
    Fed Up George Conway DROPS THE HAMMER on Trump (Interview)

    enFebruary 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • A deeply divided political landscapeRepublicans shielded from reality, need to consume diverse news and engage in open dialogue

      The political landscape in the United States is deeply divided, with many people, particularly within the Republican party, being shielded from reality by conservative media and unwilling to acknowledge the actions of former President Donald Trump. George Conway, a conservative and vocal critic of Trump, likens the situation to a malfunctioning aircraft, with the Republican party flying towards unknown territory despite the concerns of some passengers. The challenge lies in reaching these individuals and helping them understand the importance of factual information and critical thinking. It's crucial for individuals to consume diverse sources of news and engage in open dialogue to foster a more informed and productive political discourse.

    • Why People Continue to Support TrumpPeople support Trump due to fear, ambition, unwillingness to admit mistakes, lack of education, desire to belong, and simpler appeal to fearless leadership.

      The complex issue of why people continue to support Donald Trump despite objectively false statements and morally questionable actions involves a multitude of factors. These include fear for political careers, ambition for higher office, unwillingness to admit mistakes, lack of education and information, and a desire to belong to an in-group and hate an out-group. Additionally, there is a simpler appeal to accepting a fearless leader's words rather than thinking through nuances and qualifications, and a general narcissism and anger in the country. Ultimately, it's harder and more humbling to admit mistakes and challenge one's own views, but those who do are the ones who grow and mature.

    • Cultural resentment and perceived elitism fueling irrational politicsCultural resentment, driven by complex psychology, is fueling irrational political behaviors in a significant portion of Americans. This sentiment is not limited to any particular demographic and is leading some to support destructive candidates like Donald Trump.

      Cultural resentment and a perception of being looked down upon by elites and the educated class is fueling irrational political behaviors in a significant portion of the American population. This resentment is not limited to any particular demographic and is driven by a complex psychology. Many Americans, however, remain hopeful that common sense and normality will prevail in the upcoming elections. Despite living in one of the most comfortable and well-off societies in human history, a large section of the population believes things are getting worse and plans to solve this perceived problem by destroying institutions and alternative realities. This resentment and desire for destruction can be seen in the support for candidates like Donald Trump, who is perceived as a wrecking ball against perceived elites.

    • Historic $5 million verdict against Trump in E. Jean Carroll caseTrump ordered to pay $5 million for rape and defamation, with $3 million for defamation post-presidency, and record-setting punitive damages due to egregious behavior.

      The historic verdict against Donald Trump in the E. Jean Carroll case was significant, with Trump being ordered to pay $5,000,000 for rape and defamation. The $3,000,000 awarded for defamation after his presidency suggests that any similar pre-presidency libel could result in a much larger judgment due to the amplified impact of the president's words. The jury's record-setting punitive damages were justified given Trump's egregious behavior and the harm caused to Carroll. Despite the sizeable verdict, questions remain about whether Carroll will receive the money, if Trump will have to pay it himself, or if it could come from supporters. Regardless, this case represents a powerful message to Trump and a crucial step towards accountability.

    • Donald Trump's actions towards E. Jean Carroll result in potential $125 million in punitive damagesTrump's defamation and harassment of Carroll led to historic consequences, with the first significant repercussions for his actions and a reminder of the importance of accountability.

      The continual defamation and harassment of E. Jean Carroll by Donald Trump during her libel trial provided ample evidence for punitive damages, potentially reaching up to $125 million based on compensatory damages. This case marked the first time Trump faced significant consequences for his actions, and Carroll's bravery in the face of abuse was a stark contrast to Trump's attempts to reverse the victim and offender roles. The jury saw the inhumanity and contempt in Trump's behavior towards Carroll and the rule of law, and the outcome served as a reminder of the importance of accountability.

    • Trump's Legal Troubles and Controversial JuryDespite Trump's criticism of the jury and judge, his team agreed to it. Trump was ordered to pay $5M, which will be dispersed when the appeal is resolved, while the larger $88M judgment's payment remains uncertain.

