
    About this Episode

    Welcome back to "Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!"—the podcast that dives deep into the realm of careers in neuroscience and neurotechnologies with leading experts. Today, we have a guest who will challenge your perception of what's possible in the field.

    Have you ever wondered if we can decode language and other human functions directly from brain signals? Our next guest, Dr. Gerwin Schalk, pondered this question and made it a reality.

    Join us as we explore Dr. Schalk's groundbreaking work in neuroscience and neuroengineering. From his innovative research with neurosurgical patients to his invention of a revolutionary functional mapping procedure for neurosurgery, he has truly pushed the boundaries of what we thought was achievable.

    But that's not all! Dr. Schalk's expertise extends beyond the lab. As the Chief Scientific Officer at Helios Life Enterprises, he is leading the development of COMPREHEND. This AI-based system extracts crucial information from executives' voices during earnings conference calls. He is also the Director at the Frontier Lab for Applied Neurotechnology, working tirelessly to develop and promote novel and useful neurotechnologies that improve lives.

    Get ready to be inspired as Dr. Gerwin Schalk shares his vast knowledge and experiences. Whether you're a student or a seasoned professional, his insights and advice on building a career in neuroscience and related fields will leave you motivated and hungry for more.

    So, kick back, relax, and prepare to embark on an exhilarating journey into the fascinating world of neuroscience and neurotechnologies with Dr. Gerwin Schalk!

    Stay tuned for the upcoming episode—it's one you want to listen to!

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Dr. Gerwin Schalk is a remarkable scientist, engineer, and entrepreneur who has made significant contributions to the fields of AI/machine learning, neurotechnology, and FinTech. From an early fascination with the potential of decoding thoughts and emotions from human biosignals, he embarked on a journey that led to groundbreaking discoveries. With a strong academic background and a focus on computer technology, signal processing, and AI/machine learning, Dr. Schalk paved the way for groundbreaking research demonstrating humans' ability to control machines through their brain signals.

    As a research scientist for over 20 years at Wadsworth Center, Dr. Schalk conducted pioneering research in neuroscience and neuroengineering. He also played a pivotal role in developing BCI2000, the standard software used in brain-computer interface research worldwide. His impressive scientific accomplishments include over 130 peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, and extensive media coverage.

    Currently serving as the Director at the Frontier Lab for Applied Neurotechnology, Dr. Schalk is dedicated to improving lives through the development and promotion of novel neurotechnologies. As the Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Helios Life Enterprises, he leads the scientific and technical development of COMPREHEND—an AI-based system that extracts valuable information from executives' voices during earnings conference calls.

    Dr. Schalk's expertise extends beyond academia and research. He served as an Associate Professor of Neurology at Albany Medical College, where he performed research with neurosurgical patients, decoding language and other aspects of human functions from brain signals. His detailed understanding of medical device technology led to the invention of a new functional mapping procedure for neurosurgery.

    With his diverse experiences, Dr. Schalk is now focused on conceiving, developing, testing, and promoting novel and useful neurotechnologies as the Director of the Frontier Lab for Applied Neurotechnology at the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute. His unique blend of skills, including artificial intelligence, neurology, neuroscience, and software development, drives his mission to improve people's lives.

    Dr. Gerwin Schalk's exceptional expertise, research, and entrepreneurial endeavors have made him a true force in the field of neurotechnology. His contributions continue to push the boundaries of what's possible and inspire others to explore the fascinating intersection of neuroscience and AI-driven advancements.

    Learn more about Dr. Shalk's work here:

    Helios Life Enterprises https://www.helioslife.enterprises/

    The Chen Frontier Lab for Applied Neurotechnology https://ant.chenfrontierlab.com/

    Connect with Dr. Schalk on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerwin-schalk-a86530/

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for students and recent graduates in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing students in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news


    Recent Episodes from Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!

