
    About this Episode

    We're celebrating our 100th Fertility Confidence Podcast episode with some very special guests - my coaching team! I sat down with my three Fertility Coaches to chat about the 4 things we want to see our fertility clients leave behind them in 2023. Find out our top recommendations on how to enter your 2024 fertility experience with the best foot forward.


    Ready to dig down to the root cause and finally get research-based solutions for your fertility journey? Our calendar will be reopening shortly for the new year, submit your applicaiton to work with me here: https://downloads.kelseyduncan.com/results/?intg=ep100 

    Recent Episodes from Fertility Confidence Podcast

    FCP E108. Personal Care Products and Infertility

    FCP E108. Personal Care Products and Infertility

    This week's episode we're covering what your skincare may have to do with your fertility. Specifically - parabens. Parabens are an Endocrine Disrupting Chemical that has been shown in the research to be correlated to infertility. Find out the what parabens are, where to find them, how they are potentially impacting both male and female factor fertility, and how to start making changes without adding more overwhelm to your fertility journey.

    If you haven't tuned into our Boost Egg Quality to Get Pregnant ASAP workshop, download your copy today at https://downloads.kelseyduncan.com/eggqualityondemand

    Want to trade up some of your skincare and cosmetics? Check out my fave clean beauty brand Beautycounter and use the code CLEANFORALL20 for 20% off your first order. https://www.beautycounter.com/kelseyduncan?goto=/en-ca/

    Today's episode is sponsored by TempDrop, a wearable BBT device that takes all the stress out of tracking your cycle. Get 12% off using the code KELSEYTD.


    FCP E107. Real Food For Fertility with Lily Nichols RDN

    FCP E107. Real Food For Fertility with Lily Nichols RDN

    This week's guest is a trailblazer in the nutrition world when it comes to pregnancy and fertility. Lily Nichols, RDN is the author of Real Food for Pregnancy and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes - and now her new book with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack is out called Real Food For Fertility.

    In this episode Lily and I chat about:

    • the research that goes into a book of this caliber
    • protein requirements in fertility and why women need more protein
    • if you should be intermittent fasting if you're TTC
    • the deal with soy and women's hormones
    • a look at what's included in Real Food for Fertility

    Lily Nichols is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator, researcher, and author with a passion for evidence-based nutrition. Her work is known for being research-focused, thorough, and sensible. She is the founder of the Institute for Prenatal NutritionTM, co-founder of the Women’s Health Nutrition Academy, and the author of three books: Real Food for Fertility (co-authored with Lisa Hendrickson-Jack), Real Food for Pregnancy, and Real Food for Gestational Diabetes. Lily’s bestselling books have helped tens of thousands of mamas (and babies!), are used in university-level maternal nutrition and midwifery courses, and have even influenced prenatal nutrition policy internationally.

    You can find more info from Lily on her website https://lilynicholsrdn.com or over on Instagram @lilynicholsrdn.

    Ready to get support on your fertility journey? Learn it Fertility Confidence Method is a good fit for you by scheduling an application call at www.downloads.kelseyduncan.com/results/?intg=e107 

    FCP E106. FSH and Fertility

    FCP E106. FSH and Fertility

    This week's episode is a look at a very important hormone, FSH. FSH is crucial for follicular development, and it gives us some indirect insight to everyone's biggest fears: egg quality and ovarian reserve.


    Want to learn my 3 part system to optimizing egg quality? Download my free masterclass at https://downloads.kelseyduncan.com/eggqualityondemand


    FCP E105. The Insights Cycle Tracking Gives Us to Our Wellness with Mel Angus

    FCP E105. The Insights Cycle Tracking Gives Us to Our Wellness with Mel Angus

    In this week's episode I sat down with Mel Angus of TempDrop to chat all things cycle tracking. We covered:

    • Why tracking is important, even beyond fertility uses
    • How to properly track your cycle to make sure you're timing intercourse right
    • Some quarks in your chart that may give us clues to your fertility journey
    • How TempDrop takes all the stress out of cycle tracking

    You can learn more about TempDrop here: http://www.tempdrop.com/discount/KELSEYTD

    Use the code KELSEYTD to save an additional 12% on top of any promo's TempDrop is currently running!