      The legal proceedings involving Donald Trump and the jury awarding a significant judgment against him have been a topic of controversy. Trump and his team have criticized the judge and the jury, labeling them as Biden tools. However, it's important to note that Trump's legal team agreed to and chose this jury. Judge Kaplan, a Clinton appointee, has been on the bench since 1994, and anonymous juries are typically reserved for dangerous cases involving mobsters, gang bangers, and other high-risk individuals. Trump was ordered to pay a $5,000,000 judgment in 2022 but couldn't secure a bond. Instead, he deposited the money into a little-known account called the CRISS account. For the larger $88,300,000 judgment, it remains uncertain if Trump has the cash to pay. Despite the controversy, the court will disperse the $5,000,000 when the appeal is resolved in favor of the plaintiff. The case highlights the complexities and intricacies of the legal system and the challenges of securing large bonds for high-profile defendants.

    • Potential large financial consequences for Trump in legal battleTrump may face significant financial consequences from ongoing legal battle, potentially hundreds of millions, and could face challenges collecting funds from various assets.

      The ongoing legal battle between Gigi Carroll and Donald Trump could result in significant financial consequences for Trump, as Carroll may be able to collect a substantial judgment against him. This judgment could potentially be collected sooner if Carroll sells the rights to collect it to a third party. Trump's assets, including those held in trusts and corporate entities, may not be easily accessible for collection. Trump could face collection issues if he cannot purchase a bond or otherwise come up with the necessary funds to pay the judgment. The potential size of the judgment, which could be in the hundreds of millions of dollars, adds to the complexity of the situation. Trump's history of pushing legal boundaries and avoiding consequences may not protect him in this case, as the legal system may eventually force him to face the financial repercussions of his actions.

    • DC Circuit Court taking extra time on Trump's appealThe DC Circuit Court is carefully considering Trump's appeal for presidential immunity, aiming to preserve judicial integrity and uphold constitutional principles, despite expectations for a quick decision.

      The DC Circuit Court's delay in ruling on former President Trump's appeal for presidential immunity is not unusual, even though it was taken on an expedited basis. The court is known for its slower pace and may be taking extra time to ensure a thorough and careful opinion, considering the potential far-reaching implications of the case. The expectation for a quick decision may have been influenced by the expedited schedule and the Supreme Court's denial of Trump's attempt to leapfrog the appeal. However, the complexity of the jurisdictional issues and the need for a bulletproof opinion may contribute to the delay. Ultimately, the court's deliberate approach aims to preserve the integrity of the judicial process and uphold the constitutional principles at stake.

    • Court's timing could impact Trump's legal strategyThe District of Columbia Circuit Court's decision on the appeal could significantly impact former President Trump's legal strategy and the timeline of the ongoing case, potentially affecting the election.

      The pace of legal proceedings in the ongoing case involving former President Trump could vary greatly depending on the decisions made by the District of Columbia Circuit Court. If the court issues a mandate immediately after ruling on the appeal, it could potentially expedite the process and force Trump to make a quick decision on whether to seek an en banc review or file a petition to the Supreme Court. However, if the court takes longer to issue its ruling, Trump could have more time to consider his options and potentially delay the proceedings until after the summer or even the election. Ultimately, the outcome of the case and its impact on the election could depend on the court's timing and Trump's legal strategy.

    • Trump legal proceedings take unexpected turnsDespite initial expectations, the Mar-a-Lago case has taken an unexpected turn with allegations of hidden rooms and changed locks, adding complexity to the ongoing legal proceedings against Trump.

      The ongoing legal proceedings involving former President Trump's handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago and the District of Columbia case against him are complex and unpredictable. The initial case against him, the Bragg case in New York, was expected to be the last one tried due to Trump's deferential behavior. However, the Mar-a-Lago case, which involves the discovery of classified documents at his Florida residence, has taken an unexpected turn with allegations of hidden rooms and changed locks. The handling of this case by Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, has raised concerns due to her handling of the initial search warrant and subsequent disputes. Despite the challenges, it's important to note that trial judges have significant discretion in scheduling proceedings, and it's not uncommon for cases to have unexpected delays. The Mar-a-Lago case, while complex, doesn't necessarily require extensive familiarity with classified documents or their specific content to move forward. Ultimately, the outcome of these cases remains uncertain, and the legal process will continue to unfold.