    A Leap from Academia to Industry: Data Science for BCIs with Walter Piper, PhD at Neurable

    A Leap from Academia to Industry: Data Science for BCIs with Walter Piper, PhD at Neurable

    How do you switch gears from the world of academic neuroscience to the fast-paced neurotech industry? What kind of hurdles might pop up, and how do you leap over them? And what's the secret sauce for blending neuroscience know-how with top-notch neurotech development? Say hello to Walter Piper, PhD, who’s made the jump and soared from delving into the depths of the brain in academia to pioneering data science for brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) at Neurable.

    Welcome to the "Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!" podcast and its fresh episode, "A Leap from Academia to Industry: Data Science for BCIs with Walter Piper, PhD, at Neurable." Dr. Walter Piper shares with us his extraordinary career journey from neural circuits behind stress to creating AI-powered algorithms for BCIs.

    Walter’s academic creds are impressive, with a suitcase packed with achievements, including six published research articles and a chapter in the Encyclopedia of Mental Health. But here’s the twist: he decided to leave academia and leap into the neurotech industry.

    Was Walter’s path a straight line? Sometimes, yes, but at times, it felt more of a climb, scramble, and occasionally a sprint, especially with the whole pandemic backdrop. He swapped his lab coat for a data scientist’s hat by diving into Springboard’s data science BootCamp, learning Python, and doing some heavy lifting with networking—all online. The result? He landed at Neurable, where he’s now doing what seems like magic: meshing neuroscience, psychology, and tech to invent BCIs!

    So, what’s Walter's story? How did he tackle the big move? What’s his day like at Neurable, and what BCI wizardry is he creating with his team? If you’re curious about the nuts and bolts of neurotech, want to hear about a day in the life of a neurotech whiz, or just need a nudge to make your own leap into something new, this episode’s for you.

    Tune in, sit back, and dive into the fascinating, mind-bending world of neurotech with Dr. Walter Piper! Enjoy!

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Walter T. Piper, Ph.D., is a research engineer at Neurable, where he applies his background in neuroscience, psychology, and data science to create EEG algorithms and AI tools for Neurable’s brain-computer interfaces. Walter’s professional journey started with a decade of research in academic neuroscience, where he studied neural and molecular circuits responsible for Pavlovian conditioning, stress, and social dynamics. Upon finishing his PhD in 2020, Walter switched his focus to data science and industry, aiming to bring neuroscience out of the lab and into the lives of consumers. He navigated this career transition during the pandemic by doing Springboard’s data science bootcamp and networking online, ultimately arriving at Neurable.

    Helpful links:

    Neurable: https://www.neurable.io/

    Springboard (data science bootcamp): https://www.springboard.com/

    NeuroTechX (networking resource): https://neurotechx.com/

    NeuroMatch Academy (educational resource): https://academy.neuromatch.io/

    About Neurable:

    Neurable is a Boston-based neurotechnology company spun out of the University of Michigan’s Direct-Brain Interface Laboratory. Its vision is to make neurotechnology easily accessible to everyone, everywhere. With 10+ years of scientific development, Neurable’s proprietary tech platform cleans and interprets brain waves, enabling high-performing EEG sensors to be seamlessly integrated into everyday devices.

    Their first consumer product, created in collaboration with Master & Dynamic, is a premium headphones-integrated brain-computer-interface (BCI) device that uses brainwave sensors and algorithms to robustly estimate focus. This device enables users to build better work habits, improve work efficiency, and prevent burnout.

    Neurable is building an intelligent layer between the brain and computers. Powered by patented signal processing, developed through decades of pioneering research across leading labs and institutions, and advanced by a leading scientific and expert product team, the Neurable AI platform enables high-performance brain-computer interface in everyday devices.

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news

    Neuroscience Lifelong Journey: Research, Education, and Neurowellness with Marcelle Siegel, PhD at brainRISE

    Neuroscience Lifelong Journey: Research, Education, and Neurowellness with Marcelle Siegel, PhD at brainRISE

    How does neuroscience influence our lives, guiding us through both the peaks and valleys of our personal and professional paths? Can an understanding of the brain's complexities equip us with the tools to navigate life's obstacles more effectively?

    Embark on a fascinating journey into the world of neuroscience with us on "Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!" Explore the intricate ways in which neuroscience intersects with every facet of our being, from our career trajectories to our overall well-being.

