
    About this Episode


    CanadianMade Productions'sends its sympathies to those in western Canada and the western U.S. who've suffered the effects of this summer's wildfires.

    We reflect on all of this by sharing some heartfelt bluegrass music, with a particular song written by Patricia "Trish" Gagnon, with "John Reischman & The Jaybirds." It's from the album "Stellar Jays," and the song title is "Fire On The Mountain." Hence the title of our story. 


    Additionally, CanadianMade interviewed Kresse Wesling, (who grew up in Alberta) about her company Elvis & Kresse. She manufactures bags, belts and accessories from old fire hoses, that otherwise would go to the dump.

    So, the thought of sharing an excerpt from our interview with you while the effects of the wildfires are still being felt just seemed to be the right thing to do.

    Our complete interview will be heard in a few weeks on board Air Canada, as part of a two-hour long program that highlights Canadian influences and gifts to the world. 

    We hope you enjoy the pride Kresse feels about being Canadian in this podcast excerpt, as well as the great bluegrass voices.

    You can follow Elvis & Kresse on Twitter @elvisandkresse. And, here's a link explaining their great social enterprise and how they got started.

    If you like the music, please tell John Reischman that Rita Rich sent you. You can write him via www.thejaybirds.com or www.johnreischman.com

    Please like CanadianMade Audio on Facebook and share this podcast with your friends and family. 



    Recent Episodes from Canadian Made Audio Productions Podcast

    Eh? No-Way! Well, maybe sometimes?

    Eh? No-Way! Well, maybe sometimes?

    One of James Harbeck's Book


    Welcome aboard Air Canada and the CanadianMade podcast produced exclusively for this airliner by Flatlands Avenue Productions. For those listening via iTunes, PodBean, iOS or Android, thanks for flying with our sounds today. In this story, we're talking the differences between Defence and defense, colour and color and why people in Western New York speak strikingly different from their cousins across the Peace Bride in southern Ontario province.  Torontonian linguist and author, James Harbeck loves to talk and write about English. We hope you listen and are entertained and informed.


    Visit our website at CanadianMade.audio and our Facebook Page at CanadianMade Productions.  

    Hear more of our stories on board Air Canada-Search for CanadianMade, on that carrier's in-flight entertainment system. 

    Thanks for listening.

    Rita Rich




    Excuse Me, While I Slip Into Something More Comfortable

    Excuse Me, While I Slip Into Something More Comfortable

    A conversation with Cougar’s President and CEO President Steve Sedlbauer. Sedlbauer explains why his dad and uncle emigrated from Czechoslovakia in 1948 to work for a Czech company's footwear factory in Canada.  He proudly talks about why Canada is famous for its quality footwear, and why millions around the world put their trust in Cougars to keep dry and warm, even under the harshest of conditions.

    Visit our website at CanadianMade.audio and our Facebook Page at CanadianMade Productions.  

    Hear more of our stories on board Air Canada-Search for CanadianMade, on that carrier's in-flight entertainment system. 


    Fire On the Mountain + Elvis & Kresse

    Fire On the Mountain + Elvis & Kresse


    CanadianMade Productions'sends its sympathies to those in western Canada and the western U.S. who've suffered the effects of this summer's wildfires.

    We reflect on all of this by sharing some heartfelt bluegrass music, with a particular song written by Patricia "Trish" Gagnon, with "John Reischman & The Jaybirds." It's from the album "Stellar Jays," and the song title is "Fire On The Mountain." Hence the title of our story. 


    Additionally, CanadianMade interviewed Kresse Wesling, (who grew up in Alberta) about her company Elvis & Kresse. She manufactures bags, belts and accessories from old fire hoses, that otherwise would go to the dump.

    So, the thought of sharing an excerpt from our interview with you while the effects of the wildfires are still being felt just seemed to be the right thing to do.

    Our complete interview will be heard in a few weeks on board Air Canada, as part of a two-hour long program that highlights Canadian influences and gifts to the world. 

    We hope you enjoy the pride Kresse feels about being Canadian in this podcast excerpt, as well as the great bluegrass voices.

    You can follow Elvis & Kresse on Twitter @elvisandkresse. And, here's a link explaining their great social enterprise and how they got started.

    If you like the music, please tell John Reischman that Rita Rich sent you. You can write him via www.thejaybirds.com or www.johnreischman.com

    Please like CanadianMade Audio on Facebook and share this podcast with your friends and family. 



    Yoo-Hoo-Will Smith!

    Yoo-Hoo-Will Smith!

    Tess Trojan is a seasoned olympian, having played women's Ice Hockey for Canada in the Special Olympics.  She's coming to Los Angeles, along with thousands of other athletes from 177 countries, to compete in the Special Olympics World Games, which run from July 25th through August 2nd.  www.la2015.org

    Listen to our latest interview with Tess, and you'll hear that this 26 year old from St. Catherines, Ontario has the passion to win a medal or two for her country. But, if she cannot win, she's proud to be able to say she was in L.A. She might even take in a studio tour or two to see where her favorite TV shows are made.  But, even better, she'd love to say hello to Will Smith, who she loves as the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.


    He's Not A Chinese-Canadian Lesbian!

    He's Not A Chinese-Canadian Lesbian!

    Richomond Hill Native, Torontonian Ava Lee is back again with another mystery. Canadian Made's Rita Rich talks to Ava Lee's creator, Ian Hamilton about how he can write as if he's an up and coming foresic accountant, who travels throughout China and uses her charm to get millions of dollars back for her clients, while earning the respect of Chinese gangs and their masters.

    Read more about Ian Hamilton and Ava Lee on our blog at www.CanadianMadeAudio.com

    Fashion, Lux Oscar Soirees & Backstage

    Fashion, Lux Oscar Soirees & Backstage

    Producer Rita Rich of Canadian Made Audio chats with Canadian designer Lisa Drader-Murphy about some of the behind the scenes work that goes on before and during the Oscar parties, and some of her charity work as well.   Lisa Drader-Murphy has gone to the Oscars to get celebrity endorsements. And, this year she's the one who is being asked to endorse the work of other fashion designers and artists!   For instance, American Radar Watches is on its way to Turbine shops.  

    To read our blog about Lisa and other great Canadians, please visit us at canadianmadeaudio.com



    Canadian Thru and Thru

    Canadian Thru and Thru

    CanadianMade's Rita Rich explores the real life influences behind novelist Nina Berkhout's novel, The Gallery of Los Species.  Rich says, "Reading this novel, from this award winning poet, is like taking a trip in the families station wagon.  You feel as if you're looking out the window as the rich Canadian landscrapes, including rich forests, plains, and mountains, as a family deals with its struggles with addiction; parents trying to live their dreams through their children, and sisterhood." 

    Read more about Nina Berkout at our blog at CanadianMade Audio.


    Juno Diana Panton

    Juno Diana Panton

    In 2013 CanadianMade Audio Productions heard Diana on a New York based jazz show, and we knew we had to get this lady on SKYPE to talk to her about her journey in music. We've posted this track elsewhere, but we wanted our fans who subscribe to our podcast on iTunes to enjoy this story. We could listen to it all day long.

    Read more about her via our CanadianMade Audio Production blog.