    • Donald Trump's Legal Battles: Lying About Classified Documents and 14th Amendment EligibilityDespite Trump's arguments, the evidence against him for mishandling classified documents and his eligibility under the 14th Amendment are clear. Historical context supports the president's status as an officer of the United States, making his objections weak.

      The evidence against Donald Trump for lying about possessing and returning classified documents is overwhelming, with clear signs of obstruction of justice. The case is simpler than it may seem, but the ongoing proceedings in a Florida court, where Trump is trying to challenge his eligibility under the 14th Amendment, deserve more attention. Trump's argument that he's not an officer of the United States to be barred by the 14th Amendment is not strong, as the appointments clause does not negate the fact that the president is an officer. Historical evidence supports the understanding that the president was considered the chief officer of the land during the drafting and enactment of the 14th Amendment. The implications of these cases and the judge's handling of them warrant further discussion.

    • Legal debates over Trump's potential disqualification from officeThe 14th Amendment's Section 3 could disqualify Trump from office for insurrection involvement, but the definition and process of such determination remain contentious.

      There are ongoing legal debates regarding former President Trump's potential disqualification from running for office again due to his role in the January 6th Capitol insurrection. Some argue that the 14th Amendment, specifically Section 3, could be used to disqualify him if he is deemed to have engaged in an insurrection. However, Trump's team has argued that this provision requires Congress to pass a law providing a method for determining insurrection participation. Critics of this argument point out that other constitutional provisions, such as the prohibition against racial discrimination, do not require congressional action to be enforced. The most compelling argument, according to some, is the process argument, which questions what it means to engage in an insurrection and whether due process is required to make such a determination. A judge in Colorado did find Trump engaged in an insurrection during a bench trial, but it's unclear if this finding would be enough to disqualify him. Ultimately, the legal complexities and debates surrounding this issue highlight the challenges of applying the 14th Amendment in this context.

    • Trump's Involvement in Capitol Riots: Encouragement vs Direct ParticipationThe debate over Trump's role in the Capitol riots revolves around whether his encouragement of supporters amounts to insurrection, despite his lack of direct participation or planning of the violence. The Supreme Court's decision could depend on their interpretation of the statute and commitment to textualist and originalist principles.

      The ongoing debate surrounding former President Trump's involvement in the Capitol riots centers around the definition of insurrection and the role of encouragement versus direct participation. Trump argues that he did not engage in insurrection because he did not directly participate or plan the violence. However, his invitation for supporters to come to Washington and join him at the Capitol, along with his behavior on that day, raises questions about the strength of this argument. The Supreme Court faces a challenging decision, as they typically do not overturn factual findings and it may be politically difficult to rule against Trump. The outcome of this case could hinge on the justices' interpretation of the language of the statute and their adherence to textualist and originalist principles.

    • Supreme Court Case Uncertainty and Live-StreamingDespite strong legal arguments, Supreme Court case outcome uncertain due to liberal interpretation of jurisprudence. George Will launches new podcast for in-depth discussions with Sarah Longwell.

      The upcoming Supreme Court case, although the legal arguments are strong in favor of the plaintiffs, is uncertain due to liberals' ability to interpret fundamental views of jurisprudence in unintended ways. The argument will be live-streamed, allowing the public to listen in on the proceedings. George Will, a frequent Atlantic contributor, has announced a new podcast where he will answer questions posed by Sarah Longwell without having to do any new work. The podcast will provide a synergy between his television and writing appearances, allowing him to learn and discuss various topics in depth.

    • Trump's lawyer's unexpected gesture and Trump's behavior towards women and lawyersTrump's behavior towards women and lawyers was showcased through incidents of him storming out of a deposition after his lawyer bought lunch for the opposing team, and his use of derogatory language. These actions highlight his tendency to hire loyal defenders and his treatment of those who challenge him.