    What qualities are essential for embracing a lifelong journey intertwined with neuroscience, seamlessly blending research, education, and entrepreneurship? How can one navigate academia and transition into brain wellness entrepreneurship?

    Join us as we uncover the inspiring narrative of Marcelle A. Siegel, PhD, the visionary founder of brainRISE, a pioneering company dedicated to neurowellness and stress reduction through practical neuroscience. Marcelle's transition from researcher to entrepreneur vividly illustrates the profound impact of neuroscience on our lives, showcasing how a deep understanding of the brain can empower us to thrive in various aspects of our lives.

    Gain invaluable insights as Marcelle imparts career advice, providing guidance on navigating the academic landscape and leveraging neuroscience knowledge to overcome life's challenges. Discover how embracing neuroscience can not only enrich our careers but also enhance our resilience in times of adversity.

    Immerse yourself in this captivating conversation as we delve into Marcelle Siegel's remarkable journey, exploring the transformative potential of neuroscience in shaping our lives and careers. Join us on this inspiring voyage of self-discovery and empowerment with Marcelle Siegel, PhD, at brainRISE.

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Marcelle A. Siegel is the visionary Founder of brainRISE, a company dedicated to neurowellness and stress reduction through practical neuroscience. A Professor of Science Education with joint appointments in education and biochemistry at the University of Missouri (2006-present), Marcelle's academic journey began with a focus on neurobiology during her undergraduate years. Her passion for understanding the intricacies of the brain led her to pursue an M.S. in Neuroanatomy, followed by a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Learning Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley.
    Recognized for her groundbreaking contributions to educational research, Marcelle was honored with the Research in Biology Education award by the National Association of Biology Teachers in 2016. Now, she's flipping the script with brainRISE, a game-changing enterprise designed to melt your stress and bring the chilllll to your life.
    Think you're neurospicy? Feeling not yourself, but the docs say you're all good or just need more meds? Marcelle's got your back. As a distinguished science educator turned neurowellness advocate and busy mom of two, she knows firsthand the struggle of balancing personal health with life's demands. That's why she's on a mission to cut through the health hype and kick neuroinflammation to the curb.
    Connect with Marcelle via LinkedIn:  www.linkedin.com/in/marcelle-a-siegel-ph-d-a06b2a26a
    Learn about brainRISE:  http://brainRISEgo.com
    Got work stress? Join Stress Armor's 5-week program for neurohacking, stress reduction, and career counseling: https://stress-armor.my.canva.site/get
    Stressed? Hormonal? Neurospicy? Join an inclusive community to enhance your brain health: www.facebook.com/groups/mindfulbrainwellness/

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news

    AI-Driven Neurostimulation for Diabetic Neuropathy with Greta Preatoni, PhD, at MYNERVA

    AI-Driven Neurostimulation for Diabetic Neuropathy with Greta Preatoni, PhD, at MYNERVA

    How can we use innovations in neuroengineering and AI to alleviate nerve pain and discomfort experienced by millions of people with diabetes? What can we do to reduce their risk of falls and improve their quality of life?

    Join us on an insightful journey into neuroengineering, healthcare innovation, and entrepreneurship in this episode of "Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!" We'll explore the challenges faced by those living with diabetic neuropathy and the urgent need for effective solutions to enhance their quality of life.

    Imagine a groundbreaking device that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and neurostimulation to relieve those suffering from diabetic neuropathic pain. That's precisely what MYNERVA, a pioneering startup co-founded by Dr. Greta Preatoni, is working tirelessly to develop.

    Dr. Preatoni, a neuroengineering Ph.D. graduate from ETH Zürich, is at the forefront of this transformative endeavor. Her passion for applying cutting-edge research to real-world problems has led her to spearhead the development of a revolutionary device to restore sensation and reduce pain via non-invasive nerve stimulation.

    In this episode, Dr. Preatoni will share her inspirational academic and entrepreneurial journey, offering valuable insights into the intersection of neuroscience, technology, and healthcare. Her story is a testament to determination and innovation. It also serves as a beacon of inspiration for women considering careers in neuroscience and neurotechnologies.

