
    About this Episode

    Farah and I talk about representations of disability in horror, experimental writing techniques, and the influence of decadent literature on her work.

    Buy Farah's new collection here: https://www.amazon.com/Pure-Will-Farah-Rose-Smith/dp/1685100015/ref=sr_1_1?crid=IOLTNQZOG2TG&dchild=1&keywords=of+one+pure+will+farah+rose+smith&qid=1632180755&sprefix=of+one+pure+will%2Caps%2C193&sr=8-1 

    Recent Episodes from Cursed Morsels

    Joe Koch, Author of Convulsive

    Joe Koch, Author of Convulsive

    Joe and I talk about the influence of religion on his work, surrealist approaches to creativity, and bodily autonomy. In the second half of the episode, we have a spoiler-filled discussion of his story "The Object of Your Desire Comes Closer" from Convulsive. I provide a warning in advance, and the rest of the episode is spoiler free.

    Buy Convulsive: https://www.apocalypse-party.com/convulsive.html