
    Found Out My Dad Is Having an Affair...Should I Tell My Mom?

    enNovember 10, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Connecting through Challenges: Stories of Human ConnectionDuring challenging times, use conversation starter cards to foster meaningful connections and bring people closer.

      Life presents us with various challenges, and it's essential to find ways to connect with others and navigate through these difficulties together. We heard stories from individuals dealing with heavy topics such as a mother's decision to pursue assisted suicide due to cancer, a brother's struggles with mental health after deployment, and a young girl discovering her father's infidelity. These situations underscore the importance of human connection and the need for tools to help facilitate meaningful conversations. The solution? Conversation starter cards designed to bring people closer, even during the most challenging times. Remember, the holiday season and the new year are opportunities to practice human connection, so go to johndaloney.com and pick up your sets of cards today.

    • A woman's decision to self-administer medication for end-of-life careA terminally ill woman, with her family's support, chooses to self-administer medication for end-of-life care, adding emotional complexity for her loved ones and sparking ethical debates within the medical community

      Some patients, given a terminal diagnosis, may choose to take matters into their own hands and self-administer prescription medication to manage their end-of-life care. This decision can be influenced by various factors, including medical controversy, personal autonomy, and the desire to avoid being a burden. In this specific case, a woman with a terminal illness, who is a former nurse, has decided to follow through with this option, with her family's support. She is currently in the 16th percentile of survival after diagnosis and has been given a prognosis of 18 to 24 months. Despite living longer than expected, she feels that she is on borrowed time and wants to maintain control over her care. This decision creates uncertainty and emotional complexity for her family, as the timing of her decision is subjective and open-ended. The medical community's stance on self-administered medication and the ethical implications of this choice remain topics of ongoing debate.

    • Navigating a loved one's suicide with young childrenExplaining suicide to children requires sensitivity and understanding, acknowledging the role of illness and perceived burdensomeness, and focusing anger at the illness, not the person.

      Dealing with a loved one's impending suicide is a complex and unique situation, especially when there are young children involved. The speaker in this conversation is grappling with his wife's decision to end her life due to her illness, and the impact it will have on their 5-year-old twins. He shares that they have previously experienced loss, but this situation is different as the suicide is a conscious choice. The speaker expresses concern about how to explain this to his children and how they will handle it. He also acknowledges the role of perceived burdensomeness in suicide and the importance of not blaming the person for their feelings. The speaker's thoughts are that it's essential to be angry at the illness, not the person, and to understand that those who have seen death up close may have a different perspective on it. Overall, the conversation highlights the emotional complexity of dealing with a loved one's suicide and the importance of compassion and understanding.

    • Acknowledging reality and cherishing moments during end-of-life situationsDuring end-of-life situations, focus on expressing love, making peace, and cherishing moments with loved ones, rather than harboring resentment and anger. Involve children in the process to create memories and turn a painful experience into a moment of celebration and closure.

      During end-of-life situations, focusing on expressing love and making peace is essential, rather than harboring resentment and anger. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the reality of the situation and the inevitable passing of loved ones, while cherishing the moments and opportunities for communication and connection. The speaker also suggests involving children in the process, allowing them to express their feelings and create memories, ultimately turning a potentially painful experience into a moment of celebration and closure.

    • Having open conversations during difficult timesConfronting tough situations directly creates meaningful connections and allows for joy and fulfillment, especially during a family member's terminal illness.

      Having open and honest conversations with loved ones, especially during difficult times, can create meaningful connections and provide opportunities for joy and fulfillment. This is particularly important when a family member is facing a terminal illness. Instead of avoiding tough conversations, ask them what they want their final days to look like and honor their wishes. This not only helps the person feeling sick, but also allows younger family members to understand and process the situation in a healthy way. It's essential to confront difficult situations directly and make the most of every moment. Remember, the conversations may be hard, but the gift of love and connection is invaluable.