    Tune in to "Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!" and discover the remarkable potential of AI-driven neurostimulation in transforming the lives of individuals affected by diabetic neuropathy. Use this opportunity to learn from Dr. Greta Preatoni's pioneering work and her vision for a brighter, pain-free future for millions worldwide.

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Dr. Greta Preatoni is the CEO & Co-founder of MYNERVA, an ETH spin-off developing a AI-driven neurostimulating device to restore touch and reduce pain in diabetic neuropathy. Dr. Preatoni completed her PhD in Neuroengineering at ETH Zurich, where the idea of MYNERVA was born and tested in several clinical trials with great success. Her passion is rooted between the interconnection of the mind, the body and technologies, and MYNERVA is the culmination of this passion. 

    Connect with Greta via LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greta-preatoni-7aabb3151/

    Learn about MYNERVA: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mynervamedical/

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news

    Determined to Innovate: Neurotech for Brain Health with Ria Rustagi at Neuphony

    Determined to Innovate: Neurotech for Brain Health with Ria Rustagi at Neuphony

    How can neurotechnologies revolutionize our understanding of mental health? What if we had a device akin to the Apple Watch, but for our brain, guiding us towards optimal mental states and well-being? And what does it take to establish and lead a successful neurotech start-up to help people improve their brain health?

    Join us in this episode of "Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!" as we delve into the innovative world of brain health technology with Ria Rustagi, the trailblazing Co-Founder and CEO of Neuphony. Her remarkable journey exemplifies confidence, determination, and a commitment to empowering individuals to unlock their brain's true potential.

    Ria's vision has garnered global recognition, including mentions in the UN's Book of "Top 75 Women in Business," Forbes 30 Under 30, and Google's "Top 10 Female-led startups."

    At Neuphony, Ria and her team have crafted a revolutionary EEG headband, likened to the Apple Watch for the brain, featured on Shark Tank India Season 2. This groundbreaking device allows individuals to analyze their brain activity conveniently from home, democratizing access to brain health insights.

    In our conversation, we'll explore Ria's passion for brain health, her entrepreneurial journey, and the transformative impact of Neuphony. Discover the challenges and opportunities at the intersection of technology, health, and innovation.

    Get ready to be inspired as we uncover the limitless potential of neuroscience and innovation with Ria Rustagi. Tune in to 'Neurocareers' and join us on this captivating exploration of the future of brain health and well-being.

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Neuphony believes in the unlimited potential of the human mind and strives toward unlocking it to bring out the best in it. Neurofeedback has been scientifically proven to be a powerful tool to improve the overall health of your brain, including improving memory and sleep quality and reducing stress and anxiety. Neuphony brings you the benefits of neurofeedback in the comfort of your home with the help of an EEG headband and a mobile application. The headband measures the electrical activity of your brain. Over sessions, it trains your brain to achieve the desired state. 

    Problem -

    Our mental health encompasses our psychological, emotional, and social well-being. This means it impacts how we feel, think, and behave daily. We are constantly comparing ourselves or competing against 8 Billion people in every facet of our lives. This constant stress and self-doubt is the reason we seeing a rise in burn-outs, insomnia, and other preventable anxiety-related disorders. A Deloitte case study mentioned more than 80% of working professionals have reported mental health issues, 37% faced concentration issues, 28% took longer to complete the task, and 27% reported lag in a decision-making capacity.

    Solution -

    Irrespective of the fact that one is a working professional or a student or engaged in some other activity, the percentage of people with mental health issues is increasing rapidly. It is not only impacting their mental health but also their physical health and inability to make decisions, attentiveness issues & many more problems leading to huge losses. People do keep track of their physical health through so many tracking tools but ignore mental health.

    Learn about Neuphony: https://neuphony.com/

    Connect with Ria Rustagi on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ria-rustagi/


    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news

    The Cognitive Explorer: AI-Powered Eye Tracking with Kirill Korotaev at Purple Gaze

    The Cognitive Explorer: AI-Powered Eye Tracking with Kirill Korotaev at Purple Gaze

    How can we use eye tracking to understand the workings of the brain? What about optimizing eye-tracking performance by harnessing the power of AI? How do you create a versatile eye tracker that can be used for virtually any cognitive research need?

