
    Follow the Money-Who is Paying for the pro-Hamas Protests on College Campuses? And WHAT are They Getting for it?

    enApril 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • From conception to birth, the heart of a baby beats onPreborn organizations support mothers, HealthLock corrects medical bill errors, and Blackout Coffee offers a conservative coffee alternative

      The heart of a preborn baby starts forming at conception and begins to beat at just 3 weeks. At 5 weeks, a baby's heartbeat can be heard on ultrasound. Preborn organizations help save these babies by providing mothers with the opportunity to meet their child and hear their heartbeat, increasing their chances of carrying the pregnancy to term. Meanwhile, the Chinese Communist Party is reportedly exerting control over Hollywood through influence campaigns. In the healthcare sector, over 50% of medical bills contain errors, and HealthLock can help identify and correct them, saving members significant amounts of money. On college campuses, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic protests are being funded and organized, and college administrators are failing to address the issue. Blackout Coffee offers a premium, American-made coffee alternative without the woke agenda, allowing consumers to support a conservative business.

    • Threats against Jewish students on college campusesUniversities must ensure student safety, counter hate speech with facts, and hold individuals accountable for threats or hate speech, as first amendment doesn't require universities to allow hate speech.

      There are individuals and groups making threats against Jewish students on college campuses, using hate speech and advocating for violence. These threats are not protected by the constitution, and universities have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their students. The first amendment protects the right to free speech, but it does not require universities to allow hate speech on their campuses. The threats are real and perceived, as evidenced by the orthodox rabbi at Columbia University advising Jewish students to stay home due to safety concerns. It's essential to counter hate speech with truth and facts, and universities should hold individuals accountable for making threats or engaging in hate speech. The comparison of these protesters to Nazis is not an exaggeration, as their actions and chants align with the atrocities committed by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

    • Universities can't be forced to tolerate hate speech but should uphold valuesUniversities can allow hate speech but should prioritize inclusivity, respect, and student safety

      While the First Amendment protects hate speech on college campuses, universities are not obligated to tolerate it and can expel or fire those who engage in it, especially if it incites violence. However, it's concerning when some university leaders seem to have a lenient attitude towards hate speech, as shown in the example of a Columbia University president's statement after 9/11, where she described terrorism as a form of protest. This perspective minimizes the severity of terrorism, which involves the intentional targeting and murder of civilians, and is a far cry from peaceful protest. It's crucial for universities to uphold the values of inclusivity, respect, and safety for all students.

    • Marxist academics justifying violence against Jews and AmericansMarxist academics advocate for violent revolution against Jews and Americans, normalizing hate on campuses, and receive taxpayer funding

      That certain Marxist academics hold a disturbing view towards Jews and Americans, labeling them as oppressors and justifying violence against them. They advocate for the victims, in this case, Palestinians, to rise against their oppressors through violent revolution. These academics are not only normalizing and celebrating terror and hate on college campuses but also receiving substantial funding from taxpayers. The situation raises questions about the use of public funds to support institutions that discriminate against certain groups and fail to protect their students' safety.

    • American Energy Independence and Masculinity Boosting SolutionsInvest in American energy for the nation's growth and security, and prioritize health and well-being with supplements like Chalk's male vitality stack.

      American Energy Independence is a crucial step towards securing our nation's future prosperity and national security. Meanwhile, the issue of declining testosterone levels among men is a significant concern, and companies like CHOC and Chalk are offering solutions to help boost masculinity. In the educational sector, universities are facing criticism for their handling of graduation ceremonies, leaving students feeling let down. It's a time where choosing strength and vitality over weakness and complacency is essential. Investing in American energy is one way to contribute to the country's growth and security. Another way is by taking charge of your health and well-being, and that's where supplements like Chalk's male vitality stack come in. Despite the challenges, it's important to remember that the majority of students are not involved in protests or anti-Semitic displays, but the administrators' prioritization of their ideology over the students' interests is a cause for concern.

    • Professor's reaction to Israeli flag was filled with ignorance and bigotryA professor's irrational reaction to a student holding an Israeli flag included accusations, lack of knowledge, and bigotry, aligning with the Biden administration's stance against Israel

      During a UCLA campus encounter, a professor's reaction to a student holding an Israeli flag was irrational and filled with ignorance. The professor, instead of presenting an argument, resorted to screaming and accusations, labeling the student as an inciter and a provocateur. She claimed Israel was committing genocide against Palestinians, but when asked to define genocide, she couldn't. The professor's lack of knowledge was evident as she failed to differentiate between Hamas terrorists and innocent civilians, accusing Israel of deliberately targeting Palestinians. The professor's reaction was not only irrational but also bigoted, as she agreed with the idea that Zionists don't deserve to live. Furthermore, the professor's stance aligns with the Biden administration's approach, which sides with Hamas and imposes sanctions on Israel instead. The incident highlights the need for education and factual understanding to prevent irrational and harmful reactions.