    • Mental health can be complex and unpredictableThose with mental health issues may require ongoing support and understanding, as their conditions can be complex and unpredictable

      Mental health issues can be complex and unpredictable, even for those who have been diagnosed and seem to be managing well. The brother in this story had a history of ADHD and dyslexia, and was later diagnosed with ADHD as an adult and put on medication. He seemed to be doing well for a while, but then had a relapse, leading to dangerous behavior and disappearing for hours. His sister was concerned and felt overwhelmed, as she didn't know how to help him or keep him safe. The brother's mental health was affected by triggers, including his father and alcohol, making it a challenging situation for all involved. It's important to remember that mental health issues are not always straightforward and that those experiencing them may need ongoing support and understanding.

    • Recognizing the Signs of Veteran DistressVeterans may hide their true feelings, leading to an implosion. It's crucial to recognize signs, reach out for professional help, and ensure their safety if needed.

      Veterans, especially combat veterans, may put on a brave face and hide their true feelings due to the pressures of their experiences. This can lead to an implosion where they appear to be doing well, but are actually in distress. It's essential to recognize the signs of this and take action, as the veteran may not be able to ask for help themselves. The conversation also highlighted the importance of reaching out to professionals, such as counselors or the VA, for support. If a veteran's safety is at risk, it may be necessary to involve emergency services. Overall, it's crucial to understand that veterans need love and support beyond what they may ask for, and that showing up for them can lead to a stronger bond.

    • Reaching out to veteran friends can make a differenceSpeaking up and offering support to veterans can help them seek help and improve their lives

      Reaching out to a veteran's friends or buddies from the service can make a significant difference in encouraging them to seek help when they're struggling. Veterans are often hierarchical and may respond better when other men in their community express concern and offer support. Delaying action can lead to dire consequences, so it's crucial to take action as soon as possible. Jennifer's story highlights the importance of speaking up and offering help, even if it's uncomfortable or met with resistance. In Roberta's case, her personal history with her name illustrates how family traditions and nicknames can shape our identities. When seeking help, it's essential to be clear about your intentions and offer support in a sensitive and understanding manner. Ultimately, the goal is to help veterans feel seen, heard, and valued, which can make a profound impact on their lives.

    • Sibling discovers father's affair and struggles to address itOpen communication and taking responsibility are key in handling sensitive family issues. Protecting family's wellbeing is important, but finding the right approach can be challenging.

      Families come in all shapes and sizes, and it's important to handle sensitive situations with care and discretion. In the discussed scenario, a sibling discovered evidence suggesting their father was having an affair, but the response from their father was less than satisfactory. The sibling, who is an older brother, tried to address the issue with their father, but he seemed unresponsive. The sibling was left feeling unsure of what to do next, as they didn't want to cause unnecessary distress to their younger sister. The situation highlights the importance of open communication and the need for both parties to take responsibility for their actions in a relationship. The sibling's experience also underscores the complexities of modern families and the challenges that come with navigating sensitive issues within them. Ultimately, the sibling's priority was to protect their family's wellbeing, and they were left grappling with the best way to move forward.

    • When to reveal a family secretConsider consequences, contact other parent figure, give deadline, prepare for reactions, foster open communication, remember unique experiences and impacts.

      When faced with a family secret that involves keeping a lie or revealing it to a parent, it's important to consider the potential consequences and the purpose of the disclosure. In this situation, the speaker would advise contacting the other parent figure involved and giving them a deadline to come clean. However, it's crucial to remember that the decision to disclose the secret ultimately lies with the person who has been kept in the dark. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being prepared for the possibility that the parent may not want to be involved and may feel betrayed. It's essential to approach the situation with empathy and understanding, acknowledging that everyone involved may need to grieve the situation in their own way. Ultimately, the goal should be to foster open communication and support within the family, rather than creating more secrets or divisions. The speaker also mentions that while this situation may not be a new experience for some family members, it's important to remember that everyone's experiences and relationships are unique, and the impact of a family secret can vary greatly from person to person.