      During a podcast discussion, it was shared that Trump's lawyer, Alina Haba, bought lunch for Robbie Kaplan and her team during a deposition, leading to Trump storming out in anger. This incident highlights Trump's behavior towards women and his lawyers, as well as his tendency to hire those who will blindly defend him. Another story involved Trump mistakenly referring to a deposition as happening on "next Tuesday" instead of the actual day, and using a derogatory term for Kaplan. These incidents provide insight into Trump's character and the chaotic nature of his legal proceedings. Despite the uncertainty of Haba's future representation of Trump, it's clear that his actions and words towards women continue to raise concerns.

    • Political Inflexibility and Its Potential ConsequencesThe unwillingness of some individuals to consider alternative political nominees could harm the country, as people seem to be 'doubling down' on their positions without regard for reason or consequence. Open-mindedness and consideration for the greater good are essential.

      The speaker expresses confusion and concern over the unwillingness of some individuals to support a different political nominee, even if they strongly dislike the current one. The speaker believes that this inflexibility could potentially harm the country as a whole. The conversation also touched upon the idea that people seem to be "doubling down" on their positions, regardless of reason or consequence. The speaker expresses her appreciation for the opportunity to discuss these topics and emphasizes the importance of open-mindedness and consideration for the greater good. She also jokingly references a metaphorical plane flying towards a metaphorical ocean, representing the potential for detrimental consequences if certain actions continue. The speaker also denies having any secrets or stories left to share.

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    The DOJ will push for a mini-trial THIS SUMMER to allow them to present to the American People BEFORE NOVEMBER ALL of the evidence against Trump that renders his indicted criminal acts in the DC election interference case UNOFFICIAL AND PROSECUTABLE CRIMES. Michael Popok of Legal AF walks through how Judge Chutkan step by step will get the case against Trump back on track for a trial before the Inauguration if not the election. Head to https://zbiotics.com/LegalAF to get 15% off your first order when you use LEGALAF at checkout. Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Justice Department COMPLETELY OUTMANEUVERS Supreme Court After Ruling
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    CRY BABY Trump Ally Finally THROWN IN PRISON for Crimes

    CRY BABY Trump Ally Finally THROWN IN PRISON for Crimes
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    Supreme Court Makes FATAL DECISION for Key AGENCIES

    Supreme Court Makes FATAL DECISION for Key AGENCIES
    Michael Popok explains that in twin decisions by the MAGA Justices on the Supreme Court against the Securities and Exchange Commission’s powers and throwing out 50 years of agency deference precedent, the Court may have accidentally put the brakes on Trump’s 2025 Project to use the power of agencies headed by his lackeys to implement his policies of vengeance and retribution through agency and Executive Laws. Get 10% off plus free shipping of your estate plan documents by visiting https://trustandwill.com/LEGALAF Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Trump CAN’T ESCAPE From Latest Supreme Court RULING

    Trump CAN’T ESCAPE From Latest Supreme Court RULING
    The US Supreme Court may have just signaled that DC indictment against Trump for in part CREATING FALSE ELECTOR CERTIFICATES is saved and will include his “criminal interference with an official proceeding” counts at any future trial. Michael Popok does a deep analysis of the new Fischer v US ruling and its decision to keep the crime in place for anyone who is charged with creating “false evidence” to undermine the “integrity” of an official proceeding, such as Trump. For 30% off your order, head to https://GetSoul.com/LEGALAF and use code LEGALAF Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Jack Slips POISON PILL into Brief before Judge Cannon

    Jack Slips POISON PILL into Brief before Judge Cannon
    The DOJ just fired at Cannon, judge Cannom that is, and to support their motion to gag Trump, gave her real time examples of Trump and his MAGA ecosystem of podcasters, fundraisers, advisers, PAC spokespeople, members of Congress, elected officials, and lawyers, FALSELY claiming that President Biden and the Attorney General operate assassination hit squads to kill Trump and his family. Michael Popok explains it all on his latest hot take. Head to https://manukora.com/legalaf to receive $25 off your starter kit today! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Consider This host Scott Detrow and NPR Justice Correspondent Carrie Johnson breakdown what a second Trump term would mean for the Justice Department.

    Email us at considerthis@npr.org

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