
    Famed Investor Has A Frightening Prediction (Ep 1902)

    enNovember 28, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting Online Privacy with ExpressVPNUse ExpressVPN to hide IP addresses, safeguard data, and fight back against Big Tech's data exploitation for as little as $7 a month.

      Privacy is under threat in the digital age, and individuals can fight back by using tools like ExpressVPN to protect their online presence from being tracked and exploited for profit. Dan Bonjino, the host of the show, emphasized the importance of privacy as a right and not a privilege. He shared his own experiences with medical issues and how he relies on ExpressVPN to safeguard his online data. The tech giants make money by selling personal data, and ExpressVPN helps users hide their IP addresses and browse anonymously. The show also touched upon the topic of the current economic climate, with questions raised about the stock market and potential bubbles. Bonjino encouraged listeners to take a stand against Big Tech and join him in using ExpressVPN for as little as $7 a month. The show was brought to you by ExpressVPN, and listeners were offered three extra months of the service for free by visiting expressvpn.com/Bongino.

    • Economic bubble and the push for a great resetRobert Kiyosaki warns of an economic bubble and the push for a 'great reset' towards top-down totalitarianism. Liberal policies have contributed to economic instability, but when the bubble bursts, conservatives may be blamed.

      We are currently living in an economic bubble, according to Robert Kiyosaki, and various globalist elites see crises as opportunities to push for a "great reset" towards top-down totalitarianism. Despite their claims, it is liberal policies that have contributed to the current economic instability, and when the bubble bursts, conservatives will likely be blamed. The speaker agrees with Kiyosaki that bonds, stocks, and real estate are overvalued, and interest rates are expected to rise, leading to a significant decrease in value for these assets. The speaker also disputes the common narrative that big government intervention saved us during past crises, arguing that it was the post-war economy and consumer spending that ultimately turned things around.

    • Government policies led to economic downturns, not free-market economicsDespite popular belief, government policies causing unsustainable lending led to economic crises in the past, and current unsustainable spending and borrowing may lead to another one. Stay informed and don't believe simplistic narratives.

      The economic downturns in the Great Depression and the Great Recession were not caused by free-market economics, but rather by government policies encouraging lending to people who couldn't afford it. This led to a large number of defaults and market collapses. Despite this history, there is a persistent belief among some that liberal policies saved us from these crises. However, with current economic indicators showing a potential for another crisis due to unsustainable spending and borrowing, it's important to remember the past and the role of government in shaping economic outcomes. The media's role in shaping the narrative about economic crises is also significant, as they have a tendency to blame free-market economics rather than government policies. It's crucial to stay informed and not be swayed by simplistic narratives.

    • Backlash against liberal policies and leaders due to security concernsCriticism of liberal figures for lack of response to human rights abuses in China and perceived alignment with authoritarian regimes, warning of economic crisis and impending totalitarianism.

      The economic and physical security concerns of citizens have led to a backlash against liberal policies and Democratic leaders in New York and California, resulting in significant electoral losses. The speaker also criticized the lack of response from liberal figures, including President Joe Biden and celebrities, to human rights abuses in China, suggesting a hypocritical stance and alignment with authoritarian regimes. The speaker warned of an impending economic crisis and accused the left of desiring a Chinese-style totalitarian system, using the current pandemic response as an example. The speaker's message conveyed a sense of urgency and a call to action against what they perceived as a dangerous trend towards authoritarianism.

    • Powerful figures advocating for totalitarianismSome leaders may exploit crises to push for a China-like model of totalitarianism, threatening our data security and freedom. Stay informed and take action to prevent it.

      The world has changed significantly since events like Tiananmen Square, and technology has played a major role in that change. Today, we have access to real-time information and the ability to bypass internet censors, which was not the case in the past. However, some powerful figures, like Klaus Schwab, advocate for a more totalitarian model and may use economic and public safety crises to push for it. It's important to be aware of this and to protect our data security, as laws like the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill could put it at greater risk. In essence, those in power want to use crises to usher in a China-like model of totalitarianism, and it's up to us to stay informed and take action to prevent that from happening.

    • WEF head sees China as a role model despite human rights abusesDespite concerns over China's draconian policies and human rights abuses, Klaus Schwab views China as a role model for other nations due to its COVID-19 response. The debate raises questions about the balance between public health measures and individual freedoms, and the importance of accurate information.

      Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum and author of "The Great Reset," sees China as a role model for other nations despite its draconian policies and human rights abuses. Schwab made these comments during an interview with Chinese state-affiliated media at the CEO summit in Bangkok. Critics argue that this is concerning given China's record of suppressing dissent, lockdowns, and human rights violations. Additionally, Taylor Lorenz, a journalist known for her controversial statements, claimed there is no lasting natural immunity to COVID-19 and defended China's strategy of locking down entire cities and suppressing information. However, experts and many people disagree with this assessment, as natural immunity is a complex process that can provide protection against future infections. Overall, the debate highlights the ongoing tension between public health measures and individual freedoms, and the importance of accurate information in making informed decisions.

    • Great Reset or Totalitarian Control?During crises, some push for control disregarding negative consequences. Be aware of figures like Fauci and Lorenz, prioritize individual choice, and value science and data.

      During times of crisis, some individuals and organizations may use the situation to push for a "great reset" or totalitarian control, disregarding the negative consequences on people's lives. The speaker emphasized this point by discussing the mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on mental health, education, and individual freedoms. They criticized figures like Fauci and Lorenz for promoting restrictive measures without acknowledging the evidence of their harmful effects. The speaker encouraged listeners to be aware of this agenda and make informed decisions, emphasizing the importance of individual choice and the value of science and data. Additionally, they promoted the comfort and savings offered by X-Chairs during the Cyber Monday sale.

