even those not based on solid identification methods, can make it easier for fraudulent activities to thrive. This is a potential downside as these practices become more common and cost-effective. In the second paper, we delved into the issue of racial bias in AI systems, specifically those that analyze medical images. Researchers found that these algorithms could accurately predict a patient's racial identity, which could lead to biased medical diagnoses and treatments. The implications of this discovery are significant, as it shows that even seemingly simple tasks, like identifying race from medical images, can yield high levels of accuracy for AI systems. This raises important ethical questions about the potential for unintended consequences and biases in AI technology. It's essential to remain vigilant and reflect on the potential implications of these advancements as they continue to shape our world.

    • AI's Impact on Medical Imaging: A Double-Edged SwordAI can improve medical imaging analysis, but ethical concerns arise regarding potential biases and fairness. Careful consideration is needed to ensure that AI does not negatively impact disadvantaged groups or overall performance.

      Advanced algorithms, such as those used in AI software, can identify patterns and make predictions based on data that may be unreadable to human eyes, including X-rays. This raises ethical concerns regarding fairness and potential biases in the system. It's important to consider the implications of removing biases and the potential impact on overall performance. In a lighter note, AI is also being used in innovative ways, such as the new AI-powered camera app, Tabli, which can help cat owners better understand their pets' moods and health. However, it's crucial to approach these advancements with caution and consider the potential consequences. The ethical implications of AI are a complex issue that requires careful thought and study. In the case of medical imaging, it's essential to ensure that the use of AI does not lead to worse performance or disproportionately negative impacts on disadvantaged groups. Overall, the use of AI is a double-edged sword, and it's important to approach it with a critical and thoughtful perspective.

    • DIY Home Security with TensorFlow and Machine LearningA homeowner used TensorFlow and a camera to create a security system that could recognize package deliveries and alert the homeowner of intruders. Prompt-based learning is a new approach in natural language processing, allowing researchers to manipulate a pre-trained model's behavior without task-specific training.

      A homeowner created a security system using TensorFlow and a camera to monitor his porch for package deliveries and intruders. The system could recognize when a package was placed on the porch and alert the homeowner if it was taken by someone other than the expected delivery person. The homeowner even added a siren and a "flower gun" as deterrents. This DIY project showcases the potential of machine learning for everyday use, even with limited expertise. The creator, Ryan Calmdown or Writer Calmdown, also shared other fun hacks on his YouTube channel. Meanwhile, in the realm of research, a new approach called prompt-based learning has emerged in natural language processing, shifting the focus from pre-training and fine-tuning. With prompt-based learning, researchers manipulate a pre-trained language model's behavior to predict a desired output, often without task-specific training. For instance, they could ask the model to classify the sentiment of a movie review by appending a prompt to the sentence. Prompts are not always easy to create, and there are limitations, but studies suggest that prompt-based learning is a promising area of study for the future.

    • Revolutionizing Math Tutoring with AIAI-powered math app Q&A by Math Presso has solved 2.5 billion problems for 10 million users, secured $50M investment, and plans to develop personalized learning content.

      Technology is revolutionizing the education industry, specifically in the realm of math tutoring. Math Presso, a Seoul-based edtech startup, is leading this charge with its mobile app Q&A, which uses AI to help students find answers to math problems. The company recently secured a $50 million investment round, bringing their total funds to $105 million, and they plan to use this money to develop personalized learning content. This app has already solved 2.5 billion math problems for nearly 10 million users from over 50 countries, with two-thirds of South Korean students using it. However, as we move towards increased reliance on AI, it's important to consider the potential downsides. In an opinion piece for the New York Times, law professors Frank Pasquale and Gianclaudio Malzier warn that Americans have good reason to be skeptical of AI due to incidents of unsafe or discriminatory systems. They suggest that the EU Draft Artificial Intelligence Act provides a framework for addressing these issues, including banning certain unacceptable uses of AI. The professors argue that the US should follow the EU's lead and prioritize the respect for fundamental rights, ensuring safety, and banning unacceptable uses of AI. This highlights the need for careful consideration and regulation as we continue to integrate AI into various aspects of our lives.

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    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Our 166th episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Timestamps + links:

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    Our 165th episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Timestamps + links:

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    Our 163rd episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Note: apology for this one coming out a few days late, got delayed in editing it -Andrey

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

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    Timestamps + links:

    Last Week in AI
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    Our 162nd episode with a summary and discussion of last week's big AI news!

    Read out our text newsletter and comment on the podcast at https://lastweekin.ai/

    Email us your questions and feedback at contact@lastweekin.ai and/or hello@gladstone.ai

    Timestamps + links:

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