
    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Collection 001

    enNovember 15, 2022

    About this Episode

    This one is for the typographers, the printers, the artist and the constantly curious. Kicking off the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Edmon Low Library, let's explore the first collection the Archives received.


    Type specimen book rests on a wooden stool.

    Treasury department print rests next to archival books.

    Future typeface specimen book laid over archival manila folder.

    Printed booklet in German next to a wooden toy printing press.

    Learn more about the Edmon Low Library's 70th anniversary at https://friends.library.okstate.edu/index/70th-anniversary/

    Recent Episodes from Flat, Cool & Acid-Free

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Newly Digitized The Naming Ceremony of The Edmon Low Library

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Newly Digitized The Naming Ceremony of The Edmon Low Library

    In this episode you will hear from several folks like Roscoe Rouse Jr. who succeeded Edmon Low as Head Librarian. You will also hear from the man, the myth, the absolute legend(!), Edmon Low. Edmon Low served as head Librarian from 1940 – 1967 and remains the longest serving head of the OSU Libraries to date.


    Help us celebrate 70 years in the Edmon Low Library by visiting https://friends.library.okstate.edu/


    Special thanks to Patrick Daglaris, the archivist for the Oklahoma Oral History Research Program at the Oklahoma State University Library, for digitizing the tapes.

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: The Cobb Speaker Series

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: The Cobb Speaker Series

    With headlining authors like Ken Burns, Nicholas Sparks, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Jodi Picoult, the H. Louise & H.E. "Ed" Cobb Speaker Series has a 30 year history of being a premiere event for the OSU Libraries. Let's take a look back at past events with Taylor Hatheway and Bonnie Cain-Wood. The Cobb Speaker Series has been the OSU Library's largest fundraising event of the year.

    Please consider giving a gift to help the Library at https://secure.osugiving.com/s/giving/library

    For more information about the series and past speakers, visit https://friends.library.okstate.edu/index/cobb-series/


    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Changing Housing Rules on Campus

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Changing Housing Rules on Campus

    What were the rules you followed when you lived in the residence halls on campus? Follow along with Libby as she discovers why residence hall rules have changed over the decades.

    A history of strict housing rules: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/11456/rec/1

    Discourse about changing visitation hours: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/2891/rec/3

    Curfew like being in a prison: https://cdm17279.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/ocolly1940/id/13246/rec/1

    Reactions to statement about curfew: https://cdm17279.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/ocolly1940/id/13259/rec/1

    History of Residence Hall government systems: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/2891/rec/3

    AWS and their statement of concerns: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/2936/rec/3

    Brief history of AWS: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/2804/rec/3

    Charge in being involved with the women's liberation movement: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/11543/rec/12

    Margie Bell quote: https://cdm17279.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/ocolly1965/id/16058/rec/1

    Quote about gentle push for women's equality: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/2871/rec/3

    June Tyhurst quote: https://cdm17279.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/ocolly1965/id/16788/rec/1

    University reponse to adopted housing resolutions: https://cdm17279.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/ocolly1965/id/17580/rec/1

    Willham Hall coed lawsuits: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/2937/rec/3

    Definition of feminism: https://bit.ly/3KteX9w

    October 1970 report: https://cdm17279.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/ocolly1965/id/16755/rec/1

    Residential Life guest policy: https://reslife.okstate.edu/policies/undergraduate-singles-handbook/guest-policy.html

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Protests at OSU

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Protests at OSU

    Join Digital Storytelling Intern Libby Whitlow as she follows some of OSU's biggest organized movements and smaller acts of dissent to see potential threads between protests throughout the university's history. This episode features an interview with former Head of Archives, David Peters, and uses many digital sources from the archives including past O'Colly issues and information from the Centennial Series Collection.

    Information on Walton's changes to OSU: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/9577/rec/1

    Protests over Wilson and Walton: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/4157/rec/1

    Protesting the Panhellenic Homecoming budget: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/2781/rec/3

    David's article about the Red Scare at OSU: https://issuu.com/brandosu/docs/issu_osu_state_mag_sp_2018

    Free speech protests: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/055e80f860fb408bb1beb8ebf4d234d0

    Kent State vigil: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/2933/rec/3

    Nixon rallies: https://cdm17279.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/ocolly1965/id/23850/rec/1

    SUAB's (Student Union Activities Board) Last Temptation of Christ: https://dc.library.okstate.edu/digital/collection/centbooks/id/1708/rec/4 https://cdm17279.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/ocolly1980/id/25695/rec/21

    Link to the Tea and Glee Society Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1vQGfKVU8M

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Naked and on the Strip

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Naked and on the Strip

    Streaker Night was a decade-long tradition at OSU in the 70s and 80s. Students would spend the Thursday night before spring break on the Strip and some students would remove their clothes and streak. Taylor Hatheway discusses how this tradition started, what led to its end and some of the funny stories from Streaker Night itself.

    Search the University Archives Facebook page for posts that mention Streaker Night

    O'Colly ad saying "Christians pray: no streaker night"

    O'Colly ad saying "Jesus is Lord of Streaker Night"

    Interview with Gary Shutt 

    Interview with Bill Dragoo

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free
    enApril 15, 2022

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: A Look At History Through Angie Debo's Christmas Letters

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: A Look At History Through Angie Debo's Christmas Letters
    The OSU Archives houses an extensive collection of Angie Debo's work and personal items. Within this collection is Debo's Christmas letters that span a good part of the twentieth century. Upon analyzing her perceptions about the current events she was living through, one can see how her historian mindset was able to thread stories in history together to make unique conclusions about tumultuos events. In this episode we tell her story through her personal Christmas letters and correspondence regarding the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

    https://debo.library.okstate.edu/ https://debo.library.okstate.edu/activism/alaska-native-claims-settlement-act-correspondence

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Enrich Your Sense Of Place

    Flat, Cool & Acid-Free: Enrich Your Sense Of Place
    Tag along as I walk with Dr. Rich Frohock and #okstate honors students to learn a bit of Stillwater history and the inspiration behind the Downtown Stillwater Walking Tour. Enrich your sense of place by participating in a walking tour like this one, or take a deep dive into your local archives or local museum.  

    Dr. Frohock's contact information can be found at https://honors.okstate.edu/about-honors/meet-the-faculty/richard-frohock-phd.html

    Browse through a comprehensive list of Archival material at the OSU Libraries https://library.okstate.edu/search-and-find/collections/digital-collections/scua-collection-guidelines/

    Flat, Cool & Acid-free: Recording OSU History

    Flat, Cool & Acid-free: Recording OSU History

    On this episode, Libby Whitlow, Digital Storytelling Intern, chats with David Peters, Head of the Archives, about how history was recorded at OSU and some of the challenges in archiving materials from the past.

    This episode featured a segment from the Archives Live, a monthly video broadcast on the Archives Facebook page. Watch the episode for more information as well as view photographs from the archival collections at https://fb.watch/8jcGDAEm7I/

    Connect with the Archives on their Facebook page and see photos from the collections at www.facebook.com/okstatescua


    Find the OSU Archives and the collections online at https://archives.library.okstate.edu/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWSTDvKXpqLkLy0ZCcWVd0v1mYDD5r4V-