    Meet Kirill Korotaev, the trailblazing Co-Founder & CEO of Purple Gaze! He is on a mission to answer these questions and bridge the existing gaps with FOXIE. This easy-to-use, affordable, customizable, AI-powered eye-tracking system revolutionizes cognitive data collection.

    Kirill's journey is a remarkable fusion of entrepreneurship, cognitive science, and the boundless potential of neurotechnology. But it goes even further. Picture this: Immersing yourself in the vibrant Argentine neuroscience community, presenting your vision in a language you've secretly mastered for a month. That's precisely what Kirill did, surprising his local team members and forging profound connections at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella.

    With over five years of experience in management and marketing, Kirill brings a wealth of knowledge to the neurotech realm. He's not just a CEO; he's a global keynote speaker who envisions neurotechnology's transformative potential to enhance our lives.

    In this episode, we'll journey through Kirill's entrepreneurial odyssey, delve into his cognitive science background, and explore the groundbreaking strides at Purple Gaze. Join us as we navigate the convergence of technology, neuroscience, and the relentless pursuit of a brighter future.

    Prepare to be captivated by Kirill's insights and unshakable passion for the world of neurotechnology. Welcome to 'Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Join the Purple Gaze team: https://purplegaze.io/careers

    Follow Purple Gaze on social media:

    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@purplegaze
    X: https://x.com/purplegazing
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/purple-gaze/

    Connect with Kirill on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirillkorotaev/

    Recommended communities and content:

    NeuroTechX: https://neurotechx.com
    Neuromatch: https://neuromatch.io/
    LessWrong: https://lesswrong.com
    Deep Learning AI: https://deeplearning.ai
    Alpha Signal newsletter: https://alphasignal.ai
    Yannic Kilcher: https://www.youtube.com/@YannicKilcher

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news

    Real-World Bio-Signal Recording for All: Open-Source PiEEG with Ildar Rakhmatulin, PhD

    Real-World Bio-Signal Recording for All: Open-Source PiEEG with Ildar Rakhmatulin, PhD

    How can we effortlessly and affordably measure and analyze brain activity and vital biological signals in real-world scenarios? Imagine the possibilities for sports, entertainment, health, and beyond! Well, today's podcast guest has not only thought about it but has created a solution to make it a reality.

    Join us on this episode of 'Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!' as we introduce you to Ildar Rakhmatulin, PhD, a hardware and software engineer on a mission to redefine how we access and interact with bio-signals.

    The problem he's tackling is clear: the lack of low-cost, easy-to-use systems for real-time, real-world biological signal recording and processing. How can we bridge this gap and democratize access to vital data that can transform our understanding of ourselves?

    Ildar's answer is PiEEG, an open-source Raspberry Pi shield that can measure essential biosignals like EEG, EMG, and ECG. But it's not just about the technology; it's about accessibility. With PiEEG, anyone can connect electrodes and run a simple Python script to start measuring bio-signals in real-world settings. It's a game-changer with implications that span gaming, entertainment, sports, health, and meditation.

    In this episode, we'll journey into Ildar's world of wearable technology and neuro interfaces. We'll explore the significance of PiEEG in neurotech education and development, discuss Ildar's commitment to open-source collaboration, and his entrepreneurial journey. His work embodies the spirit of innovation and accessibility within the neurotech community.

    Whether you're an expert or simply curious about neurotech careers or the future of bio-signal measurement for real-world applications, this conversation promises to be insightful and inspiring. Join us as we uncover the boundless potential of PiEEG and the impact it's making on neurotechnology and accessibility.

    Tune in to 'Neurocareers' and embark on this captivating journey into the intersection of neuroscience, technology, and democratized data with Ildar Rakhmatulin, a true trailblazer in open-source hardware and data-driven innovation!