    • Authenticity vs. Manipulative NarrativesRecognize and reject manipulative narratives and gaslighting tactics. Embrace authenticity and truth, especially in businesses and institutions.

      The discussion revolved around the importance of truth and authenticity, particularly in contrast to manipulative narratives and gaslighting. The speaker highlighted the example of a family-owned business that produces high-quality firearms, emphasizing their authentic materials, craftsmanship, and American origin. In contrast, they criticized figures like Fauci for misleading the public and undermining trust in institutions. The speaker warned about the dangers of a "great reset" or totalitarian regime, emphasizing the need for people to remain informed and not be isolated from the truth. They also discussed the importance of recognizing and rejecting manipulative narratives and gaslighting tactics.

    • Media suppression of housing crisis truth, Elon Musk's Twitter takeover, and left's responseMedia suppressed truth about housing crisis causes, Elon Musk's Twitter takeover sparks concerns for narrative control, Left welcomes crises to push for totalitarianism, and uses bots and AstroTurf accounts to manipulate public opinion.

      The housing crisis in 2009 was caused by certain political ideologies, but the narrative has been suppressed and the media often reports the opposite. Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter is causing concern among those who rely on narrative control in totalitarianism. They're worried that Musk will open up the platform, allowing for free speech and potentially disrupting their carefully crafted narratives. Critics argue that Musk having control over how half a billion people communicate is too much power, but others see it as a step towards accountability and transparency. However, it's important to note that not all voices on Twitter are authentic. There are bots and AstroTurf accounts pushing fake messages to make it seem like there's a big grassroots effort to get Musk to censor content. These accounts are often funded by a small group of individuals and organizations, and they use professional psyops to manipulate public opinion. The left's response to this situation highlights their disregard for solving real-world crises, such as economic, public safety, and health crises. Instead, they welcome these crises as opportunities to push for a totalitarian regime under the guise of a "great reset" or "new world order." To maintain control, they use useful idiots, like the cat lady mentioned in the discussion, to spread their narratives and silence opposing voices.

    • Joy Reid and Brian Stelter's Interaction: A Clash of PerspectivesPower dynamics, open dialogue, and respectful discourse are crucial in addressing contentious issues between media and political figures.

      The dynamic between certain individuals and groups in the media and political spheres can be complex and contentious. A notable example discussed was the interaction between Joy Reid and Brian Stelter during a conference, where Stelter criticized Reid for her role in what he perceived as an attempt to censor and shut down opposing viewpoints. Reid, in turn, defended herself against these accusations, highlighting the power dynamics at play. This exchange illustrates the tensions that exist between those perceived as part of the "elite cabal" and those who feel marginalized and underrepresented. The conversation also touched on the importance of public discourse and the potential consequences of driving individuals and groups into "echo chambers." Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of open and respectful dialogue in addressing contentious issues.

    • Investigation Delay and Questionable PrioritiesThe FBI took over a year to fully investigate the January 6th bombing incident, while some individuals were registered as foreign agents despite promoting free speech

      The Omaha Steaks company is offering high-quality, flash-frozen and vacuum-sealed meals for customers to enjoy with their families and friends. It's a great gift option with the added bonus of a discount using the promo code Bongino. However, there's been a significant delay in the investigation of the January 6th "insurrection" bombing incident, with the FBI only starting a full-scale investigation over the course of a year and a month after the event. This raises questions about the prioritization and efficiency of the investigation. Meanwhile, some individuals, like Nina Jankowitz, have been registered as foreign agents despite promoting free speech and opposing disinformation campaigns. These instances highlight the complexity and sometimes questionable motives behind current events.

    • Inconsistencies and unanswered questions in the January 6th bombing investigationsThe investigations into the January 6th bombings at the RNC and DNC have stalled, with inconsistencies and unanswered questions regarding the discovery and handling of the bombs, and the whereabouts of the video evidence.

      There are inconsistencies and unanswered questions regarding the investigation into the January 6th bombing at the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. The bomb found at the RNC was described as real, but the one at the DNC, which was supposedly discovered earlier and was at the location of the vote count, seemed to have been missed by security sweeps. The video evidence of the bomber at the DNC is also missing or degraded. Some theories suggest that there might not have been a bomber at all. The investigation seemed to have stalled, with no significant progress made in a year. It's unclear why this is the case, and some speculate that there might be efforts to avoid finding the perpetrator. The lack of action on this case, despite its potential significance, raises concerns about the thoroughness and impartiality of the investigation.

    • U.S. Administration's Inconsistent Actions towards Latin AmericaThe Biden administration's inconsistent actions towards oil production and alliances in Latin America, such as granting drilling licenses in Venezuela while denying permits to U.S. allies, raises concerns about disregard for American values and economic stability, creating an environment for leftist exploitation and a China-like model.

      The current U.S. administration's actions towards oil production and alliances in Latin America raise concerns about inconsistency and allegiance to communist regimes over American interests. The Biden administration's decision to grant drilling licenses in Venezuela while denying permits and loans to U.S. allies like Guyana showcases a disregard for American values and economic stability. This inconsistency, combined with the administration's handling of the economy, public safety, and public health, creates an environment of chaos that the left aims to exploit by offering safety and security in exchange for implementing a China-like model. The administration's actions demonstrate a lack of values and a willingness to support communist regimes at the expense of American livelihoods. It is crucial to stay informed and support independent voices to hold those in power accountable. Subscribe to the podcast for more in-depth discussions on current events.

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