    • Financial contributions fuel campus protestsOrganized protests on college campuses are funded by large sums of money from radical groups, creating an orchestrated effort. Individuals can support conservative causes through their cell phone bills with companies like Patriot Mobile.

      There are significant financial contributions from organizations like the Open Society Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund to radical groups, leading to organized protests on college campuses. These protests, funded by large sums of money, are not isolated incidents but part of a deliberate and orchestrated effort. Meanwhile, there's an opportunity for individuals to make a difference by supporting conservative causes through their cell phone bills with companies like Patriot Mobile. By switching to Patriot Mobile and using the promo code "verdict," you can contribute to causes that support First and Second Amendment rights, veterans, and unborn children, while enjoying the same services as before.

    • Harmful actions fueling hate and intoleranceExtreme ideologies and hateful actions have led to a harmful environment, resulting in increased crimes against innocent people, particularly towards Jewish communities, and the need for accountability and unity to foster respect for all.

      The actions of certain individuals and organizations, driven by extreme ideologies and potentially hate, have resulted in a harmful environment where crimes against innocent people are being condoned and even encouraged. This issue started in universities and has trickled up, leading to a growing problem of hate and intolerance, particularly towards Jewish people, in certain areas. The consequences of these actions are more murders, more rapes, and increased hatred towards specific communities. It's important to acknowledge that this is not a normal argument and that these actions go against the values of protecting innocent lives and promoting peace and understanding. The solution lies in holding those responsible accountable and creating an environment that fosters unity and respect for all.

    • Left-wing anti-Semitism is a growing issueThe op-ed argues that while right-wing antisemitism exists, it's a fringe phenomenon. The real issue lies with the left, where influential figures hold anti-Semitic views and actions, shaping America's future.

      The left's claim to being free from antisemitism is a house of cards. An op-ed by Jonathan Bernitsky in J and S argues that the anti-Semitic sentiment and actions are predominantly coming from the left, not the right as commonly believed. He asks the reader to consider the number of individuals associated with leftist protests and rallies who are registered Republicans and plan to vote for Donald Trump. The answer is close to zero. Bernitsky emphasizes that while right-wing antisemitism exists, it is a fringe phenomenon. The real issue lies with the left, where college professors, newspaper editors, Hollywood stars, and even Democratic members of Congress and Biden administration officials hold significant influence and are shaping America's future with their anti-Semitic views and actions. This is a critical issue that explains the sickness in universities, the poisonous environment for college students, and the unwillingness of administrators to stand up to bigoted lies. Even mainstream Democrat politicians like Joe Biden are standing by while the antisemitic "squad" cheers on the hate. This is a wake-up call for the Jewish community and all Americans to recognize and address the anti-Semitism coming from the left.

    • Supporting Preborn and fighting antisemitism on campusFor $28, help Preborn provide ultrasounds, potentially saving lives. Advocate for change in universities against harmful rhetoric and policies.

      Preborn is a crucial organization that provides ultrasounds to mothers in need, allowing them to hear their baby's heartbeat and make an informed decision about continuing the pregnancy. For just $28, you can contribute to this cause and potentially double the chance of choosing life. Preborn is also advocating for change in universities, where successful business leaders, such as Robert Kraft and Bill Ackman, have spoken out against the antisemitism, radicalism, and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) policies that contribute to this issue. It's essential for individuals to consider withholding their financial support until significant changes are made. The left's rhetoric, as exemplified by Ilhan Omar's statements, can be Orwellian and harmful to Jewish students on campus. It's important to recognize that such rhetoric is not only unacceptable but also factually incorrect. Israel is not committing genocide, and Hamas is the one attempting to wipe out a people.

    • Exploring Complex Industries and Current EventsHamas accused of endangering civilians, Israel saving lives in Palestine conflict. Hollywood faces external control from CCP. Medical bills may contain errors leading to potential overpayments. Hannah Storm shares basketball stories in NBA DNA podcast.

      Hamas, an organization supported by some protesters, is accused of putting Palestinian civilians in harm's way and potentially wanting their deaths for political gain, while Israel is trying to save lives. Meanwhile, Hollywood faces external control from the Chinese Communist Party, and medical bills may contain errors leading to potential overpayments. In the world of basketball, Hannah Storm shares her experiences and stories in her new podcast, NBA DNA. These topics highlight the complexity and intrigue of various industries and current events. Remember to check out "Hollywood Takeover" for insights into Hollywood's relationship with the CCP, and consider HealthLock for help with medical bill accuracy. Tune in to NBA DNA with Hannah Storm for a deep dive into basketball history.

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