    About the Podcast Guest:

    For updates, follow: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pieeg/ website https://pieeg.com/

    Get familiar with the sources behind PiEEG: GitHub https://github.com/Pi-EEG/EEGwithRaspberryPI

    Connect with Ildar: email ildarr2016@gmail.com

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news

    Regaining Autonomy: Intuitive Wheelchair Navigation with Aryan Govil at Synaptrix Labs

    Regaining Autonomy: Intuitive Wheelchair Navigation with Aryan Govil at Synaptrix Labs

    "Build things people want, not what you think they want." This powerful ethos drives the mission of our guest in today's episode of the "Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!" entrepreneurial podcast series. Our guest is redefining the boundaries of neurotechnology and entrepreneurship in a world where innovation meets empathy. His goal? To provide individuals with neurological conditions access to mobility on their own terms, not on ours.

    Imagine a reality where those battling paralysis and ALS are equipped with affordable, groundbreaking brain-computer interface solutions. It's a vision that's closer than you think, and our guest is leading the charge.

    Allow us to introduce Aryan Govil, a fourth-year undergraduate student immersed in the world of Neuroscience at New York University and the visionary Founder of Synaptrix Labs. Aryan's driving force? Creating low-cost brain-computer interface solutions that empower patients with paralysis to reclaim their independence.

    Synaptrix Labs boasts a revolutionary creation: Neuralis. This mind-controlled wheelchair harnesses the power of EEG electrodes and a headband headset to effortlessly detect a user's eye movements, enabling an intuitive and liberating navigation experience. The potential impact on the lives of individuals with conditions like ALS and locked-in syndrome is immeasurable.

    Aryan's journey is a testament to the fusion of scientific passion and entrepreneurial spirit. With a robust foundation in medical research, including groundbreaking work related to Alzheimer's Disease, Aryan is committed to enhancing the lives of those facing unique challenges.

    In this episode, we'll embark on an immersive journey through Aryan's life, exploring the innovative solutions being nurtured at Synaptrix Labs. Join us as we delve into the profound importance of regaining autonomy for patients with neurological conditions. We'll also navigate the exciting intersection of neuroscience, entrepreneurship, and accessible technology.

    Prepare to be inspired, informed, and enlightened as we unravel the extraordinary work of Aryan Govil and the remarkable initiatives of Synaptrix Labs. Welcome to a world where innovation meets compassion, where potential knows no bounds. Welcome to "Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!"

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Synaptrix Labs is a neurotechnology startup specializing in EEGs and AI models for denoising and feature extraction. Their first device, Neuralis, is a discreet EEG headset that specializes in decoding signals from the visual cortex, allowing users to initiate precise wheelchair movements through focused attention. Their research seeks to demonstrate Neuralis' potential in revolutionizing assistive technology by offering a non-invasive, user-friendly solution for individuals facing ALS, SCI, MS, and other motor impairments, ultimately enhancing their quality of life.

    Last week, Synaptrix announced that their EMPOWER study was successfully pre-approved and registered by the NIH, and is available for the public to view on their website!

    Synaptrix Labs is officially hiring part-time engineers and interns who have experience with neurotechnology, AI/ML, electrical engineering, or industrial design. Resumes can be sent to careers@synaptrix-labs.com.

    To stay up to date with Synaptrix and its progress, please follow our LinkedInInstagram, and Twitter. You can contact Aryan Govil, Co-founder and CEO of Synaptrix, at aryan@synaptrix-labs.com, or through LinkedIn!

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news


    Catheter-Based Technology to Interface with the Brain: Innovating with José Morales, MD at Vonova

    Catheter-Based Technology to Interface with the Brain: Innovating with José Morales, MD at Vonova

    How can we minimize the invasiveness of implantable brain-computer interfaces? What are the secrets behind using interventional neuroradiology approaches to create technology for brain interfacing? And what does it truly mean to innovate in the realm of healthcare?

    Welcome, dear listeners, to another exciting episode of the "Neurocareers: Doing the Impossible!" entrepreneurial podcast series!

    Today, we embark on a journey into the cutting-edge world of neurotechnology and innovation. Our focus? The incredible advancements in minimally invasive brain interfaces led by a pioneer in the field, Dr. Jose Morales.