    • Addressing family conflicts with respect and honestyRespect everyone's dignity during family conflicts, be honest, and support each other to prevent children from feeling responsible for adult issues.

      Open communication and unity are crucial when dealing with family conflicts, especially when children are involved. The speaker in this conversation had to step up and address the situation with her sister and their father, ensuring that everyone's dignity was respected and that the truth was shared. The importance of being honest and supportive, especially towards the 6-year-old child, was emphasized to prevent her from feeling responsible for the family's issues. The conversation ended with a heartfelt moment, sharing Sarah's favorite song, "Go Go Power Rangers," which symbolized the power and strength needed to face challenges together as a family.

    • The Power Rangers' determination to protect the worldThe Power Rangers embody unity, strength, and determination, using their powers only for defense and making a positive impact on the world.

      The Power Rangers possess immense power and responsibility, and they are determined to protect the world using their abilities only for defense. Despite the pressure and challenges they face, they remain unyielding, knowing that the fate of the world rests on their shoulders. This theme of unity, strength, and determination against all odds is a recurring message in the Power Rangers series. The use of the catchphrase "Go go, Power Rangers" emphasizes their commitment to their mission and their unwavering spirit. The politician-like statement about no one being able to take them down is a reflection of their confidence and resilience. Overall, the Power Rangers embody the idea that when we come together and use our unique abilities for good, we can overcome any obstacle and make a positive impact on the world.

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    Find Doug: @ website,   LinkedIn 


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    EP - 121 Sharing Values and Faith

    EP - 121 Sharing Values and Faith

    I am pleased to have Richard 'Dick' Olson back on The Cool Grandpa Podcast. Dick and I sit down to discuss ways, specifically grandfathers and grandparents in general, can share their values and faith with their grandchildren.

    While we take a Christian-centric approach to this topic, the information, guidance, and ideas we discuss can be applied to just about any situation. Dick points out that when discussing faith and values, it is important to have an open two-way conversation and hear any criticism about your religious and value systems as part of that open and honest conversation.

    I ask Dick to share some examples of grandparents sharing their faith and values with their grandchildren. Dick provides multiple examples of how small and loving acts of kindness with the grandchildren impacted the young children throughout their lives.

    After you have listened to this episode, remember to like and subscribe to the show if you haven't already. Please share this podcast with three friends that could use this valuable information. Sharing is the best way to help me spread the word about the importance of grandfathers in the lives of their grandchildren and families.


    Here is the LINK to our last conversation with Dick Olson about The Grandparent Vocation.

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    You can now purchase my children's book, My Grandpa's Grandpa, directly from my website. Click HERE for the link.

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    #115: Bullying in the Workplace with Catherine Mattice

    #115: Bullying in the Workplace with Catherine Mattice

    Overly aggressive communication

    Manipulating behaviors

    Intentional humiliation

    Are you tolerating any of this at work? 

    You deserve better than a toxic work environment. And my guest this week is here to help! 

    In today’s episode, I invite an expert in workplace bullying, Catherine Mattice, to share her work consulting and coaching around toxic work cultures. She shares her BIGGEST tips and best advice for dealing with bullies in the workplace, the effects toxic culture can have on staff, and how to have your own positive impact at work - one bully at a time. 

    We dive into:

    • [7:10] Catherine’s career journey and how she came to her work in toxic culture & workplace bullying
    • [10:00] How to know if you are in a toxic work environment (and why these behaviors sometimes go unnoticed)
    • [13:05] Catherine’s personal story of bullying in her own career - and the outcome
    • [19:00] The real effects workplace bullying can have on the culture and personal health and well-being of the staff
    • [29:00] Real-life stories of bullying and how Catherine’s coaching got results
    • [37:00] Tips for becoming a better ally for others who are being bullied in the workplace
    • [44:00] Her advice if you’re feeling stuck in a toxic work culture

    Connect with Catherine Mattice here:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CivilityPartners/

    Twitter : @catmattice - https://twitter.com/catmattice

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherinemattice/

    Website: https://civilitypartners.com/

    Blog: https://www.civilitypartners.com/blog/





    Listen to the episode here: https://link.chtbl.com/lyl


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    We hear from women everywhere a deep craving for more. More fulfillment in their career, more desire to have a clear vision for their future, more readiness to take charge of their leadership and grow personally and professionally. Visit our  website at www.womenleadingpowerfully.com and apply now for a seat in one of our upcoming cohorts.