    Ready to stop feeling exhausted and confused on your fertility journey? Fertility Confidence Method can give you the support you desire and the action plan you need to grow your family. Apply to work with me at https://downloads.kelseyduncan.com/results/?intg=e105 

    FCP E104. What is sperm agglutination and why do we care?

    FCP E104. What is sperm agglutination and why do we care?

    In this episode of the Fertility Confidence Podcast we are talking sperm agglutination - what the heck is that and why does it matter? A semen analysis can tell us a lot of things, and sometimes a deeper look is necessary to get to the root cause. In this episode we're going to chat about what agglutination is, why it may be elevated on your semen analysis and why that matters for both your partner and you!


    The doors for Fertility Confidence Bootcamp are OPEN! We are hanging out for 5 days together talking cycle tracking, egg quality, hormones, inflammation and mindset. All the goods you need to start building your fertility care plan. We go live on February 12th - come join us at https://ttc.kelseyduncan.com/bootcamp/?intg=ep104 

    FCP E103. Caloric Deficiency, Physical Stress, and Infertility Impacts

    FCP E103. Caloric Deficiency, Physical Stress, and Infertility Impacts

    Trigger Warning: this episode we discuss the effects of under eating on infertility.


    What does caloric deficiency have to do with fertility when all we hear about is the impacts of over eating and high BMI have? Lots. There's no hormonal difference between psychological stress and physical stress. Today you'll find out why fueling your body appropraite is key to balanced hormones and stress management.


    Special Announcenment!! Fertility Confidence Bootcamp is back! We are opening our doors to our popular 5-day live event that will help you walk away with your next steps and fertility care plan. We go live February 12th. Join us at https://ttc.kelseyduncan.com/bootcamp/?intg=e103 

    FCP E102. The Process of IUI: From a Patient Perspective

    FCP E102. The Process of IUI: From a Patient Perspective

    This week's episode we get to connect with a Fertility Confidence Method member, Caitlin. She generously shares with us what it was like going through IUI process on her fertility journey. We chatted about how her and husband made the decision, what the medication process was like, and what the actual IUI process was like on the day. If you're considering this option on your journey and have questions, this is a great episode for you!


    Want to dig deeper into your fertility, like Caitlin, and get more whole-body support? You can apply to work with us inside Fertility Confidence Method at https://downloads.kelseyduncan.com/results/?intg=e102 

    FCP E101. Hot balls and infertility

    FCP E101. Hot balls and infertility

    In this week's episode I'm sharing the details on heat and male infertility. We get asked all the time how hot tubs/saunas impact sperm health, so I went deep into the research to get all the info and I just had to share.

    How hot is too hot, what is the overall impact, and what can you do to keep 'em cool.

    Want to get your hands on my brand new male fertility course? Head over to Instagram @fertilityconfidencemethod and DM the work "SNEAK" to be added to our Sneak Peak Insider list and hear when HIS Confidence launches next.

    FCP E100. What we want our clients to let go of in 2023

    FCP E100. What we want our clients to let go of in 2023

    We're celebrating our 100th Fertility Confidence Podcast episode with some very special guests - my coaching team! I sat down with my three Fertility Coaches to chat about the 4 things we want to see our fertility clients leave behind them in 2023. Find out our top recommendations on how to enter your 2024 fertility experience with the best foot forward.


    Ready to dig down to the root cause and finally get research-based solutions for your fertility journey? Our calendar will be reopening shortly for the new year, submit your applicaiton to work with me here: https://downloads.kelseyduncan.com/results/?intg=ep100 

    FCP E99. Decluttering, creating space, and making babies

    FCP E99. Decluttering, creating space, and making babies

    What does decluttering have to do with fertility? Lots. Find out in this episode why I want you to clear out your clutter to help balance your hormones, create energetic space and make babies!


    You are more than just a number. If you are looking for a deeper level of support on your fertility journey and you're ready to go all in and the next step, apply to work with me at https://downloads.kelseyduncan.com/results/?intg=e99