    Dr. Morales, a co-founder of Vonova and an accomplished Neurointerventional Surgeon, combines his deep passion for neuroscience with a remarkable flair for innovation. With a background steeped in translational neuroscience and experience in molecular-scale research, Dr. Morales is pushing the boundaries of neurointervention. His mission? To revolutionize diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for various neurological conditions while minimizing the invasiveness of traditional neurosurgery.

    But Dr. Morales isn't just a visionary; he's a recognized leader in his field. His accolades include winning the UCLA Health Innovation Challenge and Radiological Sciences Exploratory Research seed grants, as well as being selected as a finalist for the inaugural MedTech Color competition and CLS FAST program in 2021. A co-founder of the neurotechnology company, Vonova, Inc., he and his team have been selected as an NIH Blueprint MedTach Seedling and EvoNexus Incubator portfolio company, as well as a UCLA Anderson Venture Accelerator company in 2023.

    At the forefront of Vonova lies the development of minimally invasive brain interfaces. The goal? To transform the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy and other neurological disorders. Through the ingenious use of catheter-based technology, Vonova aims to provide solutions that are both less invasive and more effective for patients.

    In this episode, we'll delve into Dr. Morales's extraordinary journey, exploring his career as a Neurointerventional Surgeon, his deep-rooted passion for neuroscience, and the groundbreaking work unfolding at Vonova. Together, we'll uncover the challenges and opportunities in this dynamic field, shining a spotlight on the thrilling intersection of medicine and technology.

    Prepare to be inspired and enlightened as we engage in this captivating conversation with Dr. Jose Morales, a visionary shaping the future of neuroendovascular theranostics.

    Tune in to 'Neurocareers' and join us for this enlightening exploration of the boundless potential within the world of neuroscience and innovation.

    About the Podcast Guest:

    José Morales is an entrepreneur and a neurointerventional surgeon at Pacific Neuroscience Institute (Santa Monica, CA). He completed his Neurology Residency at the Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology at Northwestern University and Vascular Neurology and Interventional Neuroradiology Fellowships at the University of California Los Angeles. He is a medical school graduate from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, where he served as the President of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Student Interest Group in Neurology and participated in an extended curriculum program under the Scholarship and Discovery track to conduct research in Computational Neuroscience and Brain Machine Interface, which was funded by the AAN Medical Student Research Scholarship. Prior to enrolling in medical school, Dr. Morales investigated the neuroanatomical correlates of critical period plasticity in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus at Harvard Medical School. He is also a graduate of Imperial College London, where he completed a Master of Science in Integrative Neuroscience and investigated the functional connectivity of memory and language networks associated with normative and pathological aging in humans for his graduate thesis in the Computational, Cognitive, and Clinical Neuroimaging Laboratory. Dr. Morales is a clinician-scientist, who has published in journals, such as Neuron, Nature, and Stroke, and a medical device innovator with several issued medical device patents. For his innovative concepts, Dr. Morales was selected as a fellow for the 2021-2022 UCLA Biodesign Accelerator program.

    Learn about Vonova here: https://www.vonova.io/ 

    Get in touch with Jose Morales, MD, via LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/jose-m-9672344b

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news

    Building a Career in Neurotech: The Wisdom of 'Social Engineering' with Patrick Britz, PhD at NIRx

    Building a Career in Neurotech: The Wisdom of 'Social Engineering' with Patrick Britz, PhD at NIRx

    Are you eager to unlock the secrets to building a successful career in the fast-growing neurotech industry?

    Join us for an enlightening episode featuring Dr. Patrick Britz, a distinguished leader with over two decades of experience in both neuroscience and business. As the General Manager and CEO of NIRx Medizintechnik GmbH, a global leader in neuroimaging solutions, Patrick shares his invaluable insights on how to thrive in this dynamic field.

    In this episode, we delve into the wisdom of networking for career success, exploring Patrick's unique approach to "social engineering" and how it can open doors and create opportunities in the neurotech world.

    But that's not all! We tackle the age-old question: Is a PhD necessary for a career in the neurotech industry? Patrick shares his perspective and sheds light on this ongoing discussion in the field.