    In this season of unknowns, the Leadership Lab offers women the opportunity to get certain. You will make choices and increase your impact in more meaningful ways than ever before.

    Here is what you will walk away with after 12 weeks of group coaching:

    -Clarity and Confidence around what YOU really want

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    -An easy way to measure your progress and get unstuck as you move forward


    So, if you are looking to build life-long connections and be in a community of like-minded women that have the same goals, then reach out to Natalie at natalie@corecreationcoaching.com for a complimentary coaching call to see if the Leadership Lab is the next step in your personal and professional journey!


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    If you’re ready to take your life and your business to the next level, join us in this exclusive and amazing community of women today!

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    Join the conversation as we talk about the importance of personal branding and how to take a HUMAN approach that really makes a difference - completely applicable to any aspect of your work and life!

    Rebecca Horan is a brand strategy expert and founder of Rebecca Horan Consulting. Drawing on skills gained over 20 years of working with high profile brands like Penguin Books, Unilever and New York University, she consults with both established and emerging brands to develop their unique positioning and a strong brand voice, deliver their message in a consistent and compelling way, and create smart and simple strategies for connection.

    Rebecca holds an MBA from NYU Stern School of Business. Her expertise has been shared in Entrepreneur, U.S. News & World Report, Fortune, Fairygodboss, Money Magazine and Fast Company, among other outlets.

    Find Rebecca here:

    #017: The Cure for Racism? with Eric Johnson

    #017: The Cure for Racism?  with Eric Johnson

    I haven’t done enough.  I haven’t been a good ally.

    Like most of you, the images you’re seeing right now are frustrating, saddening, infuriating, confusing, heartbreaking, and simply wrong in ways we’d hoped we wouldn’t see again in this country. Yet here we are again.  While “thoughts and prayers” are needed, I’ve decided I need to do more.  Part of me realizing that I need to do more has led to me educating myself.  Through that education, I have come to understand how little I know.  

    This podcast is for anyone who feels helpless, powerless or just doesn’t know what to say or do...I understand. My hope is we will learn to take SOME action, ANY action to try something new.  We need to help each other.  We need to listen.  We need to understand. We need to act. My guest, Eric Johnson of Insighted, shares his expertise being a Diversity and Inclusion Expert and also gives his perspective as an African American man in America.

    This episode is for you if you want to learn: 

    • [11:10]  Why everyone's voices needed to be heard right now
    • [14:15] The 2 main issues Eric sees with white people going dark on social media 
    • [18:06] Eric’s views on what you can do and say as a white person to show unity  
    • [20:45] What this movement is really about (and no, it’s not what you think)
    • [25:08] How during a recent event he still followed the advice his parents gave him as a 4 year old   
    • [31:51]  The two types of fear we all experience
    • [33:10] One big problem that can be created when you stay stuck in the same narrative 
    • [38:52] Where change needs to actually take place in order to have a different, more positive outcome
    • [40:10] What the acronym RAIN stands for (and how you can apply it to help overcome racism)
    • [47:46]  The questions you can ask yourself while you are investigating what is happening right now
    • [50:06] What you need to be questioning even if you think you know the answers
    • [56: 26] Who is responsible for education around racism  
    • [1:07:20] Why just checking a box isn’t actually doing anything




    For additional anti-racism resources to explore and education yourself click here:http://bit.ly/ANTIRACISMRESOURCES

    To connect and continue the conversation with Eric, you can find him here: 