    Our conversation also navigates through the intricacies of neurotech job applications and the challenges neurotech start-ups face. Patrick shares his wisdom on overcoming these hurdles in the competitive landscape.

    So, if you're aspiring to build a rewarding career in the neurotech industry or simply seeking inspiration from a seasoned expert, you will benefit from listening to this episode!

    Tune in to 'Neurocareers' as we explore "Building a Career in Neurotech: The Wisdom of 'Social Engineering' with Patrick Britz, PhD at NIRx."

    Get ready to gain the knowledge and insights you need to make your mark in this fascinating industry!

    About the Podcast Guest:

    Patrick Britz, PhD, is a distinguished expert in the field of neuroscience and an accomplished leader in the world of neuroimaging solutions.

    As the General Manager and CEO of NIRx Medizintechnik GmbH, a global leader in neuroimaging, Dr. Britz is responsible for overseeing the company's operations, strategy, and global growth. With over two decades of experience in the neuroscience field, his insights are invaluable.

    Patrick is truly passionate about building successful companies, markets, teams, and networks that advance our understanding and application of neuroscience. He has a remarkable track record, having spearheaded the rapid expansion of product portfolios, customer bases, and partnerships for companies like Brain Vision LLC, Brain Vision Solutions (which he co-founded), and NIRx GmbH.

    His core competencies encompass business development, cross-functional team leadership, innovation, and investor relations. Join us as we delve into the world of neuroimaging and gain unique insights from Dr. Patrick Britz's extensive expertise and experience.

    Learn about NIRx here: https://nirx.net/

    Connect with Patrick on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-britz-phd/

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for people in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities job applicants face in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news

    From Boeing's High Skies to Neurosity's Brain Waves: Engineering CROWN with AJ Keller

    From Boeing's High Skies to Neurosity's Brain Waves: Engineering CROWN with AJ Keller

    Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of neurotech hardware development and explore the skills and dedication it takes to bring innovative neurotechnology to life?

    Imagine being at the forefront of creating cutting-edge neurotech hardware that can help you achieve an optimal state of mind for completing your daily tasks. Today, we introduce you to an extraordinary entrepreneur who is making this vision a reality.

    Meet AJ Keller, the CEO of Neurosity, a company that's at the forefront of brain-computer interface technology. Under AJ's leadership, Neurosity has created the CROWN™, a cutting-edge device designed to elevate your brain's concentration levels, allowing you to achieve peak performance.

    In this episode, we'll take a deep dive into the world of hardware development for the Neurosity CROWN™ and explore the essential skills and qualities required for hardware engineering in neurotech. AJ will share insights into the challenges and triumphs of creating this groundbreaking device. We'll also discuss AJ's journey to entrepreneurship, his past experiences, and how they've shaped the path he's on today.

    We'll also delve into the skills and qualities necessary for success in the ever-evolving neurotech industry. AJ's insights are sure to inspire anyone interested in the intersection of technology and neuroscience.

    About the Podcast Guest:

    The Crown is available for sale at Neurosity.co, and listeners of this podcast can enter code MILENA at checkout for 10% off for November.

    About the Podcast Host:

    The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches (https://www.neuroapproaches.org/) and its founder, Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K), a neuroscience educator, research consultant, and career coach for students and recent graduates in neuroscience and neurotechnologies. As a professional coach with a background in the field, Dr. K understands the unique challenges and opportunities facing students in this field and can provide personalized coaching and support to help you succeed.

    Here's what you'll get with one-on-one coaching sessions from Dr. K:

    • Identification and pursuit of career goals
    • Guidance on job search strategies, resume and cover letter development, and interview preparation
    • Access to a network of professionals in the field of neuroscience and neurotechnologies
    • Ongoing support and guidance to help you stay on track and achieve your goals

    You can always schedule a free neurocareer consultation/coaching session with Dr. K at https://neuroapproaches.as.me/free-neurocareer-consultation

    Subscribe to our Nerocareers Newsletter to stay on top of all our cool neurocareers news at updates https://www.neuroapproaches.org/neurocareers-news